Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

Casey Olson
1. Key points of discipline plan
Having a discipline plan is important in helping control the classroom. Discipline
is what teachers do to help students behave acceptably in school. With that stated I
would have to say that I would try to accomplish that by always bringing a positive
attitude to class. Some key points that I would like my students to know would be what
the expectations are for me. Expectations on engaging in physical activity, giving
learning something new a chance, and the consequences to their misbehavior. I believe
that getting all the expectations out in the open the first few days of the term will
minimize the chance of misbehavior and help my discipline plan become successful. By
my discipline plan being successful my students will get the most that they can out of
physical education class.
2. Plan for the establishment of classroom expectations
With creating a positive learning environment I would lean on the theory of
behavior modification the most. I have seen that students behave differently in groups
then they do when they are alone. Students may be more willing to do more and engage
in activities if they are allowed to be in groups with other students that they already
know. It is important to know your students and understand that if working with people
they already know becomes a problems it is simple enough to switch their partner. I
would say that it is a privilege to work with a friend in the hope that I get my students to
be more active. I would hope that allowing my students to select their own partners I
would hope that they expectation is for them to be more active during the activities by
being allowed to work with someone that they know or are friends with. It will create a
learning for student that will allow them to get the most that they can while they are in
physical education class.
3. Consequences of misbehavior
It is critical for my students to understand me discipline plan. The number one
thing that I would stress to students it the zero-tolerance for inappropriate behavior. This
means that I have a zero-tolerance for disrespect/racism/put-downs/bullying/etc. in my
classroom. At the beginning of the term I will state the consequences for these behaviors.
I will also have poster with the information on the outside of the gym to remind students
of this rule. Students who break the zero-tolerance rules will be sent straight to the
principal for disciplinary actions as well as a punishment from me. Which I will include
a letter sent home to their parent or guardian and will include detention. I will send them
with an assignment to complete at detention. It will be a short essay about how their
actions may have had an effect on someone else.
Along with my zero-tolerance policy I will have a disciplinary hierarchy that I
will share with the class at the beginning of the term. I will give each student a hand out
of what the hierarchy is that way there are no questions why a student has been given the
punishment they are receiving. I will also send a sheet home to the parents of guardians
that if they are receiving a letter from me they know what level there child has reached
and what the next level will entail. I will have four levels to my hierarchy. Level one

being the lowest and level four being the most severe. Level one with start with a
classroom warning. Level two I will pull the student aside and express that they are
reaching for level there on my discipline hierarchy and explain why. Level three I send a
letter home to their parent explain that their child has been given the proper amount of
warnings, as well as a sheet explain the consequences of misbehavior. Along with the
letter home I will give the student a short assignment. Lastly, level four the student will
be given detention and the principal will be involved.

4. Plan for recognition or celebration of good

Under this section I would have to say that I would use positive reinforcement. I
personally will come with a positive attitude in hope that it will reflect off onto my
students. I will give smiles and compliments to my students when they have completed
something that I have asked for them to do. I believe that if my students had a positive
day I might reinforce it with a fun activity. You guys had a great and positive day today
so next class we will a fun activity day with some of your favorite activities. It is
important to have positive reinforcement because I think it keeps the students engage
because they look for the positive reinforcement because it makes them feel good and
5. Plan for involvement of parents
It is important to keep parents aware of what is going on in the classroom and
what opportunities that there may be to be physically active outside of school. It will be
important for me to keep parents updated on the upcoming events in the community. It is
a great chance for their child to become active outside of the physical education
classroom. Including the parent with any opportunities in the community or through the
school district will help the information get home and it promotes the health at home
aspect for their children as well as themselves. If there is an upcoming event that there
would be the need of volunteers then it would be a great idea to send out a letter or email
explaining all the details of what the event needed help with and what exactly the student
would be doing. It is always a great idea to get parents involved.
I would use email if the parents or guardians have one it is the best way to get
information out there and quickly. The most important thing when it comes to email is to
never get into a chain of email with a parent. Whether it is a good conversation or a bad
one. Email can be misunderstood and taken the wrong way if there is more than one or
two emails back it is always a good idea to pick up the phone and give them a call.
6. Procedural Rules or Protocols
a. Monitoring Attendance
It is important to check attendance before the class period begins. I think
the best way to check attendance in a timely manner is to have the class line up in
alphabetical order. It is an easy way to go down the class list and see who is in
class and who is not. Marking absent or present on my sheet and then proceeding
on with the class period.
b. Equipment use and care
Equipment is essential to the progress of physical education class. With
the use of equipment it all depends on the activity that we are doing for that day.
There are many different pieces of equipment that could be used in the physical

education curriculum. When it comes to equipment there are three major

categories that come to mind.
Organization of Equipment
Organization is a big part of equipment as well. It is important to have a
plan for organizing the equipment in a way that makes it safe for the students. I
will have sections of the gym for different parts of the activities. Not only is it
important to have the equipment organized in the gym, it is also very important to
have the storage room organized. It makes it easy to know where the equipment
is that is needed for the day. Also makes it easy to put away equipment when the
day is done.
Procuring and putting away
Procuring and putting away equipment is important for the safety or the
equipment and the students. Whatever unit is going on for the day it is simple
enough to go into the storage room and retrieve whatever is necessary for the day.
When procuring the equipment it is important to know what all you need when
going into the storage room. Which includes what is needed for the warm up
game, the skill development, the main activities, and in some cases a cool down.
When putting equipment away it is important to make sure that everything in the
gym space is picked up. When replacing the equipment back into the storage
room it need to be placed exactly back where it was found that way the next time
the items need to be used it will be easy to find them. With the storage room
being organized and putting items back where they belong makes it easier to
procure equipment and in a timely manner.
Reporting broken equipment
When retrieving equipment for a unit it is important to check it before
student use. This way if there are any problems with it or if the equipment is
broken it can be reported to the school district. If it is possible to find a way to
replace the equipment or order something knew. Also, it can be removed from the
unit that way there is no safety concerns with the students use it for the unit.
c. Starting/Stopping activity
Starting/stopping cues
It will be important to explain all the rules and directions for the activities
before allowing the students to start the activities. When starting activities I will
use the terms such as go, you may begin, and whenever you are ready. This
always the students to understand that it is time to begin the activity. When it
comes to stopping the activities I will use the terms of stop what you are doing,
and freeze. Hearing these terms the students will know that it is time to stop the
activity either because there are more instructions to be given, it is time to move
on to the next activity, or the class period is over. For middle school students
simple cues will do the trick.
d. Safety/Accidents/Injury
With safety there are three categories that I will be looking at. Injuries,
accidents, and school emergencies. With injuries it could be anything from a
student getting hit in the face with a ball to a broken bone. With accident these

will occur more with the breaking of equipment being use. Finally with school
emergencies would be more in the case of a fire, tornado, or school lock down.
With accidents them many thing that I want students to know is if there is a
situation that equipment breaks and becomes a safety issue for the students to
leave it and notify the instructor as soon as possible. This way it can be taken care
of and the possibility of injury is eliminated. With injuries and school
emergencies there will be three codes that are established on the first day of
classes. These codes will be practiced throughout the year that way the students
will remember them in case of an emergency.
Code Blue will be in the case of an injury that is severe enough that the
area we are using needs to be cleared. I will yell out code blue and the remaining
student will have a designated area they will line up so that they are out of the
way for any personal that need to get the student that is injured. This could
happen both indoor and outdoor.
Code red is in the case of a school fire. Depending on the school protocol
I will have the student follow that plan. Before we walk out the nearest exit I will
have the student fall into a line and once we are outside I will check for
attendance to make sure that all of my student are there. It will be important to go
over many exit plans from the school in the case that we may be in different
locations at the same time.
Code black is in the case of a tornado. With this emergency the school
may have a policy once again on where I would need to take my students. I
would follow policy but once again I would have my students in a signal file line
and makes sure that they were all there once we got to our designated area. I
would have the student line up against the wall in the proper formation until it
was safe to return to class.
7. Behavior rules
a. Individual
o During physical activity
With physical activity I know that students are going to perform at all
different level. There will be students that struggle with certain activities and
others students that will excel. I ask of my students to do the best that they
are capable of. I do not expect my students to be perfect or professional at
the activities that we will be doing. I just ask the student to be respect when
learning knew information and be respectful when they may already know
how to play the activity because there may be someone who does not know
how to play. It is important to refresh the rules even if it is an activity the
students have been playing for years. Having a positive attitude when
playing all activities even if they are good at them or struggle. In the case of
misbehavior during physical activity I will refer back to my discipline
o Turning in assignments
Turning in assignment is something that should be addressed right away. I
will have a policy that turning in assignment should be on time. A student

will who turns in late work without a reliable excuse (sick from school,
doctors appointment, etc.) will be deducted and the grade will start at B
instead of and A. If the student is out of school for any reason that is and
excused absence by the office the assignment will not be held against them,
but they are responsible to get the assignment turned in as soon as they return.
If the work is late the student is responsible for turning it in I will not be
looking for them. It is also the students responsibility to contact me about
missing work I will not be seeking out the student.
b. Group
o Locker room pre/post activity
In the locker room there is a zero-tolerance of misbehavior or
bullying. I expect the students to get dress and proceed out to the gym as
soon as possible. I should not take more than 5-7 minutes for students to
get changed. When the students come out before the activities of the class
period start I expect them to sit in alphabetical order and be ready to take
attendance and listen for instruction. Once we have completed the class
periods activity I expected the students to put away any equipment and
help get ready for the next class to use the equipment. If it is the last class
of the day I expect to have help putting away equipment properly in the
storage room. I expect all students to behave proper and help when asked.
o During physical activity
In physical education class there are many activities that students
will be working in partners of in groups. I expect during physical active
time that the students work together and have respect for one another.
Every student is going to have different abilities. I expect students to have
equal participation during group activity. Singling out student by not
including them because they are not at a high skill level is not showing
good behavior. In an incident like that I will refer to the misbehavior
discipline hierarchy for consequences. I hope that all students try their
best and work together with their group members. Dealing with group
dynamics it is important to know your student and understand how they
would work with each other in a group setting.
When it comes to teaching high school students I believe that
the classroom management plan that I have created would apply to
them. I know that the expectations that I have created in this
classroom management plan would be what I would expect for my
high school students. I know that I would have the same zerotolerance policy and the four levels to my discipline hierarchy. I
believe the only thing that may be different is how fast they
students at the high school level approach the consequences of the
discipline hierarchy. When I think about that and what I could do to
help change that I think about the presences that I would have with
middle school students versus high school students. Taking my
height into consideration when teaching high school students and

sometimes even middle school students is really when I need to

establish my presence as there educator. It is important to
establish a sense of authority straight out of the gate. The only
thing that I would change drastically would be the sense of my
presence as a high school physical educator.

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