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WILL of ___________________

I, ________Kentrel Scott________________ of the City of ______Russellville_______,

Arkansas, declare this to be my will.
ARTICLE 2 Payment of debt and taxes
I direct my executor to pay my funeral expenses, my medical expenses, the costs of
administration, and my debts.
ARTICLE 3 Distribution of the Estate
I direct that my estate be distributed to my ___sister and father_______,
____Jessica___George Scott____________. If my ______________ predeceases me, my
estate shall be distributed to my trustee, to be managed as explained in Article 4.
ARTICLE 4 Trust for Children
4a Purpose This trust provides for the support of my _______children_________,
__sister______________, and any other children born to me.
4b Use of Funds The Trustee shall use as much of the trust income and principal as
necessary to care for my child (or children). When the youngest of my children
reaches the age of 25, the assets of this trust shall be split equally among the
4c No survivors If no child of mine survives until age 25, assets of the trust shall be
liquidated and 100 percent of the proceeds shall be donated to the _______New
Prospect Missionary Baptist Church_____________.
4d Nomination of trustee I appoint my _______sister and dad________, ______Jessica
and George Scott_______________, to serve as Trustee. If he is unable or unwilling to
serve, I appoint my ________step brother_________, ___Jeremy Hoard
___________________, to serve as Trustee.
ARTICLE 5 Executor
I appoint my __sister___, _________Jessica Scott____________, to serve as Executor. If
she is unable or unwilling to serve, I appoint my ___dad_______________,
______George Scott______________to serve as Executor.
ARTICLE 6 Guardian
If my spouse does not survive me, I appoint my ____sister___________, ____Jessica
Scott___________ to serve as Guardian of my children. If he/she is unable to serve as
Guardian, I appoint my _____Dad__________, ______George Scott___________, to serve
as Guardian.
ARTICLE 7 Power of Executor
My Executor has the right to receive payments, reinvest payments received, pay
debts owed, and liquidate assets.
ARTICLE 8 Power of Trustee
My Trustee has the right to receive income generated by the trust, reinvest income
received by the trust, sell assets in the trust, and use the proceeds to invest in other
Article 9 Distribution of Trustee
I declare my assets should be distributed in the following manner:
My House- Jessica Scott

Car- Trevion Bagby

Games- Trevion Bagby
Business- George Scott
Money- Trish Bagby
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby sign and declare this document to be my Will.

Kentrel A. Scott

The above-named person signed in our presence, and in our opinion is mentally
Signatures of Witnesses
Jessica Scott
George Scott

Addresses of Witnesses
1209 S Ithaca Ave
307 Briarwood CT

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