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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

Table Of Contents
Introduction...................................................................................... 3
A Quick Warning About Strippers ..................................................... 6
PART I: How To Pick Up Strippers ................................................... 9
A Note About Your Appearance...............................................................10
The #1 Rule When Dealing With Strippers ...........................................13
Don’t Let Her Dance For You ...................................................................17
Don’t Stay In The Club For Too Long......................................................20
No Touching The Girls ...............................................................................22
Treat All Strippers The Same Way ..........................................................24
Never Trust A Stripper’s Phone Number...............................................28
Don’t Brag or Complain.............................................................................30
Don’t Stalk The Girls ..................................................................................32
Become An Insider .....................................................................................34
What To Do To Get A Stripper Interested In You ................................37
Become The “Striper Boyfriend”.............................................................40
The Numbers Game....................................................................................46
Meeting Strippers Online..........................................................................48
PART II: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Strip Clubs
(But Were Afraid To Ask) ................................................................. 51
How Strip Clubs Operate...........................................................................52
Types Of Strip Clubs...................................................................................59
When To Go To A Strip Club.....................................................................65
Go To Clubs Alone.......................................................................................67
Topless Or Nude, That Is The Question..................................................68
18 And Over..................................................................................................70
Find The “After Club” Hang Out ..............................................................72
Working In Strip Clubs To Pick Up Dancers.........................................75
PART III: Tricks Of The Trade: Stripper Secrets ............................ 78
Stripper Names ...........................................................................................85
Strippers And Religion ..............................................................................87
Never Believe A Stripper Is Single ..........................................................89
Girl On Girl Action: Strippers and Bisexuality ....................................92
Threesome Tactics With Strippers..........................................................94
High Mileage: Getting More Bang For Your Buck ..............................97
Using Drugs To Pick-Up Dancers ..........................................................101
Making “Arrangements” With Strippers .............................................103
Being In A Relationship With A Stripper.............................................105
Afterward & Disclaimer..................................................................108
Index .............................................................................................. 110

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club


So you want to date a Stripper, eh?

Let’s face it, it’s hard not to want to! A Stripper’s job is to become
every man’s fantasy, and if they’re doing their job right, we’re going
to want to date them. But wanting something and actually getting it
are two different things.

I personally think EVERY man should date a Stripper at least once in

his life, just to have the experience. It can be a very fun and
rewarding endeavor. It can also be a hellish and traumatic event.
Either way, you will have learned something about women in the

Many guys look at Strippers as being “safe” in the regard that they
come up to you, talk to you, dance for you, get naked for you, touch
you, and all that good stuff, no matter what you may look like or what
your lot in life is, as long as you got the money.

This means none of the bad feelings of rejection that come with
“normal” women.

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

Some guys can mistake what the Stripper does for genuine affection.
Others just get really turned on and want to fulfill their own fantasy.
And some guys just like the appeal of a sexually promiscuous woman.

But lots of guys have no idea how to actually date a Stripper. She
may seem like she’s totally into you at first, but then once you go to
the back, she’s all business. Or maybe you two “hit it off” and you
actually get her number, only to find it’s either wrong or disconnected.
Maybe you even ask her out in the club, and you get the polite but
demoralizing line of “I don’t date customers.”

So what’s a guy to do?

Well, this book is designed to help you overcome those obstacles so

you can get that girl you desire to look at you as an actual MAN, and
not some lowly customer, and to get her to meet you outside the club
so you can pursue a relationship with her (what kind of relationship
that may be is up to you).

So what makes me qualified to teach you how to do this?

Well, I’m a guy who’s dated numerous Strippers in his lifetime, and I
have learned a lot about these women in the process. See, all women
are different, but there are common traits that all Strippers share that
can be used to your advantage, and I’ve figured them all out.

See, I used to work at certain strip clubs (which will go nameless,

though I will say that they reside in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and
Pennsylvania) as a bouncer, a doorman, and eventually a DJ. As a
young, rambunctious teen, I used to go to strip clubs with my buddies
frequently, but I didn’t start learning the tricks of the trade until I fell
in with two beautiful ladies who were professional dancers. Since I
was the only guy they knew who had a car, they would bribe me into
driving them to different clubs so they could make a living. Through
this, I not only got an insiders look into the lives of Strippers, but I
also had numerous sexual escapades with both women (sometimes at
the same time).

My insider’s status eventually lead to jobs at some of the clubs they

worked in because my connection with them got me in good with the
management and bouncers. It also didn’t hurt that I’m a big guy who
could handle himself in a fight.

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

So I’m almost 30 now and have gotten out of dating Strippers all
together. It was fun while it lasted, but the hardships of living life in
the fast-lane started to wear on me and I wanted to settle down with a
more normal woman who didn’t have most of the baggage your typical
exotic dancer does.

I still go to strip clubs with my buddies, and when I do, we always

have a blast. I know all the little tricks of the trade and can ensure we
always get treated like royalty in the club, no matter where we are in
the country. One night, after a particularly raucous night of drinking
and sleazing at a topless bar, a buddy of mine told me I should write a
book since I know so much.

So, having never written anything before, I dismissed the idea outright.
But seeing as how I spent most of my life in Strip Clubs and not as
much of it in school as I should have, I decided it would be a good way
to make some money, by selling the knowledge I’ve accumulated over
almost a decade of running around with Strippers (God bless America,
where a loser like me can make a buck selling something like that!).

Therefore my interests are not truly charitable. I am looking to

supplement my income and help you out at the same time. This book
was translated into written form by a friend of mine from recordings I
made (since I can’t write worth a damn), and further edited by him
and me to make it actually “readable.”

I truly hope that you get exactly what you’re looking for from this book.
Some of the lessons within it were hard learned, and you should count
yourself lucky that you don’t have to experience them the way I did.
But hopefully, by missing the bad parts, you’ll get to the good parts all
that much quicker.

And now, on to what you paid for…

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

A Quick Warning About Strippers

Before we get into the bulk of this book, I want to make one thing
abundantly clear…


Now, you may be wondering why I would say such a thing in a book
that’s designed to teach you HOW to date strippers, right?

Well, I tell you this because you will have to deal with certain
“realities” when dating women who sell fantasies for a living. And
sometimes, those realities can be difficult to deal with if you’re not
expecting to deal with them.

First of all, Strippers are women who create a sexual fantasy figure
designed to get men to spend money on them. Initially, you will be
attracted to this fantasy figure. The one with the perfect body, pretty
face, immaculate hair, seductive curves, lusty stare, etc. This will be
what gets you to WANT to date her in the first place.

But you must be aware that a fantasy is just that – not real! You must
be prepared to deal with the actual woman you’re lusting after, and
when it comes to Strippers, that woman may be more trouble than
you’re used to.

What do I mean by “trouble?”

Well, first of all, know that most (I’d say the majority) of women who
strip have experienced some form of sexual molestation or abuse in
their lives. Sometimes it’s by their fathers, brothers, step-dads,
neighbors, whatever. It doesn’t matter who did it, just that it
happened. This is what usually drives them into becoming dancers in
the first place.

Knowing this, you have to expect any stripper you get involved with to
have certain “issues.” Be they issues with sex, intimacy, men, trust –

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

whatever! Know that they WILL be there and you WILL have to deal
with them at some point.

Be prepared to deal with kids. Most Strippers will have at least one
kid, and if you don’t want to deal with a child, then be prepared to
walk away from most Strippers. But in addition to dealing with the
kids she already has, you must be prepared for the very real possibility
that she may get pregnant from YOU – even if you use protection. I’m
not saying all Strippers will do this, but getting pregnant is a good way
to collect a steady payment from a man in the form of child support for
a long time.

Another (and common) form of trouble comes in the form of “Crazy

Ex-Boyfriends and Husbands.” Lots of Strippers have been married,
and almost all of them have at least one guy they see on a regular
basis who feels he’s entitled to her. Eventually, you will have to deal
with one of these guys, and more likely than not, they will not be very
savory people. Strip clubs lend themselves to all types of degenerates
and some girls do not have the best sense when it comes to choosing
guys who are healthy for them.

I’ve had to deal with an ex-boyfriend of a Stripper I was dating break

into her apartment and wait for me and her to return with a loaded
gun in his hand. A friend of mine who got involved with a particularly
beautiful Stripper had more than one run-in with the Russian Mafia
because she used to date one if it’s lieutenants. These can be scary
things to deal with, and I recommend that if you find this to be the
case with the girl you’re involved with, you dump her and move on.
It’s simply not worth dealing with maniacs because of a woman.

The last, but certainly not least, bit of trouble you should be aware of
is “lifestyle” issues. Strippers tend to work late hours, sleep all day,
party a lot, drink too much, and have issues with drugs. There are
exceptions to his, of course, but if you’re a 9-to-5 working stiff and
don’t want to spend all your time partying or dealing with cocaine
parties in your home on a nightly basis, you may want to think twice
about getting involved with a Stripper. If that doesn’t bother you,
then you might have a compatible lifestyle with the type of girl you’ve
chosen to date.

Regardless, these are some of the realities you will have to face when
going after women who choose to take their clothes off for money. I
don’t tell you these things to scare you or discourage you from dating
Strippers, because many of them can be a lot of fun and very great

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

girlfriends. But I do want you to know what you’re getting into before
you take that plunge. If you know the risks, you’ll be better prepared
to deal with them.

And with that said, let’s get to how to date a stripper…

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PART I: How To Pick Up Strippers

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

A Note About Your Appearance

I know there are probably some guys out
there who think that because of their looks,
they can’t get a “normal” woman. A great
many of these guys resort to strip clubs in
order to fulfill their need for female contact.

I used to see them all the time. They’re

awkward around the girls, seemingly
uncomfortable in their own skin. Maybe
they’re a little short, or fat, or old, or their
ears stick out too far. Whatever it is, they
think they’re ugly (and most of them usually

The great thing about strip clubs is that you

don’t need to be good looking to get the female attention you desire,
as long as you have the money to pay for it. In that sense, it’s a great
equalizer, and I believe it does serve a type of function for men in
today’s society.

But that said, if you’re looking to date a Stripper, paying for their
affections is a poor way to go about it.

The thing to remember about Strippers is that they are usually very
sexually adventurous women. Sure, you got a few prudes who like
to delude themselves that what they do isn’t really who they are, but
for the most part, there are a lot of girls out there who are very open
to all types of men.

A lot of Strippers I have known (and dated) in the past – women who
by all accounts are drop-dead gorgeous by any standard – have had
sex with some truly disgusting guys.

Seriously. I’m talking truly, truly disgusting here.

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

I’ve known a girl who’s banged smelly punk-rock guys who never
showered and had rotting teeth. I’ve known a girl who’s jumped in the
sack with a huge, fat, greasy man with horrid acne because he was
funny and made her laugh. And my favorite is one girl who had sex
with a wheelchair-bound midget who’s colostomy bag broke and spilled
all over her during the act.

All these girls were smoking-hot and none of these guys paid for it! It
was all done of the girl’s own free will.

So what does this mean for you?

It means the good news is that it doesn’t matter what you look like or
how old you are. The odds are in your favor that there’s a Stripper out
there willing to date you no matter what. In fact, I’d go so far as to
say the more odd you look, the greater your chances of scoring with a

However, I do think you should take care of your appearance. Shower,

smell nice (a little cologne never hurt anyone), comb your hair, wear
deodorant, and dress well. This’ll put you at an advantage over the
sweaty, greasy losers who wander into the club.

A little note about the dress code of clubs… though there is no official
Strip Club dress code, be considerate about what you wear. Don’t
wear shorts. They make you look like a geek. Wear long pants. Try
not to wear jeans, because they’re a rough fabric, and should you end
up getting a dance (which you shouldn’t, but if you do), it will scratch
the girl up. The softer the fabric, the more the girl will enjoy it. I
usually go for a nice pair of khakis when I go to a club. If I’m feeling
really festive, corduroy pants are always a big hit. ☺

Nice shirts are good too. A button up silk shirt can be a big hit, or a
soft tee-shirt can work too. Just be aware of what a shirt is going to
look like under the black lights. Seriously, every stain and smudge will
come out. Lighter colors tend to glow, so those will help make you
stand out more in the club.

Also, wash your face before you go to a strip club! A friend of mine
once entered a club with acne medication on his face, and it glowed in
the black light! He had all these unsightly blobs smeared on his face.
Once I told him he quickly rushed to the bathroom to wash them off,
but had I not been there, he might have gotten a few laughs from the

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

So in short, look your best, and don’t sweat your level of physical
attractiveness too much. Strippers aren’t like other women. They’re
more sexually adventurous and open minded than most.

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

The #1 Rule When Dealing With


If you only learn one thing (and one thing only) from reading this book,
I want it to be this…



That is rule number one.

Look at it as the “first commandment” of your own personal sexual


“Thou Shalt Not Spendith Thy Hard-Earned Money!”

Now, you may think this is a “self evident” truth. But you’d be
surprised. Tons of guys just feel like a vat of butter has spilled into
their wallets when they enter a strip club, and before you know it, it’s
3 am and you’re wondering how you’re going to pay rent after you’ve
emptied your bank account for some good-looking lady in clear heels.

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

But I’m not just imparting this idea on you because I want you to be
cheap. There’s actually a really good reason behind why you should
never spend money in clubs, which I’ll get to in a bit.

The first thing I want to talk about in this regard is the notion that you
HAVE to spend money in strip clubs in order to get a girl in there.

I’ve talked to many strippers on this subject, and I’ll ask them “So if a
guy finds you attractive, what should he do to try and get to know you
better and maybe get a date?” And you know what the answer is?

99.9% of the time, these girls will answer: “Buy a dance with her and
talk to her.”

This type of advice is so prevalent, that even OTHER guys who

consider themselves “strip club experts” advise guys to buy a dance
in order to get to know the girl you like, because they “talked to actual
strippers and that’s what they said was the best way.”

Well, of course the girls are going to say that! They’re in the club to
make money, so a unified stripper mantra of “buy a dance if you like
us” is meant to get guys to spend money and help the girls who dance
in the club make money.

But for those of us guys who actually WANT to date a stripper, this is
probably the worst advice any of us could follow.

And in a way, this indirectly brings me to the SECOND most important

rule you should be aware of when it comes to dating strippers…


They will lie to your face, they will make up even bigger lies to cover
the fact they’re lying, and they won’t stop lying to you no matter what.

Now, just be aware I’m not saying this to bash the girls. They don’t lie
all the time, especially if you get to know them outside the club. But
when you walk into a strip club, you should go in expecting that not a
single utterance of truthfulness will escape any of the girl’s lips.

And the idea of buying a dance to get to know the girl better is the
biggest lie of all.

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Now, let’s get to the reason behind why you should never spend
money in a strip club.

Aside from the obvious, that strip clubs are expensive and you should
save your hard earned money, there’s also the notion that once you
spend a single red cent in any club, you are automatically branded as…


In this regard, you might as well have the letters “ATM” tattooed on
your forehead and walk around shelling out greenbacks to every girl
you see, because that’s exactly what you become when you’re viewed
as a “customer.”

See, in a dancer’s eye, there are only two types of men who are in
strip clubs…

1. Customers
2. Everyone Else.

What’s the difference? Simple.

Dancers won’t date/sleep with/party with/whatever with

Customers. They will with Everyone Else.

Why is this? Well, for the moment, imagine that you’re a car salesman.
You spend all day talking to people who want to buy a car, and you
work your ass off to sell them those cars. But after that customer
leaves the lot, do you want them to come back every time the car has
a problem and complain to you? Do you want them to drive you
around? Do you want them to come to your kid’s soccer game?

No. You sell them a car, and you move on. The customer is your
paycheck. Your life is separate from that car dealership.

The same is true of Strippers. To them, dancing is a job. They clock

in, make their money, and clock out. You, as a club patron, are no
different than the people who want to buy a car. It’s basic supply and
demand, and it doesn’t go beyond that.

Now, there are exceptions to every rule, but that’s basically how it
plays out.

However, go back to imagining you’re a car salesmen again. Think of

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the people you work with. The other salesmen, the clerks, the
mechanics, whatever. You see them all the time, you get to know
them, you like some of them, you go out and socialize with them. You
meet other people at bars and parties, and you incorporate them into
your life, and if they need a car, you hook them up.

This is Everyone Else. To them, you’re who you really are, not just a
car salesman. They don’t hang out with you because they want a car,
they hang out with you because they like you, and that’s why you
hang out with them.

The same is true for Strippers. They hang out with other dancers,
doormen, bouncers, DJs, and people they meet outside the club. Why?
You guessed it…

Because they’re not customers!

Most dancers like to put on a “persona” when they dance, and they
leave that persona behind when they leave the club. People who get
to know who that dancer really is and not the persona are the people
she’s going to date and hang out with.

It is your goal to be one of those people!

So you want to do everything you can to go from being a simple

“customer” to “everyone else.”

And the simple, best way to do that is to NOT SPEND MONEY ON


Now, not spending money on strippers will not endear them to you
right away. But there are ways around that. However, you must learn
that spending money on strippers will not get you what you want (well,
sometimes it will, but for a much greater sum than you may be willing
to pay!).

Think of it as a game. The girl’s job is to get as much money from you
as you can. Your job is to spend as little as possible. If you succeed,
you will have opened the doors for you to stand out from the other
walking ATM machines in the club and actually have a chance at
seeing the girl you like outside the club.

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

Don’t Let Her Dance For You

This rule kind of goes in hand with the “No Spending Money” rule.
Remember when I said there are two types of men in a strip club?
Well, this relates directly to that.



And dancers don’t date customers.

I don’t care if it’s a $1 floor dance. If you give her money in exchange
for her rubbing up against you or performing for you in some way, you
are going to be seen as 100% customer. That means your job at
getting to see her outside the club just got much harder.

A Stripper makes most of her money from lap dances, be they for $20
in the booths or $100 in the VIP room, that’s her bread and butter. No
Stripper could ever live on the singles that get thrown at her while
she’s up on stage. So if you get a dance with a girl and you’re paying

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for it, guess what? You’ve just become another walking ATM to her.
$20 for a two minute dance. Not a bad payday, eh?

Now there is an exception to this rule.

The exception is if you get the dance for FREE.

If a girl is willing to dance for you without the money, then by all
means, go for it! Sometimes the girls will WANT to dance for you
because they like you or they’re attracted to you. So if they offer, by
all means, do it! Sometimes, they may say that it’ll cost half price
because they still got to give the club its split. If this is the case, go
ahead and pay the $10 for the lap dance or whatever. But make it
clear that’s all you’re going to pay and that you don’t usually do this.
Some clubs do take a split of every booth dance the girls do, so this
isn’t necessarily a lie, and even if the girl is lying, the fact she’s willing
to do anything for a discount is making headway.

Another great way of doing a freebie is having a friend pay for your
dances for you.

Me and a good buddy of mine used to do this regularly. Before going

into a club, we’d agree that only one of us was going to buy dances for
the night, so if it was my buddy’s turn, I’d give him a hundred or so
dollars to spend on me for the night. Then in the club, I’d pick the girl
I’d like, and he’d go approach her for me, saying something like “My
friend really likes you, and I think he’d like a dance, but you got to go
butter him up a bit.”

Then the girl would come over to me and sit and talk for a while.
Eventually, she’d ask for a dance, and I’d reply “I really like you, but I
don’t do that kind of thing.” Then my buddy would jump in on cue
with one of my $20s and say “You don’t have a choice tonight, this
one’s on me!”

And of course, I’d then be “unwillingly” dragged away by the girl into
one of the booths for a dance, all thanks to my good friend’s
“generosity.” ☺

Now, that said, even free dances can be problematic because the girls
can slip into “stripper mode” once that song clock starts ticking. When
in “stripper mode,” it’s all business. The trick here is to further
distinguish yourself from the average nudge even in the privacy of
your dance booth.

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The best way to do this is to get them to stop dancing.

As soon as they start up with “stripper mode,” interrupt it by saying


Usually, this’ll be met with a “deer-in-the-headlights” look from the girl.

After all, what guy would tell her to stop dancing for them? Does this
mean you don’t like her? Did she do something wrong? Have you
changed your mind? What’s going on!!!!

All that will run through her mind after you put on the breaks, and
most of all, it will snap her out of that dreaded “stripper mode.”

After that, smile at her and say “You know what, I don’t want you to
dance for me. Just sit and talk to me for a while.”

Pretty much every Stripper is more than willing to sit and talk for a
dance rather than exert herself by dancing any day of the week. They
will all happily sit on your lap and chatter on about stuff for a few
minutes. Use this time to talk to her, ask her about her personal life,
share your own personal stories (but don’t brag, I’ll talk more about
that later). Basically, try to get your foot in the door of “Everyone
Else.” This little chat you have will make you stand out from the

And when the time is up, should she ask you if you want to do another,
politely decline, but say “I had a great time talking with you. Come by
and hang out if you’re bored.” Most of the time they won’t because
they’ll be busy working the room. But sometimes they do, and even if
they don’t, you’ve set yourself apart in their mind as someone who’s
not the average “customer.”

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

Don’t Stay In The Club For Too

If you’re going out for the purpose of picking up a Stripper, do not stay
in the strip club for extended periods of time.

I’ve had bouts of indulgence where I’ve gone out partying with my
buddies in a city like Los Vegas (strip club capitol of the world), going
to a strip club at 9 at night and not leaving until noon the next day.
But that was a situation where we were looking to spend money and
grope women we didn’t have to work for!

But if I want to go to a club to pick up a Stripper for a date, sex,

whatever, I try to limit how long I actually stay inside the club.


Because a guy who stays in a strip club for too long becomes a LOSER
CUSTOMER, that’s why!

Think about it. If a girl comes in to dance and constantly sees you
sitting around for hours on end, she’s going to peg you as a club
junkie, and by extension, a customer.

The trick is to go into the club, make contact with a few girls, chat
them up, and then leave. I can do all I need to in about 30 minutes,
but after paying a $20 cover or whatever, you may be tempted to stay
longer. I say an hour and a half is the maximum amount of time you
should spend in a club. An hour is ideal.

This means that while you’re in the club, you want to position yourself
for “maximum meeting potential.”

So when you walk into a club and see the guys at the stage, and
sitting in the chairs, and in the back booths, or whatever, laugh at

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

them. Those are the sucker customers who are never going to get
anywhere with the girls.

In every club, there will be a “high traffic” area where you’ll want to
position yourself. This will usually be the bar area, if the club has a
bar (which they usually will). If they don’t, look at the places where
the girls tend to mill around. This can be the DJ booth, tables, or
couches by the dressing room. Where ever it is, you’ll want to STAND

That’s right, don’t sit down. Stand. Guys who sit down anywhere
other than at the bar are customer-potential. Make yourself different.

Standing also has the added benefit of helping you to quickly meet and
chat with girls who are walking by. I don’t know why this is, it just is.
Especially if you get in that coveted high-traffic spot. You’ll suddenly
be meeting more girls than you know what to do with.

But standing also has the added benefit of creating a “buffer zone”
between any girl you come in contact with. This is important because
the next rule is…

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No Touching The Girls

This is another hard and fast rule you can take with you to the bank:


Now, I know this is like putting a three-inch thick steak in front of a

starving man and telling him not to eat. I mean, who wouldn’t want to
reach out and touch these beautiful, sexy women anywhere they’ll let
you, right? But bear with me here.

Ask yourself this: Who’s grubby, sweaty hands are pawning their
bodies all night long?

If you answered “customers,” guess what? You got it!

Customers touch the girls. You do not want to be a customer.

Therefore, do not touch them!

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This means don’t shake their hand, don’t rub their shoulders, don’t put
your arm around them, don’t caress their knee, don’t even let them sit
on your lap.

Most Strippers abhor the fact that they have to let themselves be felt
up by guys all night long. And even the girls who don’t mind it have to
deal with overly-frisky morons who my try to grab their crotches or
suck on their breasts.

If you want to stand out, control your urges to touch the Strippers.
Most of them will notice the fact that you’re not all over them like most
guys. Some will see it as a challenge, others may take it as an insult,
but they will all NOTICE, and that’s the important thing.

By the same token, don’t fall for the girls who touch YOU.

See, touching is the Stripper’s secret weapon. The more a woman

touches you, the more your brain goes “Whoa! What’s going on here?
Sexy woman feeling me up! She must like me! Wheeeeeeeeee!”

Well put the breaks on that thought right now. It’s complete BS.

You have to look at each physical contact by a Stripper as a means of

manipulating you into spending money on her. This is a bad thing,
because she’s treating you like a customer. You cannot take her
touching you as meaning she’s attracted to you. You wouldn’t
believe how many Strippers I know who were rejected by guys who
didn’t want a dance, then after a few minutes of sitting on their laps
and rubbing their chests, they got them into the VIP room for a couple
hundred dollars worth of dancing.

Just shrug off any touching by the dancers, and keep your hands to

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Treat All Strippers The Same Way

I once read about how all casinos are designed to get you to stay
inside so you’ll gamble more money. They make the exits hard to find
and there are no clocks anywhere, and all that jazz. But the bottom
line is, they rig everything so that you are at a disadvantage.

Strip clubs function in much the same way.

These clubs, by their very nature, are engineered to get your money
away from you. And the girls are the main attraction (and main
money sucker).

Because of this, inside the Strip Club, it’s the girls who have all the
power. They’re the ones on stage, they’re the ones who call the shots,
they’re the ones who create the fantasy. Inside the club, every girl is
a 10 on the bachelor’s scale, even if they don’t look like it.

Understand, you can have a girl that’s fat and old who’s still stripping,
and even though you might rate her a 3, in the club, her attitude is
that of a 10.

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So you must treat all the girls you meet in the club like you would an
extremely beautiful woman.

What do I mean by this? Well, I’ll tell you what I don’t mean…

I DON’T mean you get down on your knees and worship her as a
goddess. I DON’T mean you bend yourself to her will. I DON’T mean
that you do whatever it is she says.

In fact, I’d say you need to do the exact opposite.

Ever hear the old saying “Treat a princess like a whore and a whore
like a princess?” Well, in the club, all the girls act like princesses, so
you got to treat them the exact opposite way they’re used to being

This means, you don’t treat them as sex objects. In fact, you act like
they’re not attractive at all. Tease them a bit. Strippers are not used
to being teased. Poke fun at them. Act like YOU’RE the guy they
should be fawning over, not the other way around. Joke with them.
Let them know you don’t come cheap, and if they want your company,
they’ll have to pay YOU.

Customers treat the girls the way they’re used to be treated. But the
real players, the ones the girls always end up going for, are the guys
who treat them as if they weren’t in the club at all, as if they were just
any other girl they met on the street.

Remember that Strippers are nothing special. In fact, you get most of
them in decent light and without make-up, they’re pretty regular
looking girls, and deep down, that’s how they feel. When they’re in
the club, they’re living out a fantasy as much as you are, one in which
they are incredibly beautiful and desired by all.

If you wish to be successful at getting this girl to meet you outside the
club, you are going to have to take that power away from them. Put
them back in the real world where they’re just an average girl, and
before you know it, they’re the ones trying to prove themselves to you!

Most Strippers are actually quite insecure about their looks. They
obsess over every wrinkle, stretch mark, hair, boob, whatever! If you
play on this insecurity about their looks, they will be looking to you for
approval. The best way to do this is with backhanded complements.

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I can remember a time where I got this one dancer to meet me

outside the club. She was a petite blonde with small breasts, but a
really cute face. When she came up to the bar I was standing at, she
asked if I wanted a dance, and I said “Why should I get a dance with

She responded with “Because I’m good. You’ll like it.”

I replied, “Well, you’re not really my type. But I do love your breasts.”
(I said this knowing she was obviously self-conscious about how small
they were)

She said “Really?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Most guys don’t like little boobs like yours, but I think
they’re great.”

The look on her face was like a gasket had blown somewhere inside
her head. She didn’t know how to respond to that! Was it an insult?
It kind-of was, because I told her that most guys won’t like her
because she has small boobs. But it was also a compliment, because I
told her that I, personally, found them attractive.

After that, she didn’t look at me as a customer, she looked at me as a

guy she had to prove herself to. She ended up meeting me at a local
Denny’s after the club closed later on that night. When I asked her
what made her decide to meet me, she said “You just seemed different.
Every guy I meet in there is ready to propose marriage, but there was
something real about you I liked.”

So use backhanded compliments to knock them off their high horse

and back into reality. But don’t overdo it. If you give the girls too
hard a time, they’ll get angry and move on to a guy who’ll feed their
ego rather than thrash it.

At one point I got into a lot of trouble for really making fun of a dancer
at a club in Denver. I was just good-naturedly ribbing her (or so I
thought) when I went too far and struck a nerve. Before I knew it,
this poor girl was screaming at me, calling me all sorts of unsavory
names, and I was eventually asked to leave by management.

So you can go too far with this. Just look for how the girl starts
responding to you. If she’s actually talking to you as a girl and not

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some beauty queen (you can usually visually notice a shift in the way
she looks at you when the transition occurs), it’s time to stop making
fun of her and throwing out the backhanded compliments and time
just to be a cool guy.

After all, the object of the game is to seduce them, not destroy them.

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Never Trust A Stripper’s Phone

This is a good rule to live by. Unless the girl you’re after actually
leaves the club with you and goes back to your place that night, you’re
not going to score with her. Sometimes guys will ask for a girl’s
number in the strip club, and once they get it, they believe they’re on
their way to getting a date.

Not so.

Not so by a loooooooong shot!

See, Strippers get asked for their numbers a bajillion times a night.
It’s probably the #1 most asked question for a dancer there is. In fact,
if a Stripper got a dollar for every time a guy asked them “What’s your
number?” she could probably retire, Bill Gates style, within the year.

When I was driving around my two Stripper friends when I was

younger, we used to laugh and joke about how many numbers and
business cards guys gave them, and how many fake numbers the girls
gave out.

Understand that if you’re seen as a customer, the girls will only give
you numbers where they can’t be reached. Most Strippers have
second cell phones or message services that they give out to
customers to keep tabs on them or string them along. Others give out
fake phone numbers. This is just a way of protecting themselves from
ungodly amounts of unsolicited calls. It’s very rare that a girl will give
out an actual legitimate number to someone she meets in a strip club
if there’s not something in it for her.

So the first rule is to never ask a Stripper for her phone number.
Either she won’t give it to you with an excuse like “We’re not supposed
to give out our numbers,” or she’ll just give you a fake number.

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The second rule is to never give the girl your number or business
card. They won’t care. They’ll either lose it and throw it away.
Should you do this, do not expect her to get in contact with you unless
she thinks she can squeeze more money out of you, in which case you
might hear from her again, but it won’t be a social call.

The third rule is that should a girl willingly give you her number
without you soliciting it, chances are it’s a working number, but
don’t count on it as a means to see her again. I’ve gotten
Strippers to give me their numbers before without asking, and some
were legitimate, but getting them to meet up with you can be hit or

So going for a Stripper’s phone number is a waste of time. I’ve found

e-mail addresses to be more reliable, since its easier for them to get
new anonymous email accounts on yahoo and hotmail, and also more
convenient for them than handling hundreds of phone calls a day from
guys they don’t really remember from the night before. But even that
is hit or miss. Usually the emails are just a means to let you know
when they’re working at the club again in the hopes you’ll come to see
them and spend money.

The best tactic is to try and get the girl to meet you outside the
club after she gets off work. Pulling a Stripper from the club is
almost a guarantee that something is going to happen with her. Even
setting up a date to meet while you’re in the club is preferable to
getting a number. Something like “This place is dead, you wanna
meet me at the bar down the street for a drink in an hour?” is
preferable to “What’s your number? Let’s go out.”

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Don’t Brag or Complain

This is another good rule to abide by when you’re in a strip club. Most
Strippers know that their job is to talk to guys, and its a job they do
quite well.

And seeing as how they do their job well, they’re used to hearing all
sorts of things from their customers.

The two biggest things the girls hear the most are: Bragging and

Guys who go to strip clubs are usually looking to escape whatever is

ailing them on the outside and blow off some steam or have some fun
in fantasy land for a while. They want to feel important, like big shots.
They want to impress the girls or dump their problems onto them.

Every time I go into a club I see guys throwing around money,

bragging about how great their job is and what kind of car they drive.
The girls are used to this. They’re used to guys lying to them about
what they do, in order to impress them. They’re also used to hearing
about how much money a guy makes, because he thinks that’s the
way to get her to sleep with him.

If you brag to a Stripper, all you’re going to do is bore her. They’ve

heard it all before, and they don’t care. The only thing they care
about is how much money you’re going to spend IN THE CLUB. Your
fancy car or yacht on the Caribbean is of no use to them. But that $20
in your pocket is.

By the same token, you’ll also bore a Stripper by complaining to her.

If you start using her as a therapist and unloading about how crappy
your job is, or how crummy your family is, or whatever it is that’s
bugging you, you’re not doing anything to further your cause of
getting a date with this dancer.

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Most Strippers have trained themselves well in the art of “smiling and
nodding.” They can act like they care and be understanding of your
problems, but in the end, they simply don’t give a damn about you.
They have their own problems to deal with.

All bragging or complaining to a Stripper will do is make you look like

your average customer.


Just act cool and stay positive. Keep your problems to yourself and be
a bit humble. This will make you stand out from most losers.

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

Don’t Stalk The Girls

Seriously. Don’t. It’s a bad idea.

If you find yourself uncontrollably attracted to a girl you’ve met in a

strip club, leave that club and don’t come back. Move on with your life.
Don’t look back.

Remember that the girls sell a fantasy. They are not what you think
they are. You may think one of the girls likes you and is maybe even
attracted to you. But she’s not. Her job is to make you BELIEVE she
is. Remember rule number two? STRIPPERS LIE. Do not believe a
word they say or a single touch they administer to you.

Even girls who’ll perform sexual acts on you in the club don’t
necessarily like you. Know that if you start getting obsessed with a
girl and become one of her “regulars” in the hopes she’ll be yours one
day, you’ve definitely been in “strip club land” too long.

Sometimes the urge to indulge in the fantasy Strippers provide can be

really tempting. But in the long run, it’s a losing proposition. Your
bubble will eventually burst, and it will not work out in your favor.
Either you’ll have a run in with the police, or friends of the dancer who
don’t care too much about your safety. No matter what happens,
though, you’ll never be welcomed back at that club.

When I was a Bouncer, I used to go out after the club had closed to
check all the cars left in the parking lot to make sure there weren’t
guys hiding in the back seats of the girl’s cars. There have been
untold countless kidnappings and murders at strip clubs because some
guy snuck into a girl’s car and caught her unawares as she was driving.
That’s how serious most clubs take the girl’s safety (after all, what girl
is going to want to work at a club that doesn’t protect them?).

Stalking is not only unhealthy to you, but it will ruin any chance you
have at getting the girl you want! So you need to be sure that you…

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• Don’t go to the club every night of the week just to see one girl.
• Don’t spend all your time in the club hoping to see her.
• Don’t stare at the girl you like.
• Don’t get jealous if she dances with other guys.
• Don’t follow her around.
• Don’t give lavish gifts or propose marriage (especially if your
only interaction with her has been in the club!)
• Do not pay for her expenses or bills.
• Do not follow her home after the club closes.

Stalking is a bad idea, and its not a good thing for anyone involved. It
will only lead to heartache and pain. There are other women in the
world, don’t obsess over just one.

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

Become An Insider

Strippers live a very closed existence. They spend most of their time
working in the club, so they tend to date guys who are somehow
associated with the club itself.

When you walk into a strip club, know that every guy who works there
is currently, or has at one time, slept with one of the dancers. The DJ
is usually most notorious for this, because he has lots of contact with
the girls every night.

In addition to the guys who work at the club, there are also the guys
who are FRIENDS of the people who work in the club. Be they friends
of the dancers, the doormen, the DJ, whoever it may be, if they have a
connection, they have an “in” with the girls.

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I can remember one night in Las Vegas, I went to an after-hours party

where I ran into an older guy who must have been in his 50s. He
looked like my dad, except he had his gray old-man hair spiked up into
an extreme flat-top. It was a pretty bold hair-doo for a guy his age,
so I walked up to him and told him how cool I thought his hair was.
We got to talking and had a few drinks together. Before he left, he
gave me his card and said “I like you. Give me a call sometime and I’ll
hook you up.” Turns out the guy owns one of the largest strip club
chains in the country! Since that day I just call him up when I’m
traveling to a city that has one of his clubs in it, and he calls the
management to expect me and treat me as one of his “personal
friends.” I have to practically bat the girls away from me with a stick
when I walk into the club, even though I’ve never been there before in
my life!

Thus is the power of being an “insider.”

Now, we all can’t befriend the owners of the club chain, but there are
ways to get the same effect.

To become a true insider takes time, like visiting the club something
like once a week to become a regular. I can remember when I was
first driving around those two Strippers after I got out of high school,
we’d go to a certain club every Saturday for them to dance at. After
about my 3rd time there, one of the bouncers came up and introduced
himself because he noticed I was coming around a lot with some of the
girls. After that, I got to know all the bouncers and eventually the DJ
and management of the club. Then I became friends with all the girls
who danced there and I never had to pay for a cover charge or a drink.

The best way to become an insider is slowly. Get to know the people
who work at the club gradually. You don’t have to go there every
night, but once a week can be good. Sit at the bar and chat up the
bartender. This is always a good first target on your track to
becoming an “insider.”

Bartenders at the club are usually the manager or girls who used to
dance or are on their way to dancing at the club. To get to know them
will get you in good quickly. Just buy a drink and sit and talk to them.
Before long, you can claim to be their friend.

Bouncers and doormen will usually take a little bit of time to warm up
to you. If they see you come around often and you don’t cause

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trouble, they’ll start to be more social with you. Talk to them about
what they do outside the club. A lot of these guys are musicians or
students, or they have a hobby they are passionate about. If you can
get to know the DJ, that’s a great hook-up to have too. Talk to him
between songs. After a song you like plays, go up to him and ask
“What was that song you just played?” After he responds talk to him
about whether he DJs outside the club at all.

In one night, you can learn enough about the people who work at a
club to pass yourself off as an “insider” to any girl who dances there.
After a few visits, you can actually BECOME and insider. And after you
start dating a girl who dances at the club, your status as an insider will
be solid.

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What To Do To Get A Stripper

Interested In You
In a previous chapter I talked about the two big things you should
never do when talking to a Stripper – namely bragging or complaining
to them. Know that introducing anything negative into a conversation
with a Stripper you’re trying to seduce is a bad idea. People in
general like positive things. So the real trick to getting a Stripper
excited is to be positive and exciting.

By this, I don’t mean acting overly cool or being an ass hole. If you
walk into a strip club and tell a dancer “This club sucks. Let’s go
somewhere cool,” you’re not helping your cause. The club may suck,
but that girl is WORKING there. She probably has friends there. It’s a
part of her life. In a way, you’re insulting her by saying the club sucks.

In my opinion, there are four major things every guy can do to come
off as a positive and exciting guy a Stripper would want to get to know

#1: Act Happy

This might seem like a no-brainer, but it isn’t. If you go into a strip
club, you’ll usually see a bunch of guys sitting around looking either
overly serious or overly depressed (or worse, bored). A guy who’s
smiling and laughing is always more attractive to the girls than a guy
who’s hunched over his drink watching the dancer on the stage. You
want to convey that you’re in a great mood and having a good time.
Smile a lot. Be upbeat. Crack jokes. Tell everyone how great your
day has been, and act like meeting the girl you like is secondary to
everything else that’s happened to you.

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#2: Be Enthusiastic

A strip club is not a place to be subtle or shy. It’s a loud and

obnoxious place full of stimulus of all kinds. If you want to compete
with your environment, you’re going to have to be enthusiastic and

Calling attention to yourself is a good thing. If you’re laughing and

having a good time, that will infect those around you into having a
good time too. You’ll become the center of attention and this will
attract all the bored girls over to you, because suddenly you’re
something interesting and worth checking out.

#3: Be Open-Minded

Many of the girls who dance in strip clubs have a wide variety of
beliefs and lifestyles. If you are a really rigid or judgmental person,
then you may run the risk of turning them off and sabotaging your
chances of picking them up.

Always keep an open mind when talking with dancers. Don’t say “Oh,
I hate that,” or “I think this is stupid,” because the very subject you’re
condemning could be something she’s passionate about or believes
strongly in.

Remember to be accepting and interested in things you don’t know

about, and refrain from judgmental comments about religion, politics,
sexuality, or anything like that.

#4: Be Adventurous

Note that I didn’t say “be sexual.” If you try to talk dirty to a girl in a
club, you’re going to be pegged as a customer. The girls are
inundated with sex the minute they step into the club. You want to
remind them that there’s more to life than sex and you’re the pathway
to that life.

Display qualities that show you’re spontaneous and fun. Tell her
stories about places you’ve been and things you’ve done. Most
Strippers lead pretty boring lives and can be intrigued by men who’ve
experienced exciting stuff.

I’ll often ask a dancer I’m talking to “If you could take a vacation right
now, where would you go?” No matter what she answers, I’ll tell her a

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story about the best vacation I ever took down to Bermuda, and how
she has to go down there and experience some of the things I did.

In a way, this leads us into our final tactic…

#5: Have A Life Outside The Club

Remember that while you’re in the strip club, you’re in Stripper world.
You’re playing an away game in the other team’s home field. This
puts you at an inherent disadvantage. What you want to try to do is
introduce your world into her world, and show how much better it is.

Know that the whole concept of Stripping is a form of entertainment.

Strippers are performers, and they don’t see their lives as glamorous
or exciting. They see the trouble they go through to look good, the
cat-fights between rival girls backstage, the problems they may have
with management, the creepy customers they have to put up with, any
injuries that may be plaguing them, and the list goes on…

Doesn’t sound so glamorous anymore, does it?

So don’t talk about her world. Forget talking about the club or what’s
going on with her in her life. Talk about exciting experiences you have,
lessons you’ve learned, feats you’ve accomplished, vacations you’ve
taken. And if your life is boring, make stuff up. It doesn’t matter, as
long as you talk about your passions that are outside of club life.

A man who has his own life and could care less about the fantasy a
strip club presents is always a guy who will be coveted among

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Become The “Striper Boyfriend”

By now you’re probably wondering “Gee, all this stuff you’re telling me
is all fine and dandy, but when are you going to tell me HOW to
seduce a stripper?”

Well, I can’t tell you this is exactly how to seduce a Stripper, because
every girl is different, every situation is different, and every guy
reading this book is different. So I don’t think I can lay out a step-by-
step method on how to get a Stripper to go out with you.

All I CAN do is share with you what I know works.

Having worked in strip clubs and dated numerous exotic dancers, I do

know that there is a specific TYPE of man that Strippers are generally

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

attracted to. I call guys who meet these traits “Stripper Boyfriend

I’ve seen everyone from “rock and roll guy wannabes” to upright
doctors and lawyers display these traits, and they never fail to work.
In fact, I fell backwards into the stuff that works just by being
associated with the dancers I drove around with when I was younger,
and it was only after seeing the guys the dancers went for in the clubs
I worked at that I was able to spot the similarities between what they
were doing and what I did.

After I recognized these traits, I worked up a profile of a typical

Stripper Boyfriend, and if you adopt these traits I’m going to share
with you while in the club, you’ll be able to attract the girl you want
and hopefully move things outside the club.

So here are the traits you need to know…

Trait #1: Be the Veteran

Understand that Strippers are a class of women, kind of like dock

workers are a class of men. They all know what the job entails, they
have their own lingo, and they know the high points and dangers of
their chosen profession. Short of working at a Strip Club as well,
there’s no way you can know what it’s like…

Unless you’ve dated a Stripper in the past.

I can remember back when Seinfeld used to be on TV, there was an

episode where the character George got a picture of a model, and told
all the women he met that he was dating that particular model in the
picture. Soon, other models were coming onto him, because “one of
their own” had decided he was good enough to date.

Well, things kind of work the same way with Strippers.

There’s a kind-of subliminal pre-approval process that goes on in a

Stripper’s head when she finds out that you used to date another girl
who stripped for a living. It’s almost as if you’ve been given the
stamp of approval, because you won’t freak out about her job, you
won’t act all jealous and crazy, and you know what life with a Stripper
can be like.

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In a way, you’re already “initiated” into the lifestyle she’s living, and
that’s more attractive than some guy who’s just looking for a fantasy
she can’t realistically provide in the long term.

The best way I know of to get a girl to look at you as a Veteran is to

flat out tell her.

Mention that you had a girlfriend who was an Exotic Dancer (quick
note, never refer to Strippers as “Strippers.” Always call them
Exotic Dancers or Dancers. It’s much less demeaning and will set
you apart from most guys). You also want to mention that your
girlfriend was a long term relationship – not just a one night stand.

It’s important not to make a big deal of this, but mention it casually,
as if it’s normal.

Trait #2: Know The Score

After you’ve established that you’re a Veteran, you have to back that
up by showing you have knowledge of what being a Stripper is like.

You have to realize that besides dancing, a Stripper’s job is to talk to

men. And the more they talk to guys, the more they begin to hear the
same types of questions over and over again.

Questions like:

“What’s your name?”

“How long have you been dancing?”
“Do you’re parent’s know?”
“It must be so glamorous being an exotic dancer. You must be rich!”

The girls hear these types of questions all night long! They start to
associate these types of questions with customers.

So when someone comes in and says “Wow, you must lead an exciting
life,” you’re not showing you know what being a Stripper is about.
Stripping is a job. It can be a boring job. It’s nowhere near being
exciting. By saying something like this, you are showing your
ignorance of her profession and displaying that you really are not a

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The best way to show you know the score is to not even ask these
questions at all!

Trait #3: Be Dominant

By “being dominant,” I don’t mean you get to be berating or

controlling. I mean you have to take charge of what you talk about
with your girl.

Just like customers ask the girls the same thing over and over again,
the girls will ask the customers the same things over and over again
too. It’s an auto-pilot response they develop after they’ve been
dancing for a while. When you hear questions like:

“Want a dance?”
“What’s your name?”
“Where you from?”
“What do you do?”

If she’s asking you these questions, she’s trying to treat you like any
other customer. And should you actually answer and of these
questions – BOOM! You’re right in that dreaded “customer” category
and no longer “Stripper Boyfriend” material.

Here’s how you get around this:

You have to take control of the conversation. Because if you

answer her questions and allow her to dictate what you talk about,
you’re never going to show her that you’re Stripper Boyfriend material,
you’re just going to be trapped into saying the same crap every other
customer says.

So what do you do when she comes up to you and says “Would you
like a dance?”

If you say “Yes,” you become a customer, and as a customer, you will
not turn her into a girlfriend, because Strippers DO NOT DATE

If you say “No,” you come off as being broke or stingy.

So what’s the answer to this?

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Simple. You just change the subject. You start being dominant and
you control the conversation with her.

Start talking about something, ANYTHING other than whether or not

you want a dance.

Here’s a line I used one day just for kicks…

Stripper: “Want a dance?”

Me: “Oh my God, you look like you like cats. Do you like cats?” (note:
almost all Strippers love cats)
Stripper: “Um, yeah.”
Me: “My cat Arnold died today. I’m so sad.”

Before I knew it, this cat loving Stripper was comforting me talking
about a cat she lost a few years back and how sad it made her. Before
you knew it, all thoughts of whether I wanted a dance were out the

Now, of course I didn’t have a cat, and it certainly didn’t die, but that
didn’t matter. What mattered was I became dominant and got her to
talk about what I wanted, not what she wanted.

If she asks you “What do you do?” tell her “I don’t want to talk about
work. I wish I was an astronaut, then I could walk on the moon. You
ever want to walk on the moon?” or something like that.

That’s the secret to being dominant. Every time they try to lead you
down one of their paths to customer land, cut them off and have them
walk your path into your world.

Trait #4: Be A Normal Guy, Not A Customer

This is an important trait. Everything I’ve been telling you so far has
been about how to distinguish yourself from regular customers. Well,
probably the best way to make it clear you aren’t one is to just come
right out and say it.

When you’re talking to your girl, say something like “You know, it’s a
good thing I’m not a customer, or I probably wouldn’t be able to talk
to you like this. I just came here to see Bruno (or someone else who
isn’t a dancer at the club).” Right there you’ve made it clear you’re

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not a customer because, well, you TOLD her you weren’t! This
shouldn’t work, but it does. I don’t know why.

The clearer you can make it that you’re not just some dude waiting to
be hustled, the easier it is to set yourself apart from the others and
display yourself as “Stripper Boyfriend” material.

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The Numbers Game

When you go out with the express intent of picking up a Stripper, you
have to realize that you’re undertaking a daunting task. Truth be told,
you’d probably have an easier time meeting a girl in a regular bar and
getting her to come home with you than you would pulling a Stripper
from a club.

With this in mind, you have to realize that picking up Strippers is

about one thing and one thing only…


When you enter a club, you can’t go in there looking to get a specific
girl, because the odds just aren’t in your favor. The girls are there to
work, for the most part, so thinking it’s possible to seduce the exact
girl you want is a bit far-fetched.

You have to be open to picking up any girl who’s in that club, be they
a dancer, a waitress, a customer – whatever. Your focus should be
broad, not narrow.

I have a friend who’s a musician, and he looks like one. He’s got the
long hair, tattoos that cover his arms and back, who dresses in all
black all the time – typical heavy metal rocker guy. He loves to pick
up Strippers, and when he and I go to a club, we go there with the
express intention to get a girl and not spend money.

While I hang out by the bar and be social, talking to girls and whatnot,
he’ll sit quietly in a chair somewhere and just wait for women to
approach him, and he’ll keep waiting until he finds the one who
responds to what he has to offer. He’ll wait all night if he has to. And
though he’s not as consistent as I am with getting the girls, he will
eventually find a girl who’ll like him.

He plays the numbers.

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He waits until he finally finds a girl who’s into him, who responds to his
look and his style, and when he does he’ll pursue her and try to get
her outside the club.

You have to be the same way. You have to play the numbers and look
for the girls who respond to you. They will be the ones you have a
chance with.

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Meeting Strippers Online

Believe it or not, sometimes it’s easier to meet Strippers in places
other than clubs. I somewhat touch on this in the section where I
explain about “After Club” hang outs. But there are many other places
you can meet Strippers that won’t get you anywhere near a club.

The best place I’ve found to do this is on the internet.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Where the hell do you find
Strippers on the internet?”

Well, finding them on the internet can be a bit of a task… if you don’t
know where to look. The fact is, a great many Strippers are quite
online savvy. There are two major reasons for this.

The first of which is for business. Strippers will often go online to

look up clubs they want to dance at. There are also certain message
boards they will frequent that deal either with actual stripper issues
(such as a board where Strippers will exchange tips and tactics and
reviews of clubs), and sites that deal with customers (such as message
boards that people will write about them on. Some clubs have mailing
lists devoted to them where every girl is critiqued and rated. Some
girls find this helpful in improving their ability to make money).
Strippers also use the internet to buy new clothes and sexy things to

The second reason, and probably a bigger factor in the internet playing
an important role in most Strippers’ lives than business, is for a social

Yes, that’s right. A social life.

Now, you may say to yourself “But the girls work in a strip club! Isn’t
that their social life?”

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Well, let me ask you this… is your social life confined to where you
work? Or do you have friends you make outside of the workplace? Do
you go to work on a Friday night to have fun? Or do you go
someplace fun or chill to hang out with friends?

Remember that Stripping is a job (it can be a fun job, but it’s still
work), and the girls usually work at prime socializing hours, like Friday
and Saturday nights, Holidays, etc. And they work LATE, sometimes
until 3 or 4 in the morning, which means they have to sleep all day
long, waking up around 2 or 3 in the afternoon.

And after you factor in eating, showering, shopping, errands, cleaning,

bill paying, playing with the kid, etc. where do you think they find the
time to have fun and unwind?

The answer is -- they don’t!

A Stripper’s social life is pretty much confined to that of the club she
works at. This is why the girls usually end up dating the bouncers or
DJs who work at the club. They simply don’t get out enough to meet
other guys.

However, with the advent of the internet, they no longer have to “get
out” to meet people. They can just go online to do it!

I’ve seen Strippers who’ve had some of the biggest Instant Message
Buddy Lists I’ve ever seen, and they’ll spend hours IMing people.
They’ll text people on their cell phones (when they’re not turned off,
that is) for hours as well. They’ll post on message boards too.

But the single, best place that Strippers go to socialize on the internet


That’s right, Currently the internet’s #1 online

community. This is a free website that allows you to have your own
web page where you can post info about yourself, along with pictures
and a daily diary. Not only that, but you can go on other people’s
pages and post stuff on their site, and add them to your “friends list.”

In short, it’s like networking with other people online.

The thing that makes stand out is that it’s geared

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towards a very diverse and young crowd. It revels in pop culture.

Many of the Strippers I know have profiles on this site with hot and
sexy pictures of themselves and friends lists that range into the
hundreds. With this site, they’re notified about various parties and
events their friends are having, and it helps give them an outlet to do
something outside the walls of the strip club. Strippers also like to use
MySpace for business purposes, adding regulars to their friends list so
they can update them about where they’ll be appearing.

Often times, I’ve used the line “I like you, I’m going to add you to my
MySpace friends list.” When the girls hear this, their eyes will light up
and say “Oh my God! You’re on MySpace too? I love that site!” And
then they’ll babble on about how much fun they have on it.

Admittedly, getting a Stripper’s email address is more reliable than

getting their phone number. So offering to put her on your friend’s list
is a great way to get her email. Not only that, but once you can see
her profile, chances are she’s going to have a lot of hot stripper friends
in her Friend’s List. After that, all you need to do is get yourself added
to their Friend’s List, and before you know it, you have the ability to
contact literally HUNDREDS of hot, sexy strippers!

You can also just search the site for people in your area. Usually, the
girls with really sexy pictures or pictures of them in lingerie or dancing
are Strippers (there are exceptions since some of the girls on the site
can be pretty exhibitionist, but for the most part, you can’t go wrong
with this tactic).

So don’t dismiss any avenue you have available to you. Sites like and AOL IM or Yahoo! Messenger are good ways to
meet Strippers too, but I find them to be more random than a site like

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PART II: Everything You Ever Wanted To

Know About Strip Clubs (But Were Afraid To

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How Strip Clubs Operate

If you’re going to be operating in strip clubs and going after Strippers,

it’s important to know how things operate and what the girl’s job
entails. Most guys are ignorant of what a career as a Stripper is really
like. They think that these girls get naked and rake in the dough, but
there’s more to it than that. The better you understand how strip
clubs operate, the better you’ll be able to seduce the girl you want.

All clubs are different, with different rules depending on state law. But
there are general similarities in all clubs.

Most Strippers are hired to work as “independent contractors” rather

than as actual employees. This means that most Strippers are not paid
a salary, therefore their income is totally dependent on dances and
tips they get from customers. Strippers usually have to pay for the
privilege of working at a club, which is usually known as a “house fee”
or “stage fee.”

Most clubs require the dancers pay out 40 to 50 percent of their

income for stage or couch rental (this means that everything they

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make on stage and with lap dances is divvied up between the club and
the dancer). There’s usually also a “tip-out” to bouncers and DJs
which can be around 10 or 20 percent of the girl’s overall earnings for
the night.

Usually a shift quota is set and the Stripper must, at the bare
minimum, turn over at least that amount before she leaves the club.
If a dancer does not earn the quota for the night and wants to
continue working at the strip club, she owes the club and must pay off
that shift’s quota by adding it to the quota for the next shift she will

The clubs usually have other

ways of making money
independent of the girls. Most
sell promotional items like shirts
or hats, pornography, sex toys,
etc. There’s also the cover
charge to get into the club,
along with sales of drinks and
any fines they may have in
place to be levied against the
girls who break the club’s rules.
Some clubs also get kickbacks from dancers who perform sex acts on
customers while in the club.

Since the girls all work as independent contractors, none of them are
entitled to file discrimination claims, receive workers’ compensation, or
unemployment benefits. Club owners are free from tax obligations
and liability. Owners of clubs pay no Social Security, no health
insurance, and no sick pay for the dancers. Some club owners require
Strippers to sign agreements indicating that they are working as
independent contractors and some clubs require women to sign a
waiver of their right to sue the club for any reason before they’re
allowed to dance there.

Although strippers are independent contractors, they are actually

treated more like employees of the club they dance at. Regardless of
the agreements claiming independent contractor status, most clubs
maintain a lot of control over the girls who dance there.

The club controls the schedule and hours, requires the girls to pay
“rental fees” (like renting out the stage so they can dance on it, and
renting out booths or couches so they can dance on them too), tip the

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support staff of the club, and even sets the price of table dances and
private dances.

Some clubs have specific rules about costuming and even dictate the
sequence of the stripping. For example, by the middle of the first song
the woman must remove her top, she must be entirely nude by the
end of the second song, and must perform a nude floorshow (all this
regardless of whether customers are tipping her or not).

There are even clubs that regulate when

women may use the bathroom and how
many of them can be in the dressing room
at one time. Some clubs don’t have
seating available for the girls in the
dressing room and enforce a strict no-
smoking policy in that room. This is a way
to keep the girls from slacking off in the
dressing room and keep them out on the
main floor with the customers (like, if a girl
wants to sit down and rest, she must do so
with a customer. If she wants a smoke,
she must do on the main floor or in the
smoking lounge/area so she’s in contact
with the customers).

Every club enforces their rules through the

use of fines. The type of fine differs from club to club, but to give you
an example, girls can be fined $1 per minute for being late, as much
as $100 for calling in sick, and other arbitrary amounts for giving
attitude to management or the staff, talking on her phone without
permission, etc.

The girls can also be fined for prostitution, fighting with a customer,
being late on stage, leaving the main floor before the DJ calls her off,
not cashing in one dollar bills, being sick, not cleaning the dressing
room, and various other arbitrary things. Usually being late to the
stage is the most typical fine that’s levied on the girls.

One of the initial appeals of working at a strip club is that the job is
flexible, but this is far from the truth. Most of the time working at the
club takes over your life. You tend to work long hours late at night,
sometimes you have to deal with the fact that drugs and alcohol are all
over the place, and for girls who work at different clubs, there’s the
added stress of travel too. For someone who wants to function during

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“normal” work hours, this type of job can be quite problematic.

But on top of the physical stress involved in working at a strip club,

there’s a great deal of mental and emotional stress too. There’s
always drama and rivalries between girls. There can be dry periods
where the girls make little money. The girls can suffer from verbal
abuse from customers and employees at the club (as well as from
other dancers). There is also a small amount of physical abuse girls
suffer, be it from rough or aggressive customers or injuries that accrue
from dancing on stage.

There’s also a great deal of

sexual abuse that goes on in
strip clubs as well. In fact, you
could define a Stripper’s entire
job as that of “sexual abusee,”
even though the clubs are
geared towards protecting the
girls (usually), they are still
oogled, fondled, groped, licked,
kissed, and in some instances
penetrated by various types of
strange men. Needless to say, putting up with that type of stuff can
take its toll psychologically. I know a lot of Strippers who have to get
drunk before they even show up to the club just to make it through
the night. This is also a reason many Strippers initially turn to drugs.
The girls need something to help them disassociate themselves from
the experience of dealing with working at the club.

There’s also the added pressure or temptation to perform prostitution

while working at certain clubs. While there are a great many Strippers
who draw the line at performing sex acts for money, there are a great
many who are willing to take that leap. Lots of clubs frown on this
type of behavior because it could shut them down, but other clubs
tolerate (and in some instances encourage) it due to the extra money
it brings in.

Most strip clubs tend to be divided up into certain areas. There’s the
main floor (where the customers sit), the stage, the bar, the DJ booth,
dressing room (sometimes the girl’s bathroom doubles for the dressing
room), the lap dance areas, and in some cases the VIP room.

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The Main Floor

This is where the girls circulate through the crowd, encouraging men
to buy dances, drinking, and talking with the customers. In smaller
clubs, the girls can use the main floor to hang out, order in food, or
play pool (if there’s a table) during their shifts.

In higher scale clubs, the girls have to hustle drinks to feed the bar’s
cash register. Some clubs mandate that the girls aren’t allowed to buy
their own drinks, that they have to be sitting with customers, and can
never turn down a drink, even when their drinks are full (this is
because the bar is almost pure profit for the club). The main floor is
where most of the hustling for dances takes place.

The Stage

Stages come in all styles and sizes. Some stages wouldn’t even be
considered a “stage” by any standard, but it’s the place where the girls
perform for the customers.

Stages will usually have a bumper

on them where customers can sit
down and watch the girl dance up
close, as well as lay down tips.
These buffers are usually padded in
some way so the girls have the
option of getting close to the
customers to hustle more tips.

There’s usually a rotation for the

dancers working in the club to go up
on stage and perform their set. During a set, a dancer will strip,
dance, walk around, show off her goodies, and if she’s really into it,
perform acrobatics. Generally a girl will start her set fully clothed and
over the course of a set of 2 or 3 songs she will remove her top and in
nude clubs, her g-string. In some clubs, the girls will crawl or move
around on the floor posing in sexual positions and spread their legs at
the customers’ eye level.

During a floorshow, a dancer changes her movements from upright to

positions on her knees and squatting in order to ‘flash’ tipping
customers. ("Flashing" is when the Stripper pulling her g-string aside,
revealing her naughty bits). Strippers will ordinarily only position
themselves in front of customers who are tipping when they’re on

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stage. The guys who don’t tip are pretty much ignored.

The stage is also the area where live sex shows are performed. Live
sex shows involve 2 or more girls engaging in simulated or actual sex
on stage for the customer’s enjoyment. “Lesbian sex shows” can be
an advertised feature for certain clubs and two girls partner up and
split the profits from the show (with the club getting a nice cut, of

Private Dances & The VIP Room

Private dances are usually done in more secluded areas away from
public view. This is usually where the girls are most open to do
“extras,” such as hand jobs and blow jobs, among other things. But
this is also the place where the girls can be most careful or
businesslike, because men will usually proposition them for sex acts.

When the girls are in private dance situations with the customers, they
are kept an eye on by small security cameras or the “Peeper,” who’s a
bouncer or manager who’ll come by just to check and make sure
everyone is abiding by the rules. But despite that, this is also a time
where the girls are cut off from ready security, so they may feel more

There are a variety of private dances available in strip clubs. Table

dancing is performed on a low coffee table or on a small portable
platform near the customer’s seat. Couch dancing for a customer
entails the dancer standing over him on the couch. Lap dancing
requires the woman to straddle the man’s lap and grind against him. A
variation involves the woman dancing between his legs while he slides
down in his chair so that the dancer’s thighs are rubbing his crotch as
she moves. Bed dancing is offered in a private room and requires the
dancer to lay on top of the customer and simulate sex. Shower
dancing is offered in some clubs and allows a customer to get into a
shower stall with a dancer and massage their bodies with soap and
water. Wall dancing is where a man is placed with his back to a wall
and the Stripper rubs up against him.

Private dances can range anywhere from $15 per song to $300 for a
half an hour VIP excursion.

The VIP room is usually an actual “room” that is more private than the
normal booths. They can contain couches, a bed, a stereo, it’s own

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bar, and a variety of other things that make it seem fancy. The VIP
room is designed to be more private and comfortable than the rest of
the club, and it’s also the place that the most prostitution usually
occurs. Different clubs have different policies concerning VIP rooms.
Some clubs split the cost of the VIP room with the dancer, some take
all the money from a VIP session and girls have to rely on tips made
while in the room to pay for their time.

Strippers make most of their money with private dances.

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Types Of Strip Clubs

Now that you know how strip clubs operate, you should know the
different types of clubs that are out there. Different types of clubs
attract different types of girls and have different sets of rules and

I have been to countless different clubs in many different states, yet it

seems to me that strip clubs, wherever they may be, tend to fall into
one of three different types. By being able to recognize which of the
three types applies to a new club you are checking out, you'll at least
have some guidelines as to what you can expect when you go there.

Type #1: The "Show" Club

Show clubs are the easiest type to identify, since they usually have a
very well kept building, and a parking lot full of new cars which you
will notice before you even go inside the club.

Show clubs appeal to upscale customers by providing them with

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something they can't see anywhere else – live, unbelievably beautiful

and sexy girls!

In show clubs the emphasis is on show, so girls with top-notch

physical appearance and dancing skills will be the most prevalent.
Show clubs cater to businessmen entertaining their business clients,
vacationers, white collar guys traveling on business etc. who are
expecting to see something that will truly impress them.

To provide this, the show clubs usually only hire dancers with an
exceptional or unusual physical appearance (9s and 10s on the
bachelor scale), and they also may bring in feature entertainers like
porn stars.

"Show" Club Characteristics - Since they cater to professional and

upscale customers, show clubs usually have very strict rules. They
usually will not tolerate contact of any kind between their dancers and
customers, since they do not want to risk any problems with the local
police which might result in negative publicity for their club.

Dancers caught performing “extras” are usually immediately fired and

blackballed, since the owners need the club's image to be squeaky
clean. After all, if you were a local businessman would you risk your
face on the front page of your local newspaper as a result of being in a
strip club during a bust?

Show clubs depend on the exceptional or unusual appearance of their

dancers as the main attraction for upscale customers, so show clubs
usually will not tolerate a dancer who lets her appearance slide either
from weight gain, long nights, or bad habits. A show club dancer who
drops from a 9 to an 8 will be talked to by club management, and a
dancer who drops to a 7 will usually be let go.

Show clubs also usually have high cover charges, high stage fees and
high tip-outs, but they also have high earning potential for dancers
(which means if you’re expecting to go to a show club, you better be
making more that $24K a year).

Because show clubs represent a large business investment on the part

of the owners, they are usually managed professionally by business
professionals. As a result, they expect professional conduct from their
dancers such as showing up on time, showing up straight, working the
room with energy and a smile, etc. Show clubs also usually have
excellent security, both for the customers and for the dancers.

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Since show clubs are the only type of club where it is possible for
dancers to earn major bucks in a relatively clean, professional
environment, show club owners usually have many more dancers
applying to work there than they have openings. This means that show
club managers can (and will) be very selective in the dancers they do
hire! This also means that in many cases the dancers can be catty and
cutthroat, since 9s and 10s often do not get along well with each other
and since heavy money is at stake.

Type #2: The "Neighborhood" Club

Neighborhood clubs are exactly that, smaller clubs which are usually
located away from the main business district.

Neighborhood clubs appeal to neighborhood customers by providing

them something which is comfortable and affordable. In neighborhood
clubs the emphasis is on socializing, so the girls usually aren’t big

Neighborhood clubs cater to 'regular guys' out with the boys for the
evening, college students, blue collar guys traveling on business etc.
who are expecting a little personal attention from the dancers, but who
are also expecting to leave the club with some of their paycheck still
left in their wallet.

As a result, neighborhood clubs usually wind up hiring dancers who are

8s and 7s (on the bachelor scale), although 9s and 10s will be treated
like Gold in neighborhood clubs.

Neighborhood clubs are also the best venue you can have to find a
decent girl to date in the world of Strippers. The girls in these clubs
tend to work there regularly, and have a more relaxed attitude
towards their customers. This is my personal favorite type of club. In
fact, the first club I got work at as a doorman was a neighborhood club.

"Neighborhood" Club Characteristics - Since they cater to “regular

guys,” neighborhood clubs are usually fairly easygoing. The
atmosphere and acceptable behavior in a neighborhood club are about
the same as at a neighborhood bar, and most (but not all)
neighborhood clubs are topless only (or bikini) and serve alcohol.

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Neighborhood clubs cater to customers who do not have a lot of

money to spend, so the cover charge (and drink price) is low, the tip-
out is low, and there probably won't be a stage fee for the girls at all.

Often the club is owned by a 'regular guy' as well, who may even live
in the same neighborhood. This means that neighborhood clubs also
do not want trouble with the local police or the “neighbors,” but they
usually are not super-strict about enforcing “no contact” rules but are
concerned nonetheless.

Security is usually pretty lax as well. Because neighborhood clubs are

usually locally owned, management may not be all that professional,
but it is usually well intentioned. As a result, neighborhood clubs are
usually very easygoing about the girls showing up on time, working
the room steadily, etc. This gives you greater leeway in getting girls
to hang out longer and maybe even leave the club with you.

The reason these types of neighborhood clubs are so easygoing is that

they pretty much have to be, since neighborhood clubs offer the
lowest earning potential for dancers. This usually means that even
though it can be very comfortable to work in neighborhood clubs, and
that some decent money can be earned after a dancer builds up a
group of regular neighborhood customers who like her, most dancers
will keep looking for better paying opportunities in other clubs.

This also means that the dancers in neighborhood clubs usually get
along with each other well, since the “primadona factor” usually does
not come into play and there isn't all that much money to be had from
the customers to be worth risking bad blood with the other dancers.

Type #3: The "Sleazy" Club

Sleazy clubs are more difficult to identify since on the surface they
may appear just like a show club or a neighborhood club.

The obvious difference is that sleazy clubs appeal to customers who

are expecting more than a “no touch” dance whether the dancer is a
vision from heaven or not.

Sleazy clubs are usually (but not always) nude clubs. Because sleazy
clubs cater to the up close and personal customers, sensuality is the
most important characteristic for the girls who work there, although
physical appearance is also somewhat of an issue.

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Sleazy clubs need to keep their customers happy so they usually hire
dancers based on their “performance” during a private dance audition
(as in, if the girl’s willing to give the manager a blow-job, she’s hired).
Dancers ranging anywhere from 5s to 10s can be found in sleazy clubs,
as incredible amounts of money can be made by dancers willing to
keep the customers totally “happy.”

"Sleazy" Club Characteristics - The 'bread and butter' of sleazy clubs is

the VIP room, champagne room, or whatever they choose to call the
club's private area.

Many show clubs and neighborhood clubs also have private dance
areas, but in a sleazy club this is usually an area not within view of the
main room.

Obviously the customers these clubs cater to expect privacy with their
favorite dancer. Since sleazy clubs by their very nature are not all that
concerned with the letter of the law, management is usually
professional but not necessarily fair.

Management will always take care of their dancers though, especially

the 9s and 10s. Security is also usually strong also, and it’s not
unusual to see bouncers with brass knuckles or collapsible metal clubs
on their person. But in sleazy clubs, security is primarily there to
protect the club and club owner, not to keep an eye on the dancers!

Obviously there is tremendous earning potential for girls in sleazy

clubs, so cover charges, stage fees and tip-outs can be relatively high.
Usually, the bouncers and sometimes even management will get
kickbacks from the girls who perform illicit sexual favors in the back

Girls who are more willing than most to keep the customers “happy”
will do extremely well in sleazy clubs. Girls who are less willing than
most will usually not be pressured, but their earnings will be
disappointing. Also, in sleazy clubs, be prepared for just about
anything to happen in the dressing room, private area, or even the
main club area. This includes fights and police busts.

Sleazy clubs are fun if you’re looking for quick sexual gratification and
are willing to pay for it. However, I do not recommend them if you’re
looking to date one of the girls. I say this because typically, the girls
in these types of clubs are more self destructive, messed in the head,

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and prone to disease than the girls in the other types of clubs. That
doesn’t mean they’re ALL bad women, but just be extra cautious when
dealing with a sleazy club.

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When To Go To A Strip Club

Now that we’ve covered what type of clubs there are, that’s only half
the information you’ll need to prepare you for picking up a Stripper.
The other half of the information is WHEN to go to the club.

The prime days to pick up dancers in clubs are not the weekends.
Weekends are the time the girls make the bulk of their money. I’m
not saying its impossible to get a girl from a club on the weekend, but
it sure is more difficult. Its kind-of like if I were to walk into your
workplace on Monday around lunch time and ask you to take the rest
of the week off and hang out with me. Is that impossible? No. But it
would take some convincing, am I right?

So weekends are bad times to pick up Strippers. The best times to do

it are during off-hours and weekdays.

Whenever I walk into a club and I see it’s slow, I smile, because I
know it’s going to be much more fun than a club that’s crowded.
When a club is crowded, the girls are busy hustling and making money,
as they should be. When a club is dead, they’ve almost accepted the
night is gonna be a bust and they’re open to doing stuff to break the
boredom. (It’s also easier to convince them to leave early and go
have some fun)

So weekdays are good times to go, but be aware of any special events
that may be occurring in the club and avoid those too if possible. A lot
of clubs know the weekdays are slow, so they throw special events to
try and attract customers, like “half price dance night” or “Oil
Wrestling Contest” or “Amateur Night.”

The effectiveness of these special events can be hit-or-miss. But if

you see a lot of promotion for a particular event, then do yourself a
favor and find another club to go to on that night. And if the local
radio station is involved, forget it! The club will be so jam-packed with

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people you’re going to be wasting your time trying to pick up a dancer

that night.

Some clubs are open during the day, which can also be a good time to
go, depending on what part of the country you’re in. Just be aware
that most of the girls who work at clubs during the day (the “day
shift,” as I like to call them) are not all exactly visions of beauty. This
is a time where older dancers come in, and girls with families that
can’t stay out late at night, or girls who are trying to get back into the
good graces of management after some bad behavior and are being
punished by working during the day. But this can also be a time
where new dancers are “broken in” before they start dancing on the
prime nights (I know a few clubs in Las Vegas that do this). Also,
occasionally you’ll get girls who come in during the day just because
they love their job and feel more at home in the club.

So knowing all this, figure out the best times to pick up dancers in
your favorite clubs by seeing when the club is slowest. And as I said
before, picking up girls on weekends is possible, but more difficult, so
if you want to have your “pick of the litter,” be prepared to throw
down and put in the work during those prime hours on the weekends.

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Go To Clubs Alone
There’s always the question “Should I go to a strip club alone or
should I go with friends?”

Here’s my answer to that…

If you want to go to pick up a Stripper, go alone.

If you want to go to have fun, go with friends.

When I go to a strip club to pick-up, I don’t spend very long in the club.
I just stay long enough to maybe get a number or pull a girl. When
you go with friends, there’s an added pressure to stay longer than you
should if you really want to pull girls.

Now, sometimes having friends with you can help you out with a pick-
up. If your friends are fun and you guys are the life of the party, that
can help. But if your buddies are running around acting like loser
customers, being associated with them can impede your chances of
getting a girl.

If you’re going to a strip club to pick up a girl and you want to go with
friends, have a few “wingmen” who enjoy strip clubs too who know
what they’re doing and can support your efforts to get a girl.

It’s also important to have an “exit strategy” when you’re out to pick
up girls at a club. If you do succeed and should find a girl who wants
to go home with you, the last thing you want to have to deal with is
the fact you drove to the club with a big group of friends. In the end,
I’d say it’s always preferable to go it alone if you want to try and pull a
girl from the club.

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Topless Or Nude, That Is The


Okay, so now that you know the types of clubs and when to go, you
still have one more decision to make: Topless Bar, or Nude Club?

This is actually a more important decision than you might know.

See, there’s a different type of girl who works at a Topless Bar than
the type of girl who works at a Nude Club. In fact, it’s rather funny
because both types of girls look down upon the other type.

Girls who work in Topless Bars think that girls who work in Nude Clubs
are more like whores. There’s a certain snootiness there. Girls who
work in Nude Clubs think the girls in Topless Bars are stupid because
they can make more dancing in the nude.

However, these two attitudes don’t affect you directly. But other
attitudes associated with them do.

Let me explain.

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Girls who dance at Nude Clubs do so for the money. They know they
can make more money by taking off all their clothes, so usually you’ll
find lots of hustlers at these types of clubs. But girls at Nude Clubs
are harder to pick up because they’re more closely guarded. Most
Nude Clubs in this country don’t serve alcohol, so the girl’s don’t have
to deal with drunk customers (unless the club is BYOB), so there’s that.
But anytime a girl is exposing herself as completely as they have to in
Nude Clubs, she’s going to feel a little vulnerable and try to
compensate for this through disassociation with the men she’s dancing
for (ie: The customer mentality is more prevalent in all Nude Clubs).

When it comes to Topless Bars, however, it’s more of a social

atmosphere. The girl’s in Topless Bars never get completely naked, so
there’s a bigger comfort factor there. Plus, the added bonus of a bar
that serves alcohol makes it more of a fun, party place where dancers
and customers can unwind, maybe even shoot some pool.

Because of this, I’ve found that Topless Bars are far superior to
full Nude Clubs when it comes to picking up Strippers.

So if you have the choice between a Topless Bar and a Nude Club,
know that your odds of pulling a girl from the Topless Bar is greater.
Also, if a club allows girls who are 18 and up (some have a minimum
age of 21), that’s another bonus, since younger girls can be easier to
pull because they’re not as experienced or hardened as some of the
other dancers are.

Which brings us to our next chapter…

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18 And Over
Here’s a tip for all you guys who are looking to pick up a Stripper that
most guys don’t know about. If you really want to improve your
chances of picking up a dancer, go to a club that allows girls who are
“18 and over.”

Why is this?

Because girls who are inexperienced at stripping are much

easier to pick up than hardened veterans.

A girl who’s been stripping for a while knows the ropes. Chances are
she’s fallen for every trick in the book and has learned to protect
herself from most guys’ tactics and focus on making money while in
the club.

Girls who are just starting out, however, are still learning and are
more open to guys who are trying to pick them up.

In the words of one of my good friends “The younger, the dumber.”

Now, that’s a crass way of putting it. I’d say “The younger, the more
open they are to new experiences.” I’ve dated a few dancers who
were really young (like 18 and 19) before, and I’ve even coached a
few of the younger girls to look out for some of the pitfalls of the
business. But you can’t argue with the fact that the greener the girl,
the easier she is to pick up.

Just be careful dealing with the younger girls. You don’t want them to
have bad experiences with you, you want them to have good
experiences just like every girl you date, right? So treat them with
respect and patience. A lot of them aren’t very good lovers OR
strippers, but again, that’s because they’re inexperienced.

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You should also be careful because it’s not unheard of for underage
girls, like 16 or 17 years old, to try and sneak into clubs by pretending
to be 18 with a fake ID or something like that. If you hook up with
one of these girls, you could be in real trouble should anyone find out!

Most girls who are new to stripping are very insecure about
themselves. They are insecure about how they look, about how they’ll
be received, about their skills as a Stripper, and about how much
money they make. Many new girls are nervous about asking for
money when they first start off and shy about revealing their body.
They want their customers to like them and don’t quite know the
distinction between the fact that it’s a job and not a social experience.
They’re still looking for validation that they’re pretty and men will find
them attractive.

You can use all this to your advantage when picking them up.

Be fun and positive and nice to the younger girls, but be sure not to
act like a dumb customer as well. Follow the advice I laid out in
section one of this book.

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Find The “After Club” Hang Out

One good way to further endear yourself to Strippers is to find the

“After Club” hang out. I discovered this little gem in my days as a
bouncer at a strip club.

Invariably, once 3:30 am rolled around and the club was closing, the
girls would be ready to leave. This means they’re all dressed in their
street clothes and heading to their car.

Now, some of the girls are tired after a long night of bumping and
grinding, or maybe they have families, whatever the case may be, and
they usually go straight home. But almost always there would be
other girls who weren’t quite ready to go back to their place quite yet.

The reasons for this are many. They might be wound up and not
ready to go to sleep. They might still be turned on or high and looking
for something to do. Or they might simply be hungry.

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Whatever the reason, there will always be girls who won’t go home
after the club closes. There will usually be an “After Club” hang out
place the girls always go to, whether to get drinks, food, drugs, or any
other thing they crave.

Depending on the location you’re in, this can be different. In most

parts of the country, the typical “After Club” hang out is some form of
24-hour restaurant, like Denny’s (the universal After Club gathering
place). If you know of a Denny’s or other 24-hour diner in the vicinity
of the strip club you’ve gone to, chances are pretty good you’ll see
some of the Strippers there after the club closes, usually around 4 am.

In other places, like Las Vegas, where you have 24-hour everything,
you have more choices. If there is a casino or a bar close by one of
the clubs, chances are you’ll see a lot of Strippers migrate there after
work. Sometimes there are “after-after-hours” clubs that most people
don’t know about that Strippers go to. With one dancer I used to date
when I was in Las Vegas, she took me to a dumpy little bar way off
the Las Vegas strip that looked like an abandoned building which
turned out it was an after-hours drug den which also happened to
serve booze, and lots of Strippers would go there after work to either
score drugs, get drunk, or maybe even solicit a few guys for some
extra money if the night was slow.

Needless to say, if you find out where these “After Hours” hang outs
are, you can further ingratiate yourself out of the “customer” frame
and into the “insider” frame. More girls will get to know you and get
comfortable with you, and that will always help you out when it comes
to dating them.

So the first part of this tactic is finding out where the hang out place is.
One of the best ways to do that is to ask.

Just ask one of the dancers or the bouncers or whoever “Hey, is there
a place around here that serves food 24 hours?” Whatever the answer
is, it’s a good bet that place will be where the girls go after the club
closes, especially if it’s a dancer who tells you the name of the place.

If you’re in a bigger city, like Las Vegas, it can be trickier to find out
what kind of “After Club” place is the best. Food places are always a
good bet, but it’s usually the closest casino to the club that wins out.
Still, a good question to ask in this case is “Hey, where’s a good place
to party other than this club?”

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If you don’t find out on the first try, be patient. Eventually, you’ll
discover where the “After Club” place is. Just be persistent in asking
around, and eventually, you’ll find out. I would strongly recommend
that you not resort to following the girls in your car after the club
closes to try and find out where this place is. Not only can you not be
sure if the girl is actually going there, but should you be caught (even
if your intentions are innocent), you’ll be branded a “stalker” and
before you know it, all your hard work is washed down the drain. If
even one girl tells the club she saw you following her, you’ll be
persona non-grata for a very long time.

When you do find the “After Club” hang out, it’s time to actually
interact with the girls. If it’s at a diner, invite them to sit and eat with
you. Be like “Hey, you’re the girls from the club! You guys wanna join
me?” Be fun and playful. Act like it’s a coincidence you just happened
to end up there too. Try to get them to sit with you, or to join their
party, even if they’re with other guys.

(A quick note here: Sometimes girls will go to these After Club places
with their boyfriends or husbands who pick them up from work. Only
approach the girls if they’re in a group of other girls just so you don’t
run into any boyfriend trouble)

If you run into the girls someplace other than a restaurant, just
approach them like you would any other girl in a bar. Have fun with
them. Be playful.

“After Club” hang outs are where you really get to work your way into
the girl’s inner circle, because seeing you outside the club in a social
way sets you apart from the average customer. And if you’ve followed
rule #1 and haven’t spent any money on them, you’re in even better

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Working In Strip Clubs To Pick Up


Bar none, the best method I’ve found to pick up Strippers has to be
either working at a strip club, or being close friends with someone who
works at a strip club.

Remember how I’ve spent most of this book telling you that if you
want to date a Stripper, you don’t want to be seen as a customer?
Well, when you work a strip club or you’re friends with someone who
works there, that INSTANTLY separates you from the customers. You
have a reason to be there other than being a lonely, horny loser who
likes to oogle the dancers. You’ve got a job to do.

I’ve also talked about how women who strip at clubs have very little
social life outside the club. When you work at the club along side the
dancers, you become part of the small social life they DO have. This
gives you many opportunities that the average chump going into a
club doesn’t have, and makes picking them up much easier.

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That being said, working at a strip club is not exactly the most
desirable profession one could want.

Sure, it can be fun and exciting at first. But it soon turns into a job.
You show up at the club early and have to help clean it up. You have
to deal with all the problems the girls bring with them to the club and
all the petty drama there is. You have to handle rude and sometimes
violent customers. You have to deal with drugs and prostitution, and
sometimes the authorities. You have to put up with crooked
management sometimes. You have to break up fights, either between
the dancers or the customers. You have to work late into the night
and suffer from a great deal of the social shortcomings most of the
dancers do. You also don’t make very much money unless you’re
working at a really large and popular club.

But in exchange for all that, you get laid.

So you have to weigh the pros and cons of working at a strip club and
decide if that’s something you really want to do. Strip clubs are one of
the few workplaces where you don’t have to worry about “sexual
harassment” or any other crap like that. But what you have to deal
with sometimes can be much worse.

There are different types of jobs you can get at strip clubs. There are
jobs in management, in being a bouncer or a doorman, or in being a

Getting a job as a manager in a strip club can be tough if you don’t

have experience. Also, depending on the club, you have to deal with
various degrees of unsavory elements, like bad employees, crazy
dancers, drug dealers, organized crime, the authorities, and all sorts of
other headaches. That being said, management definitely gets the
most out of the girl in terms of sexual escapades, because every girl is
looking to get favors from the boss.

Being a bouncer or a doorman is not a very rewarding job either.

Though you don’t have the same kind of burdens management does,
you still have to deal with a lot of the same problems. The pay isn’t all
that great either. Sure, you can make a living doing it, but depending
on the club, it might not be a very good one. You get tipped out by
each dancer who works at the club, so if you get a job in a big club in
Las Vegas, it’s possible to make some good money, especially if you
help hook-up customers and accept tips from them. If you’re going to
college or just out of high school, this might be a good job to start out

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with and do part time. Just be sure you know how to defend yourself
and that you can take a punch, because at some point you will have to
get rough with someone (that is part of your job, after all).

Being a DJ in a strip club is probably the best way for an average guy
to get involved in the scene. It takes very little skill to perform the
duties of a DJ in a strip club. The schedule is really flexible, and the
perks can be amazing, because EVERYONE wants to be the DJ’s friend.
Since the DJ sets the tone of the club, a lot of dancers like to befriend
the DJ to make sure he doesn’t mess them up by playing the wrong
type of music or not helping to sell them to the audience. You also
meet a lot of customers who are big businessmen around town, and
can make a lot of hook-ups for special treatment at their businesses.

And the thing about being a DJ is that it doesn’t require any prior
experience. You just show up and say “I’m a DJ!” and BOOM, there
you are. And since all the strip clubs have their own equipment, you
don’t have to spend any money buying DJ gear. Occasionally you
might want to have a laptop with a couple thousand MP3s on it that
you can plug into the system at the strip club and run your own
selections, but for the most part this isn’t necessary.

I could go into more detain on how to be a strip club DJ, but there’s
already an excellent book on the subject by a guy named Bill Hibbler
called “I’d Kill For That Job: How To Make $500 Every Day As A
Gentleman’s Club DJ.” In it, he details pretty much all you need to
know to get a job as a DJ at a club. You can check out his website by
clicking here.

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PART III: Tricks Of The Trade: Stripper


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Beware The Hustle

No, I’m not talking about that dance from the 70s (although, you
should probably beware that too! ☺ ). When I say “The Hustle,” I’m
talking about all those subtle, manipulative little tricks Strippers do to
separate you from your money.

This is called “Hustling.”

A Stripper who really knows how to hustle can make thousands of

dollars a night. In fact, there are even seminars and courses dancers
can take to learn how to hustle better and make more money.

So in strip club parlance, a girl’s ability to hustle is her ability at selling

what she has to offer to a customer.

Whenever you walk into a strip club, expect to be hustled by at least

one girl while you’re there.

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Hustling can happen on many different levels with varying degrees of

success. But should you fall for a well planned hustle, not only will
you be spending money and breaking rule number one, you’ll also be
pegged as one of those “chump customers” you’re trying so hard to
disassociate yourself from. And believe me, nothing tells a girl you’re
an “insider” more than when you call her on all her little hustling tricks!

So here’s how it works…

At most clubs, the dancers walk around and ask the customers if
they'd like a private dance (or lap dance depending on the club).
Some clubs just have stage dancing. Often there is a private area that
you can go for a dance. Since at most clubs treat the girls as
independent contractors, they won't get fired if they don't work hard
and no one will say anything if they decide to hang out at the bar and
talk all night. However, a girl who does this doesn’t make any money.

The smart girls treat dancing like a job, not a social experience.
They’re there for one reason and one reason only – to get paid. The
career Strippers know they have a shelf-life of only a couple years and
really bust their humps to make their nightly “money goals” which
they will usually smartly pack away in a savings account somewhere.

These are the girls you have to watch out for – the ones who look at it
as strictly a business, because they will be looking to get your money
and nothing else (at least, maybe, not initially).

So don’t take a girl who’s trying to hustle you as an insult, since

almost every girl in a strip club will be trying to do it. After all, their
mentality is “if you didn’t want to spend any money, why did you
bother coming to the club in the first place?”

If you know anything about sales, then the Hustle will be nothing new
to you. Hustling is basically any trick that gets you to spend money on
a girl, and it can take many forms. Usually, an experienced hustler
will follow this 3-step pattern…

The Beginning is walking up, introducing herself, and starting to gain

rapport with you... essentially making you comfortable with her being
around and talking to you. Girls who just walk up and say “Want a
dance” are usually inexperienced hustlers who rely on their looks
rather than their selling skills to make their money.

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The Middle is the dancer getting you to open up and start talking so
they can get you into a “buying mode.” Little things like asking you
questions that get you to open up so there’s a connection made, and
getting you into a “yes chain” (a tactic that gets you to say the word
"yes" frequently). This is a selling tactic where it’s believed that small
commitments lead to big commitments. Here’s an example:

Stripper: “Care for a dance?”

Customer: “No thanks.”

As opposed to…

Stripper: “Hi! Can I sit down with you?”

Customer: “Yeah, sure.”
Stripper: “You having a good time tonight?”
Customer: “Yeah, I love this place.”
Stripper: “That’s great. I saw you when I was up on stage. Did you
like my dancing?”
Customer: “Oh yeah, it was hot.”
Stripper: “I’m glad you liked it. I’m even better in the back room you
Customer: “Oh really?”
Stripper: “Um-hmmmm. Would you like me to show you?”
Customer: “Okay!”

See the difference? The first was a “Yes/No” question. Either the
customer wanted a dance or not. In the second one, the Hustler
started off with an innocent question she was sure she’d get a yes to
(after all, no guy minds if a girl sits with him in the club). Then she
gets him to keep saying “yes” to her questions, until he’s so used to it
she knows he’s properly “buttered up” for her close, which is to get a
dance with him.

Which brings us to the last part of any successful hustle: The Close.
How a girl closes the deal is how she makes the sale. There are
countless different ways to do this and yet ultimately, it just comes
down to her selling that dance or that trip to the VIP room.

You can always spot a Hustler because she’s a very busy girl. She’ll
always be the one walking around the room talking to customers.
She’ll be going in and out of the back room, doing dances and VIP trips
with guy after guy. If she’s sitting, it’s with a customer she’s buttering
up. If she’s not with a customer, she’s usually scanning the room,

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sizing up her potential targets, or walking around looking for a guy

who’s open to making contact with her.

A good hustler will also notice which guys are spending money and
which ones aren’t, and she’ll usually ignore the ones who aren’t
spending money (she looks at this like a business, remember?).
However, she will never come off “business-like.” The best hustlers
are the ones you don’t know are hustling you.

Bad hustlers can be spotted easily. Either they don’t make it

believable that they’re really interested in you, or they have weak
closes. If a girl is sitting and talking to you and suddenly asks “So,
you want a dance?” that’s a sure sign she’s a mediocre hustler.

If a girl comes up and starts massaging you in some way, like rubbing
your shoulders, know that despite how good it feels, you’re being
hustled. If you start hearing questions like “That feels good, doesn’t
it?” know that you’re being baited with a “yes chain.” And always
remember my rule about “never trusting when a Stripper touches

Some Hustlers will use guilt to try to bait you into falling for their sell.
I used to know this one Stripper who was quite pretty and innocent
looking. She wasn’t a great hustler, but she had this one trick that
almost always worked on guys. When she would walk up to a guy and
ask him for a dance, if he refused, she’d suddenly look sad and
rejected, like he’d hurt her, and start to sulk away. Usually, the guy
would see this and feel bad, and if he didn’t stop her right there and
invite her to sit with him, he’d find her later and apologize.

Other, more experienced Hustlers will say things like “I’ve been sitting
with you all this time and you still don’t want a dance! Don’t you like
me?” after you refuse their close. Invariably, the customer will enter
her “yes chain” of “I do like you! I think you’re beautiful!” And then
the girl will say something like “Then why were you leading me on
thinking you’d get a dance from me? If I don’t pay my rent soon I’m
going to get evicted!” (notice how they make it seem like you’re at
fault and you were leading THEM on?)

This is, of course, complete BS, but it effectively guilts the guy into
giving in and buying a dance.

DO NOT FALL FOR THE GUILT TRIP! Women in general are

masters of the guilt trip, and hustlers even more-so. But just

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remember its their last-ditch attempt at getting you into that back
room where they make their real money.

Picking up Strippers who are in the club to hustle can be quite difficult,
so I usually dismiss these types of women as good targets to try and
date (though usually these women will be the most faithful and
trustworthy because they are able to disassociate between their
private life and their job). It can be done, but it takes time and

However, should you go to a club just looking to blow some cash and
have a good time, a good hustler can be a lot of fun because she’ll
make you feel good and give you a good dance. But always be on
your guard. There’s a fine line between a girl who knows how to
hustle and a girl who is looking to rip you off.

I’ve been to clubs where girls have upped the price of their lap dances.
If a lap dance is $20, they charge $30 so they can make a $20 profit
on the 1 ½ minute dance instead of just $10 (remember they usually
have to give the club half). Always know the club’s prices before you
go in (ask the doorman what the club usually charges for dances). If a
girl over-quotes you a price, do NOT get a dance from her, even if you
call her on her crap. She may say something like “We get to set our
own prices,” which isn’t necessarily a lie, but know that if she tries to
rip you off once, she will try to rip you off again.

Beware the multi-dance hustle. If you take a girl in the back for a
dance, make it clear how many dances you want before going to the
booth. Some girls will start dancing for you and go one or two songs
over, and then tell you “Okay, that’s $100.” Suddenly, your one or
two dances become four because she just “assumed you wanted more
since you didn’t tell her to stop.” If you make it clear up front how
many dances you wanted, you have a defense against her rip-off tactic.
If not, then you’re going to have to pay up unless you want to deal
with management.

Make it clear what your policy on tipping is right up front. I don’t like
to tip, unless the girl REALLY goes above and beyond the call of duty,
then I’ll pony up an extra $20. But I’ll tell the girls I get dances with
that I don’t tip, and if that’s a problem, we should go in the back. If
you are willing to tip, be sure you tell her that you only tip after the
dance is done based on how well you feel she did. Some Strippers will
try to get their tip up front, which is a crafty hustle because it puts
pressure on you to give them extra money once you’re already in their

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“domain.” If a girl pulls this with you, make it clear you don’t tip until
the end, and only if you feel she gave a good dance. Some rip-off
dancers will get their tip then just go through the motions until the
song is over because you have to pay for the dance no matter what.
But if she has to work for her tip, then she’s going to perform better
for you (and if she doesn’t, tell her you found her dance unsatisfactory
and un-tipworthy). She may get pissed off at this, but hey, better that
than throwing away your money.

Be really careful about VIP rooms. They’re almost always a rip off.
You pay a whole lot of money for very little in return. Always
negotiate what you want before you go into a VIP room, and be sure
you know how much money you’re going to have to spend before hand.

I can remember I was at a club in Las Vegas one night where I fell for
a rather good hustle that took me into the back VIP room. Little did I
know that the VIP room had a two-drink requirement per person,
which included the dancer, so on top of the $300 room charge, I had
to spend $80 ($20 a drink) at the bar, plus a $100 tip for the girl that
was “required” up front. Before I knew it, the club was presenting me
with a $480 bill, $180 of which I was not aware of nor willing to pay
for (the dancer neglected to mention the hidden costs to me).

That is an example of a rip-off hustle. Personally, I’ve come to believe

all forms of dances and drink buys in strip clubs are rip-offs, since you
get very little for your money (most clubs cut the songs after a minute
and a half or two minutes so they can squeeze as much money out of
you as they can. Be sure to time the songs in a club so you know how
long each dance you pay for really is! Tricks like “two for one” may be
two songs clocked at a minute each, and a regular dance is already
two minutes long, so you’re really not getting a free dance at all).
Therefore, I call your attention back to rule #1.

If you really want to protect yourself from hustlers, read up on sales

techniques. There are lots of good books on the subject of sales which
many dancers read to get better at making money. If you were to
check them out, you’ll know all the tricks and how to protect yourself.

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Stripper Names

I hesitate to give this subject its own chapter, but I guess it’s
important enough to talk about so it has to go somewhere.

All Strippers have different identities. They have their “real selves,”
and their “performer selves,” and lots of girls form performer
identities to help them do what they have to in order to make money

Hence the “stripper name” was born.

Every stripper I’ve ever know has had a stage name she goes by.
Names like “Honey,” “Meadow,” “Martini,” “Goldie,” and any other cute
girlie name you can think of. More recently, girls have been adopting
common names for their aliases, such as “Vanessa,” or “Bethany,” or
various other normal sounding names in an attempt to keep people
from asking what their real name is in the club (the psychology being
that this IS her real name).

The first real step to getting your foot in the door with a Stripper is to
discover her real name. This can be easy or hard, depending on the

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girl. Lost of Strippers don’t feel comfortable telling a guy in the club
her real name because of security issues. Others don’t think a guy
knowing their real first name is a big deal. It all depends on the girl.

By knowing the girl’s real name, you now have a tool to use in order to
start relating to her as who she really is, and not as her performer
persona. Whenever I find out a girl’s real name, I’ll always start
calling her that, because it helps take me out of the “common
customer” frame.

The way I find out a girl’s name is with a little joke. After I ask her
name, she’ll give me her stage name. Then I’ll say “Is that your
Christian name?” This’ll usually get a laugh. If the girl doesn’t get it,
I’ll say “You mean your parents actually named you (insert her stage
name here)?” After that I can usually squeeze their real name out of
them, though some girls will still give you a fake name.

I had one girl tell me her middle name. I later found out her real
name was “Margaret,” so I started calling her “Marge” as punishment.
After that, she started saying “You’re the only one who can get away
with calling me Marge.” Not long after that, I was dating her.

So do what you can to find out what their real name is. It will only
help you connect with who she really is as opposed to the “shield” she
puts up around her when she’s in the club.

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Strippers And Religion

This might be hard for a lot of guys to believe, but many Strippers are
actually quite religious.

Now, I know this seems like BS. How can a woman who partakes in
the “sex industry,” who sells her body (and sometimes sexual favors)
to men, actually be religious?

Well, I’m not saying all the girls are religious, but most of them do
have a strong set of beliefs and values which they live by.

This is why they’re not walking the streets looking for johns. They
really do have a set of values that helps them live their lives, and they
find religion or come from a heavy religious background, and these
religions help them to shape their beliefs and values.

Most Strippers partake in counter-culture type religions, such as Wicca

or Satanism (not to say the two are synonymous, I actually think
Wicca is quite an interesting and positive religion). Others can be
really hard core into Christianity or some other religion that would
frown on stripping, but they seem to be able to justify the fact that
what they do is separate from what they believe in. Though there are
some girls who strip as a way to rebel against an oppressive religious
upbringing, but that doesn’t mean they still don’t believe in what
they’re rebelling against.

Almost all Strippers are spiritual or believe in metaphysical stuff in

some fashion. They believe in “higher powers” and “ghosts” and
“spirits” and “energy.”

Because the girls usually have strong religious beliefs, religion can be
a good thing to connect with them on. I once hooked up with a
Playboy model who was stripping at a club I was working at because I
commented on the pentagram necklace she was wearing and started
talking about Wicca (I had dated a girl who was Wiccan before so I
knew a thing or two about the religion). She lit up when I commented

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on it and we got into a deep conversation about her beliefs. This was
probably the primary reason she ended up going home with me that
night, because I was one of the few guys who really seemed to
“understand” her.

A lot of Strippers have a very open mind towards different beliefs and
can become really interested when you talk about different religions.
My favorite one to talk about is Mormonism. When I lived in Los
Vegas, I actually found out a great deal about Mormonism and all of its
interesting secret ceremonies and beliefs. Girls find it an intriguing

So knowing this, you can always fall back on what a Stripper’s beliefs
are as a way to make yourself stand out from the average customer.

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Never Believe A Stripper Is Single

I don’t care what you hear or what she tells you. Strippers are never,
ever, ever, ever, EVER single!


Every Stripper you meet will have either a husband, boyfriend, sex-
buddy, or multiple boyfriends.

She will never be single.

So no matter what, you will have to deal with competition from

another man.

In the cases where the girl has a sex-buddy or multiple boyfriends,

this means that she’s still open to seeing you socially. But when you
get the husband or boyfriend in the mix, things become harder.

Usually, the husband or boyfriend will know the rules of their girl’s
game. They will stay out of the club and trust her enough to behave
herself with other men when she’s out of his site. Typically, the girls

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will be fiercely loyal to their significant other and do their best not to
stray from them. And if they ARE willing to stray, know that you’ll be
dealing with a jealous and possibly violent man who’ll come looking for
you should he find out (and they usually do).

It is rare that you’ll find a Stripper who just divorced her husband or
broke up with her boyfriend, but it does happen. This is also
preferable, but timing is just the luck of the draw.

Know that many of the girls you meet will lie to you if you ask them if
they have a husband or boyfriend. This is because if you think the
Stripper is single, you will spend more money on her. So never
believe a Stripper’s answer to the question “Do you have a boyfriend?”
or “Are you married?” because it’s sure to be a lie. In fact, don’t even
bother asking.

I can remember I once knew a dancer who was married with two kids.
She was up on stage one night and getting a lot of attention from one
guy in particular who was being quite generous with his money. When
he asked her “Do you have a boyfriend?” she unthinkingly said “I’m
married.” But then, having caught herself, she quickly backpedaled
and said “But it’s nothing serious!” However, the damage was done,
and the man’s tips soon dried up to find their way to another, more
“available” girl.

A lot of Strippers claim they’re single even in their personal lives.

Indeed, some of these women are so bitter about men because they
have to deal with all types of degenerates due to their job, that they
don’t want to get involved with a guy. They sit around and lament
about how “single” they are and how there aren’t any good men

Don’t believe this either. The girls are deluding themselves. Most of
them have guys in the wings they are having sex with but don’t really
care for (and in some instances don’t even like!). Others maybe have
lesbian relationships or female lovers that they fool around with, even
if they really are looking for a guy.

And some Strippers are so bitter and angry about men, that they’re
NEVER available, even if they are single. They’re just too emotionally
closed off to ever be in a decent relationship with anyone.

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Its best just to go in knowing you’re going to be dealing with a girl

who has other men (or women) in her life, and prepare yourself for it.
It will save you a lot of time and heartache in the long run.

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Girl On Girl Action: Strippers and


I’m not going to say that ALL strippers are bisexual. But I will go so
far as to say that a great deal of them are!

I’d venture to say that 2 out of every 3 girls who strip for a living are
into sex with other girls. Some are just into sex, some are more into
relationships with other women, and a few are hard core lesbians.
This is typically a by-product of the sexual molestation most girls who
become Strippers endured, and it’s also a by-product of the job.

I used to date a Stripper who’d get incredibly turned on when she

worked because she was around so many other sexy women. This
often led to many, many threesomes for myself, and I’m sure lots of
girl-on-girl hanky-panky behind my back.

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But this is a reality. Many girls you get involved with who dance in
strip clubs will have sex with other women. And those who aren’t
bisexual will usually also perform lesbian acts for the stage in the club,
simply because they can make a lot of money doing it. (Things like
kissing other girls and pretending to eat them out are always a big hit
at strip clubs)

The fact that most Strippers are bisexual can be both a blessing and a

It’s a blessing in the sense that it opens up the realms of sexual

adventurism for you. It allows you to have threesomes (and
sometimes even foursomes) with sexy women. In fact, a bisexual
girlfriend can help you pick-up other girls quite easily!

The curse is that she’s not going to be faithful to you. If she doesn’t
fool around with guys, she will with girls. This may not seem like a big
deal, but I’ve been the victim of a girl coming along and stealing my
girlfriend before, and let me tell you, nothing makes you feel more
angry or confused than having your girl leave you for another woman!
It is not fun.

Not that you should ever expect a Stripper to be completely faithful to

you. It comes with the territory that she’s going to stray every once
and a while, and better it’s with a woman than with another guy. But
it’s a factor you’ll have to take into account. I’ve seen even the best,
most devoted woman stray from their man after dancing in a club for a
while, and there’s little you can do when your competition is another

So if that’s okay with you, and you really do want to experience those
viagra-fueled nights of two or more girls, then you’re going to love
dating a Stripper!

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Threesome Tactics With Strippers

Okay, so now that you know most Strippers are bisexual, what’re you
going to do about it?


C’mon, who we kidding? What red-blooded heterosexual man wouldn’t

at least THINK about doing that?

Well, the first thing you should be aware of is that you can’t have your
cake and eat it too. What I mean by that is, you can’t go to a strip
club expecting to get a threesome unless you’re already dating a girl
or another dancer. So if you’re looking for the threeway, be sure
you’ve already got at least one girl you’re sleeping with. This is an
important factor in getting a threesome.

Another thing you have to accept is that it’s up to the girl as to

whether or not she wants to have sex with another woman. I’ve dated
Strippers in the past who did not want to have sex with women, so I
never pressured them to. The girls who want to have threesomes with

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you will eventually warm up to the idea if you’re patient. In fact, they
may even suggest it!

So if you want to get two girls in bed at once, gentle persistence is the
key. Never come out and say “Hey, want to have a threesome?” Just
imply your willingness to do so, plant the seed, talk about her
attraction to other women, and wait and see if she’s up for it.

Why is this?

Because in the end, it’s going to be her job to recruit the OTHER girl
for the threeway. And you want her to feel comfortable that she can
do so safely and that you’re not going to stray from her emotionally.

Bisexual Strippers never have a hard time getting another girl to go to

bed with them. There are women who go to strip clubs looking to pick
up girls, and there are (of course) other dancers who are open to it.
In fact, women have a much easier time pulling Strippers from clubs
simply because most Strippers resent and mistrust men.

So if your girl is a Stripper, once you two settle on the idea to bringing
another girl into the mix, let her do the recruiting. Most likely she’ll
find a girl who’s willing the next time she goes to work, or she may
already have a friend who is into it.

If you’re not dating a Stripper, but are dating a girl who’s open to
being with another woman and wants to have a threesome, the best
way I’ve found to make this happen is to take her to the strip club!
The better looking she is, the more girls will easily flock to her.

When I take a girl into a strip club, I’ll sit with her for a while and let
her get comfortable with the surroundings. Then I’ll take her up to the
stage and start throwing down dollars in front of her and have the
dancers come up to her. After a little while of girls rubbing their
breasts in her face and physically seducing her, your girl should be
nice and turned on and having a good time, and the dancers who are
into women will notice this (especially if they were up on stage dancing
for her).

Eventually, when we pull back from the stage, dancers will approach
us and I’ll start buying lap dances for the girl I’m with. Its important
to wait and let the Strippers approach you, because those are the ones
who’ll be into women to begin with. Once they go in the back, its then

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your girl’s job to “feel out” the dancer and see if she’s game to go
home with the two of you.

This isn’t a fool-proof method to get the threesome, because

sometimes you just can’t find a compatible girl in the club for
whatever reason. If that’s the case, just try another club. Remember
that your job is to be the leader and guide things to make sure they
happen, while leaving the seduction to your partner.

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High Mileage: Getting More Bang

For Your Buck

Okay, so by now you should be absolutely sure that the purpose of this
book is to make sure you don’t spend money in strip clubs. But
let’s face it, sometimes you just want to have a good time and ease
the weight of your wallet for a night. Nothing wrong with that!

In my opinion, if you’re going to spend money in a strip club, you had

best get as much out of that money as you can while you’re there.

This means getting some type of sexual gratification for it.

Now, before I get too heavy into this subject, I’d just like to make it
clear that I think there are better ways to go about getting your rocks
off than going to a strip club. I mean, it is a pretty shady thing to go
into a back room with a girl you just met to exchange money for some
type of sex act (and if she’s doing it with you, she’s doing it with lots
of other guys too!). I also do not condone prostitution, so if it’s illegal
in your state, do the right thing and refrain from participating in it.

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That said, my first advice is: if you want to pay for sex, hire an
escort, not a Stripper.

But if you’re in a strip club and feel the urge to get some moist relief,
there are ways you can go about doing this.

The term “Mileage” refers to how far a Stripper is willing to go in

regards to your pleasure. Typically, girls who do air dances for you
while you sit on your hands are considered low mileage, because
they really aren’t willing to do anything with you. A girl who will allow
you to touch her while she dances for you is considered medium
mileage. A girl who will not only let you touch her, but also kiss, suck,
or penetrate her is considered high mileage. And a girl who will
perform sex acts like hand jobs or blow jobs is super-high mileage.

For the purposes of this chapter, I’m assuming you don’t care about
the “low” and “middle” range, since that’s easy enough to get. So I
will focus on telling you how to get the high mileage girls.

The first and most important thing you must remember when looking
for a high mileage experience is that what you get entirely depends on
the type of girl you choose. So it is important to look for certain traits
in a typical “high mileage” dancer.

First of all, often the hottest girls are the ones most willing to shell out
the miles. Strange, but true. Sure, you got average looking ones
who’ll do it, but strangely enough, the better looking the girl, the more
likely it is she’s going to give you what you want.

Now, this isn’t a hard and fast rule. There are lots of hot Strippers out
there who wouldn’t consider going past medium mileage. But the
better looking girls can actually make a LOT more money by
performing “extras” in the back, in addition to the dances they do.

The next factor to look for is whether or not the girl likes what she’s
doing. If the girl is really dancing a lot and is into it, if she’s smiling
and laughing and walking around talking to customers a lot, chances
are she’s open to doing high mileage dances. A Stripper who loves
being a Stripper is a girl who is very open sexually. It might be a turn
on for them, or they may just be motivated to make more money, but
chances are they will be willing to go the distance.

Another factor to take into consideration is the reputation of the club

you’re in. The sleazier the club, the more likely the girls are open to

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high mileage interactions. By contrast, the upscale Gentlemen’s Clubs

have very little high mileage happening. So know that before you

Whatever you do, don’t ever come out and ask a Stripper “So, what
can I get for $100?” or “Do you ever do anything extra in the back?”
This will make the girl feel dirty and cheap, and may keep her from
doing what you want. Or, she might mistake you for an undercover
cop and leave you be. Either way, you’ve blown your shot.

The trick is to imply that you want more than just a dance, and let her
make the offer. You can do this by expressing interest in her, being
polite, making them feel safe and comfortable. The more at ease you
can make a dancer feel, the more open she’ll be to giving you more

Play with the girl you want. Be fun. If she’s into it and playful back,
she’s a good candidate for high mileage. If she isn’t responsive, cut
your losses and move on.

If you think you have a good candidate, take her for a “test drive” with
a $20 lap dance to see what she’s willing to do. If things look good,
you’ll want to go for the VIP room, since this is where most of the sex
acts will take place.

A little bit of negotiating will be necessary before this, as in what she’s

willing to do and what she isn’t and how much she wants. Don’t try to
talk her down in price, since she’s already doing something illegal (in
most states). Pay her what she wants, as long as it’s within reason for
what you want.

The reason I say this is because in order to perform any extras for you,
the girl will usually have to kick-back a certain amount of money to
the club. Usually, girls who do extras in the back have deals with the
Bouncers and the Peeper who keeps an eye on things where they’ll let
her slide in exchange for some of the money she makes off the deal.
This could be anywhere from a set price to a percentage of her take.
In some clubs, management even gets a cut! So by the time all is
said and done, she may not be getting all that much money.

That is why you should always tip the girl who treats you well. Give
her a little extra cash for the extra effort.

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Another good way for tracking down the High Mileage girls is to
approach a bouncer or doorman, tip him some money ($20 is usually a
good amount), then ask him if he’d recommend a dancer. If the
bouncer is in on the kick-back, he’ll take you to the girl he’s partnered
with and you’re sure to get what you want. (However, be wary about
doing this in big clubs that are crowded. The Bouncer may take your
money and disappear without recommending any women)

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Using Drugs To Pick-Up Dancers

The topic of drugs and strip clubs almost go hand-in-hand, so I’d feel
remiss if I were not to address it.

There are a lot of guys out there who think that enticing Strippers with
drugs will help them to pull the girls from the clubs. I wish I could say
this wasn’t true, but it is. Of course, this depends on the type of girl,
but it can work.

I, however, do not recommend this approach.

I will admit I tried using this approach in the past, which is why I can
recommend not doing it. When you tempt a woman with drugs,
you’re going to get a drug addict.

Plain and simple.

You’re never going to know if the woman is with you because she likes
you or because she likes the drugs, and not only that, but girls who
are heavy drug users also tend to be prone to more sexually
transmitted diseases, so you’re putting yourself at risk. And most of
all, you’re contributing to the destruction of another human being
through substance abuse, which I personally don’t find cool.

The drug of choice for Strippers is cocaine. I learned this when I tried
to tempt a Stripper I was attracted to into coming back to my place
after the club by telling her I has some weed. She indignantly looked
at me, ruffled her nose in disgust, and said “Ew, I don’t smoke pot.”
Feeling like an idiot and like I was about to get lectured on why I
shouldn’t be doing drugs, the girl suddenly pipes up “I only do

At first I thought she was joking, but she wasn’t. Many Strippers I
know do cocaine. It’s the “party drug” that is most prevalent in clubs.
There’s also a great deal of ecstasy that works its way through clubs,

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

and pot is pretty common too. To a certain degree, there are some
dancers who are involved with heroine too, though it’s not usually
done in the club.

When I was working at strip clubs, I’d often see drug dealers who
would come in and hang out, offering to hook the girls up in exchange
for coming home with them. A lot of these drug dealers would
eventually recruit the girls and pimp them out outside the club. I
never had much respect for these guys, and after witnessing the “pimp
out” more than once, my opinion of them dropped even further.

You also have to take into account police involvement when dealing
with drugs. Too often, there are undercover cops who hang out in
strip clubs to try and observe illegal activity. They have also been
known to stake out the parking lots of strip clubs as well and follow
suspected offenders to their home in order to make a bust.

Drugs are just too much trouble to really consider using them as a
method of pick-up. They will get you the type of girl who will cause
you trouble in the long run, and possibly attract attention from
unsavory elements in society or the authorities. At the very least, it
may get you banned from the club.

So always be sure to follow that old 80’s mantra and “Just Say NO” to

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

Making “Arrangements” With


During my time in strip clubs, I’ve seen every trick in the book a guy
can use to get one of the girls to sleep with him. And probably the
most common tactic is what I like to call the “Arrangement.”

This is basically where some customer offers to pay the Stripper for
sex whenever she needs money. Does it look like you’re going to be
short on rent this month? Give me a call! I’ll pay your rent in
exchange for a romp in the sack. Can’t quite make your car payment?
No problem, I’ll take care of it for a little extra lovin’. Feel like getting
away for a while? Don’t sweat it, I can take you down to my beach
house for a romantic weekend.

Blah, blah, blah.

The only thing I like about customers who try to make “arrangements”
with the dancers is their honesty. They just lay it out for the girl.
“Money for sex.”

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

The thing I never understood is this… if you’re willing to pay for it, why
go to a strip club? Why not get a hooker or an escort? It’s much
more cut and dry and less headaches (and work) than going to a strip
club to try and find a girl who’d be willing to do that.

I guess most guys don’t know where else to go to find girls who’ll have
sex with them for money, and the strip club is the best they can do.
In places that aren’t big cities, it can be hard to find “working girls,” so
Strippers are the next best thing.

Personally, I’d never attempt to make arrangements with any Stripper.

It’s not a positive way to create a relationship. You may see it as a
simple business transaction, but the girl will not have any real respect
for you, and this could lead to theft or extortion. Not only that, but
you’re also tempting Strippers to become whores when you offer them
arrangements, and that shows them that you do not make a
distinction between the two professions – not good for your image.

Its common knowledge that most Strippers are not wise with their
money. I once dated a Stripper who would make around $500 a night
and the next day she’d spend it all on shoes or clothes. She was
seriously making over three grand a week and was always broke. This
is not only why most Strippers keep dancing, but why a lot of them are
tempted by these arrangements that customers offer them.

But do yourself a favor and refrain from making arrangements with

Strippers. It may cost you more in the long run, either in terms of
finances or health (or both).

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

Being In A Relationship With A


Eventually you may find a girl in a club where things just seem to click
and before you know it, you’re seeing her regularly and staying over at
her place, driving her to work, picking her up from work, going out to
eat, and suddenly – BOOM! You’re a Stripper Boyfriend.

I’ve had this happen to me numerous times. It can be a wonderful

and rewarding experience. But it can also be nightmarish and
hellish, depending on the type of girl you get involved in. More than
that, though, your own mental state can play a big part in the
happiness of your relationship.

It’s easy to say you want to date a Stripper in the fantasy world of the
strip club. In the club she’s a beautiful goddess who imbues sexuality.
But once you enter into a relationship, that fantasy goes away. You
get to deal with the real woman behind that construct. You get to see
her come home tired and worn out. You see her in the morning under
the harsh light of day without her make-up or glitter. You get to see

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her best and worst qualities, and have to deal with the problems and
complications she has in her life.

But most of all, you have to deal with the job.

A lot of guys think they can handle their girlfriend being a Stripper. In
fact, you’d be surprised how many guys actually talk their girlfriends
into BECOMING a Stripper. But it’s actually very rare that a guy can
handle their girlfriend dancing in strip clubs for an extended period of

When you get involved with a Stripper, you need to go into the
relationship knowing you’re not going to get her to quit Stripping. If
she wants to quit, that’s one thing, but it has to be HER decision, and
you shouldn’t pressure her if she doesn’t want to stop. Too many guys
think they can “save” the girl from that life by whisking her away from
it. They think that once they’re a part of her life, she’s going to turn
over a new leaf.


Not gonna happen.

You can’t save someone who doesn’t feel they need to be saved, and
you can’t change who someone is. If you date a Stripper, that’s who
you’re going to be dating – a woman who sells sexual fantasy to other

Most guys I’ve known who dated Strippers were cool with the job for
the first few weeks. But then jealousy can set in. You can never be
sure what they are doing at the club, and it’s easy to imagine her
being unfaithful. All your insecurities start to bubble up, and before
you know it, you resent what she does (even if that’s how you met

When I used to work at Strip Clubs, I’d have to see the girl I was
dating walk around and flirt with guys. Sometimes it was too much for
me, because she wouldn’t even look my way for the length of her shift.
I worked at the club myself and even I started to resent her job! But I
learned to get over that because I knew how the game was played and
strip clubs were a part of my life. Like the girls, I learned to detach
myself from what goes on in the club, and after that I was fine.

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Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

But most guys don’t know how to do this. I had to learn how because
I was working at a club. Other guys don’t have that luxury. Most
clubs have a policy that prevents boyfriends of the dancers to enter
the club as a measure to prevent any embarrassing or violent scenes.
I usually recommend that guys who date Strippers never think of
setting foot inside the club(s) she works in. It’s important you detach
yourself from that lifestyle as much as possible and be the place she
comes to in order to escape the life of the club.

You must also be prepared to deal with issues of substance abuse,

sexual abuse, and bisexuality. These are common issues that arise in
a relationship with a dancer, so be prepared for them. If you don’t
feel up to it, don’t get involved with a dancer!

Probably the hardest thing to deal with in relationships with Strippers

is the notion of them not being faithful to you. Indeed, most girls who
dance do have a tendency to stray from the guy they’re dating. This
usually doesn’t happen with customers, but more with guys who
actually work at the club they dance at. I’ve had more than one girl
leave me for a bouncer or a DJ at the club they worked at (this was
after I left the life of being a Bouncer and a DJ myself, of course).

And of course, there’s the issue of your girl fooling around with other
girls, which can be much more prevalent than you might think because
few Strippers look at that as “cheating,” especially if their boyfriend is
involved in threesomes. But make no mistake, it IS cheating. Many
Strippers have both long term boyfriends AND girlfriends that they
keep at the same time. It’s a weird relationship, and it takes a certain
kind of guy to handle that. And trust me, the first time you have a
girlfriend who leaves you for another woman, that hurts almost more
than if she were to have run off with another guy.

So don’t delude yourself if you want to date a Stripper. Go into it with

your eyes wide and be prepared to deal with the consequences of
dating such women. As I said before, you can have many great
experiences with great girls, but you can also have terrible ones. Just
know what you’re getting into.

Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved 107

Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

Afterward & Disclaimer

So there you have it, over a decade’s worth of Stripper knowledge, all
in one book. I hope you learned a lot and will enjoy great success
in whatever endeavor you undertake.

The writings and tactics I’ve laid out in this book is designed to inform
and provide strategies regarding the goal of dating a woman who
works at a strip club. However, no method is fool-proof, and each
individual’s experiences and success may vary.

All Strippers are individuals, and because of that, every situation is

different. That means that these strategies may or may not work
exactly as you intend them to. I have based the information in this
book solely on my own experience over the course of my lifetime, and
I firmly believe that what I’ve presented in this book is accurate and
works. However, neither I, the author, nor publisher will assume
responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved 108

Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

I also specifically disclaim any liability resulting from the use or

application of the information contained in this book. This book is for
entertainment purposes only and is intended for persons 18 years of
age or older. Note also that I (the author) and publisher do not
endorse, encourage, or accept any liability for any use of coercion;
sexual assault or other criminal acts carried out by a reader of this
publication. It is my strongest belief that the only acceptable form of
sexual activity occurs between two consenting adults. I do not
encourage or condone prostitution or drug use.

Furthermore, I strongly advocate the principles of “safe sex” to

prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. I highly
recommend using protection, such as condoms, when engaging in any
sexual activity.

So in conclusion, be civil, and be safe. Use your knowledge wisely and

for the benefit of everyone you know, including yourself. I hope you
strive for a successful and happy life, and find the woman you’re
looking for to share that with.

Good luck, and God bless.

Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved 109

Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

Though my book is pretty comprehensive, there’s still a lot you can
learn to help you get really good at picking up Strippers and other
women. So to help you out, I’ve listed a few books that have been
helpful to me, and I know you’ll probably get a lot out of them too.

Guy Gets Girl: Learn how to seduce women right from the source –
another woman! No where else will you get such in-depth information
on what women really want.

How To Be A Lady Killer: Go in for the kill with the tactics outlined in
this book (again, written by a woman!).

Sexual Mastery: Not confident in the bedroom? Become a sex master
and you’ll be all ready to go! I learned a lot from this book and I’m
sure you will too.

Killer Orgasms: If you’re going to be dating Strippers, you got to

know your stuff in the bedroom. Blow her mind with what you learn in
this amazing book written by someone who knows how to pleasure
women best – a lesbian!


Topless Secret: Another strip club veteran shares his secrets.

The Shock Diet: Lose weight and get in shape 100% naturally with
this awesome new diet.

Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved 110

Stripper Secrets: How To Seduce Strippers In The Strip Club

Grooming Secrets For Men: Look and feel your best. Nothing attracts
women more than a well groomed man.

Muscle Building And Fat Loss Program: Muscles are to women what
boobs are to men. Build your body quickly and easily with this tried-
and-true program.

Cure Your Acne: Bad complection? Don’t sweat it! Learn to cure your
acne for good.

Cure Premature Ejaculation Permanently: Afraid you don’t last long

enough? Go all night long with the secrets you can learn from this
informative book.

Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved 111

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