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Creating a Forum

1. Click Control Panel.

2. Click New Forum.

3. Click Group / Forum and select the relevant Forum Group that this forum will sit under.

Copyright 2014 MyHub Intranet Solutions Limited

4. Add a forum name in the Forum Name box.

5. Check the Inherit Group Settings box. Note this will replicate the settings from the

6. Click Save.
Your Forum Group (Sales) and Forum (Products Needed) have now been created.

7. To add a Topic to the Forum click on the Forum Name (in this example - Products
8. Click Add New Topic.

Copyright 2014 MyHub Intranet Solutions Limited

9. Complete the relevant sections.

10. Click Submit.

11. The Topic has been added.

Copyright 2014 MyHub Intranet Solutions Limited

12. Click Forums to return to the forums list. Note - click Control Panel in the future to add
Groups, Forums and edit settings.

Copyright 2014 MyHub Intranet Solutions Limited

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