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Block Lesson Plan

Atomic Testing at Bikini Atoll

Teacher: Ms. Chelsey Silva
Date: February 26, 2015 (Thursday)
Class: Social Studies (Pacific Island Nations, cores 1-5)
Level: Grade 7
- Students will learn about Problems of the Pacific from multiple perspectives, and
decide whether the actions taken were justified or not. Students will learn through
a variety of instructional strategies, and work individually, in table-groups, and as
a whole-class group.
- Students will demonstrate understanding of contemporary issues in the Pacific
Islands by:
A) Analyzing what happened on Bikini Atoll
B) Listing the effects of the atomic bomb on the Marshall Islands and its people
C) Sharing their opinion(s) on the testing, both at the beginning and at the end of the
D) Drawing connections between the atomic bombing of Bikini Atoll and present day
life for the people affected by it
Common Core Standards:


Engage effectively in a range of collaborative

discussions (one-on-one. in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7
topics, texts, and issues, building on others
ideas and expressing their own clearly.
a. Come to discussions prepared. having read
or researched material under study; explicitly
draw on that preparation by referring to evidence
on the topic. text, or issue to probe and reflect
7.SL. on ideas under discussion.
and Collaboration 1
b. Follow rules for collegial discussions, track
progress toward specific goals and deadlines,
and define individual roles as needed.
c. Pose questions that elicit elaboration and
respond to others questions and comments with
relevant observations and ideas that bring the
discussion back on topic as needed.
d. Acknowledge new information expressed by
others and. when warranted. modify their own

Writing Research to
History Build and

6Gather relevant information from multiple print

8.WHST.8 and digital sources, using search terms


effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of

each source; and quote or paraphrase the data
and conclusions of others while avoiding
plagiarism and following a standard format for
6Draw evidence from informational texts to support
8.WHST.9 analysis reflection, and research.


GLO #1: Self-Directed Learner

GLO #2: Community Contributor
GLO #3: Complex Thinker

Hawaii State Teacher Standards:

- Standard 4: Content Knowledge
- Standard 5: Application of Content
- Standard 8: Instructional Strategies
- The anticipation guide will assess student knowledge both before and after the
- Teachers computer
- ELMO projector
- ELMO remote control
- Bikini Atoll PowerPoint*
- Anticipation Guide*
- Teachers video review game question sheet*
- Video on the bombing of Bikini Atoll
- Mini white boards (5; 1 per table-group)
- Expo pens (5; 1 per table-group)
- Pencil/Eraser
Time Frame: 1 core class period (approx. 45 minutes)
A) Introduction
1. Have students take out their class binder, find their seats, and write down the
homework - while students are doing this, teacher will distribute worksheets *see
anticipation guide attached*, mini-white boards, and expo pens (2 mins)
2. Go over the topic, standard, learning target, and daily agenda (2 mins)


Do Now activity Instruct students to check off whether they agree or disagree
with each of the statements on their worksheet based on their prior knowledge,
remind them to do only the before row (2 mins)

4. Review game policies and procedures - Students will work as table-group teams.
There will be 6 questions; everyone on the table has to write once (for classes
with absent students, 1 student will have to write twice) Teacher will ask
questions about the video once its finished. As soon as the question as read, the
table has to come up with the answer together, and the writer has to write it on
their mini-white boards as fast as possible. The first table to raise their board in
the air, with the correct answer, wins the point. If no groups raise their boards
with the correct answer after 30-45 seconds, we will move on to the next
question, for sake of time. Although it will be intense and exciting, students
should talk only loud enough so that the people at their table-group can hear
them. There will be no yelling or screaming. Students may not look to other
tables for the answer, or use any type of written notes; this is to test the
knowledge theyve gained from watching the video (3 mins)
B) Developmental
5. Play the Atomic Testing on Marshall Islands video on screen (5 mins)
6. Play the video review game Questions will be read aloud and teacher will keep
a tally of points *see question sheet attached* (10 mins)
7. Collect mini-white boards and expo pens, open up PowerPoint on Elmo *see
Bikini Atoll PowerPoint attached* (2 mins)
8. Teacher will read through the PowerPoint, calling on students randomly to help
read the slides (may open whole-class discussion about the information and
images, questions may be asked and answered throughout) (15 mins)
9. Teacher will explain the homework Students will complete explanation and
agree or disagree after rows. They will use the two-page guided reading
attached to the back, as well as what they learned through the PowerPoint, to
help with the evidence section (3 mins)
C) Concluding
10. Clean up and dismissal
Students will carry over what they learned through the video and PowerPoint into their
homework assignment, tying it in with prior knowledge, thoughts, and feelings about the
Management Considerations:
- Review game policies and procedures before the game starts, to improve
classroom management and create a fun, but controlled learning environment

Use clicker/laser while going over the PowerPoint so that the teacher will
constantly be moving/walking around the classroom to ensure everyone is paying

- Will add/delete/change elements of the lesson after the assessments are in
- Minor tweaks will be made if necessary after each class period
- Consider how the time frame worked with the fast pace of the bell schedule
- Sped students and low-level learners will receive a printed copy of the
PowerPoint slideshow to follow along with
- By utilizing many forms of instruction, students multiple intelligences are utilized
and each unique learner can retain information (Visual: Video and PowerPoint,
Auditory: Listening for the game question as well as their peers and teachers
discussions, Bodily/Kinesthetic: playing the game/writing, Intrapersonal: Do
Now activity/homework, Interpersonal: working in table-groups)

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