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Nov. 29, 2013

Science Lesson Plan #7 Running on Electricity

Grade/Subject: 5 Science

Unit: Mechanisms Using Electricity

Lesson Duration: 45 mins


General Learning Outcomes:
5-6 Students will construct simple circuits and apply an understanding of circuits to the construction and control of
motorized devices
Specific Learning Outcomes:
1 Students will identify example applications of electrical devices in the school and home environment, and classify
the kinds of uses (Categories may include: heating, lighting, communicating, moving, computing, other).

Students will:
1. Identify a variety of uses of electricity in their school.
2. Classify the electrical devices into six different categories.

Observations: Observe students performance and
behaviour during the activity and participation in
questions I ask

Key Questions: ASK Who can tell me one use of electricity in

our school? What category would you put lights into? Why?
Who can tell me which category a phone would fit into?

Written/Performance Assessments: Student Performance in school finding electrical devices, Completion worksheet
from home devices


Resource #1: Edmonton Public Schools


Worksheets #1, 2, 4
School building/electrical appliances
Smartboard Powerpoint

Introduction (3 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber: Interesting Facts:
Every time you open the refrigerator door, up to one-third of the cold air can escape
Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: ASK- Who can tell me one use of electricity in the school?
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: I expect students to be well behaved as they walk through the school and
participate in class discussion.
Advance Organizer/Agenda: Instruction, Activity, Discussion, Homework, Closure
Transition to Body: We are going to get to move around the school this afternoon as long as we behave like Grade 5s

Body (40 min.):

Learning Activity #1: Instruction
Go through smartboard presentation to show the different categories of devices (define if necessary)
There are different categories that we can classify electrical devices into because different electrical devices need
different types of energy to operate, and what they do
Explain how to classify: what does the device do? (heat, light etc.)
ASK What category would you put lights into? Why?
Assessments/Differentiation: Questioning

Learning Activity #2: Activity

Explain activity


Nov. 29, 2013

Today we are finding applications of electricity in the school

You will fill out the chart on the Master worksheet #1 as you go around the school in groups of 2 or 3
You must find electrical devices that use energy
When you come back you will be working to classify each device that you found into one of the categories listed

Assessments/Differentiation: Observe Performance/ Worksheet

Learning Activity #3: Discussion

Go through some of the things students found to see if the classification part was correct. Make sure to clarify any
Go back to powerpoint: Discuss the path electricity takes from the power plant to home- homes are part of a
circuit that begins at power plant
Electricity is made at the power plant, travels through wires along a power line to underground wires outside the
house, travels to the breaker box in the house, then to the lights, and outlets
Explain that students must go home, and fill out the next worksheet (same as today at school except for home
devices (3) )
Assessments/Differentiation: Worksheet- check for completion

Closure (2 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: ASK Who can tell me which category a telephone fits into?
Feedback From Students: ASK Did you guys enjoy going out of the classroom, and did you find it useful to apply your
knowledge to real electrical devices?
Feedback To Students: Thanks for being engaged in the lesson, and for behaving like grade 5s should in the halls.
Transition To Next Lesson: Next time we are going to practice connecting bulbs in series, like we have talked about,
and I have demonstrated before.

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