Wage Gap

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Chasing the American Dream: Wage

Although one may think
that our society is doing
much better than before
because our economy is
in a better condition that
is not the case when it
comes to equal pay
between men and
woman. According to a
new study from the
Institute for Womens
Policy Research, the
gender gap has gotten
bigger recently, even
though in the past three
decades it seemed to be
shrinking(Khimm ,
2013). In an news article
entitled Study:
Womens wages
are falling even
further behind
mens from the
Washington Post
,it states that in
2012, women
working fulltime earned 80.9
percent of what
men earned in terms of
weekly pay a drop from
82.2 percent in 2011,
according to the IWPR
study(2013). However,
although women are
much closer to earning
the same as men,
progress has been
slowing down which
setbacks the day we can
see woman being paid
history we can list
numerous ways in which

woman have been

deprived of their human
rights. Some of the ways
woman were deprived
from their rights was:
receiving education,
being paid fair wages,
being eligible for good
working positions,
wearing short or tight
clothing, being able to
vote, being ab le to own
property, being able to
express themselves in
any way whether it is
through makeup or other
ways, and even not
being able to have say or
control in their body

such as not being able to

take birth control. For
non-white woman this
struggle was even worst
before because not only
did they a face
adversities because they
were woman, but they
were colored ladies in a
time of racism. Today
woman fill in more jobs
and universities than
man, however they are
still not paid the same as
men still. Hispanics are
now becoming the
majority quickly, so

Latina woman are seen

through statistics to be
rising up in the
workforce but just like
all other woman they are
not paid the way they
should be. Although
racism is not overtly
seen in todays society,
it certainly still does
exist. Sexism still exists
and it can be proven
through the wage gap.
African Americans are
unfortunately at the
lowest socio economic
level. However, it
should not be a
competition to see
whether men get paid
more than woman or
vice versa, or even
that one ethnicity be
paid more than
another, but that
people of all sexes
and ethnicities are
paid fairly. This then
means that no wage
gap should exist.
Women in the
United States today are
paid on average 77 cents
for every dollar paid to
men -- the gap is even
worse for AfricanAmerican and Latina
women -- and according
to a new study done by
the National Partnership
For Women And
Families, the genderbased wage gap exists in
every state and in the
country's 50 largest

In the Huffington post
article entitled ,
Women And Equal
Pay: Wage Gap Still
Intact, Study Shows, it
states that the median
yearly pay for women
who are employed full
time is $11,084 less
than mens salary ,which
has major implications
for their ability to afford
essentials like food,
housing and gas(2013).
This is very unfortunate
because this study
shows that this unequal
pay is attributed to all
women throughout the
country, whether they
have higher educational
backgrounds, degrees,

are single mothers, or

are very poor.
Susan B.
Anthony a civil rights
activists, as well as a
supporter and activists
for womens rights once
said The day will come
when men will
recognize woman as his
peer ,not only at fireside,
but in councils of the
nation. Then, and not
until then , will there be
the perfect comradeship,
the ideal union between
the sexes that shall result
in the highest
development of the
race. I think that
Susans quote is true and
I believe that all women
are anticipating the day
when we women get

paid the way we should

be, the way our
ancestors and fellow
women activists have
fought for. Women are
very intelligent,
beautiful, strong,
independent, and hard
working. Women
deserve to be paid fairly,
and the day when men
recognize women as
their equal needs to be
now in present day. It is
now that all the woman
of the world your sisters,
daughters, mothers,
grandmothers, and
wives must gather
together and fight for the
wage gap to end and
demand to receive our
rights of equal pay

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