Vega, Angel Assignment 5

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In this essay Ill be discussing and explaining my view on corporal

punishment, specifically, spanking your own kids. This is a topic that has struck
dissonant chords among the parenting community which begs the question, to
spank or not to spank? I believe that there is no need for spanking and that there is
a definite harm done to children who are disciplined in this manner, primarily, in an
emotional sense. I will be addressing three common arguments that are presented
in favor of spanking which are as follows in no particular order:
1. Spanking promotes a development of respect towards the parents and
2. Punishing children by spanking them lets them know that they did
something wrong and decreases the chances of children doing it again.
3. Spanking is the most effective way to punish your children.

Before I start I wish to make it clear that my argument is based on the

assumption of a scenario where the child is at an age where he/she is capable of
understanding the feelings of other people. An appropriate age to assume is 5+
years of age.

Spanking promotes a development of respect towards the parents

and others.

When a parent spanks their child they do so because of something the child
did or failed to do that had a bad outcome according to the context of the parents.
Richards (2009) explains in an online article that in the eyes of parents who are for
spanking it is temporary pain for long term effects. I agree with their statement
but not in the same context. When a parent hits their child the child experiences
fear and associates that feeling with the parent.

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