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Keberhasilan Urethrotomy dan Cystotomy untuk Terapi Urolithiasis

pada Anjing dan Kucing

Author : I Komang Wiarsa Sardjana
Abstract :
The incidence of Urolithiasis in dogs and cats at Veterinary Hospital of Veterinary Medicine Faculty of
Airlangga University to 20 dogs and 7 cats during the 2004 periode, there were already treat by surgical
methode with Urethrotomy and Cystotomy. There were 5 female and 15 male of dogs with two until twelve
years of age and three to seven years of age and all the male of cats. The results of the surgical treatment
showing that all of the dogs and the cats have already done well and they have good condition on several days
post operative. The treatments and curing after surgical operation using the catheterisation of urine, they were
give the liquid therapy (Dextrose 5%+RL), Antibiotics therapy (Bactrim or Ampicillin) and Anti Inflamation
therapy (Meclofenamic acid and Diuretic), the animals showed the normal condition and recovered in 3 - 6
weeks after operation. The recovery of these treatments was 100% successful for both dogs and cats.

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