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Basic Lesson Plan #2

Blended Liberal Studies/Teacher Preparation

Name______________________________________ Grade Level for this Lesson ______
I Academic Content Standards
State the academic content standard(s) for this lesson.

5.6: Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful
investigations. As a basis for understanding this concept and addressing the content in the other
three strands, students should develop their own questions and perform investigations.
II Unit of Study
State the BIG idea(s) that this lesson will address.

C. Plan and conduct a simple investigation based on student-developed question and write
instructions others can follow to carry out the procedure.
III Academic Learning Goals: outcome(s)/objective(s)
Outcomes/Objectives must be observable and measureable. What will the students be able to do at the end of
the lesson?

At the end of the lesson students will be able to construct a rough draft of the experiment that
they want to conduct. They will develop a question that they want to answer first, and then start
listing tools, and what they think will be the outcome of the experiment and what they want to
IV Into - Introduction to Lesson
How will students interest be captured? State your exact wording.
What will you say to introduce the lesson?

Has anyone seen the television show MythBusters? (Show a clip) Well, today each of you is
going to create your own experiment to present to the class later in the month.
Rationale: What is your reasoning behind the Introduction being planned this way?
Why is this the best way to introduce this lesson?

The reason that I would introduce the lesson this way is because I feel that it will capture them
the most. I think this is the best way to approach the lesson because children like to relate things
to one another and relating a popular television show to what they are going to do will engage
them in learning the process.

Through Instructional Strategies

Write out each step of the lesson: exactly what you will do and say and what the students will do.
Be specific as you outline each step.

I. Introduction
A. Who has seen the television show MythBusters?
1. Play a clip of a MythBusters experiment.
II. Instruction
A. Okay today we are going to contrast up our own experiment like on the show. First,
take out your vocabulary notebooks.


B. The students will write and define the words: experiment, control variable, dependent
variable, investigation, and evidence in their vocabulary notebooks.
C. Once they have the words written in their notebooks, the class will take individual
time and draft their own testable question and plan an experiment that will be later
presented to the class.
D. After around 30 minutes of constructing their experiments that they want to conduct
they will share them in small groups and get feedback from their peers.
E. When they finish sharing them with their peers they will turn in their rough drafts.
Rationale: What is your reasoning behind the instruction being organized and presented in this way?

My reasoning behind having instruction like this is because I feel that it will get the students
engaged in the topic and get the lesson across.
VI. Materials What materials/supplies are needed to teach this lesson?
The materials that would be needed to make this lesson successful is paper, pencils, computer,
notebooks, and a dictionary.


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