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Addressing our Nations Methamphetamine Public Health Crisis

Fact Sheet Edits

The Scope of the Problem

Through September 2014, Kentucky law enforcement agencies seized 375 meth
labs in the Bluegrass State, making it the ninth highest in the nation.
The Birch Reduction Method (also known as the Nazi Method) is the most
common way to produce methamphetamine in Kentucky, where local
independent dealers and criminal groups dominate the sale of the drug.
According to data from SAMHSAs National Survey on Drug Use and Health,
meth use is on the rise, with more than 100,000 more people using
methamphetamine in 2013 than in 2012.
Nexafed is available in ________________Pharmacy locations, among other
independent and chain pharmacies.

-Most common way:
In the News:
Meth Manufacturing low, crystal meth use climbing in community
(, 2/16/2015)

The Scope of the Problem

Through September 2014, Tennessee law enforcement agencies seized 813

meth labs in the Volunteer State, making it the second highest in the nation.
75% of the lab seizures in the entire Southeast area are conducted in
According to data from SAMHSAs National Survey on Drug Use and Health,
meth use is on the rise, with more than 100,000 more people using
methamphetamine in 2013 than in 2012.
Nexafed is available in ___________________________, including ____ Meijer
Pharmacy locations, among other independent and chain pharmacies.


% of lab seizures in Tennessee:
ee_drug_facts/tennessee_factsheet/ (theres also a lot of other short facts on this

In the News:

North Carolina
The Scope of the Problem

Through September 2014, North Carolina law enforcement agencies seized 435
meth labs in the Tar Heel State, making it the seventh highest in the nation.
Law enforcement authorities have reported that in some counties of North
Carolina, meth has replaced crack cocaine as the number- one drug of choice
because it is becoming increasing available, costs less, and produces longerlasting effects than cocaine.
According to data from SAMHSAs National Survey on Drug Use and Health,
meth use is on the rise, with more than 100,000 more people using
methamphetamine in 2013 than in 2012.
Nexafed is available in _____________________ including ____ Meijer
Pharmacy locations, among other independent and chain pharmacies.


Meth as number one drug:

In the News:

South Carolina
The Scope of the Problem

Through September 2014, South Carolina law enforcement agencies seized 272
meth labs in the Palmetto State, making it the tenth highest in the nation.
The Birch Reduction Method (also known as the Nazi Method) is the most
common method of producing meth in South Carolina. This method does not
require extensive knowledge of chemistry and uses no heat, making it very easy
to set up labs.

According to data from SAMHSAs National Survey on Drug Use and Health,
meth use is on the rise, with more than 100,000 more people using
methamphetamine in 2013 than in 2012.
Nexafed is available in_________________, including _____ Meijer Pharmacy
locations, among other independent and chain pharmacies.


Most common method:

In the News:

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