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wos’ Appin tee pores” Apres GSIx Register Booklet Sert ower senes | BB Number 2011 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE WITH GENERAL TAMIL ‘Ime Allowed : 3 Hours | [Maximum Marks : 300 Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. 10 u We ts Ua IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS. ‘This Booklet has a cover | this page ) which should not be opencd tll the invigilator gives signal to ‘open it at the commencement of the examination. As soon as the signal ts received you should tear the right side of the booklet cover carefully to open the booklet. Then proceed to answer the questions. ‘This Question Booklet contains 200 questions. Answer al questions, All questions carry equal marks. The Test Bookict is printed in four series e.g. [X] [B] [E] or (B] See Top teft side of this page). ‘The candidate has to Indicate sn the space provided in the Answer Sheet the series of the booklet. For example, the candidate gets [A] series booklet, he/she has to indicate in the side 2 of the Answer Sheet with Blue oF Black tnk Ball potat pen as follows a (B) fC] (D1 You must write your Register Number in the space provided on the top right side of this page. Do not write anything else on the Question Booklet. An Answer Sheet will be supplied to you separately by the Invigilator to mark the answers. You ‘must write your Name, Register No. and other particulars on side 1 of the Answer Sheet provided, falling which your Answer Sheet will not be evaluated ‘You will also encode your Register Number. Subject Code etc.. with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen ln he space provided on the side 2 of the Answer Sheet. If you do not encode properly or fail to encode the above mformation, your Answer Shect will not be evaluated. Each question comprises four responses (A), (B). (C) and (D), You are to select ONLY ONE correct, response and mark in your Answer Sheet. in case you feel that there are more than one correct, response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each question, Your total marks will depend on the number of correct responses marked by you. im the Answer Sheet Im the Answer Sheet there are four brackets | A 1{ B11 C J and { D | against each question. To ‘answer the questions you are to mark with Ball point pen ONLY ONE bracket of your choice for each question. Select one response for each question In the Question Booklet and mark in the ‘Answer Sheet. If you mark more than one answer for one question, the answer will be treated as wrong. eg. Ii for any item, (B) is the correct answer, you have to mark as follows (AIBC (0) You should not remiove or tear off any sheet from this Question Booklet. You are not allowed to take Ute Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet out of the Examination Hall during the examination. Afler the examination is concluded. you must hand over your Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. You are allowed to take {he Question Booklet with you only after the Examination is over. The sheet before the last page of the Question Booklet can be used for Rough Work. comply with any of the above Instructions will render you able to such action or penalty mmrnission may decide at their discretion. For Question Nos. 1 to 100 in all matters and in cases of doubt, the English Verston ts final Do not tick-mark or mark the answers in the Question Booklet. S007] 1 3 asx ACuntier UG ocrnnen CO QurBAer uno ge. A) Gen @ynciets By gGenisten ©) pond yc ion D) gGer@uerGier. Neoprene is a polymer of A) Chloroprene B) Isoprene ©) Isobutane D) _Isopentane : Qisureda waer wsore sap Her Pmowd sowhp Qi A) p@prge B) aguréeb ©) gngmyit D) sen ‘The Indian first atomic power station was built at A) Narora B) = Kalpakkam ©) Tarapur D) Kaiga. UpaCsms Qedmac Msgs 2 gay Ged asgeud A) afar Gurenp seo B) ac eigen’ ©) gegiebp aigeud D) Asglw augeud. Identification of cancer cell, based on the cell morphology depends on the cell shape A) Amoeboid B) Round ©) Irregular D) Ruptured. Qeadler ayhne uss coy seophasuGags A) usiiaenfleia B) Bysafusy ©) ae GLmTorrevece D) ona. GL revreion fur Powerhouse of the cell is A)» Chloroplast B) Nucleus ©) Endoplasmic reticulum D) Mitochondria, F 1306] xx (800T} (50r) [Turn over Gsix o / Apsscoobpst Qpsu spAurowider 7 ag o¢Lememder ug wmpo sembaS Ses sl EHS Lump gop oH 7 Al wiBeagéerst Beso Piewu —B) atic C) Bit eucmb D) — Sstreueri. Which of the following is not a listed subject of the State List in the 7th Schedule of the Constitution of India ? A) Rates of stamp duties 8) Banking Cc) Water D) Fisheries. @sdw Ssdu Qyreaussle groin pref uss oMalp|e serovero adlsseutt A) oul eufl Gedo By exenSlumis C) spire ecto. D) Gus anevygs wands, ‘Who headed the Jhansi Rani Wing of Indian National Army (INA ) ? A) Lakshmi Sehgal B) Lakshmi Bat C) Annie Besant D) Begum Hazrat Mahal. Ucqué 1( sDlppmige acter Pielpedocer ), uqua 1 ( Goud seer sys wrax pong ) Ques, Ky GenGietut Oorer eGiGaeners Gerain® eure eocous BeihAgO : ucyue I utqué I pyrG srabpos QoL dhoreuriisor a) Qausiel Sireped 1, Ag@paeucd by Blbuyiny Siaspadd 2, Spell ©) aga Pralped 3. flangsa 4) seduslust gitahpad) 4, edrefureio!l, eiisoaet a oboe a AY ‘4 3 2 4 B) 2 1 3 4 COs ae D) ° » eee ee ee er ee eee 5 asx Match List I ( Tamil Nadu waterfalls ) with List II ( Locations/Districts } correctly and select your answer using the codes given below List 1 List 11 ‘Tamil Nadu Waterfalls Location /Districts a) Silver falls 1. Tirunelvelt b)_— Thirparappu falts 2. Thent ©) Suruli falls 3. Dindigul d)— Agasthiyar falls 4. Kansiiyakumari, Codes : a bc 4 Ae sae Bead cee Crise anaagaaaa D4 8 1 2 Seraugir yoroAl eurgsletr eG ana : 8, 10.9, 6 wpb 4 Ay 72 B) 74 Cc) 82 Dp 70. | The mean of the following data 8, 10.9, 6and 4 is 1 A) 72 B) 74 Cc) 82 Dd) 7-0 A) UGymietr By gGeuntsfet C) Sumtordgenand D) Salenrés xx S007} (sor) Tarn over GsIx 10. n 12, 6 Natural rubber is a polymer of A) propene B) isoprene C) formaldehyde D) phenol. PEUB Spr Gaus HesHG ode sefliumanrs Geududeg, A) sengit B) vepgi : sagt D) Hamby if. oe Which is used for moderator in the homogeneous nuclear reactor ? A) Heavy water B) Rain water ‘ ©) Sea water D) Well water. UsGay preload apida@ers aC GIUGbsb aianemd udmsmauires - DeudiunGsmcs Gerang@iuge sighed ‘geeews agi cen DeophaiuGaigs A) mgs. B) Serfuss oycud ce) SéycuA D) egindv. cee Which gland is called ‘master gland’ because of the multiplicity of its functions controlling many of the other endocrine glands ? ‘ A) Thyroid B) Pineal gland Cc) Pituitary D) Thymus. UcqU Tw UCqUe Hore QunGssl, Kp Oar Gsacuc Gsion eGhiGacrord . Geneing sfuren Slo ous CpisasG + ucque I utgué I a) Stem gmauyio 1. guérafur . b) super fos group 2, eureoru ) gt Ganentls graugh 3. amapcfécor d) Gpnpoes ered 4, advan. eBEGasst a b ec a A) 3 1 4 2 a Bo Ce aera gree Des (9007) (sox) 13. 14. 7 GsIx Match List I with List If correctly and select your answer using the codes given below List 1 List a} Hydrophyte 1, Opuntia b) —_Xerophyte 2. Vanda c) Parasite 3. Hydrilla 4) Epiphyte 4. Cuscuta. Codes : a boc a Ae oega lea B) 2 es Cees a cee Dea a eaeiereiaae S65 msde aryenterds Haigse ernadd wodlubs gern wHsaLUGslpg 7 A) wdlagilet: eg Alcano B) wdkeghAier GL Gangne ©) yBhures D) snenaunes. A car accelerates on a horizontal road due to the force exerted by A) the engine of the car B) the driver of the car C) the earth D) the road. pred Cac Qi@uph eflerose aber ug Sdragacradper lade SMSouLLnpgs og 7 A) gmtger ungeminy Oem ture geeudeeh B) SWAB G wp ALiD Guptuar gacudact C) Slur yeu D) aeowdenenas @cgald GPSGOULL Haast. Which among the following is not exempted in RTI Act ? A)___ Information related to National Security B)__ Information received from foreign countries C) Business secrets D) Decisions of the Cabinet. xx [9007] (sory [Turn over 15. seniSgteet sem Og 66 eu ag 7 Ay mec B) @euemnbd ©) ewan “ D) udp spud. What was the religion practised by the Kalabhras ? A) Salvism B)_Vaishnavism co) Jainism D) Buddhism. 16. silegd a Gromflyd sobs rapsoGuibn per Weir Gut eeinan 2 A) weneuierid B) AAGuTé CC) weedkcaSpauroni D) ge. ‘The style in which Tamil and Sanskrit mixed is called are A) Malayalam B) Creyole CC) Manippravalam: Db) Thulu. 17. 1923 & seugggu ac.Blow ApeSUaUREEE coeur hou LS. Bas IW, ee. 6). Gundy M8). 20. ifgo WV. Gordlone C5, Glastaeper : A) Lipps II eflurensnas B) Lops IV eflurrenrenen ©) Mlwppyb IV efurrereneu D) Wap pie Ul sfwresrencu, Founders of Swaraj Party in 1923 were 1 B.G. Tilak I, S.C. Bose Mm. C.R.Das# TV. Motilal Nehru. Of them A) 1 & Mare correct B) 1 & IV are correct C) ML & IV are correct D) I & Mare correct. xx [5007] (01) 9 Gsix 18, Udraguombpst sips upsegviert ersXereny Coympest writ 2 A) Gpmut B) pret C) eebut D) uefhucér Which among the following does not belong to Tamil Nadu Tribal Community ? A) Thodar B) Nagas ©) Kurumbas D) _Baniyan. 19, aewhall gesPlonniler ygiTaacu@D afpieng ( Refresh rate ) sional. LweiuGia POR A) Déeve B) gyeind) ©) Opnineo D) umasice. The refresh rate of a monitor Is measured inr ' A) pixel B) bit C) hertz D) dot-piteh. 20. 123-454 = ?%o A) 8835-78125 B) 83875215 ©) 83578125 D) 8357-8512 123-45, =? Al 8835-78125 B) 83875215 Cc) 83578125 D) 8357-8512 21. QB G\bBwefler ser augumanb oreiran > A) $1040 B) $370 ©) $250 D) $560. ‘What ts the per capita income of an Indian ? A) $1040 B) $370 ©) $250 D) $560. ea (sor) (Turn over osix 22. 24. 25. 10 wore fitcure SiiumwAdesr sonecueny Pudleugy A) @pacmviet By orflaejenpt C) ERUy8s seat D) awifBlocnpsdles senwenn Fug). The Chairman of the State Administrative Tribunal is appointed by the A) Chief Minister B) Governor C) President D) Chief Justice of the High Court. GorysAiy Corpor Qeiury senpassuGdlprit > A) Gagenngper BY) upnigair C) sug Gareinrsin D) Agdyentuyed. Rajendra Chola was known as A) Keralandhaka B) Parantaka ¢) Kadram Kondan D) Chitra Karapult. LPGemermraug gbsroinGs SL gfe erovd A) 2004 — 2009 B) 2007 — 2012 c) 2005 — 2010 D) 2006 — 2011. ‘The period of the 11th Five-Year Plan is A) 2004 — 2009 B) 2007 — 2012 ©) 2005 — 2010 D) 2006 ~ 2011. erarpoucrouppes oie sr@ ants ( SAARC ) sat enotuses @dvsoe 7 A) undlévgirer By ycuner Cc) wrod Soy D) Buren. Which of the following is not a member of the SAARC ? A) Pakistan B) Bhutan Cc) Maldives B) “Myanmar. xx (007) (son), be 26. 27. 28, 29. 30. n six Exe wptiscr Dhan Qa sireoaduGdlpcrpesr A) ojuter ioedor_e Lacon onprd am@ech B) Siu wai o Gnangit srGact ©) sei Gnas an Gach D) aU suse weir o Grouse on@act. ‘Teak trees are found in . A) Tropical Evergreen forest B) Tropical Deciduous forest C)__ Broad leaved forest D) _ Sub-tropical Deciduous forest. Qydp Denréoor srehugs A) Qydnb -Qyhs Qedact B) Qyésb + dH Dedaet Ch Byte + Fy D) @ySsb + souiifiGean ger, Blood plasma ts A) Blood ~ Blood cells B) Blood + Blood cells, ©) © Blood + Serum D) Blood + Fibrinogen. wySudles Beng seruGuest A) Umeda B) @oaine C) mamta DI anc detect. ‘The father of Genetics ts A) Darwin B) Mendel ©) Lamarck D) Hutchinson. dere - QL OCuutsd) eumerCom ger UpLY SERB! A) Qari Goreoos B) bps Cc) saméareg, D) > apis. ‘The area under the force ~ displacement curve gives A) work done B) energy C) impulse D) momentum. S8yr@ Beoeorfuyd Gury SAEs Gan Oded smteour, A) Mgc, B) BeC, Cc) Bec D) Cac, 30r {Turn over Gsix 31 32, 33. 12 ‘The carbide that produces methane on hydrolysis is A) MgC, B) BeC, c) Bec DP CaC,. aGp8 foroS acud Ppmuend Oem seiucr god A) 1905 B) 1906 © 1907 : D) 1908. Swadesh! Steam Navigation Company was started in the year A) 1905 B) 1906 Cc) 1907 D) 1908. Magee abs oLsplon ky gerrBlus) Pluverid Qeteurit > A) sus erecnsdlen 256-0 Miley B) siséluss oraensler 280-0 fey ©) siy@wer sraenssler 293+ ‘Slay D) — wigdluss ereangPlon 356-4 flay. Finance Commission is appointed by the President under Article A) 256 of the Constitution B) 280 of the Constitution c) 293 of the Constitution D) 356 of the Constitution. ucgwe Ip ucgud Weis Gurgss, Fp CarGsscuGeror GHiGaaenrs Qaraing sfuren Semicous Cstss@ : udgud I udqud I a) 0 G65 aims 1. B gyedong @igesr bd) A BSS euere 2. b gpecong.umg, <) AB G\yés ame 3. Smarugseb QarGseGd Orbs flay a bp ams 4. grat Iebg she @ré6 iho, epiigees + aoboc 4 A 8 2 4 1 By 2G ee ° So 4 Die ese eeea 13 asx Match List I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below List 1 List 11 a) O-Blood group 1. Antigen B b) A-Blood group 2. Antibody b ©) AB-Blood group 3. Universal donor d) ' B-Blood group 4. Universal acceptor. Codes : : sea Ble oad Gee et gaat wae Dies S celia ced, 34. Unrate. pid arcifl eabBleruy. apflerd sceoruGeugy A) o US Lire expaxg codilyretr aphid B) y@priier eS Ge arsed D) sadc.gret eS ge Qerctesir According to Brénsted-Lowry. an acid is Al e a proton donor an electron donor B) a proton acceptor D) _ anelectron acceptor. 35. Epssrgud Eyrgscd op E_ra Gann serolH wbdpd gAihSer serah9 gbucrerg 7 A) unpre s1oro8Q bps paSuc emy sionaSo B) Qeddudy siote80 why urgye aero — Ch Gacducy src8O wppsh perched cumey opsr085 D) paAud amy sieralG ppd sale, sere8Q. (Turn over GsIx 14 In which of the following pairs of temperature scales the size of the degree is identical ? A) Mercury scale and Ideal gas scale B) Celsius scale and Mercury scale C) Celsius scale and Ideal gas scale D) Ideal gas scale and Absolute scale 36. dp GenGestucgerer asf wairagPlar gpadsapson Goandes Sgt de siGSseyd ? A) @BLygen. bo ger, steer, \CO, B) gytect, CO,, Plumer, gyro gpa ©) CO,, Flume, gogperr, ayiresr D) Burren, ayrabger, autoer, CO, Arrange the following constituents of the atmosphere in dominant order A) Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, CO, B) Argon, CO,. Neon, Oxygen C) — CO,, Neon, Oxygen. Argon D)__ Neon, Oxygen, Argon, CO, 37. Aeraugaxcioudpsch ag washer Empamen aensrauppener ausjemie Gren 7 A) gibi eGo B) Garéunes CC) Geuréaqeior D) Qeeranit Gunt@. Which of the following is not a device for redressal of the citizen's grievances ? A) Ombudsman B) — Lokpal ©) Lokayukta D) Censor Board. 88. BLL QUITE nnn & DFO GaAETL enamweBacun’ gl. A) Go, 1799 B) gee, 1799 ©) sGumut,1799 D) pasbut, 1799, Kattabornman was executed in A) May. 1799 B) July, 1799 ©) October, 1799 D) November. 1799. xx (BOOT), 15 six 89. God seoudd 2 pideayre CetpAsGsstuc. gd Queinoedl A) Quretreninorret B) LréLt. uepetad Ong ©) epg euysduen D) @sinfSgr sowouraib, i ‘The first woman to get nominated for Legislative Council is j * A) Ponnamal B) Dr, Muthulakshmi Reddy ©) Sarojin! Varadappan D)__ Soundra Kailasam. e 40. wBspsyerrward aygpi@uppy waselle cous nie pemabemrau GS gbeqe.Ob gre AL yout gmc B) @preing gree C) oppeBeurats Spoon D) se@eubsb. 1 ‘The literary work written by King Mahendravarman describing the peoples eae religious attitude in a humorous way is } A) Poompuliyuur Naadagam B) _Nondi Naadagam + : C) Maththavilaasa Pirakadanam =D)‘ Raghuvamsam. } 41. Ag. K. Suen Spasrgpib Fpet ueoLache, tobe rou gop governs t PuaBlsercnn etenmt > ‘ A) CRPF oe { ©) BSF: D) RAF. ‘ ‘Thiru K. Vijaya Kumar has been appointed as Director General of { A) CRPF B) TBP ] Cc) BSF D) RAF 42, andi Boo USA, gysevl 2010 & Dapis Gmustonts QuBédler eyomid A) @praudl warp B) Gus@agitdr voy ©) StbGpadeit 2 om peered D) uel 2 eFlwesrdv, i The flood of August, 2010 at Leh. Kashmir is due to A) Cyclonic rain B) Cloud burst rain ©). Dam breach-out D) Melting of ice. : (gon) (Turn over Gsix 16 43, 44, 45. 46. Gidu unprepncrppAler oO missle s@olles ganndud gumor Renquitidiw pret 7 A) 5 peubut, 2010 B) 6 paubuit, 2010 ©) 7 poubut, 2010 D) 8 geuiout, 2010, ‘The American President Obama addressed in the joint session of Indian Parliament on A) 5th November, 2010 B) 6th November, 2010 C) 7th November. 2010 D) 8th November, 2010. aifler 2.08 Gassldue sci A) 1999) B) 2009 ©) 2010 D) 2011. ‘The International Year of Chemistry was/ts A) 1999 B) 2009 c) 2010 D) 2011 Epaugamepf 2010 & aan G20 GinGyneGin onpmige Soundlab Leneusch ergy 7 A) aps Gd Uiz6eoncnect B) Uuiejemgi C) tem agen D) resorradu Mélepenp. Which one of the following issues was discussed in G-20 Toronto Summit, 2010? A) Environmental issues B) Terrorism C) World poverty D) Global Financial system. ePSud appr GurPiud siamo ( SERC } 2009-2010 & ofa ageSlsenst osfleee. A) 2S sfleSnes 1B) yomuen syfleSiuds CO) QunPsuds opBieSusd D) Quang sess om yl 47, 48. 49. 17 Gsix Science and Engineering Council ( SERC ) gave major support for .... in 2009-2010 A) Life Sciences B) Chemical Sciences C) “Engineering Sciences D) Physical Sctences. 8p @HAUNGererastachid 2010, 19 ag sti geamusiler semasra UseSGupoK Gemerin curt wt 7 A) BG. Pv. Oyey, B) §G.A. R. @at.swamen C) BG. K. G. uredlgsizeose D) DG. usyoubs Metre: Who among the following has taken over as the Chairman of the 19th Law Commission in 2010 ? A) Mr. PV. Reddy B) Mr. A. R. Lakshmanan ) Mr. K. G. Balakrishnan D) Mr. Yashwant Sinha. Usraugeumadpst sh 6g, 2010 © gemge sDlppmmgicter uctefl st Lamisele smoteud upp Silane auimibesi 2 A) SBud asyrperecy B) fd K. G. uredgsiyeonetr Gay CO) S8us CoreIpgrrpar ew D) $Bud) Bewgr wap. Which among the following committees went into the details of Fees structure among schools in Tamil Nadu in 2010 ? A) Justice Varadharajan Committee B) Justice K. G, Balakrishnan Committee C) Justice Govindarajan Committee D) _ Justice Mishra Committee. 2010 b garGh smagt. Y. sgannf adlp Geb@onf Sen unose eupastuig 7 A) g. Bi. ye@uorrebr B) — g@vGam ung@umeur ( weiyut ) ©) ugndiftuk Degod). yooh DS@aerco ( SALLer ) D) Gugrélflut qmigh ait ( 2Gwfléem ). xx [5007] wy [Turn over GsIx 18 In 2010 to whom, was Kalaignar M. Karunanidhi Classical Tamil Award given ? A) AR. Rehman B) — Acsco Parpola { Russia) ©) Prof. Mrs. Ulric Nicolos ( Britain } D) Prof, George Hart ( America ). 50. chs BIG se sme aiflers Geudumgenon priger oQiLE. eMeow ceo eB sng 7 Ay SCL By QLetronités ©) Sie Bevesor 2 D) sGnfés padu pr@act Which of the following countries has declared Broadband service as the fundamental right in the country ? A) Britain B) Denmark: Cc) Finland D) United States of America 51. Glosianenr 9446 sound gone abe upsiMeenadle grein peng Gpéu a@Sgsseoencs upinSeanit > A) Septic B) ségaGurdies CO) pépmud D) apopufloure. In which newspaper did Maulana Abul Kalam Azad propagate his nationalist ideas ? Al Neeldarpant B) Tattvabodhini ©) Mooknayak Dp) ALHiat 52. @idu Codusdlor pg@uGi Quanwed ceiry, seopsasuGuart 7 A) eGyughcll pru@ B) Lait. we ginal Ota, CO) LndLit. gia us ion’, D)yrusmb, Who was called “Grand old lady of Indian Nationalism” ? A) Sarojini Naidu. B) Dr, Muthulakshmi Reddy ©) Dr, Annie Bes D)— Meerabai, 2% [9001] (gor) 4 ( | { , i { | g 19 Gsix Agvewnd ebsvder ugwangs shudlut, selsgyssen Ceca sare Apsswrd Q\ebse! tates aPoléed amcSuid A) wend @ineenes B) aibuymomuesnn €)— @uifuryyrresrio D) Sleotudlevryto ‘The epic which describes the custom of making the’ newly married couple to start their We on their own in a separate house is A) Manimegalat B) Kambaramayanam ©) Perlyapuranam D) Silappathtkaram. Epbsciocubget ous os Mays os eae 1976 & Gwbpoule AZo 6 Pw sshslos qpord @bdw oy dud ol Aso Cor aviulgy A) gipflue a. Sify 50 B) oyu or. Wey 13 CC) gySue ae Sih SIA D) opSwe oc Silay 272, Which of the following Articles was inserted into the Constitution of India by the 42nd Amendment in 1976 ? A) Article 50 B) Article 13, ©) Article 1A D) Article 272. 1857 ib eb@ ypCAide gurebr4) pres orc afl nous Borpaqsecut > A) pons) ancient B) petufl sé CC) porufl allevsctr D) genus ett ands Ggirev In 1857 Revolt, Rani Lakshmi Bal of Jhansi was defeated by A) General Anson B) General Neill ©] General Wilson D) General Sir Hugh Rose. Oper Opduneler, Caran wenp cen igs A) ombup grpe B) Gopendo Qo ype ©) BeSijomerr gevciyucd D) prt@eudwt In South India, the summer rains are known as A) mango showers B] western disturbances ©) violent local storms D)__ norwesters. Fisor] ,*« (900) (30) Turn over Gsix 20 57, Guretudes spre umtéélanus eain Gut uueruGir eflunesr egal A) sede ogra B) Qupsws oyna ©) Qs eyrat D) wae. For calculating the average growth of economy, the correct mean to use 1s A) Weighted mean B) Geometric mean ©) Arithmetic mean D) Mode 88. aopiunedldr syflogin ugglocer weping (padld any Oeigert A) of. gyre writayes B) achaipnmd ©) wmtigint ext D) Dapts eno Q@eues The ruins at Ifarappa were professionally ¢: unined for the first tune by A) Sir John Marshall B) Cunningham ©) Mortimer Wheeler D) Bishop Caldwell 59, oliGualt. crakianc cin GiDg 29, 40, 53, 68. Ay 76 B) 85 ©) 90 dD) 92, Find the missing number 29, 40. 53, 68, A) 76 B) 85 c) 90 D) 92. 60. seein) Mifetin Meds gperd Har SoG DovelWL NEG) onernnrnee CBD! sopescnGding: A) Gots yh BY aust SS) C) , seed Soh D) spaea Sirs) The output obtained using computer printer is called A) soft copy B) hard copy ©) print copy D) temporary copy. =x (007) a) whe 21 Gsix 61. @gyriG Galan DeuduGaglen Sensnaurs x gerraug 7 AL ofp sieried) B) Aye geMlew C) YeEQgbgd spore: D) ffi. : What is the result of hypofunction of Thyroid ? A) Giganuism B) Cretinism Cc) Goltre : D) Diabetes. 62. epyriG apISerrs = GaurbsiuGd eeGyr ond GL nafletr eos A) QydpsHe andAugder germas oping B) Qirbssdh aydAugdlar gorency sBlefliiss C) Bengud quale Gsagrgst Qegdsnshe D) Gorgud ouallaca Geddiallengy Qeuciiéu spiyasds, What is the role of thyrocalcitonin produced by thyroid gland ? A) Decrease blood calcium concentration B) Increase blood calcium concentration ©) To mobilize sodium fons into cel D) To mobilize sodium ions out of the cell 63. ysuaingmid snayeBlde git 2-syrpeeord A) @pubsdo B) Gemidy ) ©) gevacv D) wondered, : ‘An example for nsectivorous plant is A) Nepenthes B) Lotus ©) Ruscus D) Hibiscus. ! 64, “‘Gsrugeadnst obs gern SSpangses GPUUBpeTar YBU aaLLAcd gpmero } Bon? A) Gp ly youerrmiey Aporsors | B) ganGlu yorcourdiay Sgpevsor | C) L@uryer RUBye gcdti Ges @arduy Groen } D) — antime.dl youormliey Slyevemd, + xx [007] (sor) {Turn over GsIx 22 65, 66. 67 68. Which of the following is @ new federal agency to combat terror in India ? A) National Investigation Agency‘ B)_—_‘Union Investigation Agency C) Federal Bureau of Investigation D)_ Federal Investigation Agency. ‘eyband.O ali” cen siempsstuGd gidiGaw ssuterany GHUIGE 2 A) Qpmuit Bowens B) Candvgésy ©) anyeramede D) Gaud@oveivell : ‘The British Governor who is called “Knight of Arcot’ is AY Robert Clive. B) Hastings ' ©) Cornwallis D) Wellesley. sSlacro; UGsA alemeneligr wrewcib A) Guyibugymt B) eget Cc) eas D) wave. In the following districts, the largest cultivator of cotton 1s : A) Perambahir B) Virudhunagar Ch Salem D) Madurai. {oop Asg gsr upto eb. . A) 23528 B) 2652.6 Cc) 24aad D) 2333.8. ‘The height of the Anaimudi peak is AL 2352 m B) 2652 m c) 2442 m D) 2333 m. Gurgerargediea Play wdley ee uigy A) egy, Urgyenrtny Blox B) aids aL gb serie oer usAyemeDd ©) uss Cpepergnd, ungemay BBD DD) ulig epersearqnd aud a epnb. Net worth in an economy refers to A) Borrowed capital and reserves BY _Loan from bank & Govt, bonds ©) Equity capital and reserves D) Equity capital and bank loan. WOT (son) aan) 69. 70. 7. 23 Gsix Gidurahl Qpe paym’ slurs Qecseercow a Gondslus gyeadiG A) 1687 — 1688 B) 1726-1727 c) 1882 — 1883 D) 1886 — 1887, ‘The first Municipal Corporation in India was set up in Madras in A) 1687 — 1688 B) 1726 — 1727 c) 1882 — 1883 D) 1886 — 1887 cbsme sgcls phms ubalGgrns ami sobs — ge@parnd Seusuugdloni ser > A) 10% B) 7% Cc) 3% D) 46%. What percentage of child population is suffering from malnutrition ? : A) 10% B) 7% ' Cc) 3% D) 46%. Seraxoid cretoraches app sein 4-91 agUOd ? A) 67920594 B) 618703572 i ©) 719202526 D) 926530222 ‘ Which of the following numbers ts divisible by 4? : A) 67920594 B) 618703572 c) 719202526 D) 926530222 iorfegdler apa. Apropo vesild srdpensofer ups Eempaurs. achergs. ¢@eaelds A) @eopeuros OgniPlegeu cuntss B) srdopeOLaG@as enpanpp appdepe Dene ©) ure wp urd Gungceepaenen Gepeumen Creer D) ndsoflets Geopesres asmigd sped. ‘The distribution of cattle is low in the dry south-western part of the state because of A) low technical development B) unfavourable environmental condition for cattle C) tow demand for milk & milk products D) low purchasing power of the people. {Turn over GSIX 24 73. Qyeinin Lest Gum gewidla pret A) 1 @euiout, 1939 B) 1 Q@etiout, 1940 Cc 1 Qediur, 1941 D) 1 Qetmuit, 1942, ‘The Second World War began on A) Ist September, 1939 B) Ist September, 1940 Cc) Ist September, 1941 D) Ist September, 1942. 74. sD per gd, ae AeinG Dereny 2 Huss) gpoDeeiuce gs? A) 1920 B) . 1900 Cc) 1940 D) 1911 When was the power gencration started in Tamil Nadu ? A) 1920 B) 1900 cy 1940 DP 3911 75, sips Dgmituren aspen ecgeSien pad Gordes A) aye genpaehes 2 ctor amipér B) SAsgienpiiles e siten semper CC) asiere.d) syeaee acter seups> D) seal Pgmientincflar ecter soups The main focus of Santhanam Committee on corruption is A) corruption in Government departments B) corruption in Judiciary ©) corruption in local government D) corruption in educational institution. 76. Adrawpameudps Deensa «sb Apes Aerain. urwGeS eOSgeorlLes Aaipouss Ay ured) omiu@en, B) ure eMenener @Barre7@ ©) urd oA asesr D) ured doen fer ‘An example of conducting polymer ts A) polycarbonate B) polyvinyl chloride C) _ polyacetylene D) polystyrene. 77. 78. 79, 25 Gsix EFposcin. eursBumocnerd seve sedO (A): cusin.go wets eetUg eueMIOTCRT iweter. angemd (R) > 00 @ody, snéélud, saineomdy, GwiafSud wbgxd Quincey Qerretin_ vey. FB p GHAI Oster GAge ofurer Ser cous EaiihOeO A) (A) bpd (R) Gyeingo eff B) (A) wbpid (R) Qa G sayy C) (AY paupy, aonnes (R) afl D) (A) sf, guemé (R) peup, Consider the following statements : Assertion (A): Alluvial soil is fertile soil. Reason (R): They are generally rich in iron, calcium, lime, magnesium and potash. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below : A) Both (A) and (R) are true B) Both (A) and (Ri) are false ©) (Alis false, but (R/ ts true D1 (Alis true, but (R? is false. emerGam amor QioGureApy arts g.edor@ A) 1498 B) 1496 c) 1497 D) 1498. Vasco da Gama came to India during the year A) 1495 B) 1496 Cc) 1497 dD) 1498. BL DUELA semi Hen ALdp a@inW Ay diszoufl, 1946 B) unté, 1946 ©) peubut, 1946 D) geibut, 1946. Naval Mutiny took place on A) February, 1946 B) March, 1946 ©) November. 1946 D) December, 1946, xx [B0OT) {Turn over Gsix 80. 8. 82, 83, 84. 26 Fem Quy aisiondsenenti udHs Qeresos spr Gre AN Ag@axys eabGsers B) gbsioan oqpusi ©) bBo D) Sigua pte. ‘The Sangatn Literature book which compiled about the "Kadai Yezhu Vallalgal” { Philanthropists ) is A) Thiruvezhu Kootrirukkai B) lyinthinai Ezhubathu ©) Natrinai D) Sirupaanaatruppadat Ep79 unten (penp she LUSLOSBOUOADB ? A) ypsiflenes eugis BY gyma@aueior Upeuss C) setnndliny Planer Seupio D) QipainLmd Planer Beusin Direct personal observation method ts applied in A) primary data B) _ frequency distribution C) raw data D) secondary data. 100 Syst 2 cher aainachles GHepUEL. carafe eal. O Csrens A) 2400 B) 2550 c) 2500 D) 2600. : ‘Sum of all odd numbers upto 100 ts A) 2400 B) 2550 ©) 2500 D) 2600. ardlien Gedy Yuen ete senobgerergs 7 A) asvourb B) errs ©) Bopg eussmonb D) a paynde. Where is the Kaziranga National Park located 7 A) Assam B) Gujarat C) West Bengal D) Uttaranchal Spaocinoudpsr ofurs Quressuulig) og 7 Ay Be. 0.0. ~ — sB payer : B) atiywonfu dest — png edine, ©) ungghunt — pmo aSiguid D) agsomgzoqy 5TH — pases xx {S001} (or) 85. 86, 87, 27 GsIx Which of the following is correctly matched ? A) Thiru Vi. Ka ~ Swadesamitran B) Subramaniya Siva _ Raja Desingh ©) Bharathiyar — ——- Ramanuja Vyayam D) = Varadarajulu Naidu ae Navasakthi, Sedu augur eis fssons Sinwreflcuigy A) eppchi @ agiorer aSlélain B) Wha. Qgnenal Qugse also C) a pupdle QuBhe asin D) ua. qeitey alld Rate of growth of National Income determines : A) Invesiment-income ratio B) Population growth rate ©) Production growth rate D) Consumption ratio. onigd Ppnsesera gosgpap Duets, eGandscuGashe qpcrart apCan® Qoonsslobse A) adie peop B) ema pasgiop ©) @pmple gsop D) Goumereuriuinygs giesp. Before its creation as a new department, “Department of differently abled persons" was associated with A) Department of Education B) Department of Social Welfare ©) Department of Industries D) Department of Employment. UeRUd Tad oysiech, Ugud Id actor aMoouner umaserer GurEsdsl, FBp GenGdsiue Goren GPEGseerd Garcia sfuvar Sercwp CoiPASO + ucgwé 1 : uigué 1 siete afeowurer wensrsct a) umf 1. ups ivere bd) Guser 2. Quirgles were oO 9f 3. upiny wane a gil 4. GoraeDoeoo. eBiipact a boc a Abate eeceees Bye aaa o 3 1 4 2 Dee aaa. @ [Turn over Gsix 28 Match List I ( Kings ) with List II ( Hills respective ) correctly and select your answer using the codes given below : List 1 List Kings Hills a) Paari 1. Palani Hill b) Began 2. Podhigai Hill Oh Ore ee 3. Parambu Hill ad) Aat : 4, Kolli Hil Codes a boca er) Bg a Chee ea Dore ae 88. YAO Apuwer carpe A) siya Gqquisdldr puene B) Gurg Pymentische a tar sypdleer UGG oSipusHesr 6) pbc fs OemPlrecgosisahes Sip senest D) sports eqguiseer seflumBie Sipuercr Geiise Disinvestment means A) sale of Govt, companies B) sale of Govt. holdings in public sector undertakings C) sale of sick industrial undertakings D) sale of Govt. companies to private 89. Udragamrernet 1g 5d smacpenps sexe’ Giompl 7 A) Java B) Informix ©) Lisp D) Ally. (on) 90, 29 Gsix Which of the following is 5th Generation language ? A) Java B) Informix c) LISP D) Ally. UCqUd Tg ULgUe I eis GurBssl. Kp GanGsscucGaier eames Ganaing ofures Sen oous CptsOsO ucgué 1 ucqud (@ Au wes) (ogsiai ) a) aiiona water 1. 43% b) — Qaihinedor 2. 18% ©) eed worn 3. 15% dd) Uremeveuet inedior 4, 4%. eA Oaet + a. b dad ee B) 2 3 1 4 Pee eiece ae 3 2 1 D) a 2 3 4. Match List I with List I correctly and select your answer using the codes given below List 1 List 1 (indian Soil ) (Percentage ) a) Alluvial soll 1. 43% bd) Red'soil 2 18% ) Black soil 3. 15% a) Desert soil 4. 4%, Codes : = a@ boca (Seay Bees Oo 4 3 2°41 De oe [Turn over GSIx 30 91 92. 93. 94. Spdu andsnent Send seneMreiuGir gre A) geneutl 20 B) ganeufl 25 Cc) gereult 10 D) goneufl 5. National Voter's Day is observed on A) January 20 B) January 25 ©) January 10 D) January 5 2010, gaidiit wig Ufieareou greimGuers GBLULG, myst sainLener AIpHEOUCL Qs Sphos oosseut vp wally 2 flew yiovert A) Lindt, Denmuds Qe eit B) Ge. gh. sscdoreoonSIgrret ©) gwisdlur Qeer D) Qrutaenst srugislereoes. Indian Pediatrician and Human Rights activist, found guilty of sedition and sentenced to life in December, 2010 is A) Dr. Binayak Sen B) K.G. Kannabiran ) Amartya Sen D) None of them 2010 & Qiard smrageApars GeuPache Gustucr empire ecter wrfleid A) gritsein. B) etiedvest CC) gflevewr DI Gesne Kandhamal which came in the news for communal unrest in 2010, fs located in A) Jharkhand B) Chhattisgarh Cc) Orissa D) Bihar. $G09. QAyrarsA Gpbus Igewyras vscSGupp gorefl 24 md Ceslow BOps ans Epagawordshad sghars gyenco Ipudsgisiorgs 7 A) wash 2 fenwssi eos B) washir Qensgitteow Send C) Gpdlu Quicdor Gpherseet Alanis D) Badu Quad Gpberpec wrdpy Spernefisct Deo 95. 96. 97. 31 GsIx “Mrs. Indira Gandhi assumed the Prime Ministership on January 24." The government of Tamil Nadu has declared that day as A) Women’s Right Day B) Women’s Right to Property Day C) National Girls Children Day D) National Differently Abled Girls Children Day. sBlpspAle 2008 yd qain@ wut GanPe gru peat yon psd Ceres Asm KGL G a pusplesu Ggmisdlysrer Bio eg > A) ame dug B) gygent ©) uderp Dd) Pganei. In which place of Tamil Nadu, was Hi-Tech Weaving Park situated and started production from 2008 ? A) Kanchipuram * B) Arant Cc) Palladam D) Thiravarur os grtye rotor wedu amd) oeGmut 2009 & ucemnce Hs ApansH Hedy 200 Choc. Loo Sorey shsdongu Guppsi ? A) Scour B) - @esens Cc) Mivesciyst D) @ibsurr. Central bank of which one of the following countries, procured 200 metric ton of gold from the IMF in October, 2009 ? A) China B) Sri Lanka ©) Singapore D) India. Qiu Mere esse Voargen djpr ging «rg 2 A) 2008.09 B) 2009-10 ©) 2010-11 Dy) 2011 a {Turn over Gsix 98. 99. 100. 32 Platinum Jubilee year of the Reserve Bank of India is A) 2008-09 B) 2009-10 ©) 2010-11 Dy 2011-12. 2010 & sen Gpepélir Gung waserderer Do euflu algesi udp Qidureness Coss oPaus oplest unt > A) A. gyi gmes B) dpbsieyort C) Gamac.gmod qmodlgsyeorss =D) aytaureér Gort ‘The scientist of Indian origin who has been honoured with the Canada’s highest Civilian Award Order of Canada in 2010 was AY Cc. R, Rao B) Muthu Kumar C) Venkataraman Ramakrishnan D) Shrawan Kumar. moe Qeudss sangrg geovberadier orprG Bo, 2010 & erkigs per Guppy 7 A) @gesfeur B) eymbemis ©) wGefur D) syne. Where was the Commonwealth Health Ministers Conference held in May, 2010 ? A) Geneva B) Shanghai Cc) Malaysia D) Iran. 2012 gi gaingbarcr Osds aéu satrowiy eererur’@ Cumdgact HOLGUP aster ib ag 7 A) Under B) yg GLa ©) Gampny D) Qesnaner 2012 South Asian Federation Games will be held in A) Dhaka B) New Delhi ©) Colombo D) Chennai. xx (BOOT) (Sor) 33 six i ‘Ywsaomad Qpeiy Geers! —acimaens andHlud sors a Os. 101 A) eeu. aurea { ee | CO) Qur@et wrpmod a ltoap asrdsBub ! D) @euyfl eurddtud | 102, “pret prener Glechendn GledGeuct aap) geinorpeh aesflenrch’ — arcane, curédlusd | cord aOR. } A) Subsidy eurééluid: B) SpeSlerer curds Awd , C) Bpitdanbpy eurflusb D) gal amadlus. : 103. ‘fiHhenD prOr.crerin Dior epdorl Qing, sxbesbereid’ - eevee, esmédlurd 5 core wc OS. A) getraSeoen B) @eudlurédlua ©) Sptdepp eurédlu D)seenes eurédluid, 104. ‘giles un Eps smiSudser QoeaGun - rcuevens cursdluid cer a Hs. Ay aSleorr cursus B) smenoy ound CY xeon) onus D) gel eurédlub. 105. ‘feoiy euridl ugony grurt wach aaplernt? — acces am dh cod a Qe A) swppsadpy euréFlusd B) Gets as Flud ©) Slew sunéSlix D) Gptéeapp. 106. gereSlmen eurdduipeng, acto der A) orpermé wr® gLite gs B) wre women QL Galera C) wiper wren ge ments D) wr wrpeire gious g, 107, gereSlenen aurddlupeog, eters A) ager oC garner Gamilens B) sye6r ConSeoes oy crreit CO) acgenres Coraflenes specs D) Garde oc. Galggnen sysas 108. Dpalencars Ogm_engés wet le | A) Genbsensr Gphasmerdod abSépret emi B) pTurd pheBaes Gorpamers apIéeacuc gi OC) Sphasaesos aml Qoenpaemers apIeeror : D), srl @phagsseé Qerpacad abSppret xx [BOOT], [Turn over six 34 109. QsiiDoons GenpAnr_engs sen ple. A) 6p) ger @pberer B) er @pel Opialssrer ©) gear Puigret Ged D) ger GpSumd Opoutuce gy. 110. @euxiurt Qallenesr Genh@prenjé sein gle. A) umLene pret QuipplGene'r B) aera ure Qubptuceg) ©) pro un& @ubslBoncr D) unLé srdrenré Qudpiuceg: 111, Gampaca gepseudEd GensGpr_yrdes. A) Quss wend sdgy Sletener wand Sle B) ward Sg Gude wamb sdgy Setanar ©) Quis wend Ng Seinen wend acvgy) D) sagy Datanar Qubs wanid Sig) emi 112. @andamer gageuOsd Qerd@pr_praee A) “SF Qsigl seoourg 2 og eerpmt ausiapout B) custepeut, ‘2eg St Gens sinowrg’ cre ©) amoung: Le Bi Ger setiprt eucteapout D) ‘2m sjmourg ft Qang! cerpmt eusapeut, 113. Genbsanar gapieudsd) QarHOpn_graes A) seda1 cu KOUB Fone EMLGid GodAubessi B) STL Gb QmrdAlutinct seen eer evensituG C) sea am Gd air eau GosAuniecr D) QjesPuhsct ari Gio seneu eater evenrsciuGid. 114, Gerdacmen geQHEUGsd Gamb@pri gree. A) vamSdlér orainy wrenauildy @\eoug Cure B) wretryy @ketiugy Cures wesnpdletr wrrenansles ©) Qeiuigs Gunes worries wrevenBe samrainy D) — wesmpPSle’r wrenendlés torradenry G\sCuigl Cures xx (3007) (30r 35 118. Ganpaeer Quiieubsé GenbOprgrags. A) Ud8)s Gard Gani umgu secu Hat wel) eueres 2B) paises aoe ames uel Gants Gem umgu ©) ungu seer pall wall eres pall uss Gems Gomi D) Usgldsone: peal Geni Gems umgu we) asores 116. ‘ax Lib' + @uuwitd Garereller arene axl. A) Senemcv@umut B) uetny@uust c) @uu@uur " D) Qur@c Guus. 117. ‘wettpio’ — Ctuuitd Gardeetr aucnes xe A) arext@uuit B) Osmpf\p@uur CO) Aenana@uwt D) @QLs@uut. 118. ‘aff — Quarts Gensvollesr avers obo. A) @gmP@uut B) srei@uut oO) BeoOuwt D) uss. 119. ‘ere — Guts Gardsletr arene aif A) Gurec@uut B) Aoani@uut ©) OsmPpeuut D) sroxti@uust 120. "peirenn' — Quuttd Gemévedletr evens eft A) arec@uut By Aeamti@uust Ch vet yi@ aut D) QpmflpQuust 121. ‘em cargo GATES GS SonPsefa Qurger ung 2 AL Spiny B) every ©) warns D) wyammi 122, ‘Gor’ eeren GATEES GH GomPsgflu QunGer ung 7 A) smo B) gitdans ©) Ganbpaar D) — eeniowibenin. 123. ‘eu cored GENWHS HG SumPsefu QurBart ug > Ay sub B) ub ©) hu D) sLenb. (i308 ] (Boor) = (Turn over Gsix 36 124, ‘2 ergy GAT USE GE OompPse fu QumGer wags 2 A) pire B ap way D) pba. 125. ‘6! acre POT QSS HE GuTPseMw Qumgeh weg > A) 6Guyer B) ayacn ©) pafleuctr DI Qsdeuer 126. ‘gagamdr — QeGendidleer CutsGendenas eave. A) gis B) pte c) piea D) ptee. 127. ‘EpcLner — Qe@araer Caste erdroras seis, A wor By ata Cc) gt D) = Ur@se. 128. ‘eumpéone’ — Gse@erdroMen Caste@endronarss aired AD amg B) amfu ©) ami DI amp. 129. ‘unisg" —QeGanddetr Geuts@erdrenass oraiines. A) une B) unt c) ung D) ung, 130. -Gascsoigu’ — Go@ardcHetr Gout s@erdenord satin Al Gaising B) Gausi@au C) Gasing Dd) Gasings. 181. Gur@sgné Gerdenad sain ple : A) Plex B) oe Ch) pmveny D) wert getr. 132. Qureseré Qeramaé aainie : A) wsme B) 5m Cc) awa D) sus. 133, Gur@seré Qsr&mod cen AD a dpae B) an Googe ©) SparGnps D) se. é ‘ 37 Gsix 134, Qume@beré Gerdened sein les + A) Bube B) gute Cc) aaobs Dd) algis. 135. Gungsamd Ger&mas sim ple : A) yamités erator B) ures erator C) eyrenefluy erator i D) ys sir etonto. 136. Gent Udremod Denpammer Sige : A) ayainees Quatneanh effet siorenwrd eumpdlprets B) qetrsen Quatnagsb effet swranomis eumpdlpmtact ©) garaerb Ouarsad sfiflet sorewml aumpdlpret D) {erased Queirsand effet soremoml eumpdlng. 137. IpGumpPs Gardoarsp arddlusorg Cotoy Qeus : A) Qe Carole synpemrer Ceiuoucg B) Glaiy Cored aflur® Qotwouceg C) Geigy Carolee ugencs Getwcuce gy D). Qsip Carolla Igmiggcnen Qetucinig. ‘ 138. spAillony Goons Qsmoys Epite + A) Sgwet vehsGpusdles De Apds veoourag CgrenBleomt B) Agwert veigCsugsler Dad Apss vetoed Ceretplennt ©) AgEort valsGpupdletr Blas Sppsc uw _cura EpresBlenmt D) Ag yot vslsCpusPHer Hs Apbs umours Carenplenmt, 139. ayes Gempsordp arddugens Corto) Geis : A) aed Serres urgudat amid@uweoy ereogis B) aed Soler reiudsd suio@Lueny orapye C) Ae orwler angus anG@uweos eggs D) B96 Len Wler everrtesraid sent Guang erapgie. : 140. wg ut Seopact siip Asm eanrs ePidQe : A) ype ago B) upT 6gIed ©) ype sjontys D) yp ssp. xx [B07] {Tum over Gsix 38 141. Ucqud 16 2oter grdsmer Ulgud Id citer grordfutsenen Gung ssl. Ap ParGaancGetor GPUGsmend eraing sflurcr Seoeus GsthOs@ : utqueT ucmue 1 ore groméifiet 1. Qusfluygresoia a umpglusnt 2, @Saoun@ 2% Beadlprit 3. pdipeS@gre Q- Aacdyarei 4, peQendt & géifut Quust oDiedlovt. epuipee : 1 2 3 4 a 7 9 a a ee) ® 9 CG) so Do ae ® 142. ULgue 1 & sete Qenhaee Ucguo Td acter GensGureepibg. Fp CanQsciue eter EAUGS@erd Geraing oMurer Seocoup GsisOse : ucqué T ucqué I Qenres Qureyet 1. wf * gal 2. gal Bs. oiBloy 3. pir @. Goan 4. gle 5 eflucts eS peel 1 2 3 4 A) a B a 7 Bg ees 9 ao @ wy ea Die een) 39 six 143. ULqud 16 actor gros@e ULGUa I-A 2 ciot Gromdfuimard Gunes, &Bp DanGsacuc Geter GPUPsererd onainG efluren Seo cous Epi sOBO + GP Qaet > A) B) fo) D) 1. 2. 3. 4. utque I gre Cag uso 1 greméifert Apapblpsd she Sure Suwsch 91. ewptajercut APergoler soot Gore Fpminygrrevario sangreiler grat Bee a a &. Bon, Guflucdoreaeresr @. scligit penflends Gedeustr 5. Bg. af. sSuremagesonrt 144. ucwud Io aster Gerbaoe ucgue Id oot Genp@umgeisy, Ay an Gos Gater GAIscverd Garcia sflurear er cous CsipOs@ + < wlgué 1 Bere 1 @ut 2. Gee 3. yun 4, sue oiiipast 1 2 A ow Bw ® a & + De 5 xx [S001] SD we & uCqud I Guest OD getruio Soir #. Bos, 4 ® 2 a a. (30) {Tum over GsIx 40 145, ulgua I @ acter Gerbamer uquee Id acter GenbOurgenilbg, Sp DanGSacuc Ooter GHAGamerds QonainG oflurer Sencrus CotPOsG : 146. udigady 1 ucgwé I anes Qunget 1. preumt By. wa Gleid 2. Caciranw a BLS 3. wees @- Abed 4. for 6. pty. eiSoaet : 1 2 3 4 Ca ® a a et eee 3 cf a ® Qa & D) a ® 3 a warhGosee gipay can Jeo GuomPura ApAsLUGd gyre A) Bextuuplemyt> B) Cc) werAGosme D) 147. sdallild Cufucuer crosigy Cumbosuuest A) Bigeustepaut B) Cc) etbur D) 148. ‘witkemaGeupgrt crerpenpsaouQuest A) powmpaunt B) ©) Agwimaunpemt D) 149. “ur. Gs@angynner ceérperpsatueLert A) ump flu B) C) setreorprectr D) 150. ‘Quipeoas saub’ crenpy CumppsuGd grey A) dossd\ppmoesfh B) ©) waei@nacne D) xx [9007] (Son) Qye ood ameaSusienet Goqgiretine cub QereiGerarg. sot Gti dongs. Guujpeunt Deiurcenmpaunt. ungdipredr cuveadiginect SidUG\pmomuscsari> Sodudengio, 151. al GsIx ‘9G smb adlpp wdsesrh Cure’ — 2 esmourd SerdetGupss GurEsporents Gurgensis EpiPOsG4s : A) gbpew B) ues, C) Geubgenw D) pty. 152, ‘weteflgiet aein@emi Cure’ — easswund erdsi@upd GurEsporent Qungenstd BotsOsObe = A) wepbsi B) @auefloueure, ©) Qeerew D) ratte 153. Gary@sroupp Garg ure’ — eamourd Seresc@upd Sureseomrent QurGwons BeisAsGas : A) ages B) Qu €) @aubd) D) Gpreved. 154. uggo7d pr upe@a Guna” — eeveourd Sordai@up urespiorens AunGeons BoipAsGss : A) uudr Qupsé B) upd Qeiga , C) pubs Getreow D) weir Qeeronin. 155. ‘Laci Opes somigagy Cure’ — resound aeréac@upid Gurgeswrend GunGmard GatEOEOHs « A) womndlpadl B) vexQeunppao ©) wudedldoorenn D) wardsedeb. 156. Geauga Carcd Gautam uivaSler sngé Br Gedineow ured) - 19 cgKOseUe SOs. Al Gare — ange B) Gauges — Gad ©) nye — — QacueBeou D) Gauge — — umasier 157. wpPserar eomgrg: cudGensGeri ! wreguen Bopaimer Jacgargs gereowGur 7- sig cgesanue HOS. A) wpplsener = Leagrgs B) 2exyrg) — auxGengsGemts C) wp sflgsenen — — eudr@lergs emis D) — wpBlgencn — — phpevcoca xx [BOOT] [Turn over eee six 42 158. auuphech uflaMunt sod) enuumt - bt Beousanen Os. A) ufesPixumt — smuumt B) guste — ufleyAenuit C)yuptioet — send) D) sod) = sroumi 159. Apueorunesr QosieLg Gof 2 pusoruretr - dt Geouenar as. A) Agueownes = — a ppion_uiresr B) Aue uré — Geddes ©) Gaifles 2 umLunes D) Geadigs © — Goff. 160. padscinantar aegddle eomod ppsGacnp arf Geran - 949 Coreenenud Ox. A) gabecirenfls — — sxgadler B) padscirea — mod C) sps@acp — Caran@ D) pasacinonfld — — ppe@eerp. 161, ‘UpbunLa' — aeruser Gossomrs ePiy Sats. A) Seas é@ens B) clam usa ©) uainys@grane, D) aSlenerapbp, 162. ‘:encubsonb' — serupen Qasnoms Sli Spe. A) Q@QuLETe GU LaiTYysAgirons B) Lai SOgirans Ch GE@uTBP uae Di gous. 163. ‘ggsall — actus Qosscond Elin Goes. Al uairyg@erene B) 2asmog@prene ©) @G@ur@e. uss@ompl D) atbeowg@girens, 164, ‘2amapGgsir —acuger Qassems ePliy Cote. A) 2exong@geut B) Gaus ©) 2 euenwg@granss D) lnaxp@gnere xx (007) (or ee 165. 166. 167, 168. 169. 43 asix ‘pidu! —ashuper Qasacns ofiy Gate. A) Serer@ussid B) GamfipOuwt Cc) CuO née D) afle@ene. Sen 5Capp Senrensup Corse : ‘Pigore eerpgund seme sonbgmi A) dloond cong, sionbsrt > B) . Pagonds ecieurny eevee sorbent 2 CC) kwems oponbs.g wit 2 D) Agund ewes somber > Seo sab Derreoas CeriOsO : Posepores epagAou QupPwet SMe @yracivs soSiyrit? A) AgsedpTEd EpasFoow QupPweur wrt > B) Gags) - Quutdenemd 565. OC) Bile Qyretué seBymut qq Bs gre og 7 D) AGsSbpTOs OpagsSe UM Gas poomeudtt unt 7 Seo S@app Serrencus Serpe + ‘Comp @ndpr - uci sgpeeMust SpesBpud ureurevort. A) -Qumpl @migr - adieu ULL bg 2 fluost unt > B) Gump emily’ - ungds eypseOULL UCLD 7 CC) @mblyy -‘ereerupetr Gunget srotron > D) GpCpucs unesroonflesr Spiny wings 2 Soo Bay Serres Bi gAsG + ‘pmb ardSGeug) 2m Cugpeppars’ A) pmb erali@ag agbare 2 B) Lanett Guoom cetret Qaim Cousin Gib 2 C) pmb emiuIQaug riGurg 2 D) aL eed Cugpaspars grb erxIGAGpmor > (or) [Turn over GsIx 44 170. Heo s@app corres Cotb@QsO : ‘Qyromuconsslen gisraig eran wre sovkse sberemadro' A) abpysiaint ebpenecureugy matin tb 7 B) pbsroug ori og 7 C) —_ QprmonwosnsBleir erator ssesat wironeu 2 D) Qymomuenpde gbsraig sranLors qeowbpg og ? 171. ‘Cpr — aorgyd GuteGeradiesr Soraryhon Cri-@sOan. A) Sepp B) Gsbpri CC) Ssbpise D) Sepp. - 172. ‘gn —crengy CureCsraclier SererGuessang Cpth@sOes. Al 56 B) sipeust c) be D) apres. 173. @ee' — song Gaute Ger acer Dmeruamemyd Quue7s CstsQsoes. A) @edueut B) @ecrp ©) @séer D) @asguib. 174, ‘2.cmmtt? — cengpb CastéQar doer Semon opn otbOsOas. or) B) cemtég C) a tamnhygsmit D) nea. 175. ‘Ged’ — cong outsGoradier SmoaGusissas CoipOsOas. A). Qadir B) Geer Cc) Geedlenp D) @eexpretr 176. 9167 asflmenug Qenpacoer dt Gaus : A) wrenen, Bletrerd, ured, BLU B) Berard, wromesr, py, UTE ds C) ured, poy, Dleronsy, umreneor D) pty, ured, Deitaéo, wmencer xx OT] [sor] 17. 178, 179. 180. 45 Gsix 257 aMflosiug. Qorbacer Ft Geile : A) Opilige, Gupy, Coad, youd B) Gai, Opixge, Gupy, youd C) Cup, yam, Cosi, Apusd D) yao, Cosi, Cup, Opiige. 2187 arflensixag, Qompaer Ft Qows : A) Gpmplés, Qpaley, gréerd. gpa, B) Ogefla,, Oarfle, gpa), groa CC) grdab, gpa}, QampPlér, Opefley D) BDA, gréad, Qpofiey, Samper. 27 asfleosiuig enpaener st Gewe : A) Goat, Bereut, wr, wid B) onQ, doreut, wreuctr, oo CC) Benast, on, Lib, apieuetr D) WL, wn, Benet, piauc 2167 auflosinig Garbamer dt Geis : A) sty, Opiby, girby, gmby B) gry, pmby, pty, @piby C) pity, pmby, gmiby, @giby D) — gmiby, gry, @gidy, ger 181. Difference : aeiip ayidlos Genagise Epyren pls Gand BpiZQsOse. A) wmbpo B) Geupur@ C) wpe D) Sense ge. 182, Compared : carp gytidlee Qenaguae Cograr silpé Gerd CpibOsOae. A) giao B) gidose Cc) pipe D) « Gatbse. xx (8007) (Sor) { Turn over are Gsix 46 183. Wonderful: scip idlns erdogdse Coyron sillpé Qerd BethasGas. A Susse B) Apuyiile Cc) orreionylg, D) Coctrenwiblg, 184, Coinputer : cciip gadlad erdgids Gpyrax sillps Gard CatpOsOas. A) Ogrenacusl B) seefiounes ©) satledt D) @grenadsmdl. 185. Involvement : carp qAidlos Cardgag Corton slips Qerd GotsOsOes. A) Gamiy B) AGudEd Cc) eure D) urguos6. 186. g0) Coupum pig sflurer Qungs@ars Ears. pre rot A) preg, Sigerg, By gireom@ ve a a ud D) ami Lyi 187. go Baugum Diig) oflures Gurgaon Bots. urea upmar A) Gaus santteuest B) ves Gof ' ca ae upouer dD B® wide. 188. gol Carnum pig efurer QurGeans Cate Bear Gap A) 2emoy BLayst B) “Barro piso ©) seme, ompevetr DI Bere wore. xx (9001) a 189. 190, 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. a7 Gsix 99 Caupum ibs ofluresr Gungmens Cate. war's toeverts A) actenib auton B) an esi °° yf elgg D) — Qaustents yoo: 98 BaQur pipe eflures Qurgeners Cpe, wot we EE eae oy By un@ Ope c) er Sos D) cain@enialsg; aflyoucr Sify wwe : HengenLusreit A) per + Ger + qeer B) per@eo. + wer C) Bere + Rouse D) pore + Rem + weir, Sieg eqagie : ROpLL rein : A) Qyan® + o.O + qeng B) FQ +a Q + qeing C) AGI + gain D) Oy + Qain®. . SMbg areas : Sleuyqgaut A) Bet + siqgeut B) Ae + sont ©) Bley + cpu D) lw + 5¢peurt. Sissi eapsie = wamrqpaing A) wos + YanG B) vem + yainG CC) vam +2.cing D) vemris + xing. Mes og6s : péoeSleard AL pa + Qard B) petronn + leo ©) pew + Bend D) per + @emb. xx (B00I] (sor) [Turn over 196. aA te@erd sG6 : aust, A) surtay B) sma ©) Quuiey D) ampay. 197. apis@ors so% + Spseo A) aifiese B) Cc) @psse D) 198. aPite@era see : oPugmi > A) Gunpprgmt B) aigGeunt C) agBeuppe D) wéliueut. 199. eG teens Bee : Cetieno A) aysioreow B) Ogranwases CC) Gumtiso D) aumiien. 200. afite@ens sos + Sedrggere A) eure ei B) @bAlyzwsid CC) aSledorexerenty D) — werorgpjovesio. x1 [8007] aH 49 (SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK } 50 ( SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK ) GSIX Sasnsgiret B ay vas fey 2011 Gur: b> Qurgis silapid spines: Gee GOETBL Blau Sear gis Bua sas 300 Slembomse usedseudr tghecn sflamrsme sacred ughsc wbslu SPlqears: 1. Spe cSeens Cora:n) 99 Gopmorou (Sts nese m Cerchgitay, dare) Cen. ton QprAse a aSAsroLOLs MHaGbuy schovesiourent map ceojd Cogeapeous Pode ong SemsOsreiop Podebuguna Gouwa ochnaradinenA Deke Cuibpoo Ciogperpiles Reepaan sears Splbuh Bnbe GaicmOs. apandar Eeelwesde cS uiibas errant 5 cess Bnet) 200 eraamerd QorarOererg, 4. Beet Spree; [A]. [B]. [E] swear [B] oe: sree aifimeacls 4h cue Gore, (per ubobsle: Gp Go Goede acter oC pengti urteseqe) . aig, Coneare heong Gane 6cgpe a Tgs : Dioeoes edage ont van, Savagtet Gain numeree wakeraiiuiegr gofunas pin. Aen Agree “Rew saa pgle 2 amehentu upley sees. Guu wp\gir Gar Gare ole iGoner jock Gc CarchiGd: saipave emerge hpivek GeaartaprbatsGD. 7. Sait obey sat Gofowert se gaiunpmon, ake bpieie Green nabs Gioninerbore sgouipcten “Guteclo ces meg maemo Hip, mote a Ub—stpeoerd atereliors epgs wfc taGs, Gann. Katee Shin. ares Ghost ofioe arecd paslara atest sen. gare Gudorpproat 8. gaelurs allmnay> (A), (B). (C) wbph (D) won pre eSea_sanond Gan ciara Sheer pencussts gr 89, etiurer oSlem. en Leia Geigy allem garefles @Pldge ani. Gascter@io Bante Goh, Mluier sion oct go Gadclne Gpiugron oedema hod Doe ofurans Seng cangs Re Sibp olea_anw olen dere EPldged sire Goi Hee eygur a> Gacialbe GG) Gi, Sho anger: GoiSOnGan Barat hid. 2 heeporu OOrse i6Wevets sei Konet cleo Spica oAlggie oOo efunen olen acer coinademacous) OoTgbeg 9% Bnggereia gai@ane Gack wamavines egies 1A), (Bk (Cl wbpi [D] em prime SMe hed asiora GG Gacialag clon udan fist siuar ecg co aw 97 G6 Sacha che pO ule! eet Comeateons eBlpgie onc. GoiekiGd, Eamadigs : Ge lig coup GathOgsbe slim spin wisn GouemOo. ge Spucdde gauhe, Supae. Luiibere sie cde paprarpra ooninge. eanreatre fuser (B\ cence ohare Siecurse apsleme sms Daiee.ory esape att - BadiOo (Al MIC) (Di 10, Bosch Sand Gpreiier abou udshegind fear op DlbsGan sing. Sptay SenBsie Ais claws Opromiontas gas cia sroadur Estas ou sos ohio Gasiioa sOnne poasomac sar Sava) Cogbger Suet a ureynea chow fppeere semieaftauier2 Ga Oea Sh. Geico. Geiclans Garghimers Gate wasnt c ind atean ch eGig? Qennare 11, gbiaoel ecgAl intieape Saws BorguhS ‘aan A chepihe Gorunepmn nusturdags 12, Capon eiflect copurap SSlerré Cpianmerus (4Gaeed Hagsaenene Lara Ghd cor aBambainddne. : +19, Pi gad 100 Rerdnar sSemroadhes ybile cxety Gonghacniode eBlinwerce Serer 14, Gherrs Gpnedidé Denou ed evr, efi G6 anc Gar aro (ENGLISH VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS IS PROVIDED OW THE BACK COVER OF THIS BOOKLET ] Pilea abet bee | Tear nere Xx alainé Opn euler QoCogepmu samoretiurant mph aejba peed erg DO NOT TEAR THIS COVER OF THE QUESTION BOOKLET @ACe Aplasor x | F 1305, xx (S007) (30r) | Turn over

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