Din 17458

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Upc 669.14.018.8-194.56-462.511 1621,643,2-094.16:621,7743:6201 DEUTSCHE NORM July 1985, Seamless circular austenitic stainless ste! tubes ‘subject to special requirements Technical delivery conditions Nahllose kreistérmige Rote aus austonitschen lentrastencen ‘Stahlen fur besondere Anforderungen, technische Lieferbedingungen Tis standard together with DIN ‘vac0,DIN Vaan, DIN 17485, DIN 17456 and DIN 17457 (uly 1985 eattions, supersedes DIN 1744 December 1972 edition Inkeeping with cutent practice in standards published bythe Intemational Organization fe Standardization ($0), acomma hhas been used tvoughout as the decimal marker. ‘See Explanatory notes for connection with International Standard ISO 2604/2 1876, published by the international Srganization tr Stanvieration (ISO) The subclause marked with @ single dat @ give specifications which ar to be agreed upon atthe time of ordering The subclauses marked with two dots @@ give spectcatione which ar optional and may be agreed upon athe time of ordering, Contents 1. Field of apptcation 2 Gone 21 Concept 3 Classification nto grades 4 Designation and ordering 5 Requirements 841 Manufacturing process 32. As delivered condition 33. Chemical composition 54 Mechanical nd technological properties 55 Weldabilty 59 Further processing and heat treatment 57 Corrosion resistance 58 Type of condition and appearance of suriace 59 Leak tightness 1. Field of application 1.1. This standard apps to seamiess circular tubes and pipes (nerenafter one reterred to as tubes) subject to Special requirements ané made (rom the austenitic stain fase steets listed In table 1 These dos are predominantly Usegin tne construction of pressure vessels. chemical plant ‘The limite of application and other specifications gwen thie standard snail appy excoptin cases where other spe: ‘eations are given in codes oF practice for specie fields of ‘ppication.eq the Tootnische Regeln Oruckbenater (TRB) (echnical tues ‘on pressure vessels), Merkoiater der Arbeitsgemeinsohan Urvexbenalter instruction sneets of the Study group on pressure vessels), 4.2 This standard does not apply to general purpose micas circular stainless steel tubes (see DIN 1456) 2 General 24 Concept Stent nie ae pricy estat chemical aga five agents are considered {0 be sainess steel: Generaly havea comm content ofmot ess tnan 2% by ‘ass ana'a carbon content not exceeaing 1.2% by mass 510 Nondestructive testing Dimensions, masses per unit length and Dormssibe deviations 519. Physeal properties 6 Tests tobe carted out and documents on materials testing General Test ste Scope of test programme 64. Sampling ana sampe preparation 85 Procedure 86 Retests 87 Documents on materials testing 7 Marking Appendix A 61 62 63 2.2 Test classes Tupes compiingwitn ne requirements ofthisstandardiray be supplied as teat class to test class 2 tubes {tubes are distinguished from test class 1 tubes byt Ing been subjected toa more extensive leet programme, © Tho selection ofthe test clas is atthe purchaser's as 9 Classification into grades Ts standard covers tubes made from the sto! graces list ein table {© The selection of the see! grade is ot the purchaser's Siscretion 4 Designation and ordering 4A The standard designation for tubes complying with the tem tube"; ON number of the cimensional standard @..O1N 2462 Pat Charactentie dimensions of tube (outside. lam ‘ter x wal thickness) Continued on pages 210 18 DINIT 468 Engl Price group TT Page2 DIN I7468, — number ofthe prosent standard (DIN 17458) = symbol oF material number for the steel orade (soe tape ns = symbol forthe type of condition ofthe tube (eee table 6). camp: ‘Aseamiess tube contormingtothisstenderd.with an outside dameter of 88.8 mm andawallthickress of ‘mm as specified in DIN 2462 Par 1, made from XBCININD 1810 stoa! (material umber 14850). n ion (shall be designated as follows Tube DIN 2462-889 x 4 DIN 17458 —X 6CrNIND18 10—h or Tube DIN 2462—88.9 x 4 DIN 17458— 1.4850—h 4.2. © Inadcition tothe standard designation as gven in subciause 4, the purchaser shall always state n his order ‘he required quantity (eg. the total length tobe supple) ‘ne teat class the ype of enath (see DIN 2462 Part 1. the Iength ofthe inaividual tube nthe case ofspeciied tenths {and exact lengths.th tolerance class for dametorand wall ‘tiekness as specified in DIN 2482 art, the type of docu ‘ment on materials testing as spectied in DIN 50088 and,it Fequired, also the relevant technical specication Example ofan order: 1000 tube DIN 2462 ~ 68,9 <4 DIN T7459 -1.4550-n {ost class 1,in specified lengths of 6m, ‘tolerance class 02,73, isccompunied by document DIN 30089 ~ 3.18 43. @@ in addition to this turner details may be agreed 11 the time of ordering, a8 described in the subluse marked with two dots. 5 Requirements 5.1 Manufacturing process 5.1.1. The process employed or making thesteos used to ‘manufacture the tubes covered by tha standard Isat tho process has been epociliod at te time of ordeting @@ itso agreed. the purchaser shall be informed ‘onthe steelmaking process used. S42 Tubes covered by this standard shall be manu ectured by ot ar coldoling, hot pressing or cold rawing ‘or combination ofthese processes. Uniess otherwise sgreedat the time of daring theprocess used to manufacture the tubesis atthe manufacturer's ds ‘ration, 5.2 As delivered condition ‘Tnetudes maybe suppiecinone ofthe conations specinied in table 6 (see subclavse 58). The guideline data ven in {able 6 challbe taken into consideration with regard toheat {Weatment in ine caso ot not pressed austenticstea tubes, the requirements for proper neat treatment shall be ‘doomed to nave been metiine tubes atterhot workingand solution annealing, have been quenched in water. 53. Chamieal composition 53.1. Cast analysis, ‘The chemical composition ofthe steels determined in the Cast analysis!) shell be spoctod in tablet Slight deviations from these values are permitted subject lo agreement with the purchaser of hs representative it the mechanical propor weldabilty and corrosion resistance oftne ste conform tothe requitements specfiod in ths standard 5.3.2. Product analysic product, the deviations shown in table 2 Nom the values Specitiad in table 1 are permite 5.4 Mechanical and technological properties Ad Thanirtand 106prootsteessas thetensilesteenath the elongation after fracture andthe impact anergy deter- ‘mined forthe tube material shal conform tothe values spe Cited in table 3, which apply for tubes inthe as delivered Condition specified in subelause 52 and for he tost condi tions epeciied in udciauses 64 and 65 ofthis standara 54:.1 @@ The mechanical properties do not apply for Condition t described in table 6 If raquied, these shal bo ‘gress at the time af ordering, 52 The values listed n table shal apply forthe eleva 2d temperature 0.2% and 19% proof etrosbe 542 Guideline datarelating tor Appendix A patengtharegivenin {544 Tho tubes shall comply with tho requirements tobe \vertieg in the technological tests specified in subciauses pasioest 55 Tubes mace from steel grades spocifiod in this standard are suitable fo bot working ‘5.46 Tubes made from the stesl grades specified in this landard are partiularly eited for sold working (eg Dena ing) in the “solution annealed and quenched consition I tsnould be nated that the corrosion resistance and the mechanical ang paysical properties are changed by cold ‘working 2.9. Wetuauinty ‘55.1. Tubes made from the steel grades specie in this Standard ere suitable for are weling. 5.5.2 According toDIN 8529 Part however woidabilty i ‘ependent not only onthe grade of steel but also on the onditions during welding.on the design andthe operating Conditions of he structural component 5.5.3. Any filer metal required shall be selected on th basis of DIN $56 Part taking tne intended application tha stress, the walding process and other racommendations into consiarstion. 5.6 Further processing and heat treatment See table 5 for guideline data onheat wreatmentin the fab: Cation ofthe ues and on further processing. ane also for {uldoline data on hot working se part otfurthor proscesing 5.7 Corrosion resistance 1574. The corrosion resistance of tubes complying with this standard under the effect of the various corrosive stresses foundin use isnot the subject ofthis stanaara.as annot be covered by a requirement of goneral vali. 574.1 @@ it necessary, pacific corosion tests may bo agreed at the time of ordering, The conditions and the ev lation oftheresuits of testing sallalsobespecitiedon ths oceasion +) When sequential casings are supplied as is possibie in the case of continuously cast tubes, the term “cast ‘shouldbe read as casting units DIN 7458 Page 3 1 possoudxe pu wnigoqu yy 1247260) Soup WMEWUEL (y 200 > $200 ZrO. 8 10% 9) 25 NOWNWDZX ‘zoo > § $200 5 § 92005 8270 08 WON og 019% og 015% Of 182 eet zsomMosx EpLeLownvoz x EL ZENONINID 2X (00101 6n 36x o1 “aN (001001 69'3a$ 1, set og) 32 aoe 32 10% 92 10% 92 010% (001 0 dn’ 96% OF aN (O8}Oa1dn-Dm 9 IL ero 0z10'N oz 8.08 so ose " om ha 35 Groauks pes8 eons 1eKeue 3809 04) ul pouUIeIap uoR|eodwoD eaTWeND PUB FepesB o—IG 1 AIaeL Page 4 DIN 7458, Table 2, Amounts by\which the chemical composition inthe product analysis may deviate {rom the Init values speciied forthe cast analysis, [Umit values epaciieg forthe Permissible Element asi analysis asin table 1, deviations) aby mass ‘bey mass Carbon & = 01090 “+ 9005 > 0090 08 +901 Steam ($3 = 10 +005 Manganese (Mn) = 20 +008 Phosphorus (P) = 00s + 0005 ‘Salter (8) = 0900 + 0008 Nitrogen iN) = o72 001 ‘Cnromum (C9 15 =200 020 Molybdenum (Ma) 220 = 50 010 Nickel «Ni = as <100 £070 100 =150 #015 Niobium (NB) = 400 “+008 Taanium (7) = 080 +005 ) several product analysos ae carried out tora single castandifthese elements show ‘contents fora single element outside the range spectiegrer the cast analysis, this Content shalletner exeasu tne permisebie maximum cantent orbe below tna parm: ‘ible minimum content aut nt Both atthe same time tor one cast DIN 7458 Pages 8 oc | oF eyouanb pue 8 oc | oF pejeouve oe se oe | se o | se o | se “2 o | oF o | oF of se of se oe oe 2 of se Fa or se o reopen equine eee oquns r zanwiny (00014 80) AOS: sooua| 19 1388), z0 ‘unto unas eoige Page 6 DIN 7458. ‘vosou00 suNysAinieU) oF oor c+ 09s|061|o0z 012 ae2|sse youand pus szz|oe| " pareoure “uoHMS oxe| 006 vr [oss fos oce| 21 961] pewouen’ ‘ov a2 a zai)" pores or ore S2c|s8¢| Younis ‘or ore| or ate payouanb pus oor vee pareauue oor pied ‘vonnios -o0¢ ove or jeuouenb sue oe meee ‘oor cae ose te (008 1 oer obeuiosx ane oss 00s ose| ost Joos 10°9, utesnyesedioyv y 5591719016 ob Jos |oss|o0s)cs»| 00 ase|20e [ose |oaz ost 001 [os woo. est0ns od wz roars 2018 201s ‘sean enseu09 oureyshive3u1 jo ose) emt ul eImeedue {on 20) sanyea auyepINE pus sassanys oON a1 pue %Z9 eimIereduI (2 J0 SoneA WRU Y OFL DIN1745 Page 7 Table 5. Guideline data forthe heat troatmont during fabrication and further processing of tubes and guideline data for hot working as pert of further processing eat treatment during fabrication ‘ a Stes! grade Peete ors Solution anneating temperature *) Solution annealing ae Matera! |“Iomoorature') | Quenching Temperature oo Symbot number se im ca Type of cooling Xscm1610 yaa01 X2GMis11 14306 | 1000t0 1080 xeceTi1810 yaser XGGrNNb 1810 44880 Xsermmot7 122 Haar | 102010 1100 X2GrniMo 17132 4atoa Xeenmeniri22 | tasri Water, ars) 1180 t0 750 Ae XeGrionbiriz2 | 4860 x2emnioni7133 | 14020 | 1040%0 1120 x2ermot8 149 14005 XScrnmot7 193 14i36_| 102010 1100 XZcMMONITIIS | _1aaa9_| 104010 1120 1) When heat treatment forms pat of further processing ofthe product, an attempt shall be mede to ashave the lower values ofthe range specitied for solution annealing If hot working hae been eariog out ata temperature of at least '850°C orifthe product nas been cold worked, the temperature of renewed colution annealing may bo 20.Klessthan tho 2) I the cooling is suticiently rapa. Table 6 Types of condition of tubes. symoo] Type of condition ‘Surace tish Notes er | Hot worked, neat treated 9, descalee €2 | Hot worked, nest treated», Metaticaty clean pickled t | Mechanically or cnomicaty | Metaticaty bright-drawn, | Cold working without subsequent neat descaled. cold worked, ‘much smoother than for treatment moatfies the properties depend not heat ieated Conditions et and e2 ing on the dagree of working this apples in pariouar to austenitic ste! tubes. 8 | comworked, nest weates, | Scalea Suitable only for components which wit not deeealed be descaled or worked th | ois worked, neat treated and | Metalkcalybrignt-pickleg, pickled smoother then for Condition 2 m | Coid worked ang free rom | Metalicaly bright annealed, seal heat treated smoother than for conaiton h 2 | cod vearawm (paiahec-araumy, | Metalicaly bright-anneaied, | Expecially suitable or grnding and bright heet trate smoother than forcanaition | polishing, © | Ground Metalically bright-ground: the | type and degree of grinding | ‘Sat be agreed ut tre time | of ordering Conditions n,m or n2 are generally usec {as starting condition?) P| Potshes Metalically bright polished: the quay and ype of pokshing shall be agreed at the time of ordering. 1) See also subciause 52. 2) @ The ocder shall specity whether grinding or polishing Is to be internal or external or internal and external Page 8 OIN17 458 1d document Table 7, Summary of scope of test programme: n materats testing {Gee figure 1 for sampling pote and locaion of test pieces: see subclause 6.1 for batch size) Tene Sn e[_Tesetion eee rete ha || | Gananayue [31 | Porc orcastrg nt Tonficure | Bn s00N0-22) 2] forsioer | 4312 | Cpe tet poe ten on cavse| yerverant | — Bt 6000- a1 Tomes |e? | omeremes or BN Soe 814 aeeme | 881 PEN ereeetd SBN B3i8 326 _ [af woacren—T ga52 [Forwatmatnescas20nm | Byoweonene | ovgoowa-a1a SS | vanigrotdnm ont peoesper Pine ett weal Bag 818 3 BNBOB-828 7| Fawonpaiear soe [0314 | Farwal ictoonezaonm | Brewemen ] _ONEDOW-31A Tamapeteas ine | ga14, | Frwetmcinonee ssomm __| or BBs 318 | Sieteebaing eso | 833° | aiestpiece | ttestpiece trom one | SB sooss- ate shouts | £22 | uenaier | utracenan | Baws -g3e | 5 5| Nondestructive | 63.152 | For wal thicknesses > 40 mm Manufacturer IN 50049 - 3.18 : Atte | car oaiomeren [e378 | Alte Weantecirw | BH EDOE-2 7 | Vmareanbesor | aie | Ainwes Syapeenert | BNERGAE-BTA SH o BU S88-336 sou Baia 5 BN 83888=$36 2 | waejas Gai | Aiumes Twtedner | BrsDoe= 2 a esoare iz [ame oo Gest, |B ox BN 8848-348 sie SON B98 31 3 BN 28-818 & BN EBSA8 $36 oo ecseerne ea a rec | a Tania | onsnere=are aaa |B sy 71] Wottetatoat) | €813 | Brageanert Grevemen | BRsuep-Bi8 S Bingoass g28 | SB BS8 336 {a Peauctannnns [$22 | vere owiaporome Veta | OM SOW=318 gay $38 “a1 Teeiratee | 872] Brevreonert Tented | DR OO-3IB [eres [ets vessel casings esting shall cover 109% of the test batch, {o10% ofthe test Baten ‘anda wal thickness not exceeding 56mm (see subclause 6.31.7) © Oniy subject to agreement between manufacturer and purchaser. 1) This certificate may also be Included in the noxt higher stage of document 2} Inthe case otubes ith notes than 200 mm orawalltcknessnotiess nan 12mm. whvcn aro 0 BeUused tor pressure 2) Inthe case of tubes to be used for pressure vesse! casings testing shall cover 1086 ofthe tast batch In the case of tubes which are to be used for prossure vessel casings and which are to be subjected to ultrasonic, {examination as specified in Stab-Elsen-Prifeatten 015 and T816the scone of esting ring est pecee shall be reduces 5) Oniysubject to agreement a he time of ordringin the case of tubes with an outside diameter not excoeding 101mm DINI7AS8 Page ¢ Table & Tube dimensions to be considered for the technological tests caried out on test classes 1 and 2 tubes ee Wall thickness oussice | insice <2mm 22mmst6mm | >16mm 40mm = 218 TS 15 | Ftattenng test | Ringexpanding test) | — 7 = 78 5.15 | atenngtest | Flattoning test = = > 21sct4s | > 18 | Flatoningtest — | Ringexpanding test’) | Flattoning test | Impact test Impact test) > 2iscus | < 15 | - Ring expanding test?) | Fattoning test | Impact test Impact test®) > 146 >100 | Ring tensile test) Ring tensile test) | impact west i Impact test) M6 | <100 | - S Rng tense tst®) | impact test | Impact test?) 1) Atthe manufacturer's discretion. the ait expanding test may be carried out in place of he ing expancing tet. 2) Tho impact test shall only be catied out on tubes with a wall thickness not less than 20 mm. 2) Inplaceo this test non-destructive testing ofthe tube ends as doscribodin subciause 63.15.2maybe cariedoutby the manufacturer on tubes with outsige dlameter exceeding S0&mm, 1572. The datagivonintable shall appyforthe resistance fof the steeis to intererystaline corrosion when tested a5 Sspecied in subclause 653, 5.8 Type of condition and appearance of surface 5.81 The tubes shal be supplied in one of the condtions lated in table 6, © The selection ofthe type of conditions et tothe manus facturers cecretion 158.2 The tubes shal have an inside and outside surface ‘consistent with the manulacturing process used. 5.83. Sight irregulartiosin the surface resulting from the anufacturing process, uch ae raised or doprossed areas (polished) .aslong asthe remaining wal thickness uifisthe requirements spectegin subciause 5 andthe function of the Wes ¢ not impared. ‘584 Properremoval of surface defects using appropriate manna (29 grining) ix permitted az long as the retnaihns ‘ral thickness Tullis the requirements specified in SUD clause 6 59 Leak tightness The tubes shall remain eaktght when testedas spectiedn 5.10 Non-destructive testing 5.10.1. The entre walloftest class 2 tubes with an outside diameter exceeding 101.5 mm orawallthiceness exceeding Stamm thal he subjected to anltrascnie examination a= escrbed In Stah/-Eisen Puta 1915. “Tubes to be used for pressure vessel casings designed tore porissole werkng overpressure excooding 8Obar, shall be {ected ae specified in StahFEisen-Prublatier 115 and 1018, 102 @@ Subjecttoagicomentatthe time otordering the font wal of ost once 2 tube wih an outside diameter not ‘exceeding 1016 mm or awal thickness nat exceeding 56mm ‘and test class tudes may alsa be subjected fo an uvasone ‘examination as described in StanEison-Priblat 1016, 5.11 Dimensions, masses per unit length and permissible deviations, DIN 2482 Part t shall apply forthe dimensions and masses per unit length of tubes and tor permissible deviatone, (© DIN 2120 shail apply for tubular nest exchangers. The ‘order call flow the pattorn of he sample ordar given in that standard 5.12 Physical properties Reference is made to volume 10 ofthe Stahlelen-Sonder: bericte (ron and stee! special reports) (ese the Standards andother documents reterred to" clause) for guideline data ‘on the prysieal properties of tha steels conforming fo the Fequirements ofthis standard 6 Tests to be carried out and documents on materials testing 61 General ‘The tubes accompanied by ane of he fllowing documents ‘on materials testing ae speci in DIN 0049. = ocument ON 50049 8.14 (inspection certificate A) = ocumant DIN 50040 — 3.18 (inspection certfeate 8) = socument DIN 50048 — 8.1 (inspection certificate C); = ocument DIN 50049 324 (nepection report A) = ocument DIN 50049 ~ 826 (inspection ropat C) (© Thotype ofdocumantrequiredand he testhouse where ‘cceptance inspection isto be caried out by a third party Shall bo specied in the order 62 Test site ‘Te tubes shallbe taste at he manufacturer's works Pro: duction shall rot be unduly asturbes wnen acceptance Inspectionis carried out by experts wno are not employees. fof te manufacturer. 6.3. Scope of test programme 6.3.1. The tubes shall be inspected by batches. Table 7 ‘65 a synopsis of the scope of test programme in each Seite 10. DIN 7458 6.1.1. For the purposes of testing, the tubes shall be divided up by steel grade, cast. test class, dimensions and,t possible, by te type of heat contel inte batenes compris: Ing 100 tubes, The tubes may be divided up by factory tenghts Fomainders of upto 50 tubes may be distributed unitormly across the batches Quantitee andromaindersotmaretnan 50 tubes and consignments of ass than 50 tubes count as ‘ane complete batch, 62.1.2 One tube (sample tube) shal be taken trom each Daten torventying the mechanical properties of test cass oF 2 tubes. The folowing tests shall be carried out on this. sample tube = ‘tensie test st ambiant temperature Inthe casootubes whan ousde clameter ra ss han 200 mm a wal pressure vessel casings testing shal Cover 10% of the test baton: ~ 1 set of test pieces forimpact tests in the case of tubes with a wai thickness rot fess then 20 mm In the case of Ihinontn ied tr pressure vessaicasings tasting shall cover 10% of te test batch '© Tubos to be used for pressure vessel casings shall be Partculerly specited inthe order statingwhetherornot the permissible working pressure exceeds BO bar. 8.24.2 @@ It a.chook of ha almuntad tamparatuen 02% ‘ane 1 oproot stresses has boon agroed at he time of order ing,thotest temperature and scope oftest programme shall also be agreed. 63.1.4 Test class 1 tubes In tho eaca of tuboe with a wall thickness not excesding 40mm_a flattening test. ring expanding test or rng tensile {eet shal be carried out on two tert piece, one taken from teach end of the sample tube. At the manufacturers ds Creion,a ri expanding test maybe caried autinplace of the ring expanding test synopsis ofthe tests tobe consideredforthe eleventtube mensions given in fabio 8 6.18 Test clase 2 tubes 8.31.5. In the e390 of tubes with wall thickness not ‘exceading 40mm. a flatloning fest, rng expanding test or fing tensile test shall be carve out on test proces taken {rom one end of gach tube or each factory length. At the rmanvtacturer's dscration,« dnt expanding test may Be Carag out in place of the ring expancing test. 6.21.82 In the case of lubes with wall thicknesses exceeding 40mm, @ non-dastructve last ax described in subciause 6572 shal be carted aut on both ands of each tube, overa length of 25 mm, 63:1.82 Tubes with an outside diameter exceeding 101,8mm orawall thickness exceeding 5{6mm shal be sub- Jeoted to nonccestucive testing 35 speciiea In SUD Clause 65.13. Irrespective ofthe test class, he following tats shall be carried eut on al tubes Inthe batch — testing fr leak tightness = material entty testng — visual examination ofthe type of condition and surface — check on dimensions @@ Itmayalsove agreedta carryout the visual ‘Sxamination and check on dimensions of te lio acre ‘ance witha samping plan.eges described in IN 40080. 63.1.7 @@ By agrooment, the entice wall of tst class 1 tubes oro test class 2 tubes with an outside diameter not exceeding 1018mm and a wall thicknass not excoeding 5.6mm may also be subjected to an ultrasonic examination 8 described in Stan-Eieen-Prolat 118, 6.21.9 8 Atost forresistance tointereryst 0: Hlonmaybecarredouttyagreement The scape aHtest pro Gramme shall be agroea 6.2.19. @@ tia checko!the chemical composition (prod- Uet analysis) has been agroad, this check shall be carried futon ane tube per cast 6.4 Sampling and sample preparation ‘Tre information given in igure 1shall apply torthe sampling points and the test piece tocation. 1) See also subciause 643 2) For tubes with wal thicknesses not les than 20mm, test piaces taken traneverse or longitudinal to the ‘bo axis (se also subclause 6 4.2) 2) See also subclause 84.1 In the istration above K=set of 3 180 V.noteh test pieces, as speciiod in DIN S07, R= ing tet pece, Figure 1, Sampling points and location of ost pleco 64:4 Tensile test 64.1.1 For the tensile test, one strip test piece (see ‘SINEO140)shallba taken rom thesaryatua angi {othe tube ais. is permiltedto remove ocaliregularies, The test pce shal not be heat treated anc not straightenes ‘within the gauge length Inthe case of wall thicknesses ox- {cooding 3Omm, at the manufacturer's discretion, circular teat pieces (see DIN 50125) may be taken longitudinal to ‘he tuve axis a a latance ot one quarter ote wall ck ness rom the outede surface ors loge to this position as possible [the manutseturer's discretion, the tubes may alsa be subjected toa tensle test in full (ee DIN 5040), less than 2001mm, round of fattest pieces worked on all ‘id0e may be akon transverse tothe tubeaxstortne tenele {est.tthe tube dimensions permit this without straightening ofthe test piece (see DIN 50125) 6.4. As a rule, short proportionsl test pleces shat be {akon forthe tensile test 64.2 Impact test Fortne purpose ofthe impact test.asetofthresISOV: notch {et places shallbe taken from the sample tube transverse to the tube axe where the tube dimensions permit this without straightening ofthe test pieces. Otherwise, the test lace shall be taken longitudinal to thotube axis. inihecase ‘of tuabes with wall thicanesees exceecing 80mm ne contre surface equal to one quarter of tne wallthicknoss or shallbs positioned as close as possibe to this location ‘Te test pieces shall bo taken and prepared in such a way that the axis of the notch Is perpendicuiar to the tube surtace 643 Technological tests In the case of test clase 1 tubes the tet pieces forte ft: tening test described in DIN 50196, the ring expanding test described in DIN 50 137, the crit expanding test described inDIN 50135 orthe rig tonsile test described in DINO 138 ‘hall be taken from bath ends ofthe sampie tube as spec fiedin eube'ause 62.12 nthe casa test lass? tubes the ring Yost pice shall be taken trom one end ofeach tube oF 2h factory length, Itfactorylongths are subsequently cu into subsections.no provided that i's clear ingieated tom which aeady fested factory length the subsections have been taken. It sic identification Is not given, the factory lengths shall not be tested; tne subsections sna be tested instead. In the case oftet class 2tubes,alocatonofringtest pisces tne {006 ends ram which they have bees akan shallbe posse 8.44 Chemical composition For checking the chemical composition by means of product “analysison tha finished tbe the sample chpsshalbetaken at Prin seem trae pune nm mtn wa hicks {he ube Asim sampling methoa shall be used forspectral ‘analyses in gone StahtEison-Prifbat 1805 shall appy for ‘sampling 65 Procedure 85:1 The tensile test shall be cavied out a9 described in DIN 50140 or DIN BOT, 6.52 Itverification ofthe clvated tomperature 0.2% and 15s proof stresses has been agreed, ths sll be done as specified in DIN 80145. 1853 The impact test shall be carieg out as spacitod in DIN sons 654 Thotlatoningtestshall be carredoutasspecitegin DIN 60136, The tost pieces or tube ends shal be attaned untla specified stance between platens 1 israached The following equetion shall apply for the dstence between platens #18 5 ts the wall thickness, in mm; 4, 18 the outelde ciameter, in mm: {is @ constant for which 010 shall be substituted in the equation thera sid exceeds value o1025,c3ha 655. The drit expanding test shal be carried out as de scribed in DIN 50735, using a tapered mandrel with the ‘expancion reaching the folowing valves, depending on the DIN17488 Page 11 ameter ratio dds (dbalng the inside ham ‘side diameters 20% tor did, greater than 06, 18% for did, rot exceeding O€. 65.6 The ring expanding test shall be carried out as sctibedin DINSO T37The est pieces snallbe expanded unt ‘racture oecurs and snallthen beinspected.ifa40% expan: sion is reached (referred to the inside diameter) the test ‘may be siscontinues, dy the out- 6.5. Theringtensiletest saline carriedoutas described In DIN 50138. 8.5.8 The chemical composition shall be dotermined in accordance with the matnods specified by the Chemists (Sooty of German Ferrous Metallurgy Engingers) eve the “Standards and other documents refered to clause), 6.5.9 The resistance to intercrstaline cortosion shall be tested as specified in DIN 509%, 6.5.10 Fortheleaktightnesstestusing wateras described In DIN 50104 the test pressure shalbe bar The test pres- Sure shall be maintainea for at least 5 seconds, 65.101 @@ Ahigher test pressure may bo agroed. In no fate howaver shall the safely margin with aspect to the. 0.2% proot stress drop below'11 (see OIN 2413, June 1972 edition, subelause 46: Y'= 09). Where appropriate, this Shal also apply Inthe case of thi-waleg tubes with argo ameters even at 80 bar Shall be 6bar-The fast pressure shall be maintained frat Teast 8 seconds. 6.5.03 Inthe test using aleand a foaming agent. tha test preseure shall be Ober. 65104 #0 Unless specin agreements havebeen made althetime ofordering,the choice ofthe above lest methods Shall be atthe manufacturers cisretion 65.105 In place of the hydrostatic pressure test, a non-destructive test (eg. a8 specified in Stanl-Eisen-Prit- batt 1026, oratcak deteotion using ekum) maybe cared out 65:10.6 @ For tubes with outside diameters lass than B8imm,the type ot eak tightness shal be agreed atthe time ot erdering 65.11 The type of condition and surtace finish (surtace ‘appearance ofne tubes) anal be examined visually on the ‘utaide of the tubes and, possible, onthe inside. under appropriate lighting conditions by an inspector having normat vision. Note. Instead of the visual examination, a diferent test method may also be used. subject to agreement be ‘Ween manulacturer and purchaser 6.5.12 In the case of test class 2 tubes with a wall thickness exceeding 40 mm.the entire crcumterence ofthe {ude ence shal be tested nondest uclvaly as seco Stan Eisen Prafeat 1919 6.5.19. In the case of lost clase 2 tubes with an outside iameter exceeding 106mm or wal thickness excoed: ‘538mm, non-destructive testing ofthe entre tube walls ‘Tubes tobe used for pressure vessel casings, des:gned fora permissiie working pressute exceeding 8Obear shall De fasted non-destructivey as specified In StahhEisen-Prit- later 1918 an 1958 Page 12 DIN TASS 6519.1 @@ Byagroomenttestclas tubes ortestclass2 {bes withan outside diamotornotexceecing 101Smmora ‘wal thickness not exceeding 5:6 mm maybe subjectedtoa non-destructive tet of the entra wal as specified in Stah- isen-Patbiae 1015. 65:14 Non-destctive testing shallbe carried out by the manufacturer. @0 Subjecttoptioragreement the purchaser cra qualiied Inspectoracting on hiabonelfmay beprasont a theinspection. {65.18 Thewalitioknesses shall be measuradat hoends Of the tubes using suitable measuring Instruments 65.16 the diameter shall ne measured using suitable ‘measuring instruments as @ two-point measurement 0.5.17 the moteraisdentty test shell be caried out ino suitable manner 66 Retests 6.6. Tubes not satistying the requirements when tasted fe spectieg in subciautes 6310 fo 6576 (leak tightness {est visual examination, non-destructive testing, check on ‘imensions) and test class 2 tubes when estedaddtionally fs spectieg in subelauses 654 0° 655,656 01 657 (lat {ening test, det expanding test, ing expanding test or ring {ensletost) shall be njactedt Tha manutactrer shall have the right fo take suitable measures to correct defects or {evralions found in thase tests and to present these tubes {or ranawed acceptance inspection 66.2 11 ono of the sample tubes falls the acceptance Sheweuitn apecitieg in subclauses 021 065. end aaa n ssubciauses 65:4 07 655.6 560° 65710: teat clase ttubes, the manufacturer is justified in repeating the test gwving Unsatisfactory reaute an twice the number of test pieces of tha same tube All test pieces shal satisfy the roqur ments. the requirements are si rot satisfied in the new {ests the tube shall bo rojectea. Two further tubee shal be taken from the batch concarmed in place ofthe rejected sample tube and salle submitted tothe tests spectfedinsubciauses6 5.1,653.6540r655, 656 0°85 7ifthe requirements stil no fufled.the entre Sotch anal be oonetdorod notte eomply with the etandard However, individual testing may be agreed between the partes concerned 66. I the unsatisfactory result of tosting can be in proved by means of heat treatment or other suitable meas {tes tne supper sna ba given the opportunity to pase f batch which was rejected, for renewed acceptance inspection Ifthe test pieces continue to fall to satsty the requirements the entire batch shall be considered not to Comply withthe standard 6.64. Tost resuits attributable te improperly caried out famping, sample preparation or test procedure or toa fccidentl and ical detectin est piece shalle doomed Invalo 6.7 Documents on materials testing 74. Depending on the agreement made atthe time of ardering (200 eubeiause 6:1), one of the folowing docu: ments shal be Issue Moin eo 049 —a.1A (inspection certionte A) = DIN 50049 — 318 (inspection certificate 8) = DIN 50049 3.16 nspection certificate C) = DIN 50049 — 324 (inspection report A): = DIN 50049 — 32C (inspection report C) The type and scope of the tests, the responsibilty for cary ing out the tests and the type of documentation cavering theae teats are ehawn in able In each ease, the tedhrical rule agrees at the time of order ing shal bs specified. 6.22. The documents shal state the markina ofthe tubes 88 specitied in clause 7 7 Marking 7A Every tube supplied in accordance with tis standard Shallbe clearly end durably marked at one end, a follows = "manufacturer's mat = tee! grade (material number: — symbol epeciied in table 6 idetiying the type of con- {ivon ofthe tubes: — an appandod symbol § indicating that the tube i of he Seamless type, upomented by cade ete X te tudes have been hot formed from staele 14541 anc 1.457, = 10r2for test class 1 test clas 2; ~ for tas class 1 tubes, tne number ofthe test baton ore = fortestclass 2tubes the tube numberorthe castnumber ‘oftubes with an outside clamaternot lee than 114mm ‘tne eymool ientiying tha cast ~ inspectors mark = symbo! identifying non-destructive testing if testing 28 Specified in subciause 6.13 has bean agreed 7.2. Markings speciiedin suclause 71 shallbemadeby ‘stamging, embossing or printing ‘aitferent type of marking (eg labeling ofthe bundle of fut} in emit for tubes with small outed clamatee fndior smal wall thicknesses, 73. @@ Mocking over the entie length of tube may be agreed at the tine of ordering. 8 Complaints 8.1. Undor current law, a complaint may only be raised fgainat defective tubes if tha defects impar thelr procas Sing and use to 2 more than negligible extent. This shall Apply unless otherwise agreed atthe time of ordering 8.2. tls normal and practical forthe purchaser to give tha supplier the opportunity to judge whether the complaints Arejustiedifpossbleby submitting netube objectedtoor moles of he tubes supplied. DIN T7458 Page 12 ‘Appendix A ‘A Guideline data relating to creep strength ‘The following table A i gives prominaryguidaline data onthe creep strength of seamlasstubes made rom the stainless steols values wi Be checked fom time to time when the resita of further tests become avaliable, and they wil be corrected if necessary. can be astumedon the basis othe data rom lang termereop tests which are already availabe tha the owerlinit ofthis ecatter range forthe tomperatures listed ore isstuated approx. 208% ower than the moan value ited forthe steal rads fecturee. Stoel ade Temperature Croepstrenath Materat 10000 n 100000 h ymbot Matera - or 200 12 7 650 3 4 xscm 1010 json 700 2 2 70 2 i 200) on ® 00 135 os 50 70 so xecnm 1610 vasa 00 3 2 20 2. 3 (200) a ® 600 76 118 50 i 2 x sconmo 17 122 14001 700 s g 750 2 2 ~o, ey Go Page 14 O1N17458 ‘Standards and other documents referred to DIN 2413 Steal pipes; calculation of wall thickness with regard to internal pressure DIN 2462 Part1 Seamless tainless steel tubes; mensions, mesces per unt length DIN. 8528 Part 1 Weldabity; metalic materials; concepts DIN. 8556 Part 1 Filer metals for welding stainless and noat resisting st Js; designation, technical delivery conditions DIN 17458 General purpose seamless circular stainless stee! tubes; technical delivery conations DIN 28180 Seamless ste! pipes for tubular heat exchangers DIN-40080 Sampling procedures ana tables for npection by attributes DIN 50049 Documents on materials tasting DIN 50104 internal pressure test on hallow products; eak tightness test up to a defined internal pressure: general speciticavons DINSO11S Testing of metalic materials; impact test DIN 50125 Testing of metate materials; tensile test pieces, uideines for thelr preparation DIN 50125 _Teeting of metallo materials; drift expanding test on tubes DIN 50136 Testing of metalic materials attning test on tubes DIN 50137 Testing of steering expanding test on tubes DIN 0138 Testing of metalic materials; tensie test on tubes and tube strips DIN 50140 Testing of metallc mataials; tensile toston tubes and sips from tubes DIN 0145 Testing of metalic materials; tense tost DIN 50914 Testing stsinlas stele for resistance to intercrystaling corrosion; copper sufate-sulluric acid method, Straus test Stab isen Prt 12052 rodenahme und Probenvorbeetang fire Stoksnays bel Stnen (Gann and sense peoparaton or the pose soni ot sees) Stanisen-Paia 19162 Utrachatpiting at Langsteler von Rotren aus warmtesten Sten (Uirasone texting of crop reiting vel tubes fr orginal Sefects) Stason ria 0182 trncrapiting at Qvarehar vn Robran aut warforton Stnlen ‘Urracone testing of crep essing soe tes for ranoerse Coes) Stn’ isn Pat 18192 Utraehapiting at Dopplungen von Rotren aus warnfesten Stanen {Uirasonttsing of cre oon sos tes fr iaminaiong) Stalin Psa 1926 ‘lekromagnetische Pring von Roten zum Nacrwels der Dien ‘Brctomagretis testing of bes or eax Sones) Handbuch tr des Esennitentsoratonum®) (Handbook fr te erro metallurgy laboratory) ‘lume 2 Die Unterucrong der metaiscven Werestare fives gation of mets rat), estedet 1966 volume & uppement Me Auttelung emptoniene Shiedsvertaren deg etemonded arava proeres 8 — ropenanmevertatrn Sarping matnoas & Anatrenvortatren Mest of arayon) moet recent satan in each cae Stnteisen Sondeborict, vole 19 ‘yatatseeEigenschaten von Stilen nde Terpertrabhanoigke; Polvnome und araphische Dar enungen ‘Pry properties of steels and ther dependence on tamporstre: polynomials and graphic ‘eprecenston) Previous editions WN 17 440: c1.87, 1272 ‘Amendments ‘The following amendments have been made in comparison withthe December 1972 ation of DIN 17 40, 2) Thespacitcation foc tudeshave been excluded from te field of application ofDIN7 440. These specifications according tarmanufacturing process and level af requirements, are now doalt with in Standards DIN 17 455 to DIN 17488, ') The layout of the present standard has been harmonized with that of recently pubhed standards or tubes made from ctr nal gro ©) Where applicable, the eymbols (see table in the Explanatory notes) and specifications relating to chemical composition, ‘mechanical properties and heat treatment have been adopted trom DIN 17440, July 1985 eatin, 5 Obtainaba from Verlag Stahlesen mbH, Postfach 82 29, 0-4000 Diseldort 1 DINT459. Page 15, Explanatory notes In response to a request from the tube manufacturers following the procedure apd for other ste! groups. stainless steel tubes are no longer specified in DIN 17440 out are coverea by a sores ofstancarde which deal separately with processes of tube manufacture (welded or seamiass) and"elds of application (genera purpose tubes end tubes subject to special require ‘mante) The reasons given when making the request ware thal = not al the steels covered in DIN 17440 are used for tubes: ~ there are a numberof specifications particular to tubes (@ relating to testing) = the number of footnotes may be reduced thereby making the standard mare sultable for dats processing. and — the revision ofthe standards and conseauently a more rapid up-dating tothe latest late of tha art willalan ne niemtian In accordance with this concept, his standard deals only with soamiess circular austenitic stainias ste! tubes subiect to special requirements (e 9. construction of pressure vessels, chemical plant and pipework It was agreed that, where applicable, all specications agreed for DIN 17440, July 1985 elton, would algo be adopted for DIN T7485 to IN 17488. Of the austenitic steel grades listed in OIN 17440, December 1972 edition, XS CrNI0 12%) (14909), x2 CHMON 17122") (1.4406) and X2CrNiMo 1516.4") (4438) steels are not covered by this standard, whist X2 CNIMON 771857) (1.4439) stoel has boon added, ‘Asthe symbols forthe ste! grades sitter trom those spcifadin DIN 17440,December1872 edition following the specications ‘orthe chemical composition andinaccordance withDIN 17440,July 1985 edition acompiltion ofthe materialrumbers, which hove not enangod.and the previous and new aymbolo' given below in tabular form itis exproasynoted hatte eymboloused In DIN 17440, December 1072 eaiton, may atl be used during the poriod of vty of this standard ee REE] terse “anes complying wih the requirements of hie standard maybe Supplied as tet elas 1o test clas 2 tubes. Tey are dst rschowby ne rent ofteving Toot cast tuboe are ulate ov oret pipework corsrucion tent clase 2tubeforpurpores Spoctiod n AD-Monbiat (0 nsvuclon shee We Austeniisce tate (Austen sees) The pecincatnstortet ass {tes given nthe present sandarddo no agree nal poles with hose lak downin AD-Merkat W2. September 1 eaton, towevertne sectteations ven inthe present standard were general consgered more appropriate enatis hoped tata the reveed edition of AD-Mertiat W2 a reterance to DIN 158 wi regera to weldea tubes wil sutice Sunlnea 7Snfthe prerent standard lown oran agrenmant ta ark ha bas ue talent tngt engin marking ftubes with an outelde ameter ot 72 te taanmand wal tknessat etos/2mm surat the time! publosbon at ths etangara ‘Anpendix A ofthis standard give preliminary guideline data onthe creep strength of seamless tubes made fam x SCrNi1810 {4309 x6 erNT 1810 1456) and XS Cho 71221440 ste ishoweverimportanttonote ha respected vals tnt for seamiessfubes on. since these valves have een veiled up tothe present onl for eamlss tubes andor the ‘homicalcompestion predominant speihea or seamess tubes inthe cas of products oe Wsedastube accessoter and ‘Sibectedtolong-me stress herelevan ste grader pecihedi taht Eien Werksofblttem 40 tse m Ponder ‘on temenerte-ezcugungsaningen Stel to De wed for componentsn he prmary leu ofnuctesr powerplants) angg7O ochwarnfeste Stone, Gitevorciviten gy heat resting ste; qusltyspectiestion) shal be voce *) Symbol as spectied in DIN 17440, July 1985 edition Page 16 OIN T7458 ‘his standards elated to1S0 2604/2 ~1975,SteoItubes forpreseure purposes quality requirements; wroughtseamess tubes, publishes by the international Organization for Standardization (ISO), n the following table. the steal grades speciied in this ‘Standard are compared with te austenitic stainless stees specfiag in ISO 2604/2 ~1875, The comparison is mace only with regard to the chemical eompostion ofthe steels. Comparison of austenitic stanless atels 8 spectre In national documents with (use specified in 190 2008/2~ 1975, National documents 180 260472 - 1975, sowcey | symbol | materia oumber | symbol a On 17458 xeon 1810 1301 1847 ° DIN 17458 X2cn 19 14 14906 1548 ° sew wo | xeonisa1t 14048 1348 ° pivizase =| X2GNN 18:10 1911 . owe | Xeqnmi 80 vases 103 . sew 470 x12 189 are 1864 ° DIN 17458, XB CrNND 18 10 ) 14ss0 1$50 ° SEW 670 XB ONND 16 19 14961 1350 ° om 17468 xecmine 17 122 1 4aos 1m 6 OWN 17458 X2cNMo 17 192 144 1397 ° DIN 17458 | xecmmoti 17 122 14571 : DN17458 | X6GNMoND 17 122 ve) . pirass | xacnmon 17 38 ‘43 5s | ON 17455, X2GrniMo 18.143 1435 18.58 ° DN 17489 XSCAiMo17 193 14035 1361 ° on 17458, X2iNMON 17 19.8 14499 . SEW 640 XEGNiM0 17 19, 14019 13.00 . sew 670 XB anon 1010 ase wep . sew 470 X26 25.21 14045 1868 x sew 470 X 10 NAT 3220 vars | 1500 ° 1) BWV 17458 = specified n DIN 17458; [SEW 470 = spectoa in Sta Elsen-WerkstonDat 4/06 Htzebestancige Walz un Senmecestanie (Heat esting ‘led and forged sto). SEW 640~ Specified in Sta/-Eson-Workstobatt 640-78 Stale fir Gaulle im Primkrresaut von Kemenergie rzeugurgsaniagen: SEW 670~ specitod in Stan-Esen Merkatotfolt 670-69 Hochwarmfeste Stine; Gikevorscriten. + Ths column ineiates ine cegree of agreement wr reara To me enemicl compostion of me stats species natonal documents and those spectied n ISO 2604721975 ‘he symbols have the folowing meaning % complete agreement, Sight atterencen International Patent Classification Friel 96 8216 97/08 EOsF aot ©220 38140 aor 3700) G01 M 19/00

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