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Activity worksheets


British Life
While reading
1 Read the Introduction on page iv of the book
and then close the book and complete these
sentences. Finally, open the book again and
check your answers.
Who are the British?
Are they the (a) as the English? And
how is the UK (b) from Britain?
Britain is not an easy (c) to
understand. To (d), British life is
sometimes very strange. Why, for example, do
people talk about the (e) so much?
Many things are (f ) in Britain and
one of them is (g) life. Peoples
(h) on marriage and the family are
always different from the views of their
(i) and grandparents. (j)
is also changing fast.
Pages 17
2 Match the names with the correct definitions.
a Great Britain ..
b The United Kingdom ..
c The British Isles ..
d Gaelic ..
e God Save the Queen ..
f Jock ..
g Taffy ..
1) a name for a Scotsman
2) The British national song
3) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern
4) England, Scotland and Wales
5) a name for a Welshman
6) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern
Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
7) language spoken in the north of Scotland
3 Who is/are or was/were ?
a the sister of Charles Prince of Wales?

b the brother of Prince William?

c the mother of Princess Beatrice of York?

d the mother of Andrew, Duke of York?

e the youngest son of Philip, Duke of

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Pages 817
4 Match the two parts of these sentences.
a 67% of British people ..
b Fewer people in Scotland own their homes
c Most people over the age of sixty-five ..
d Children usually leave their parents home
e When they get old, parents do not usually
live ..
1) live alone.
2) own the homes they live in.
3) than people in the rest of Britain.
4) in the same house as their children.
5) when they go to work or university.
5 Put the sentences about Change of Heart in
order, numbered 111.
a c Luke finds out that his mother is dating a
man called Steve.
b c Alan and Steve are going together to the
big game.
c c Lukes father is going to pick his son up to
spend the weekend together.
d c Alan tells his son that he is sorry he left
his wife and family.
e c Steve tells Susan that he has got a new
f c Luke asks Alan why he and his wife
got divorced and they are not a family
g c Luke tells his mother that he wants his
parents to be together again.
h c Luke tells his mother that he feels Steve is
trying to replace his dad.
i c Steve tells Susan that he wants to live
together with Luke and her now that he
has a new job.
j c Alan wants to talk to Susan and he is
surprised to find her boyfriend at her
k c Luke will have to accept that his parents
will not be together again.
Pages 1825
6 Put the words in the right order.
a are / businesses / fastest / growing / in /
industries /service / The / the / UK

British Life - Activity worksheets

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Activity worksheets

Teacher Support Programme


British Life


b employ / industries / million / more / people /

Service / than / twenty

c 5 p.m. / 9 a.m. / a / British / days / five /
from / Most / people / to / week / work

d 365 / a / a / companies / customers / days /
give / Many round the clock / service /
their / year

e Britain / Europe / has / in / longest / the /
week / working

7 Who is speaking? Who are they speaking to?
and what are they talking about?
a Im going to show you how to make calls.

b Dont call me again!

c You dont look very happy.

d Is this going to take much longer?

e Sixty in one day!

Pages 2631
8 Are these sentences right (3) or wrong (7)?
a British eating habits have hardly changed
at all during the past 20 years.
b British people eat more red meat than
they used to.
c They eat more fruit than they used to.
d British people dont like chocolates.
e A few British towns have Indian and
Chinese restaurants.
f On average British people drink more
than 100 litres of beer a year.
9 Complete this recipe for scones with the
correct verb from the box. Then put the
sentences in the correct order.
add cook cut make mix put
put take


for 710 minutes.

into a large flat shape on a table.
into round pieces.
milk on top of each piece.

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e the flour and salt into a bowl.

f the milk.
g the mixture out of the bowl.
h with a knife.
10 Which word on page 31 means ?
a (to) find out:
b animals and plants in natural conditions:

c animals that live with people:

d work to keep the place you live in clean

and tidy:
e pleased, satisfied:
f person who owns a home:
g giving work to:
h someone who makes a house:

Pages 3139
11 Match the two parts of these sentences.
a The British lottery is on television ..
b The British lottery ..
c Lottery tickets cost ..
d More than 70% of British homes ..
e You have a better chance of winning if you
play ..
f Over a quarter of the money taken by the
lottery ..
1) take part in the lottery every week.
2) is spent on things to help Britain.
3) 1 each.
4) was started in 1994.
5) on Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
6) the new game Thunderball.
12 Look at the ten questions on page 36.
a In which sports are there balls?

b Which are team sports?

c Which are racing sports?

d Which sport uses a racket?

13 Answer these questions.
a When did ordinary British people start going
on holiday?

b Where did they go to traditionally?

British Life - Activity worksheets  of 2

Progress test


British Life
1 Britain Quiz. Answer these questions.
a Which city is the capital of Wales?

b What is the old language called that is spoken in
the north of Scotland and Northern Ireland?

c What is the name of the Queens home in Scotland?

d What percentage of British people own their own

e At what time do most people start and finish work
in Britain?

f What is the other name for the Bank of England?

g What are the four ingredients of scones?

h What does DIY stand for?

i Which are more popular as pets in British homes:
dogs or cats?

2 Underline the wrong word and put the right one.
a England is only one of the three nations in the
United Kingdom.
b The English national song is Land of My Fathers.

c Mac or Mc in a surname is always either Welsh or

d British people are generally quite shy and do not
make friends easily because they live in a country.

e Two of the Queens four children are not divorced.

3 Circle the right words.

a The Britannia ..
1) was the Royal ship and is now a museum ship.
2) was the Royal plane and is now used.
b Women today in the UK ..
1) decide not to have children.
2) decide not to have children until their late
thirties or early forties.
c A popular British newspaper ..
1) said the English are very tired and sad.
2) described Britain as the divorce capital of
d When divorced parents marry again ..
1) their children are alone.
2) their children have a stepfamily.
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4 Match the questions and the answers.
a Why is Lukes mother not watching the film? ..
b What does Luke want? ..
c Where is Alan taking Luke? ..
d Why did Alan leave Susan? ..
e What does Steve want? ..
f What does Luke feel about Steven? ..
1) Because he thought he did not love her
2) To live with Susan and Luke as a family.
3) He is trying to take his dads place.
4) To eat fast food and watch the big game.
5) His parents to get back together.
6) She is going out with Luke at night.
5 Are these sentences right (3) or wrong (7)?
a No industry in the UK is growing faster than
the service industry.
b No shop is open on Sundays in the UK.
c It is possible to get money out at any time
even in the middle of the night today.
d Employers should give two-week paid holidays
to their employees.
6 Circle the right words.
a Today British people prefer red meat / white meat.
b The British have a sweet tooth / a strong tooth.
c Today people are so tired that they by ready-made
meals and take-away meals / bread and butter
puddings and fish.
d Scones are nice and easy / traditional and popular.
e High tea / lunch was a big meal after work.
7 Finish the sentences.
a The most popular pets in the UK
.. .
b People in the UK turn on their TVs on
to find who has
won the National Lottery.
c British people like going on holiday to
.. .
d The longest running play in the UK is
.. .
8 Choose the right word from the box.
scone pudding cricket nursing home lottery
a A group of people in a won the
b British people love eating .
c One of the most traditional British sports is
d The British always like having for tea.

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