Stem Fuild Guide Intro

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Field Study

Zach Roesler
Objective- To analyze, record, and learn about a certain
environment that we chose including all of the plant,
animal and weather changes over the 6 weeks.
Site Description1:30-2:30
Animal sightings- deer skat, small lizards,
butterflys, dragonflys, minnows, water
skeeters(Gerridae/adult water skeeters), spiders,
mosquitoes, roly polys(pill bugs).
Sun Patterns- about 75% shade with spots of
sun, mostly cool, light breeze.
Smells, Sounds- feces smell, unclean water
smell, bay leaf smell, mosquitoes swarm sounds,
trees rustling lightly.
Prediction- I believe that the water level in the river will rise
or most likely recede, that the large mass of Blackberry
bush will grow largely and possibly develop blackberries,

and lastly that the grassy plants will grow approximately 3


Site Overview-

Site Data- on next document

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