The Legalization of Marijuana

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LeClaire 1

The Legalization of Marijuana

Should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes? What about recreational use? There
are many different opinions on what should happen and why. Obviously, the opinion of
each person is a representation of what they believe will benefit them the most in the long run.
Legalizing marijuana for any purpose makes some people nervous. But there are so
many benefits to legalizing marijuana--both for recreational and medical use--that we need to
find a way to allay these fears. Clear, concise
national guidelines would have this effect;
the guidelines would cover such policy issues
as procedures for obtaining marijuana;
prohibiting access by children; regulating
driving and public intoxication. After all, it is
safer than peanuts!




everywhere, it would cut down on the

confusion people may have about what is and isnt okay to be doing. There would be guidelines
that ensure medical users have been diagnosed by a doctor with an illness or disease in which
Marijuana has been proven to help with. They would be given so much at a time, just like a
regular prescription of pills; and have to go back to their prescribing doctor for a check-up and
evaluation of how it is working. There are many different strains and types of marijuana,
therefore some will work better for certain illnesses while others may do nothing. With the
evaluation from a doctor he can set a strain and dosage amount.

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Many people are worried about children having easier access to marijuana if it was
legalized, but what a lot of people dont realize is that it is already on the streets and our children
already have access to it if they wanted it. By legalizing marijuana, and having it for sale in
regulated stores, it could actually decrease the amount on the streets. People will go to the stores
where they have more choices and can buy a sealed legal package. There would be an age limit,
such as 21 to be allowed in these stores or to consume recreationally. In Colorado where they
have legalized it recreational already, that is the age limit. ("Colorado Pot Guide)
Another concern that people have is that it impairs the
users motor skills, making them slower, and thus

cause accidents if people are driving under the

influence. This is a valid concern and that is why a clear
guideline needs to set on driving while impaired. Just


there is a legal limit that an individual must be under

when driving after drinking alcohol; there needs to be a
limit for marijuana. Also, since marijuana can stay
in the users system for up to 30 days after using,

there needs to be a way to test active THC in an individuals blood. ( Milligan, Susan)
There should also be a law that states no smoking or consuming in public places, such
as public intoxication. If an individual chooses to partake in the using of marijuana for medical
or recreational use, it should be done in private so as not to interfere with others or their
own beliefs. (Pacula, Rosalie)
Implementing these guidelines will take some time and also cost money. However it will
save money in the long run in many ways such as less people in jail to support, less crime and

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drugs on the streets for children to have access to, and we can make money of the sales tax
and business taxes that will paid. It will take some time to educate the public and law
enforcement on the changes but it will save time and money in the long run.
In Colorado, where the laws changed earlier this year, there are many benefits for the
community as a whole. The first one being, the community has access to a herbal medicine vs a
chemical medicine. The second thing is, all the money that has been
made from the tax on retail sales of medical marijuana. This
money has been used for many things but the two major
things are new roads and new schools and school supplies
for the children in Colorado. (Colorado department of
There are laws put into place that allow Americans to consume alcohol
and tobacco, and with these things being highly regulated throughout the United States,
individuals are allowed to make their own choices about whether they consume or not. Both of
these things contribute to many deaths each year in various
ways. (Pacula, Rosalie Liccardo)
Marijuana on the other hand, is something that has
been proven to help save lives and make everyday living
manageable for individuals that suffer from severe health
problems, yet it is still illegal. I believe that this could change
and individuals who chose to use could do so safely while others
who chose not to partake could still gain from knowing that

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our national debt is being greatly reduced by the taxes made and the fewer tax dollars being used
to support inmates that are incarcerated for such petty crimes.
As stated, there are many benefits for Legalizing marijuana; on a personal level all the
way up to an economic stand point. The profits made from the selling of marijuana and
marijuana related products could be very beneficial for our economy. This would lead to opening
up jobs, consumers spending money, business opportunities and less people behind bars causing
the tax payers money. All in all; sounds like a smart economic decision to legalize marijuana.

LeClaire 5

Works Cited

"Colorado Pot Guide."Marijuana Laws in Colorado A Marijuana Travel Guide. 3

Jan. 2014. Web. 01 MAY 2015.
Milligan, Susan. "The Push To Legalize Marijuana" U.S. News Digital Weekly 6.32

(2014): 5. Business Source Premier. Web. 27 APR. 2015.

Pacula, Rosalie Liccardo, et al. "Developing Public Health Regulations For Marijuana:
Lessons From Alcohol And Tobacco." American Journal Of Public Health 104.6 (2014):
10211028. Business Source Premier. Web. 29 APR 2015.

"Department of Revenue." Web. 29 APR. 2015. <>.

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