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EDU 1302 Assessment Two

Section : 01
Name : Amna Mohammed .
ID: H00283769
Submitted to : Jean Linehan .
Date : 5 May 2015

Childrens Educational App

Evaluation and Report

Students will learn how to evaluate a childrens educational app by both using a
rubric and interviewing children. Students will use theory of child development to
whether the app is suitable for a given age and if it is educational.

May 5, 2015

1. Choose a free educational app that is appropriate for the children in your

Name of App

Kids academy


Suitable for ages

5 and under

Skills practiced

learning numbers ,letters and


2. Research the skills and abilities of a child that age using the Child
Development textbook.
(including language)


Fine Motor Skills

learn how to pronounce the

They feel happy

use their fingers to trace


when they praise.

the letters and numbers

it help the kids to match the


world with the picture .

learn letters and numbers

engaged / proud
Childrens Educational App Evaluation and Report
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May 5, 2015

3. What do others think about your App? Finding and reading

Go to your Apps website and read the reviews that people have
written about your app. Read at least 5 different reviews with
different ratings.

Your summary


This app is perfect for my 3 year old daughter . It's

great for teaching her how to write her letters and
numbers. It also teaches her letter sounds and matches
pictures with sounds. I was glad to see it has both
upper case and lowercase letters. The letters and
numbers are perfect size for her to move her little
fingers and trace. She just loves collecting fireflies
when she does a good job and gets very happy when
she sees the dog. The voice is very pleasant and when
she makes a mistake she doesn't get frustrated at
having to do it again. The graphics are bright and
colorful and is able to hold her attention for some time.
The app has a variety of different games to choose from
so she won't get bored with the same old activity.

This user are glad to have this

app for his daughter ,because it
taught her the numbers and
letters , and it has colourful
graphics . He liked the sounds
and when his daughter make
mistake she doesnt get
frustrated . The app has variety
of games to choose , so he think
that his daughter won't get
bored with the same games .

This is still 1 of my daughters favorite learning apps.

She has not only learned to recognize her letters and
numbers but learned to write them too. The fact that
this app gives you capital and lowercase letters. And
she still loves collecting the fireflies when she does
such a good job. Since they did the update the app
works better than ever and the colors are so much

This app is the favourite app for

the users daughter .Her
daughter learnt the letters in
the two ways capital and
lowercase , also she learnt the
numbers , and this app help her
to learn the order of the
numbers too .The users
daughter like to collect the
fireflies when she dose a good
job . He liked the new update
because the colours are so
much brighter .

Childrens Educational App Evaluation and Report

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May 5, 2015

We have several preschool app for our kids on our iPad

so imagine my surprise when I decided to check our
privacy setting to see what each application accesses.
Out of over 50 apps, this is the only one that accesses
cameras ( a bit shady to me considering I haven't seen
a need or place in the game which requires your
child's video or picture!) a couple of other games
accessed our pictures but in those games it required
your child to put up his/her picture to individualized
the content to them. This game to the best of my
knowledge does not individualise content, does not
require your child's picture and is not customized. So
WHY are they requiring access to our/ your

This user is angry ,because he

found that this app is
requiring access to her iPad
cameras ,while this app
doesnt has game or something
to do use the kids picture on
it .

What a cool app! My girls are just learning how to

write amd tracing the letters have been a huge hit with
them. I love the interaction and the positive
reinforcemnt from the app.

This user liked kids Academy

application , because it taught
his kid how to write the
letters . He liked the positive
praise it encourage his
daughter .

This app has a wide variety of options such as Math,

Vocab, and even tracing word games. My 5 year old
son absolutely loved the games and asked if he could
play them instead of his usual request to watch TV
when he gets bored, any mom would approve of a
request like that ;) I will definitely be letting him use
my phone to play these fun educational games on our
upcoming road trip.

This user loved this

application , because it has
variety of game options .

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May 5, 2015

4. Rubric Score

Play with the app yourself and evaluate it by filling out the rubric
Overall score YOU gave app= _______14_________ = ______70________%

5. Childrens Evaluations
Take your iPad with you to TP
Tell the MST that you are evaluating an educational app for your EDU 1302 course at the
college. Ask her what a good time would be for you to let THREE children play with the

Let the child play with the app.

Show him/her how to play with it if needed. Let them play long enough to get the
feel for it and be successful.

Questions to ask the children about your app. Think of three good questions to ask
the children who play your app game. DO not just say, Did you like it?.
You want to ask questions to find out exactly what they liked or did not like about
the app. Which ASPECTS of the game did they like/dislike?

What did you like on this game ?

Student 1: he like the crocodile
Student 2: like the animals
Student 3: sounds and the numbers

Is it hard game ?
Student 1: no , its good
Student 2: no , it was easy
Student 3 : yes

Do you want to play this game at home ?

Student 1: yes , I want .
Student 2: yes
Student 3: yes
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May 5, 2015

6. Report Write a six-paragraph evaluation report about

your app.


Give the name of your app, which age it is suitable for,

which skills are being practiced, an overview of how you

play and what you have to do, etc.
Give a summary of the five reviews your read about your


Give a summary of your rubric evaluation of the app

Give a summary of the childrens evaluations of the app

Theory-use the theory you know about what a child at that

age can or cannot do. Is this app suitable/appropriate for a

child of that age? Is it too easy? Too difficult? Boring? Fun?
Conclusion: What changes can you think of to make this app

even better?

Your English will be marked as well. Be sure to use correct spelling,

grammar and vocabulary. You will also be marked on how you used
the theory you have learned to evaluate the app.
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May 5, 2015

Kids academy is an app for kids 5 years and under , it helps to learn the basis
skills such us : learn and trace the letters and numbers, moreover it teach the kids
some vocabulary . It teaches them how to write upper and lowercase letters,it can be
practice by both left and right hand . Kid's learn age-appropriate vocabulary and how
to sound out letters ,also they can trace a letter with hints , and clear voice
instructions ,to help them to learn how to write independently . It has 2 levels of
difficulty , kids are encouraged and praised at each end of a learning stage .
The reviews were the interesting part for me , because I found that people are
really care about what their kids like to play , and the way or the kind of game that
their kids like it . The first review is for user who glad to have this app for his
daughter ,because it taught her the numbers and letters , and it has colourful
graphics which hold his daughter attention for some time . He liked the sounds and
when his daughter make mistake she doesnt get frustrated . The app has variety of
games to choose , so he think that his daughter won't get bored with the same games
.The second review is for the user who said that this app is the favourite app for her
daughter .Her daughter learnt the letters in the two ways capital and lowercase , also
she learnt the numbers , and this app help her to learn the order of the numbers
too .The users daughter like to collect the fireflies . He liked the new update because
it has so much brighter colours . And the user who wrote the third review was
angry ,because he found that this app is requiring access to her iPad cameras ,while
this app doesnt has game or something to do with the kids picture . There are also
who reviewed that he liked kids Academy application , because it taught his kid how
to write the letters . He liked the positive praise it encourage his daughter . The last
reviewer loved this application , because it has variety of game options .
In my rubric evaluation I evaluated this app fairly as educational app for kids who
are 5 and under . I evaluated it in appeal: Looks & Sounds , engagement and
motivation , user friendly directions and instructions , performance and ease of
use ,and differentiation in learning . This app took 3 out of 4 in appeal: Looks &
Sounds , because I it has good graphics and sounds , and enhanced my learning . In
engagement and motivation it took 2 out of 4 , because it somewhat engaging, but I
lost motivation after a short time. Moreover this app took 3 out of 4 in user friendly
directions and instructions , because it was easy to learn and direction can be
followed. However it took 4 out of 4 in performance and ease of use , because the
performs and loads quickly and there was no issues , it was very reliable . In the last
point which is differentiation in learning , this app took 2 out of 4 , because it has little
customisation and two levels of difficulty.
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May 5, 2015

To ensure if this app is useful and interesting for kids , we should let the kids use it to
know that . So I let three kids 3 years old to use this app , then I asked them three
questions . The first question was : what did you like on this game ? . The first one said
that he liked the crocodile , that means he liked the graphic on this game . The second
one said that he liked the fireflies , which means that he likes the graphic too , and the
graphic take the kids attention . The third students said that she likes the sound and the
numbers , which means that she likes when she praise and the music on the app was
enjoyable for her . The second question was : is it hard game ? The first two kids found it
easy , that mean the directions and instructions on this application were evidently to
them , however the third kid found it hard , she couldn't trace the litters properly ,which
mean that was above her capabilities in writing . The third question was : do you want to
play this game again at home ? The three kids answer yes , which mean they had fun
while they were playing on this app .
If we want also to know if this application is perfect for kids , we should go through
the child development chapters and compare if this application activities help the kids to
learn what they are capable to learn and a little bit more , or it just have sample games
dont match with the children's ability to learn . This application is for kids 5 years and
under. It has good practice for letters , numbers and words , but it doesnt has the
enough or high level of practice for kids who are more than three years . Kids academy
has just three kind of games the first one is to trace the litters A, B and C , however kids
who are more than three years are able to trace and write more , such as kids who are 4
years can copy the litters V,H ,O ,T and X , and the kids who are 5 years can copy letters
V,T,H,O,X,L,A,C,U and y , but this application has just the first three litters . The second
activity is tracing numbers , it just from 1 to 3 . Kids who are 3 years old can count by
rote up to ten , but do not appreciate beyond two or three, and kids who are 4 years old
can count by rote up to 20 . So this application doesnt help the kids who are more than
three years old in learning numbers . The third activity is learning words match with the
first three letters , which means that kids learn just three words from this application .
However kids from two to five are able to learn more than three word . Actually kids two
years old can speak over 200 words , and accumulate new word very rapidly . Also kids 3
years old they are capable to learn enormous number of words and they can even learn
to speak more than one language . However kids who are 4 and 5 years are verbal . So
this app doesnt contain enough new vocabulary to teach the kids . This application is so
easy for kids , because it doesnt contain hard games , but he doesnt have enough for
kids . Kids in my TP enjoy it , and this is the important things in any application .
If I can make changes in this app , I will add more free tracing letters , numbers and
vocabulary , because it written that its suitable for kids 5 years and under , however kids
in four and five years are able to do more than the activities that it cantina . Also I will
add more colourful graphics , and I will try to make the instruction more evident for kids
, however I will not change the music and praise sounds because kids in my TP enjoy the
sounds a lot .
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