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Lesson Plan Date: 4/11/14 Tuesday’s Group Time: Lhour Unit: Geography Lesson # 4 Level: 4 I Curriculum ‘Year 4 Level Descrbton ‘The Ean’ envionment sustain al fe focuses on develogng stucens'undestansing of sustainably which e about the ongoing capacity ofthe envionment o sustain human ie and welbeing. Studens recogrse that people have diferent views on how {esteinabity can be achieved. Thay lam tat sutsinablty means more than th cael iso of fesoutees and the sate management of ‘vast, and they develop their understanding ofthe concept by expiring some of tho oe funciona ofthe environment that supoot thir Ines and the ves of oer ving tings. They Invesigata te Gstodalresponssity of Aboriginal and Tores Stat sander Peoples 10 ‘hair CounyPace and thar past and presen vows on he setanabo ise of esaurees Sudents mental maps ofthe word ara thar Understanding of lace are further devecped trougn learning the lcalion of he major eountras in South America and Arca an Investigating thelr ypes of natural vegetation and nate animals on those continents. “Te inquly proces provises oppotuntis to consider the sustainable use of environments and resources an to apply tis information to.deveop 2 plan for eppropste action that people could take to improve enveonmetal ql. “Tne content ofthis year evs organised into tho strands: Geographical Knowledge ond Understancing and Geogrephical Inquiry and ‘Seis. These strands ae niet and shouldbe aught nan sxegrated manner and in way Vat are appropri to spec cal ‘contents The order and detain which they ae aught ae programming doasons. Key inquiry questions A tramewor for ceveloping students’ geographical knowledge, understanding and skills s provided though the inclusion of inquiry uotons an pectin sin cing he se anaieypreaton cmap, gap nd Oe reesei gegrpia ae, The key inquly questions for Year 4 are ericulatod below. How does the envicrment support theives of paopla and other ving things? How do deren ows about tha environment influence apprches to sustainadity? How can people usa placos and envionment more sustainably? Lesson Objectives: The stanable management cf wasie rom prodacon and consumption ACHGRGZS) Collect and record relevant geographical data and information, for example, by observing, by interviewing, ‘conducting surveys and measuring, or from sources such as maps, photographs, satelite images, the media and the interet (ACHGS027) Students Prior Knowledge: Develop geographical questions to investigate (ACHGSO'9) Represent the location of places and their features by constructing large-scale maps that conform to cartographic conventions including scale, legend, tt and narth point, and describe their location using simple ‘id references, compass direction and distance (ACHGS022)

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