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Activity 1

Lesson Plan



Lesson Date (hypothetical) Sep 17, 2016

Subject Area(s)


Topic(s) of Instructional

Friends the new family



In Face2Face, unit 2, learners were introduced to some prepositions and phrases.

Prepositions are problematic for all learners of English despite of their levels. Therefore, this
activity gives learners the opportunity to recycle what they have learnt in past. Students will do
this activity after students finish doing exercise 7b in the book.



Students will be able to:

Circle the correct prepositions for at least nine sentences.



Give the handout to learners

Ask them to work individually and circle the correct prepositions 13 sentences.
Tell them that they 6 minutes to do the exercises
Ask learners to check their answers in pairs
Go over answers with the whole class.



Praise students on their performance.

I make out this activity since prepositions are problematic for Arabic learners in terms of
productive skills. In opinion, I think the best way to make learners learn how prepositions work
in English is to provide them with exercises about prepositions and make learners discover the
patterns themselves



Adapted from
Cunningham, G & Bell, J. (2014). Face2Face. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Pre

Circle the right preposition in the following sentences:
1- These new pictures focused in / on / out of the familiar and commonplace object
2- I was the only woman in / on / out of thirty who graduated um with a degree in physics
3- Atlantic slave trade the whole region became impoverished it was dependent in / on / out of long
distance trade
4- I believe that you should do the essay first and you should you should spend an hour in / on / out
of it.
5- I have nothing else in / on / out of my agenda today.
6- There'll usually be a list of words in / on / out of in French that are believed to be of Celtic origin
7- Contest (ICPC) took place in Orlando, FL, with 105 teams competing in / on / out of the final
8- He felt a lot lighter when he was in the water than when he was in / on / out of the water.
9- Today, Bok globules play a vital role in / on / out of understanding how low-mass stars form.
10- We won't even get to talk about the X-Files. <LAUGH> Alright? I think I've given you the
statistic, one in / on / out of three thousand Americans believes that he or she was abducted by
11- He wrote in / on / out of on the one hand sketches of idealized hunting trips.
12- There's just too much dust in / on / out of in the way.

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