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Hospital Postpartum Preferences The first few hours after giving birth are filled with intense emotion. You may feel complete joy, exhaustion, overwhelmed. Use this worksheet to set out what your preferences are for the time immediately following the birth of your baby. | want my baby placed on my chest immediately following birth Y/N | would like my baby dried off and swaddled following birth Y/N | would like to use my own swaddling blankets that | have brought with me YIN | want my spouse to cut the umbilical cord Y/N | would like to bank/donate the cord blood | would like to breastfeed right away Y/N In a crisis situation, | would like to stay with my baby | would like a lactation consultant to meet with me as soon as possible Y/N | would like someone to bring me the following to eat after | give birth The following people are not to have access to me and my baby In the event of birth trauma, | would like to see immediately for emotional support Home Postpartum Preferences Once you have been discharged from the hospital, reality kicks in. This can stir up feelings of fear, anxiety and loneliness. Create a plan using the preferences below to outline how you would like the first few days and weeks at home to go. For the first week, | would like visitors only during the following times Our baby will sleep in the nursery/our room once we are home The following people are those | can call for help: 2. 3. | need assistance with child care to ensure | am taking time for proper self care following the birth of my baby Y/N We would like to organize a meal delivery train for the first few weeks Y/N | would like a lactation consultant to come to my home Y/N | would like a public health nurse to come to my home Y/N | plan to take off work My spouse plans to take off from work to help at home | would like a doula to visit within the first week to help process our birth experience Y/N | would like someone to visit times per week so | can shower or nap while they tend to the baby

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