Stem Cell

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Stem Cells

Today the research of human embryonic stem cells for medical purposes has been a
controversial topic. We see morality a centerpiece in this debate. But through the scientist have been
working to side step the morality issue by different methods to create stem cells. Stem cells are
important in medical research, because stem cells can develop into any of the cells in the human body.
This pluripotent ability is very useful for researchers looking for way of new treatment or cures for
Stem Cells that come from human embryos has a lot of view points one view points is a view
point that agrees with embryonic stem cells is one that sees them as the gold standard of stem cell
research. They have the potential to treat type one diabetes, Arthritis, burn victims, and cardiovascular
diseases.An article by Ian Murnhagen Benefit of Stem Cells Ian writes about the possible treatment of
heart failure. Heart failure results in dead muscle tissue, using stem cells we can repair and regrow the
heart tissue. Stem cells can be used to treat Parkinson's disease by regeneration destroyed brain cells.
For the people that suffer untreatable or rare disease have hope in the future with stem cell
research, but stem cell research on humans is still in an early phase. Only a limited number of patience
are treated with stem cells and the condition for treatment is limited. In 2012 the first human treatment
for vision repairment was conducted. successfully at UCLA. In an article by Rob Stein Embryonic
Stem Cells appear to Restore Sight. Stem Cells were injected into the eyes of the patients, After four
months both patients vision has been repaired. One of the patients used to use a magnify glass to read,
the other could only see hand movements but now can see movements of fingers.
Another view that supports embryonic stem cell research is one that concerns the source of the
embryos used in research. Embryos are gathered in excess for vitro fertilization, When these embryos
go unused they are discarded as waste. Scientist advocate the use these embryos for research instead of
just letting them be destroyed.

A view against embryonic stem cells is the morality and ethics of using the embryos. Some see
using the embryo for stem cell research as murder they see life beginning at conception and that the
embryos have souls, so it's wrong to destroy them for stem cell research even though they will be
discarded as medical waste. A member of the Catholic Church Joseph Fiorenza says Government
must not treat any living human being as research material, as a mere means for benefit to others. The
International New York Times newspaper had an article that mentions the opposition of human
embryonic stem cell research In Europe April 2014 a hearing was held for a petition that gained 1.8
millions signatures wishing to protect the human embryos from being destroyed and used for stem cell
research. They compared Embryonic Stem Cell research to abortion. The leader of the petition group
said it is understood life begins at the point of conception and must be respected Some think life
begins when the embryo forms a nervous system. Some argue your not killing a human if its before the
nervous system forms.
Some critics will speak of the lack of cures from embryonic stem cell research. They see it as a
waste of resources, but would rather see other forms of stem cells that do not have to destroy human
embryos. They are critical of the early hype for stem cells and how treatments for humans are lacking.
Another criticism of embryonic stem cell treatment is the danger of tumors being grown after injected
with embryonic stem cells. Some patients might have to take medication for the rest of their life to
prevent rejection of the stem cells. Some view stem cells will lead us on the path of cloning humans for
growing spare parts or just creating body parts for medical purposes. They see this as playing God and
are unsupportive of embryonic stem cell research. Many religions are against embryonic stem cell
research. Some are not against stem cells that are not destroying human embryos to get their stem cells.

A view that does not support embryonic stem cells might support the alternate ways scientist
have been getting cells that behave like embryonic stem cells. These cells can possibly become more
efficient than embryonic embryonic stem cells. These cells move away from the moral debate of
destroying a human life. They are still at their early stages but its looks promising for the alternative
ways. These new alternatives are good for people that might want to support stem cell research but not
support the destruction of embryos.
One group of scientist from the Oregon Health & Science University have use skin cells to
create embryonic like stem cells. In an article in Usnews Jason Koebler writes. About the process they
they went through to create these cells. They implant the nucleus of a human skin cell into a donated
human egg cell. Then create a chemical reaction inside the egg which makes the cells fuse and develop.
They then put these cell in a petri dish and can make the cells grow into heart cells, nerve cells and
even liver cells. They still need to find a way to mass produce these cells for medical treatment,
technology is in its early stages so it will still be some time away. Another option Scientist have found
to make stem cells are using a blood stem cell found inside the umbilical cord, it used to be thrown
away as medical waste but now these HSC cells are being used to help patients with blood disease or
other issues. These HSC cells can turn into any blood cell like white, red and platelet cells. Scientist
have been using bone marrow stem cells to create blood cells and bone marrow cells. But have found
ways to make these cells turn into brain cells, nerve cells, skin cells and gut cells. One big benefit listed
by is using your own bone marrow stem cells and treating yourself so there would be
no rejection from treatments.

Another view on stem cells is the political view. In 2001 using federal funds for stem cell
research was restricted with the exception of 22 lines of embryonic stem cells already created at the
time of the ban. Around this same time many states banned stem cell research and human cloning.
California in 2002 supported stem cell research but banned the cloning of a baby. In 2004 New Jersey
also endorsed stem cell research and created the first stem cell research facility in the united states that
was supported by the state. On June 2004 58 senators sent a letter to the president George Bush
wishing to expand the number of government funded stem cells. In 2005 a poll by the civil society
institute showed 70% of Americans supported the loosening the restrictions on stem cell research. In
2009 president Barrack Obama overturned the ban of George Bush back in 2001. Many politicians
supported this decision believing the ban was holding back science. From The New England Journal of
Medicine article written by Robert J Blendon mentions A poll from 2010 that showed public opinion
of stem cell research. In Europe four countries that supported stem cell research the most were Iceland
71%, Norway 69%, Sweden 67% and Britain 67%. the four countries that were against embryonic stem
cell the most were. Austria 60%, Luxembourg 54%, Greece 54% and Slovenia 54%. The political view
points seem to be on the side of embryonic stem cell research and the potential scientific benefits we
might get from it.
In conclusion I would like to see the benefits from embryonic stem cells without destroying
human embryos. I'm not sure if the embryos are used can be consider human but other people are more
sure of it and we should respect their views on life. But it might be necessary to keep using embryos to
advance the science of the alternative stem cells for now. I think the government should fund the
scientist in this search because if they don't we might be in the embryonic stem cell stage for too long. .

Works Cited
Robert J Blendon, Minah Kang Kim. John M Benson The public, political parties, and stem cell
research The New England Journal of Medicine. November 23, 2011. web April 27, 2015
Monya Baker Stem cells drug fails crucial trials 9 September 2009. web April 27,2015
Father Mark Hodges Destructive embyronic stemm cell research Antiochian orthodox christian
archidocese. Web april 27,2015
Catherine Maggio Washington post report ignores failure of embyonic stem cell researcher. Mrc
culture. July 9, 2009. web April 27 2015
Ian,Murnaghan, Benefits of Stem Cell Explore stem cells 15 April 2015. Web april 27,2015 editorial board. Side Effects of Stem Cell/Bone Marrow Transplantation November 2013.
web April 27,2015
University of Cambridge the ethical, legal and political minefield of stem cell research
October 28, 2014. web April 27, 2015
Evan Winchester scientist make human bone from skin cells Medical daily. May 7, 2013. web April
27, 2015

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