Lesson Plan-Correct22

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Liberal Studies Lesson Plan

Name____ Cheyanne_Williams____________ Grade Level for this Lesson ___2__

Simont, Marc, and Reiko Sassa. The Stray Dog: From a True Story by Reiko Sassa. New York:
HarperCollins, 2002. Print.
I. Academic Content Standards
Standard: Reading Grade 2; Ask and answer such questions as who, what, when, why, and how to
demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
II. Unit of Study
The unit of study is Language arts.
Students will be able to ask questions to demonstrate understanding the key details of a certain
text by using questions such as who, what, when, where, why, and how.
III. Academic Learning Outcomes
TLW be able to use specific questions to demonstrate understanding of the text.
TLW ask questions to determine the answer to a specific question.
IV. Implementation
1. Introduction to Lesson (Hook)
Good morning class! Today, we have a very exciting lesson planned for today. Remember
yesterday when we discussed how answering questions throughout reading a book helps us
to understand key details/ideas. Does anyone remember some of the questions that we ask
while reading a story? We are going to read a book together called The Stray Dog and
answer questions about setting, plot, characters, and the book.
2. Sequence of Activities
Step 1: TTW show the students a video about a song of the 5 Ws.
TTW ask the students if they have questions about the picture walk.
TLW be observing and listening to the teacher reading the book.
Step 2: TTW begin to read the book to the students.
TTW be monitoring comprehension, modeling questions, check for
Step 3: TTW model specific question that relate to the 5 Ws + H.
TLW be offering the teacher information to answer an example question.
TTW allow students time to discuss what they think the answers will be.
Step 4: TLW go back to their desks and complete a 5 Ws + H worksheet about the book.
TLW talk with partners about the answers to the questions.
TTW be observing the students comprehension by walking around making sure
students understand the proper use of using the questions to answer questions
about the book.

TLW complete the writers extra assignment when finished with the first
3. Closure
TTW have 2-5 students come up to the board and write their answers on the board.
TLW talk about what they came up with and why they wrote what they did on the board.
Grouping Strategies
* Whole: Read the book, model questions and answers aloud, and students are allowed to
share out their answers with the rest of the class.
* Small: Discussion about the answers with the fellow students at the table.
* Independent: The students get to answer questions about the book, and completing a story
for themselves that can be answered through the 5 Ws and H.
Differentiated Instruction
The advanced students: Will be asked to complete the writing extra assignment.
The Emergent Students: Will be asked to complete the writing extra assignment while writing
one sentence answering one of the 5 Ws and H.
V. Assessment:
By having students complete the worksheet and answering the questions about the key details
using the 5 Ws and H, I will be able to assess student learning.
VI. Materials
The Stray Dog by Marc Simont
Color Pencils




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