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As Luciferians we must recognize what is a
destructive moral ideology based on the
mentality of slaves. Judeo- Christian concepts
of anti-natural morals emerged from the
Hebrew theological structure, a structure
which was designed for a people long kept as
slaves by the Egyptians who had successfully
been able to carve out a kingdom from the
Canaanites and Philistines during the decline
of their kingdoms due to pressure from the
Hittites and Egyptians.
Luciferians do not have the same values as
Christians. Morals (Judeo-Christian) are
restrictions which are against the natural
instincts of man. Compare the wolf and sheep,
both will have instinctual values which support
their survival; humans are the same except
the Christian morality has taught man from
birth that all the traits which make us great are
evil and we are sinners from birth.
The ideology of Judeo-Christianity has created
the devil from the instincts in man which allow
us to evolve and become better; the
survivalist instinct within man and woman has
been broken down with the slave-mentality of
Christianity to fight against the natural world

and our deepest instincts. Once glorious herocults of old, praising the values of strength,
Will to Power and overcoming obstacles found
in various ancient cultures such as the Greeks,
Romans, Assyrians and others has been
condemned as evil and the weakest, most
repulsive traits of the slave-mind has been
replaced. Now, the sacrificed man on the stick
has become our great ideal; we should ignore
our greatest drives and instincts and this will
make us holy. I say this is the greatest type
of perversion; the devil so hated is actually the
liberator from weakness and self-destruction.
To understand this fully you must apply the
principles which allow the Daemon or the
Instinctual Genius to rise up and guide us. That
means Christian morality must be destroyed
within and the values of old must be blended
with the realities of the world we live in now.

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