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Wynter Guilbault

5225 Renshaw
Troy, Michigan
February 25,

Dear Sandy,

Oh, Sandy. This is already making me slightly feverish.

Your death has been intolerable for me, you know. All of it
makes sense, all of it that hadnt before. I know why you
asked me for a candle, I know why you told me I hope you
win then winked, I know how you beat Theo in chess (a
certain move Ive recently learned: the queens sacrifice),
and now I know you by another name (Yes, I know, Mr.
Westing). I would like to say thank you. Whether you know it
or not (you most definitely did), when you winked, it set the
understanding into play. Although it was mighty immature of
you to put understanding in the middle of a crisis, you are
helping me make sense of this, which I needed. You got a
candle for your wife, correct? Your ex-wife was Crow, and
three hours was all you needed for my thoughts to gather.
While Im going at it, I might as well say a few more things. I
think you set us all up with partners for a reason, Sandy.
Babas maternal love has given me a second mother and
Angela seems to have adopted a new friend. As for the rest
of my rivals in this Westing game, theyre doing all right.


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