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Evette Cruz: FHS US History

Thursday, April 23
US History - Thursday, April 23rd 2015

Contrast the background and leadership abilities of Franklin D. Roosevelt with those of
Herbert Hoover. [Assess the importance of the individual in history] National Center for
History in the Schools Grades 9-12 History

SS.10.3.15 Explain how programs in FDR's New Deal, including the FDIC, AAA, WPA, and
Social Security, attempted to resolve problems brought on by the Great Depression Hawaii
Grade 10 Social Studies

Todays lesson is designed for students to use Close reading strategies. Close reading
allows students to search a text for particular pieces of evidence. This lesson also aims to
build upon the skills students need to tackle difficult text. Close reading provides students
with strategies to complete complex texts rather than shutting down or choosing task

Student can explain the differences between conservative and liberal
perspectives/values/philosophy. Students can identify the plans that FDR proposed to
solve the problems of the Great Depression.

Self-directed learner- Students must complete their own annotations using marking the
text strategies. after I model first.
Quality Producer- The level of effort they put into the CLOSE reading strategy will help
them locate and use strong textual evidence.


Collaboration: This lesson was developed through the efforts of both myself and Jennifer
Grant, another US history teacher.
Instructional Planning: The original prompts that accompanied the two texts did not align
with the close reading strategy. I created different guiding questions so that the task was
specific enough and more challenging to match the marking the text strategy.

Students will answer three separate guiding questions for Hoover and FDR.
Students will then complete a short argument writing assignment using the They say, I
say template.

- Hoovers excerpts (2)
- FDRs Inaugural Speech 1932
- White paper/Kahoot ? (Will choose method depending on time)
- Video on Dust Bowl from (For Period 1 and 3 did not get to it yesterday)

1. Students will be asked to bring out their homework.
2. I will open the class for questions or concerns on the homework. If none, I will collect.
3. We will review the philosophy of liberalism and conservatism.
4. Students will be reminded that political philosophies impact the lives of the American
people, as individuals, groups, and businesses.
5. Students will start to source the two, year, purpose, audience.
6. I will read first, asking students to highlight words they dont know (IDKs). We will
discuss these paragraph by paragraph.
7. Then students will be instructed to underline C/L points of views. Then, they will answer
the guiding questions.
8. Repeat process for FDRs speech.
9. Additional task for FDR.. Students will need to circle emotional words that evoke hope.
Answer questions.
Students choose a sentence to describe the role of government according to Hoover and
FDR and place them on the board under the right philosophy. (May modify and use kahoot
to compile student responses and have them choose either conservative or liberal.)
Then, students will be asked a final question, using Kahoot...who will they vote for Hoover
or FDR?
Show the landslide election map...tell students about tomorrows lesson on FDRs New
Homework: They Say, I Say

Period 4 has a higher number of ELLs. I will lengthen the modeling stage of the lesson to
ensure they can complete the readings in a timely manner. I will discuss IDKs with the
students thoroughly, drawing pictures and checking for understanding as I work one on
one with each table.

Close reading can be very teacher heavy in the sense that there is more modeling than
my usual lessons. I need to keep energy levels up and use the popsicle stick method, or
risk losing students attention. I am planning to use the first 15 minutes of class to review.
This enables the habitually late students to not fall behind and I will not have to repeat

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