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A). the Cumananas

As for the music of Tumbes are known cumananas verses are sung with guitar
The person who sings the cumananas should know when to improvise and
have spark to almost instantly create the most appropriate cumananas
The issue of cumananas is varied, prioritizing the feeling of love, sadness or
separation or death and picaresque insults, expressed in verses grouped in
quartets. His music is sad, almost like a complaint.
So for example we have:
* Pampas de Hospital:
In heaven there is a star The rooster in the henhouse
that strikes me, too singing his song
on earth my bold puts a chicken egg
who steals my heart. no, removed his pants.

B). the Dance of the Pava

It is one of the most popular and curious Tumbes. It's unique and original,
both for their music and their steps and dances.
At first dance was a dance that turkey got into Corrales district for many
years, becoming known and dance in time to the 60 in the towns of San Juan
de la Virgen, Cerro Blanco and Garbanzal. The steps and movements appears
to movements of Creole turkey

Gastronomy - Typical Dishes
or black scallops ceviche:
6 dozen black shells
teaspoon ground pepper
6 cloves of peeled garlic
small bundle of coriander
2 limo peppers
16 lemons
1 head of lettuce
kilo of sarandajas (type of bean)
1/2 kilo of cassava
Open the black shell with a sharp knife and cut the meat into small pieces,
placed in a container. Squeeze over them the lemon juice, add salt, pepper,
garlic and onion. Mix stirring all the preparation, leaving marinate a while.

Serve with cassava, sweet potato, or boiled corn.

Broth or banana balls:

6 green bananas
100gr. butter
tsp. achiote
1 red onion
2 tomatoes
kg. ground beef
1 bell pepper
2 hard boiled eggs
4 Olives
50 gr. raisins
200gr. flour
3 Potatoes
Salt and pepper

Boil some bananas to smooth and grind until a soft dough, which will be
mixed with the remaining grated raw bananas. The new blend is softened
with salt, pepper and butter and achiote. Thus the dough is prepared.
Filling: Onion, tomato, cooked meat, peppers, boiled egg, olives and raisins
are cut into pieces and mixed.
To make banana balls with hands take a small portion of the prepared dough
and wrap it a little filling. Then coat the balls with flour and place in a pot
containing boiling broth with chunks of potatoes. When removing the pot
from the fire, make sure that the liquid has a light gray color. Add chopped
cilantro and serve.

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