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CEP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: __Janie Turner and Jessica Wang

Level: ____I4___
Date/Time: __2/19/2015____
Goal: Using present perfect to talk about experiences
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. Write a formal letter
2. Answer questions about their experiences in job interviews
Theme: getting a job_____________________________________________
Extensions: ____________________________________________________




Review or Preview (if


Linking & Transitioning to rest of

lesson: What is something that youve
done that you are proud of?


5 min

Activity 1:

1.1 Pre-Stage: Tell the students

something Im proud of, and then ask
them the things they feel proud of.
Introduce that present perfect tense
could be used for talking about



Transition to #2:__Now that

you know how to use present
perfect to talk about your
accomplishments, Janie is
going to teach you how to
use it during job

1.2. During Stage:

Present possible topics on the slides,
have the students to write 3 things they
have achieved and 3 things they
havent. Remind the students to use
present perfect tense and already, still,
Then ask students to work in pairs and
discuss the things they wrote on the

1.3 Post-Stage:
Have the students to make a dialogue
talking about life achievements. Ask
the audience to write down the
achievement they heard.
Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer
feedback: students would be able to use
present perfect tense and the words
already, still and yet to talk about their
Activity 2:

2.1 Pre-Stage: You decide that you

dont have time to go to English class,
Present perfect in job
so you want to hire a private tutor to
teach you English. Look at these two
applicants for the job. What is their
experience? What are some questions
you could ask? [Let students
brainstorm some questions] SGW:
Transition to #3:__When
Discuss: Which one would you hire?
you are trying to get a job or Why?
go to a university, you have
to write letters or e-mails to
ask questions and to
2.2. During Stage: Look at the
introduce yourself. Jessica
questions that you came up with. What
will teach you how to write are your answers to these questions?
these kinds of letters _
Can you change them for your job?
Write down what you would say.
2.3 Post-Stage: Role-play a job
interview. One student asks the
questions and tries to think of more.
One student answers the questions.




Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

feedback: Have students give feedback Ss-Ss
about their interviewee. Would you hire
them? How can they improve their
interviews? (Whats something they
did well? What can they do better?)
3.1 Pre-Stage:

Activity 3:
Writing a professional letter

Teach students what should be included T-SS

in a letter of inquiry. Have the students
find the parts, such as body, greeting in
a letter of inquiry.

Transition to #4 or Wrapup:_What else do you need

for a job interview? Now
that you know how to write
a professional letter, Janie
will talk to you about
resumes and cover letters

3.2. During Stage:

Have the students look at informal and
formal emails, tell them the format of
an email.
3.3 Post-Stage:
Have the students to compare the letter
and email.
Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

Activity 4:
Resume and cover letters

Transition to Wrap-Up:

4.1 Pre-Stage: If you want to get a new T-Ss

job, how do you tell the company that
you are interested? How do you tell
them what your experience is? What
should you bring to a job interview?
4.2. During Stage: Show students
example resume. Ask them what they
think of it. What they like, what they
dont like, and why?


4.3 Post-Stage: Have students write the individual

beginning of their own resume of their
own resume.
Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer
feedback: a resume


Lesson Evaluation Procedures:


Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):
Post-Lesson Reflections:

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