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PETcontentand overview

Reading and
t hour 30

Part 1 Five very short texts: signs and messages,postcards,notes,
emails, labels,etc. followed by five three-optionmultiple choice
Part 2 Five items in the form of descriptionsof peopleto match to eight
short texts. Five questionsin which candidatesmatch the descriptions
of peopleto the short texts.
Part 3 Longer text with ten true,/falsetype questions.
Part 4 Longer text with five four-optionmultiple choicequestions.
Part 5 Short text as a four-optionmultiple choicecloze.Ten questions;
candidatesselectthe correctword from each questionto completethe
texl.l t
Part 1 Sentencetransformations.Five items that are theme related.
Candidatesare given sentencesand then completesimilar sentences
using a different structural pattern so the sentencestill has the same
Part 2 Short communicativemessage.Candidateswrite a short
messageof about 35-40 words in the form of a postcard,note, email,
Part 3 A longer piece of continuouswriting. There is a choiceof two
q u e s l i o n sa, n i n f o r m a l e t t e ro r a s t o r y .

30 minutes

Parts 1-4: Candidatesare

e x p e c t e dt o r e a df o r t h e m a i n
message,global meaning,
specificinformation, detailed
of attitude, opinion and writer
purpose and inference.
Part 5: Candidates
are expectedto show
u n d e r s t a n d i n go f v o c a b u l a r y
a n d g r a m m a ri n a s h o r t t e x t ,
and the lexico-structural
patternsin the text.

Candidatesare mainly
assessedon their ability to
use and control a range of
organisation,spelling and
punctuation are also assessed.

Part 1 Short monologuesor dialogueswith seventhree-optionmultiple

choicequestionswith pictures.
Part 2 Longer monologueor interview (with one main speaker).Six
three-optionmultiple choicequestions.
Part 3 Longer monologue.Six gapsto fill in. Candidateswrite one or
more words in each space.
Part 4 Longer dialogue.Six true/false questions.Candidatesdecide
whether the statementsare true or false.

Candidatesare expected
to identify the attitudes
a n d o p i n i o n so f s p e a k e r s ,
and listen to identify
key information, specific
information and detailed
, ndto idenrify,
understandand interpret

Part 1 A short conversationwith the interlocutor.The interiocutorasks

the candidatesquestionsin turn, using standardisedquestions.
Part 2 A two-way conversationbetween candidates(visual stimulus
with spokeninstructionsJ.The interlocutorsets up the activity.
Part 3 An individual long turn for each candidate.A colour photograph
is given to each candidatein turn and they talk about it for about a
minute. Both photographsrelateto the same topic.
Part 4 A discussionon topicsrelatedto Part 3.

Candidatesare expectedto be
able to ask and understand
questionsand make
to talk freely on mattersof


PET content and overview

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