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Tantra Body Dynamics 3

Agni is the only factor where presence is survival;

and absence is death - Charaka

Antharagni Kriya
Tantra believes that the human body is the
best creation in the Universe. Agni is
associated with digestive and metabolic fire
and is responsible for the chemical changes
in the body. According to Tantra Agni plays a
development and maintenance of the body.
importance to Tattwa Shuddhi practice. When
you enter in advanced stages of Tantra, you
will be generating highest forms of subtle
energies; a student must learn to control and
should have mastery of fire or Agni.
What is Agni and Its importance

Agni or in English fire is a very important

idea in Tantra because fire is a very
transformative energy and it is also a psychic
energy. When a student enters into Tantra we
have already seen how important it is to
purify all the elements of his nature.

Agni is important for vision, tactile sensation,

dimension, union of things, breakdown of
things, liquidity and velocity. When it is not
regulated properly we can see its impact on
our mind in the way of fear, anger and
confusion, we can also notice it affects our
visual perception.

Antharagni Kriya
Indian Tantra regards lord Shiva as the
Universal teacher of Tantra and Shivalinga is
said to be a pillar of fire. Thats why this
practice plays a very important place in
Hindu and Buddhist Tantric practices. It
consists of three stages: generation of heat,
burning and transformation.
Due to the high impact of practice, we will
not explain the nature of practice in detail
but rather the importance of practice. The
practice is called Agni Kriya in Tantra and in
Tibetan Tantra it is called as Tummo in which
the student is expected to purify, control,
manage and expand the inner heat.
In traditional Hatha Yoga, there are a variety
of practices for maintaining the inner Agni
and in Ayurveda the key to health is also
maintaining the inner fire.
The traditional Ayurveda says if the fire is not
balanced, it creates obesity. Agni is

responsible for elimination of toxins from the

body and mind; it controls our information
processing and expression of emotion. This
practice helps to balance our composition
and allows us to have direct perception of our
Antharagni kriya is a key opening the energy
paths and chakras, this practice is widely
used among the celibates to channelize and
direct the energy.

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