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Cancer Stats
Astellas Oncology
Twice as Many Campaign

Nation-wide Stats
Over 230,000 men diagnosed this year (Urology Care Foundation, Know Your Stats) /(220,800
according to the American Cancer Society)
Estimate of 27,540 men will die from prostate cancer this year (Urology Care Foundation, Know
Your Stats)
Most common cancer in men in U.S.- 26% out of all cancer diagnoses (American Cancer Society,
Second leading cause of cancer death in men- 9% of all cancer related deaths (American Cancer
Society, 2015)
1 in 7 men will be diagnosed in his lifetime (Urology Care Foundation, Know Your Stats)
For men over 65, the rate increases to almost 2 out of 3 diagnosed (Urology Care Foundation,
Know Your Stats)
African American men twice more likely to develop, and be diagnosed, with more deadly forms
of the disease, roughly 1 in 5 chance of developing prostate cancer in lifetime (American Cancer
Society 2015)
People who have close relatives (such as father or brother), chance of cancer also increases
(Urology Care Foundation, Know Your Stats)
Probability (%) of developing Prostate Cancer by age: (American Cancer Foundation, 2015)
o Birth to 49: .3 (1 in 304)
o 50-59: 2.3 (1 in 44)
o 60-69: 6.3 (1 in 16)
o 70+: 10.9 (1 in 9)
o Birth to death: 17 (1 in 7)
5 year survival rates (%) by stage at diagnosis, 2004-2010 (American Cancer Foundation, 2015)
o All Stages: 99%
o Local (confined to the organ of origin): >99%
o Regional (has extended beyond the organ of origin into surrounding organs/tissues):
o Distant (has spread throughout the body via direct extension, discontinuous metastasis,
or via the Lymphatic system: 28%
Incidence and Mortality rates by race/ethnicity, 2007-2011. rates per 100,000 people (American
Cancer Foundation, 2015)
o Non Hispanic White: 133.2 (I)/ 20.7 (M)
o Non Hispanic Black: 219.8 (I)/ 49.8 (M)
o Asian/Pacific Islander: 72.5 (I)/ 10.0 (M)
o American Indian and Alaska Native: 97.9 (I)/ 21.2 (M)
o Hispanic/Latino: 120.2 (I)/ 18.5 (M)

Illinois Specific Stats

In 2014, 1,190 people died from Prostate Cancer (American Cancer Society 2014)
Estimates of approx. 8,140 will be diagnosed in Illinois (American Cancer Society 2015)
Estimates of 1,080 will die this year (American Cancer Society 2015)
Incidence rate of 149.4 per 100,000 people in Illinois (American Cancer Society 2015)
Death rate for Prostate Cancer from 2007- 2011 was 23.3 per 100,000 people (American Cancer
Society 2015)

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