Yi Pamphlet KH

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Program Goals:

The intent of the program is to guide

youth to a better understanding on
how their behaviour affects others
within the community, and to make
amends by giving back to the
community in a meaningful way.
Youth involved in the program will gain
a new insight into the cause and
effects of their behaviour. In addition,
the program may help youth to
develop new skills and interests, and to
seek out new training and career
opportunities being offered within the
Through our program the CYIW will be
encouraging the youth involved to
continue with their education, increase
their participation in Addictions and
Mental Health and Wellness
Counselling sessions provided within
the community, including life skills and
to increase participation in health,
cultural, and recreational projects.

Our Staff:
Executive Director:
Leonard Montgrand
Youth Intervention
Kristen Herman

Contact Us:
Our office is located with the
Friendship Centre
Phone: 306-822-2926
Fax: 306-822-2623
Email: llfcyiw@yahoo.ca
Website: lalochefc.com
Box 580
La Loche, Saskatchewan
S0M 1G0

Call us at 306-822-2696

About Us:
The Community Youth Intervention
Initiative (CYIW) works with youth
between the ages of 15-21 in conflict
with the law. The Community Youth
Intervention Worker works closely
with probation officers, and operates
as a linkage between youth and
probation officers. The CYIW also
works with community members
including the leadership and the
community Education Authority.
The CYIW plays an important role in
the development of a local program
and provides support and assistance
to reintegrate youth back into the
community - in a positive and
meaningful way. The role of the
CIYW is to meet regularly with
clients, and help build their selfesteem while promoting a healthy
life style for the youth involved.

Benefits of the program:

Youth who are involved in the
program will be provided with the
opportunity to learn new skills and
hobbies, will develop self-esteem and
empowerment, they will be given the
opportunity to participate in group
activities such as camping, boating
and other cultural events throughout
the program, they will also learn
about their community and the
history of La Loche as well they will
reconnect with the elders and other
family members. Youth will also be
mentored and encouraged in
developing a healthy lifestyle.

Our Clients:
Youth between the ages of 15-21,
who reside within the community of
La Loche, who have been in conflict
with the law and are on probation;
who are committed to turn their life
around; and youth who require
assistance in completing or finding
placements to complete court
mandated orders.

The La Loche Youth Intervention

Program Expectations and
Respect one another;
Respect the program;
Follow program as directed;
Attend school and
Be proactive with school and
community functions;
Report accordingly;
Be punctual;
Be courteous;
Be helpful within your family
and friendship circles;
Be drug and alcohol free.

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