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Upper body aerobic fitness comparison between two

groups of competitive surfboard riders

A Mendez-Villanueva 1,2, J Perez-Landaluce I, D Bishop 2, B Fernandez-Garcia 1,
R Ortolano 1, X Leibar 3 & N Terrados 1
1Departamento de Medicina Deportiva, Fundaci0n Deportiva Municipal, Aviles, Asturias, Spain. 2Team
sport Research Group, School of Human Movement and Exercise Science, The University of western
Australia, Perth, Western Australia. 3Centro de Perfeccionamiento Tecnico, Fadura-Getxo, Basque
Country, Spain.

The aim of the present study was to evaluate and compare the upper-body aerobic fitness
characteristics in 2 groups of competitive surfers with different performance levels. Thirteen
male competitive surfers performed an incremental dry-land board paddling test to
determine specific peak oxygen uptake (~O2peak),peak power output (V~peak)and the exercise
intensity (/oQO2peak)that elicits a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol.L-1 (LT4). As a
measure of surfing performance, surfers were ranked according to their competitive season
performance (RANK) and divided into 2 groups based on their performance level; European
top-level competitive surfers (ELS) (n= 7) and regional level competitive surfers (RLS) (n= 6).
EES reached significantly higher values than RLS for Wpeak (154.71+36.82 W vs.
117.70-+27.14 W; P= 0.04) and LT4 (95.18-+3.42 %'~O2peak vs. 88.89+_5.01%VO2peak; P= 0.02)
but not VO2peak (3.34_0.31
L.min- 1 vs. 3.40_0.37
L.min- 1 ; P= 0.77). Spearman rank order
correlation analysis revealed that RANK was inversely correlated with Wpeak (r= -0.65, P--0.01) and LT4 (r= -0.58, P= 0.03). These findings identify that better surfers have higher
upper body aerobic fitness scores.
(J Sci Med Sport 2005;8:1:43-51)

S u r f b o a r d riding (surfing) is an i n t e r m i t t e n t s p o r t activity t h a t is c h a r a c t e r i s e d
by periods of h i g h - i n t e n s i t y exercise i n t e r s p e r s e d with low-intensity activity
a n d rest p e r i o d s k High p e r f o r m a n c e in s u r f i n g d e m a n d s a variety of fitness
r e q u i r e m e n t s , d u e to t h e different n a t u r e of t a s k s t h a t s u r f e r s h a v e to p e r f o r m
while surfing. Lowdon 1 h a s described the s u r f i n g p r o c e s s as follows: first of all,
the s u r f b o a r d is p a d d l e d o u t in the p r o n e position in order to r e a c h the takeoff area. O n c e there, a n d w h e n a s u i t a b l e wave a p p r o a c h e s , s o m e powerful
s t r o k e s are n e e d e d to give the b o a r d e n o u g h s p e e d to be g a t h e r e d u p b y the
swell. W h e n t h e wave h a s b e e n c a u g h t , it is n e c e s s a r y to s t a n d u p quickly a n d
to p e r f o r m m a n o e u v r e s on t h e b o a r d until the wave b r e a k s on the beach. At
this point, t h e s a m e p r o c e s s h a s to be r e p e a t e d m a n y times t h r o u g h o u t t h e
s u r f i n g session. In addition, while competing, s u r f e r s c a n p e r f o r m u p to six
h e a t s lasting 2 0 - 3 0 m i n in t h e s a m e d a y 2. Therefore a good aerobic fitness level
m i g h t be a n i m p o r t a n t general index of fitness d e v e l o p m e n t in surfers.
While the s u r f i n g p r o c e s s h a s b e e n described, t h e r e is very little i n f o r m a t i o n
d o c u m e n t i n g t h e time s p e n t in different activities d u r i n g surfing. Meir et a13
have categorised surfing activity d u r i n g one h o u r of practice as: a r m p a d d l i n g

upper body aerobic fitness comparison between...

(lying in a prone position), stationary, wave riding and misceUaneous (other

activities such as ducking u n d e r white water, wading, etc). The percentage of
time spent in each activity was determined, with a r m paddling being the most
time-demanding activity, representing 44% of the total time. Remaining
stationary represented 35% of the total time, while wave riding represented 5%
of the total time. It has also been reported that board a r m paddling can require
up to 10 rain of s t r e n u o u s work 4, combined with periods of duck-diving with
breath holding u n d e r broken waves 1. Taking into consideration that professional surfers can spend between 1 and 5 hr daily training in the water 5,6,
the total a m o u n t of time spent arm paddling can be very high. Thus, surfing is
an intermittent activity that is unique since, in terms of time, propulsion is
provided mainly by the arms.
During high-intensity intermittent exercise, performance depends on the
subject's ability to recover from the periods of previous work 7. Aerobic fitness
is believed to play an important role during high-intensity intermittent exercise
performance, by m e a n s of speeding up the recovery processes 7. Therefore, it
has been suggested that a well-trained oxygen transport system is beneficial to
maintain a high physical performance t h r o u g h o u t extensive periods of highintensity intermittent exercise. However, to date, all previous research has
employed lower body exercises (ie, cycling, running) a n d / o r "lower body"
athletes (ie, soccer players). No previous s t u d y has investigated the possible
role of aerobic fitness on intermittent exercise performance in a n upper-body
sport-specific trained population.
With the professionalisation of surfing, there has been an increased interest
in the possible contribution of various fitness parameters to overall surfboard
riding performance. However, few studies have assessed the physiological
profiles of competitive surfers 8. Therefore, the purpose of this s t u d y was: a) to
evaluate and compare the u p p e r - b o d y aerobic fitness characteristics in two
groups of competitive surfers with different performance levels; and b) to
determine the possible contribution of u p p e r - b o d y aerobic parameters to
surfing performance.

Thirteen competitive male surfers participated in this study. The surfers were
divided into 2 groups based on their performance during the competitive
season. Seven of the surfers, E u r o p e a n top-level surfers (EES), were ranked by
the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) in its E u r o p e a n branch. The
other 6 surfers, regional level surfers (RLS), were successful at national and
regional level. All subjects h a d a wide experience in surfing practice
{mean+SD), 13.7_+3.5 y and 11.3_+2.6 y for ELS and RLS respectively (P> 0.05).
Data from the whole group were collected over a period of 3 m o n t h s
(September-November), at the end of the competitive season. All subjects were
fully informed of the experimental procedure prior to their providing written
informed consent to participate in the study, which was approved by the
Institutional Research Ethics Committee. All subjects u n d e r w e n t a physical
examination including resting electrocardiograms and medical history, prior to
testing. Physical characteristics of the subjects are presented in Table 1.


Upper body aerobic fitness comparison between...

Age (y)
ELS (N= 7)
RLS (N= 6)


Mass (kg)




Total 6
skinfolds (mm)*

Days of surfing
per week

* Sum of abdominal, suprailiac, triceps, subscapular, thigh and medial calf skinfolds.

Table 1: Subject characteristics (mean +_SD)for European level surfers (ELS)and regional level surfers

Figure 1: Position adopted by the surfer during the board paddling exercise test.


A modified calibrated, wind-braked k a y a k ergometer (Modest, Odense,

Denmark), t h a t has been previously described 9, was used to carry out the
physiological testing. The kayak bench was replaced by a surfboard that was
fitted and fixed at the rails. Likewise, the kayak paddle was removed and 2
h a n d paddles were attached. These modifications allowed subjects to adopt,a
prone position which resembled their actual surfing paddling position (Fig. 1)
and perform a simulated surfboard a r m paddling exercise by pulling alternately on the h a n d paddles. Power o u t p u t for each stroke was continuously fed
back to the surfer via a calibrated digital display and therefore the surfer could
achieve the target power o u t p u t by freely-chosen alterations in stroke force,
length or frequency.
Continuous i n c r e m e n t a l exercise t e s t

Before testing, all surfers were allowed to become accustomed to the laboratory
environment, equipment anti testing procedures. All tests were conducted
between 09:00 hr and 13:00 hr. The subjects were asked to.follow their normal
diet and refrain from any form of intense physical activity for the 24 hr prior to

Upper body aerobicfitness comparison between...

testing. A continuous incremental exercise test was performed to determine

p e a k oxygen u p t a k e (VO2peak), p e a k power o u t p u t (V~peak) a n d the exercise
intensity t h a t elicits a blood lactate concentration of 4 m m o l . L 1 (LT4). After a
gentle free w a r m - u p out of the ergometer, subjects c o m m e n c e d a 5-rain w a r m u p at a self-selected intensity followed by 2 min of passive rest. The continuous
incremental test was t h e n p e r f o r m e d and consisted of 4 3-rain stages at 30, 45,
60 a n d 75 W. After the fourth workload, subjects were a s k e d to perform a
m a x i m a l effort to volitional exhaustion, which was always within 2 min. Blood
s a m p l e s were t a k e n in the last 30 s of each workload, at e x h a u s t i o n a n d during
the recovery at 1, 3, 5 a n d 7 m i n until the highest lactate concentration [Lac-]
b(peak) w a s achieved. ~02pea k was determined to be the highest VO 2 m e a s u r e d
during 30 s. Wpeak w a s defined as the highest power o u t p u t achieved.

Measurement of gas exchange and heart rate

Expired air w a s continuously m e a s u r e d b r e a t h - b y - b r e a t h with a V m a x 29 gas
analyser (SensorMedics, Yorba Linda, CA, USA). The s y s t e m w a s calibrated
with k n o w n gases before e a c h test following the s t a n d a r d calibration
procedures, according to the m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s m a n u a l . The h e a r t rate (HR) was
monitored continuously during the test and recorded at 5-s intervals using a
short-range telemetry s y s t e m (Polar 4000 Sport Tester, Polar Electro, Kempele,

Blood lactate
Blood lactate concentrations were determined using capillary blood samples
drawn from the ear lobe. The blood s a m p l e s were immediately analysed by
duplicate by m e a n s of a n electro-enzymatic m e t h o d (Analox Micro Stat GM7,
Analox I n s t r u m e n t s Ltd., London, UK). Blood lactate concentrations (mmol.L 1)
were plotted a g ~ n s t exercise intensity (V02). The percentage of p e a k oxygen
c o n s u m p t i o n (/0VO2peak) at which p l a s m a lactate reached a concentration of
4.0 mmol.L -1 was calculated for each subject by linear interpolation.

Surfing performance
As a m e a s u r e of quantitative performance, surfers were r a n k - o r d e r e d (RANK)
according to the scores achieved during the competitive season.

Statistical analysis
Mean_+standard deviations (SD) are presented for each parameter. After having
checked the equality of variance, using the Levene test, a n i n d e p e n d e n t
S t u d e n t ' s t-test was u s e d to determine a n y significant differences between the
physiological c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the two groups. S p e a r m a n r a n k order
correlation test and linear regression analysis were p e r f o r m e d to determine the
relationship between the different maximal physiological values and s e a s o n
ranking. Statistical significance was accepted at P< 0.05.

There were no significant differences in any of the physical characteristics
between the 2 groups (Table 1). The m a x i m u m u p p e r - b o d y aerobic fitness
values obtained from the two groups during simulated paddling on the board
ergometer are presented in Table 2. A significant difference was found for LT4
(P= 0.02) between ELS (95.18+3.42 %VO2peak) and RLS (88.89_+5.01 /oVO2peak).


Upper body aerobic fitness comparison between...

(L'mln "1) (mL'kg'lminv)
ELS(N= 7) 3.34-+0.31
RLS(N= 6) 3.40+0.37






HRmax [LaC'lb(peak)
(beats,rain"1} (mmol'L"1)

50,00_+4.67 1t5.92_+12.92 95.18_+3.42' 154.71+_36.82' 176+13

47.93-+6.28 118.11+23.11 88.89-+5.01 117.70+27.14 183_+13


* Significant difference between ELS and RLS (P< 0.05)

Table 2: Values of peak oxygen uptake (~/02peak), peak pulmonary ventilation (~/Epeak), exercise
intensity at which blood lactate reaches a concentration of 4 mmolL 1 (LT4),peak power
output (Wpeak), maximal heart rate (HRmax) and peak blood lactate concentration [Lac']
(b(peak) for European level competitive surfers (ELS)and regional level competitive surfers
(RLS) (mean+_SD).

!50 '
y = 0.086x ~ 96.963
r = - 0.67, P= O 01

!00 '









Season Ranking
Figure 2: Scatterplot of peak power output (Wpeak) versus season ranking (RANK) for competitive
surfers (N= 13). Also shown is the linear regression line.

Wpeak was also significantly higher in E I ~ t h a n in RLS (154.71+36.82 W vs.

117.70_+ 27.14 W; P= 0.04). No significant differences were found for ~O2peak
(L.min ]) (P= 0.77), VO2peak (mL-kg.min -1) (P= 0.52), VEpeak (P= 0.83), HRmax (P=
0.31) or [LaC-]b(peak) (P= 0.40) between the 2 groups.
RANK obtained at the end of the competitive s e a s o n significantly correlated
with Wpeak (r= - 0.67, P= 0.01; Figure 2) a n d LT4 (r= - 0.57, P= 0.03; Figure 3).
There were no significant correlations between a n y of the other m e a s u r e d
variables a n d RANK: VO2peak (L.min -1) (r= - 0.14, P= 0.64}; VO2peak ( -1.
min -1) (r= - 0.23, P= 0.43).

Upper body aerobic fitness comparison between...



y = O,O09x + 87 507
r = - 0.57, P= 0.03









Season Ranking

Figure 3: Scatterplot of lactate threshold at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmoI.L1 (LT4) versus
season ranking (RANK)for competitive surfers (N= 13). Also shown is the linear regression

The m a j o r finding of this s t u d y was t h a t Wpeaka n d LT4 values were statistically
higher for the group of surfers with greater competitive ability. Moreover, RANK
showed a statistically significant correlation to b o t h Wpeak and LT4 in these
g r o u p s of competitive surfers. This s u g g e s t s t h a t specific u p p e r - b o d y
physiological attributes m a y be i m p o r t a n t for competitive surfing performance.
These differences in s o m e physiological profiles m a y reflect a superior genetic
physical e n d o w m e n t or simply t h a t better surfers are exposed to more
d e m a n d i n g training workloads (despite a similar volume or time on the water).
In recent times, m u s c u l a r power h a s emerged as a n i m p o r t a n t d e t e r m i n a n t
of athletic performance. Although no prior s t u d y h a s reported a r m power
o u t p u t values in competitive surfers, a r m power h a s previously b e e n
i n v e s t i g a t e d in o t h e r " u p p e r - b o d y " sports, s u c h as s w i m m i n g 1 a n d
kayaking 11. Hawley et aP studied the relationship between a r m power and
swimming performance. Among other results, they reported a significant
correlation (r= 0.70, P< 0.001) between a r m power o u t p u t achieved during an
a r m cranking maximal s u s t a i n e d power o u t p u t test and 4 0 0 - m freestyle swim
time. Similar conclusions were reached by Bishop 11, who reported a high
correlation (r= - 0.75, P< 0.05) between the power o u t p u t achieved a t the end
of a k a y a k e r g o m e t e r i n c r e m e n t a l t e s t a n d 5 0 0 - m f i a t - w a t e r k a y a k
performance, in a group of high level female k a y a k paddlers. Our d a t a showed
t h a t Wpeak values were - 2 5 % (P= 0.04) higher in ELS c o m p a r e d with RLS.
Moreover, data also revealed t h a t Wpeak was the m o s t strongly correlated


Upper body aerobic fitness comparison between...

variable (r= -0.67, P= 0.01) with RANK. T h u s , along with other u p p e r - b o d y

sports (eg, swimming, kayaking), Wpeak is greater in better p e r f o r m e d surfers
and is correlated with performance.
To date, only 2 previous studies have investigated u p p e r - b o d y aerobic
characteristics in surfers 3,4. In the earlier study, c o n d u c t e d by Lowdon et al 4,
12 collegiate competitive male surfers were selected to carry out 3 different
laboratory tests (tethered b o a r d paddling, a r m c r a n k i n g a n d treadmill running)
in order to determine the m o s t suitable test to m e a s u r e aerobic power in
surfers. Their VO2pea k values were 2.87+0.04 L.min 1 a n d 2.95_+0.38 L.min -1, for
tethered b o a r d paddling a n d prone a r m c r a n k i n g respectively. Meir et al 3, using
a swim b e n c h maximal test, evaluated 6 male recreational surfers a n d reported
m e a n values of 3.75+0.83 L.min -1. We found VO2pea k values of 3.36_+0.36 L.min
1 for ELS a n d 3.39-+0.37 L.min -1 for RLS, which fall within the range of those
previously reported. There was however, no significant difference in ~02pea k
values between surfers of different competitive levels.
It h a s previously been reported t h a t i m p r o v e m e n t s in "702peak are related to
the volume of training u n d e r t a k e n 12. Thus, the s i m i l a r ~02pea k values between
EkS and RLS m a y reflect similar training v o l u m e s of the 2 groups. Due to the
n a t u r e of the sport, it is extremely difficult to p l a n 'on-water' w o r k o u t s in
surfing. Environmental conditions, m o r e t h a n surfer's election, dictate the
length, intensity and frequency of the training load during surfing practice and
are likely to be independent of p e r f o r m a n c e level. Moreover, during training onwater, the majority of surfers are not conscious t h a t they are training and m o s t
of t h e m would consider this time as fun r a t h e r t h a n as training 4. Consequently,
surfers do not often use training diaries to register a n d control their daily
workouts. It is, therefore, difficult to a s s e s s the actual physiological strain
imposed on the 2 different groups of competitive surfers investigated in the
p r e s e n t study. However, we could not find a n y difference in the degree of
involvement of the 2 groups of surfers, who participated in surfing a n average
of 6 days per week. These figures are similar to t h o s e reported in previous
studies 5,6. For example, Lowdon et al 5 reported a n average of 4 hr of surfing per
day for a l m o s t 3 days per week in a s a m p l e of 346 surfers of varying age,
experience a n d competence. Lowdon et al 6 found t h a t a g r o u p of 97
international-level surfers s p e n t an average of 3.7 h r of surfing per day for m o r e
t h a n 5 days a week. Thus, similar c o m m i t m e n t to the sport, regardless of level,
might a s s u r e similar global training stimuli and, therefore, the development of
similar physiological a d a p t a t i o n s between s u r f e r s of different competitiye
levels. Indeed, a review of the available literature 8 h a s s h o w n that the highest
VO2peak values have been found in a group of recreational surfers 3. Therefore,
our results, a n d those previously reported, suggest t h a t the s i m i l a r ~O2pea k
values reported m a y reflect the similar training volume of the 2 groups.
Longitudinal studies, however, are n e e d e d to e v a l u a t e aerobic fitness
a d a p t a t i o n s due to surfing training a n d their relationship to the actual
physiological load imposed during surfing practice.
Another i m p o r t a n t d e t e r m i n a n t of e n d u r a n c e p e r f o r m a n c e is the lactate
threshold (LT). Despite the controversies a r o u n d the different m e t h o d s used to
interpret the changes in lactate levels during athletic performance, LT4 r e m a i n s
an informative m e a s u r e m e n t a n d it h a s b e e n s h o w n to be a good index of
e n d u r a n c e p e r f o r m a n c e 13 and intermittent exercise p e r f o r m a n c e 14. LT h a s not


Upper body aerobic fitness comparison between...

been extensively investigated in u p p e r - b o d y exercise 15, a n d this is the first

s t u d y to report LT values in surfers. Our data showed t h a t surfers with greater
competitive ability (ELS) have values of LT4 significantly higher (N7%; P= 0.02)
t h a n surfers of lesser competitive ability (RLS). F u r t h e r m o r e , LT4 was
correlated (r= -0.57, P= 0.03) with RANK. Therefore, in c o n t r a s t to our results
for VO2peak, the better surfers in the present s t u d y also tended to have higher
LT4 scores.
The unpredictable n a t u r e of the surfing environment m a k e s it very difficult
to isolate aspects related to surfing performance. Success at a n y level requires
extremely high technical a n d skill abilities. However, specific physiological
attributes m a y also be i m p o r t a n t 8. Higher levels for u p p e r - b o d y LT m a y
inlluence surfing p e r f o r m a n c e in a n u m b e r of ways. First, surfing is a n intermittent sport, in which periods of high-intensity are followed b y lower intensity
activities or rest 3. The literature suggests t h a t LT4 is a n i m p o r t a n t physiological
d e t e r m i n a n t of p e r f o r m a n c e during lower-body high-intensity intermittent
exercise 14. It is likely t h a t the LT is also an i m p o r t a n t d e t e r m i n a n t of u p p e r body intermittent performance.
It also possible t h a t a higher LT m a y delay fatigue-induced i m p a i r m e n t s in
fine m o t o r skills. Many studies have reported interference effects in m u s c u l a r
p e r f o r m a n c e w h e n a previously inactive muscle group was exercised 16A7. For
example, Yates et all7 reported a significant decrease in the isometric end u r a n c e of the elbow flexors (ie, holding 40% of m a x i m a l voluntary contraction
to exhaustion) w h e n a prior dynamic leg exercised was performed. Riding a
wave, standing on a s u r f b o a r d a n d performing radical a n d controlled m a n oeuvres with the m o s t speed a n d highest degree of difficulty s e e m to d e m a n d
superior fine m o t o r skills of the whole body and adoption of a p o s t u r e which is
dominated by isometric fixation of the legs and torso. An upright wave ride is
always preceded by a period of a r m paddling, as h a s b e e n previously described.
Thus, a greater LT m a y reduce the effects of prior a r m paddling on dynamic leg
p e r f o r m a n c e during wave riding.
Surfing p e r f o r m a n c e is also widely influenced by different external conditions
s u c h as wave size, type or length, n u m b e r of participants, etc. The b e s t surfers
might respond quickly to all those external challenges and a high p s y c h o m o t o r
p e r f o r m a n c e could be a n i m p o r t a n t d e t e r m i n a n t of competitive success.
Indeed, Lowdon and P a t e m a n is, after studying the physiological attributes of a
group of 76 male international professional surfers, have suggested t h a t rapid
m o v e m e n t r e s p o n s e to an external stimulus is an i m p o r t a n t d e t e r m i n a n t of
surfing skill, due to the significant correlation (P< 0.05) found between
p l a c e m e n t in a professional contest and m o v e m e n t time response. Research
h a s shown t h a t an increase in exercise intensity a n d / o r duration leading to
fatigue can be a c c o m p a n i e d by a decline in skilP 9 a n d i m p a i r m e n t s in
p s y c h o m o t o r and ~cognitive function (ie, reaction time, whole body m o t o r
skills) 2. Thus, greater LT might allow surfers to delay the onset of fatigue,
preserving skill and reducing the likelihood of decision-making errors.

Although a m o n g the surfing c o m m u n i t y , physiological attributes have always
been relegated to a second plane, in favour of technical skill, this s t u d y
suggests t h a t parallel to technique acquisition, competitive surfers develop

Upper body aerobicfitness comparison between...

specific physiological adaptations. Specifically, aerobic peak power output

(Wpeak) a n d the exercise i n t e n s i t y c o r r e s p o n d i n g to a blood lactate
concentration of 4 mmol.L -1 (LT4) are higher in better performed surfers and
are correlated with surfing performance (RANK). Whether these are causal or
casual relationships needs further investigation.

The a u t h o r s wish to express their sincere gratitude to all the surfers for their
participation and maximal effort and to Julio Calleja for his e n t h u s i a s m and

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