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SULIT oran Nama 7 Kelas He 50 minit (KOLABORATIF BERSAMA AGENSI Mutiara PDCA) PERCUBAAN UJIAN PENCAPAIAN SEKOLAH RENDAH 2014 BAHASA INGGERIS. Kertas 1 Lima puluh minit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan. 2. Jawab semua soalan. 3. Tiap-tiep soalan dikuti oleh tiga atau empat pian jawapan, iaitu A, B dan Catau A, B, C dan D. Bagi setiap soalan, pilin satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan jawapan kamu pada kertas jawapan objektif yang disediakan, 4. Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat, Kemuaian hitamkan jawapan yang baru. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 16 halaman bercetak 014/1 PERCUBAAN@MUTIARA POCA 2014 [Linat halaman sebotah ‘SULIT SULIT 2 oun Questions 1-4 Choose the best word to complete the sentence. Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 1. Jagit uses some dried to start the fire A twigs B branches © shoots D stems 2 Dal A vest wore a to keep her warm. B_ blouse © cardigan D dress 3) MrWongis an__ who writes adventure novels. A astronaut B optician © author D artist 4 The athlete is practising in the {or the competition next month. A. auditorium B laboratory © dispensary D gymnasium 014/1 PERCUBAAN@MUTIARAPDCA 2014 suur ‘suULIT 3 o1ant Questions 5-7 Read the text and choose the best phrase for each of the pictures given, Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diber. Aisar and his family are at a supermarket near their house. Aisar's mother is looking at some. also wants to get a pair of ‘Then, they go home happily. 5 A cupsand mugs 7A. sandals for herself B plates and bowis, B sneakers for himself cups and saucers © boots for himself D plates and saucers D_ clogs for herself 6 A tobuyahammer B_ tosella screwdriver © tocollect some nails D_ toborow a saw 014/1 PEACUBAAN@MUTIARAPDCA 2014 [Lina halaman sebelah ‘SULIT SULIT 4 ora Questions 8-10 Choose the best answer for each of the pictures given. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diber. 8 A Ainais playing in the rain B > Itis raining cats and dogs. © The gitl is walking home in the rain, D She is walking on the road, A Aiif and his sister are iting the turtle. B__ The turtle is laying eggs on the beach. © They are playing with the turtle. D The git is sitting on the turtle. 014/1 PERCUBAAN@MUTIARAPDCA 2014 suuT oan 10 He is at a barber shop. The doctor is standing near the patient The dentist is checking the boy's teeth, ¥Jazian is sitting on the bench vom> (014/1 PERCUBAAN@MUTIARAPDCA 2014 [Lihat halaman sebet ‘SULIT Questions 11-15 ont Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture. Pilih jawapan yang terbalk bagi situasi dalam gambar. ‘Watch out! The floor is slippery. =a — { “Tmaping to vow wp! 014/1 PERCUBAAN@MUTIARAPDCA 2014 o> cour ooo, When did you buy the mop? Certainly. twill, Why is the floor slippery? We want to talk to you, Thank you, teacher. Let's go home. We are sory. Are you alright? What are you waiting for? Do you need a plastic bag? ‘You should take care of yourselt oun ‘A. The cat is trying to get out ofthe drain, B_ The cat is swimming in the drain, © I don't like that dirty cat D_ The cats so cute. We should help the poor 15 Are you the manager? Please make your order. | want to see your manager. Excuse me, where is my order? twill be ready in five minutes, 014/1 PERCUBAANeMUTIARAPDCA 2014 {Lihat halaman sebelah su suLiT 8 onan Questions 16-20 Choose the best answer to complete the sentence, Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 16 7 18 19 Khairul—: Would you like to message? Farizah —: Yes. Please _ her that | called. A. leave tell B leaves , tells Cleave , tells Deft, told ‘She slept well last night, 2 A. doesn't she B_ wasn't she © didn't she D_ isn'tshe He did not tell his mother the good news ___he was in a hurry. A but Band © as D or The scouts went trekking the jungle and jumped____ the fallen tree. A. into, onto B along, over © across , into D in, over 014/1 PERCUBAAN@MUTIARAPDCA 2014 ‘suur suLiT 9 onan 20 “Has anyone seen son's wallet? driving license was in it,” said Puan Nooraini A my, Her B my, His me, Her D IHis Question 21 Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word. Pilih perkataan yang sama erti dengan perkataan yang bergaris. 21 Every Monday, all the pupils assemble in the hall A call B collect © gather D- arange Questions 22-23 Choose the answer with the correct spelling, Pilih jawapan yang mempunyat ejaan yang betul 22 The National ‘was chosen from 514 compositions. A. Anthem B_ Antem © Antehm D_ Antheme 23 Exercising is a to keep us fit and healthy. A routine B routine © ruotien D tutine 014/1 PERCUBAANEMUTIARAPOCA 2014 [Linat halaman sebelah ‘SULT SULIT 10 Questions 24-25 Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation, Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul. 24 A 8 c D vooP “Don't run around the school compound.” Said the teacher “Dont run around the school compound’, said the teacher. “Don't run around the schoo! compound” said the teacher. “Don't run around the schoo! compound,” sad the teacher. Congratulations! You have passed the exam with flying colours, ‘Congratulations, you have passed the exam with flying colours congratulations! You have passed the exam with tying colours. Congratulations! you have passed the exam with fying colours. 014/1 PeRCUBAAN@MUTIARAPOCA 2014 oun ‘suuT SULIT u oan Questions 26 ~ 30 Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fil in the blanks in the passage that follows. Berdasarkan gambar, pith jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikutnya Encik Haris and his family are in front of their house. They are sitting on a near a big shady tree. A__ ____is on the branch of (26) (7) the tree and itis eating a fruit hungrily. The fruit skins are falling (28) the ground. Encik Haris's daughter who is in a_ is tying to get (29) them. Her parents enjoy ____ her, (30) 014/1 PERCUBAAN@MUTIARAPDCA 2014 (Unat halaman sebelah ‘SULIT 5 n voor stool bench couch char bat bird monkey cog, squirrel into onto from off com> 014/1 PERCUBAAN@MUTIARAPDCA 2014 voa> voor on cart stroller walker trolley watch watches watched watching suur SULIT 3 onan Questions 31 ~ 35 Read the poster below carefully and answer the questions that follow. Baca poster d ibawah dengan tel dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya. SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN SURLA ANNUAL CANTEEN DAY Contribute While We Eat Drinks Songs and Games sald by members of cubs and societies ach ci il sl ferent fod Encourage toby coupons = Coupons willbe exchanged or food ‘Song ard gare both wil also be st up Coupons ar sold by the class teachers belore and onthe Canteen Day ‘Cu wth the mast collection ef coupons wil get special hamper 31 The Canteen Days carried out every A year B_ month C week D day 014/1 PERCUBAAN@MUTIARAPDCA 2014 [Lina halaman sobolah ‘suuT 2 34 35 4 oan ‘The word encouraged can best be replaced with _ A force Border © demand D persuade During the Canteen Day, the pupils will A. sing songs while they play games B contribute food while they eat © sell food to buy coupons D sell food to their friends From the poster, we know that ‘A. the same variety of food are sold by each club B_ teachers-in-charge of societies are selling the food coupons © club with highest collection of coupons is declared the winner D_ coupons are definitely exchangeable with money ‘When are the coupons sold? A Before and after Canteen Day B During Canteen Day only © After Canteen Day D_ Before and on Canteen Day 014/1 PERCUBAAN@MUTIARAPDCA 2014 su SULIT 18 oan Questions 35 - 40 Read the text below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. ‘Baca petikan di bavah dengan tel dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya. PULAU PINANG : A gang involved in the house break-ins had been crippled with the arrests of two men by the Sg. Pinang police yesterday. The gang were involved in at least five house break-ins in Pulau Pinang. They would conduct surveillance and break into the houses when the ocoupants were not in. | Police raided a warehouse in Tanjung Tokong at about 3 a.m. and detained the two men. They seized stolen items including televisions and air-conditioning units worth over FIM 65,000.00. They also recovered various modified house break-in tools such as master keys, portable oxy gas, welding and cutting tools in the rented house. The suspects had also installed a close circuit television system at the warehouse to monitor outsiders. 36 The police arrested > a group of house owners B atroop of police C agang of thieves D_ acrowd of occupants 37 These items were seized by the police. A. televisions and master keys B cutting tools and warehouse: © welding tools and rented house D air-conditioning units and surveillance items (014/1 PERCUBAANEMUTIARAPDCA 2014 [Unat halaman sebolah ‘SULIT SULIT A B c > 16 ont 38 The word they in the passage refers to police thieves suspects occupants 39 How many men did the police arrest? A B c D two three four five 40 Which of the following statement is true? A B c D All the suspects caught by the police are from Sq. Pinang. ‘The thieves fied and escaped from the warehouse, ‘The police recovered RM 65,000.00 from the thieves. ‘The occupants were not in when the break-in occurred. KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT 014/1 PeRCUBAANEMUTIARAPDCA 2014 suuT

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