Artifact 2 Rationale Universally Designed Lesson Plan

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Artifact 2 Rationale

Universally Designed Lesson Plan

The Universally Designed Lesson Plan project required me to develop a lesson plan using
the UDL framework. The lesson plan I created was developed to meet the needs of a diverse
population of students with varying needs. This connects to CEC Standards 3 (Curricular
Content Knowledge) and 5 (Instructional Planning and Strategies).
I gained knowledge and skills in curricular content (CEC Standard 3) while completing
this artifact. The lesson plan was created around the Common Core State Standards.
Specifically, this lesson focused on the reading comprehension skill of making predictions. By
following the state curriculum, I learned the essential reading comprehension skills my student
needed to acquire. Developing the UDL lesson plan around the specific standards increased my
knowledge and understanding of the content and curriculum. To assure student mastery of this
content, I provided students with multiple means of representation; multiple means of
engagement; and multiple means of expression. The UDL principles used within this lesson
allowed me to meet the needs of each individual learner.
In addition, this artifact enhanced my understanding of CEC Standard 5, Instructional
Planning and Strategies. Throughout this lesson, students were provided with multiple means of
expression, engagement, and representation. The use of these UDL principles and instructional
strategies helped reduce learning barriers within the lesson. Students were provided with choices
and were able to select learning activities and materials that were most appropriate for their
individual learning styles. For example, students were given the option of completing a graphic
organizer, participating in a role-playing activity, or preparing a presentation.
The UDL lesson plan I developed positively affected the students. By using the UDL
principles within this lesson, learning barriers were reduced. The students best interests were
taken into consideration throughout the completion of this artifact. The lesson was designed to
meet a wide range of students with varying learning styles. As I continue to develop universally
designed lesson plans, my future students will be positively affected in the same way.

UDL Lesson Plan- Making Predictions

About This Lesson
In today's classrooms, students often have difficulty in the area of reading
comprehension. Reading comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading, without it, reading is
nothing more than tracking letters and words on a page. One of the many essential skills related
to reading comprehension is the skill of making predictions. Making predictions about a story
helps students focus on what they are reading and allows them to connect to the story. It is also
important for students to demonstrate the skill of confirming a prediction by finding supporting
details from the text.
The overall goal of this lesson is to focus on the students ability to make predictions about a
story and confirm those predictions using supporting facts from the story. Students will be given
the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities focusing on making predictions and finding
details to support their predictions.

Students demonstrate an overall understanding of print concepts:
Illustrations are related to print.
Words are read from left to right and top to bottom.
Print carries a message.
Words read aloud match words printed as text on a page in a book.
Parts of a book include (e.g., author, title, front/back).
Students demonstrate the ability to identify and/or examine:
Characters of a story.
Setting(s) of a story.
Title/Cover of a story.
Vocabulary/Words used within a story.
Illustrations/Photographs within a story.


Potential Use
PURPOSE- Classroom Instruction
CONTENT AREAS: English/Language Arts
COMMON CORE: Reading: Literature- Key Ideas and Details
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL1.1 (grade 1): Ask and answer questions about key
details in a text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL2.1 (grade 2): Ask and answer such questions as who,

what, where, when, when, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details
in a text.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL1.3 (grade 1): Describe characters, settings, and major
events in a story, using key details.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL2.3 (grade 2): Describe how characters in a story respond
to major events and challenges.

Throughout this lesson, students will:

Organize ideas to make relevant predictions about a story.

Identify supporting facts and details from the text.

Students will choose a story from a variety of options and make predictions about that

story based on information gathered from previewing the text. To preview the text,
students will examine the story's title, author, illustrations, as well as vocabulary.
Students will confirm or refute their prediction using details and supporting facts from the
Students will be given the option of choosing between 3 different Independent Work
activities and will be given the opportunity to work individually or in groups.

As we know, making predictions about a story plays a crucial role in reading
comprehension. This skill can be quite the challenge to our students. Throughout this lesson,
students will be provided with a variety of options in efforts to increase their opportunity for
Variability in Representation: To reduce learning barriers within this lesson, students will be
provided with multiple means of representation. Printed books, electronic books (on the i-Pad or
laptop computers), as well as books with enlarged print will be available to the students. In
addition, students may read their chosen story individually or select a peer and/or adult to read
the story aloud. Students will be able to easily access a dictionary (on i-Pads/computers) to
define any unfamiliar vocabulary within the text.
Variability in Engagement: Teaching reading comprehension skills, such as making
predictions and finding evidence to support those predictions, are higher-level skills that require
sustained attention and effort from students. In order to maintain students attention and
engagement, a variety of stories will be offered within this lesson plan. Students will be given
the opportunity to choose a story based on their personal interests or life experiences. Topics of
stories include, but are not limited to, characters, sports, animals, outside, and outer
space. Additionally, a variety of different grade-leveled stories will be available. Students
identified as gifted and talented will be encouraged to choose a story based on their current

reading level.
Variability in Expression: Students will also be provided with multiple means of
expression. For example, they will be given the option of working individually or working in
small groups. Students will also be given the opportunity to demonstrate their prediction skills
by choosing between 3 Independent Work activities. Option 1 involves a graphic organizer
(words or pictures will be accepted on graphic organizer); option 2 involves a presentation
(verbal or written); and option 3 involves a role-playing activity.


Students will chose between Options 1-3. During independent activities, observe students
making predictions and identifying support evidence/details from the text. Consider and
evaluate the accuracy of the predictions; note if predictions relate to the content of the
stories. Also, evaluate the accuracy of supporting evidence from the text and determine
whether students selection of details support their prediction. Provide immediate feedback to
students during observations of independent activities.

Summative assessments will not be assigned during this specific lesson. Each of the areas
addressed will continue to be targeted in future lessons and throughout the school year. The
formative assessment listed above will provide sufficient information at this time.

Instructional Methods
The lesson will begin by explaining the instructional goals and objectives for the
day. The goals and objectives will be presented to students orally and will also be
displayed on the board. Students will be encouraged to ask questions that may arise at
any time throughout the lesson. A schedule, consisting of both words and pictures, will
be displayed in the classroom outlining the order of activities for the school day.

Review the topic of predictions to students. A formal definition of the word prediction
will be provided to students, both orally and in written form. I will give an example of a
prediction, such as Because I didnt eat breakfast, I predict I am going to be
hungry. Students will work with a partner to make their own predictions based on daily
activities and real-life situations. For example, I may ask the students to make a
prediction about the weather and ask, Do you think it will snow tonight?. Motivating
topics may be used when making predictions to increase students
engagement. Students will be encouraged to volunteer and share their responses,
orally or written, with the class.

Motivate and maintain engagement of students. A memory matching game will be

distributed to the class. Students may participate in the activity with a partner or in small
groups. Memory game will require students to select a picture, describe it, and make a
relevant prediction. Students will attempt to find a match by finding the picture of their

Model New Skills & Knowledge
Discuss the role of making predictions when reading a story. Explain to the students that
making a prediction about a story is important and an essential skill needed to increase
reading comprehension.

Discuss the skill of confirming and/or refuting a prediction. Explain to students that it is
common to make an incorrect prediction and that you can change your prediction after
reading the beginning of the story. Discuss the importance of pictures and vocabulary
within the story, and describe them as details from the text or supporting facts that
can be used to confirm a prediction.

Explain to the class that making a prediction keeps the reader actively involved during
the reading process. Students become motivated to see if their prediction is correct.
Confirming/refuting a prediction requires the reader to maintain his/her attention to the

Present multiple books to students in multiple representations (printed copy, book on ipad). Allow students to engage with each representation of the books, as desired.

Guided Practice
Show examples. Read a story as a class and participate in a group activity. Students will
each be given a copy of the story and the story will also be projected on the board. If
student prefers, he may listen to the story (on the i-Pad) to increase his ability to
maintain attention.

Choose an image from the story and encourage students to make a prediction about
that picture. Students may take notes or complete group assignment orally with the

Encourage students to participate and share their predictions about the story. When
reading the story, pause frequently to ensure no student is behind. Clarify any unknown
vocabulary words for students. Discuss outcome of story and have students signify
(ex: on communication device or by raising their hand) if the prediction was confirmed in
the story.

If students are unfamiliar with the story, allow time to flip through the story and
illustrations. Chosen story will accommodate all reading levels of the students within the
class. During independent work time, students will be given a choice of stories at the
appropriate grade-level.

Independent Work/Practice

The following in-class activities may be done in small groups or individually; allow
students to choose. Students will be given the opportunity to choose from a variety of
different stories and will be encouraged to choose a story that best interests them.

Option # 1- Students may complete a graphic organizer. They will write or draw
their prediction (multiple means of expression) after previewing the title, author,
illustrations, and vocabulary in the story. While reading the story, students will
find clues (details from the text) within the story to support their
prediction. Students may copy sentences from the story on their graphic
organizer or cut/paste sentences from the book (multiple means of
expression). If initial prediction was incorrect, students will note that on the
graphic organizer and describe (write or draw) what happened in the story.

Option # 2- Students may participate in a role-playing activity. After selecting a

story, students will act out their prediction. After reading the story or having the
story read to them (multiple means of representation), students will determine
whether their prediction was correct or incorrect. If incorrect, students will
continue with role-playing activity and act out (as a group or individually) what
happened in the story.

Option # 3- Students may prepare a presentation for the class, using any of the
tools within the classroom (e.g., smart board, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft
Word). They will discuss their predictions and provide examples of supporting
details from the story in which they selected. If preferred, students may prepare
presentation and ask another classmate to share (multiple means of

Review definition of prediction and the importance of this skill when reading.

Clarify any questions and encourage students to ask questions they may have. Remind
students that this skill will continually be addressed throughout the school year and they
will have many more opportunities to practice.

Reinforce students positive behavior and cooperation.

Materials & Supplies

Laptop Computers (with Microsoft Office Programs)

Desktop Computer
Smart Board
Vantage Lite (dynamic display voice output device)
Kurzweil 3000 (text-to-speech technology)
Writing utensils with pencil grips
Reading Line Tracker

Slant Board
Large lined writing paper
Memory Matching Game (for warm up activity)

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