Susan Brownell Anthony Was Known As American Socialist and Was Born 1820 in

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Sandra Celerino

November 13,2014
Us History

Failure is impossible
Biography Research
Susan Brownell Anthony was known as American socialist and was born 1820 in
Rochester, New York. She calmed fame because she helped in the womens rights
advocate. The things that made Susan loved by history were watchword for womens
movement. Why because she didnt like the fact that women had a lower gage
compared to men. Even though Susan, wasnt live see the achievements done by
womens suffrage she would of still been proud .The main reason why I chose her was
because thanks to her we have all equal rights. I learned from Anthony that failure is
impossible. Did Susan change my mind towards her yes, because thanks to Susan we
have the freedom and equal rights as men do.
Susan a young lady, who was born into a family that was really into social equality. As
she grew, she started to show more interest and became American Socialist at age 17.
In 1851 she was introduced to Elizabeth Cady, pretty soon became her lifelong coworker in social reform activities. Anthony also joined other social reform activities like
Anti-slavery activities. As time went by journalists repeatedly asked Anthony how come
she never married? she replied because the men i always wanted were the ones i
couldnt get, and the ones who wanted me i wouldn't have also because i never found
the right man to my happiness as very well as me and main of all its not necessary to
give up my freedom to become a mans housekeeper! Anthony effort payed well hard
becoming a legacy.

Sandra Celerino
November 13,2014
Us History

Failure is impossible
Biography Research
Susan B Anthony was born in February 15,1820 and had a family who
shared a passion for social reform. As we all know during 1800s girls werent able to
get an education. Thanks to her father help on equal treatment for girls and boys. She
was a very smart girl at the age of three she knew how read and write. She was home
school after her teacher refused to teach her long division at the age of six. Just at the
age of 15 she was able to start her
teaching career, thanks to her fathers
encouragement. Ever since she kept on going until she was thirty.
In 1851 she was introduced to elizabeth cady. She was one of the organizers of
Seneca Fall Convention and also supported womens suffrage. Anthony did a lot of
Temperance activities and teachers conventions. In 1852 Anthony was able to present
her first National Woman's Rights Convention. During 1856 Anthony accept to be New
Yorks American Anti-slavery.
After all Anthonys hard work paid off. During her lifetime she did a lots of
accomplishments she done. Susan had at least had done 75 to 100 speeches a year.
She been in a lot of projects through her lifetime that what made her what she is now a
legacy. Susan was the first real woman to be honored in a coin!

Sandra Celerino
November 13,2014
Us History

Failure is impossible
Biography Research

My Assignment was based on Susan B Anthony. My description of

my following steps to complete this research were internet and wikipedia. My
requirements were to follow my teachers rules of not copy and paste. It has to be
described with our own ideas and words. We have to be unique to show our talengent .
The California standards I use to complete my assignment was Ca writing
standard #2. The skills I think I used were to reread any confusing part of the research.
Also compared it with some examples of essays what made it easier for me to build up
my ideas.
Things Ive learned from this assignment thanks to Susan father, he was able to
belief on an equal treatment for girls and boys. Also thanking her father again we have
the right to have an education today. Also Susan was the leader of The National
Woman Suffrage Association that was part of the womens split movement.
Its important to know thanks to Susan we have the same rights as men do.
( EXAMPLE : voting and helped us raise up our lower gage! We need to understand if it
wasnt for her help and effort she did on us maybe us as women wouldnt have the
opportunity of the equal rights. The way I can use this information everyday is by
thanking her all her hard working time she did for us.
Everything of the assignment I enjoyed even though it was a lot of reading it
was worth learning about her. One of the parts I had difficulty was when i couldn't do in
my own words had go back forth fixing it to make sense. I mean my essay has a lot of
good detail to start off but Ill like to read more examples about essays on how start off
and how top end off and books to improve my ways of thinking and saying.

Sandra Celerino
November 13,2014
Us History

Failure is impossible
Biography Research

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