Letter of Transmittal

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Dear Ms.


As our class now comes to a close I would like to take time to reflect on each of the pieces I was required
to write. The narrative, rhetorical analysis and issue exploration were challenging and have really
challenged me as a writer and reader.
First I would like to discuss my narrative. In this piece I wanted to target people who have never been to
the beach, or havent gone in far too long. I hope this piece will bring a yearning to visit the beach to
those whove never been and a nostalgic reminiscence leaving those whove been longing to return.
From my first draft to what is posted below I really needed to fine tune the descriptive properties of this
piece to really bring the reader into the scene.
The rhetorical analysis is aimed to educate people who are not familiar with the struggles of black
America. I hope to educate people on who Cornel West is and how his writings are very important to
learning about the struggles of black America. In my first draft I found myself analyzing the ideas West
presented more than the efficacy of the piece. I changed gears and developed a more rhetorically aware
standpoint in my final draft.
Lastly, Id like to discuss my issue exploration piece. This piece was geared toward all Americans who are
involved in the battle for minimum wage increase. I hope to give a clear unbiased view on many
standpoints in this debate and educate people to the possible effects of raising the minimum wage. In
my first draft I found myself being biased toward opinions not the same as my own. After much
contemplation and a great lab session I was able to revise this from a less biased point of view.
This semester has been a time of major growth for me. I feel more aware as a writer and reader to
rhetorical situations, even in my daily life. Being more aware of who my audience is and how they are
going to perceive something has been a huge help in my life and is a skill I plan to use forever. I really
appreciate the opportunities this class has afforded me and look forward to taking ENGL 2010 from you
Thank you so much!
John H.

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