Constitution Proposaltemplate-Spring15

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Team Project Proposal to Develop a Constitution for a Constitutional Monarchy

Lali Avila

Shamirah Betts
K. Musa

Professors Killingsworth and French
GOVT 2305/ENGL 1301

March 23, 2015

The Kingdoms Constitution Proposal 2

Our group has decided on a constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is a form of
government where there is a king and queen but the king and queen are not the power behind
laws. Parliament holds most of the power and the king and queen are basically just figureheads.
To complete this project effectively our group split everything evenly to make sure everyone had
something to put in.
Our team has decided to make a constitution for a Constitutional Monarchy. This constitution will try to
make the people happy with the type of government by, making laws and regulations that are fair for

Our preamble is not going to say We the people... because we are going for a constitutional
monarchy which decisions are really not up to the people. Therefore, we are going to start our
preamble of with a phrase pertaining to the king, queen and parliament making the decisions.
Legislative Branch
[Provide a brief description of your proposed Legislative Branch. You do not need go into
specifics, but summarize in a sentence what your team wrote for each key section on the outline
worksheet for the Legislative Branch that Prof. Killingsworth gave you.]
Executive Branch
In the government we live in the executive branch is run by the president. The president is in
charge of forcing the laws written by congress, there is also a vice president involved. In our
government there is no president so, our king and queen can be act as a president for this branch.
The king and queen will be in charge of enforcing the laws made by parliament.
Judicial Branch
Our judicial branch will pretty much be set up like the one we have in the U. S. now. We like the
way that the judicial branch oversees the court system. We also like the idea of a supreme court
and the way it functions.
Education System
The government should be responsible for everyones education from kindergarten to high
school. Education will be available for everyone. Parents would have the choice to enroll their
children to private schools, or public schools. Kids with talents like music, sports, and fine arts
would have their own schools. School would be five months per semester.
Military Branches
Having more than two military branches would be a good idea because our country would be
safer. All the military branches would be trained harder than now. Navy, Air Force, and Army
would be a good military branches to our constitution.
Healthcare System

The Kingdoms Constitution Proposal 3

For Healthcare we believe that everyone should be able to have the healthcare they see fit for themselves
and family. However if there are families that need help on paying for this, the goverment can step in and
help with certain programs to help minorites, pregnant woment, and elderly people.

Immigration System
Anybody can come into my country but they would have to go through a process. Do a back
ground check, and explain why they want to come in our country; for what reasons. In order to
become a citizen we would need them to know about the laws, and the important part of our
Relationships Among Federal, State and Local Levels
[Provide a brief description of what you want to include or address in your Constitution
regarding this.]
Process of Amending the Constitution
The sovereign will be in charge of amending since they govern using the rules of the
constitution. The difference between a regular constitutional monarchy and ours is we will have
duties laid out for the sovereign.
Amendments/Bill of Rights
Our amendments are very much like our amendments in the United States. We have changed,
added and removed a couple things but nothing major. The amendments are still based on the
rights of the people, rights that we feel like everyone should have.
Other Writing Tasks
For the layout of the constitution we will make it look as much as a Constitutional
Monarchy as we can possible. For the Power Point presentation we will try to divide
the work evenly.


In order to ensure that everyone works evenly and with the same effort on our
constitution project we have divided the work as shown in the next section.

Team Roles and Responsibilities

There are three people in this group and this is how we have divided our work,

Zitlali Avila: [Lali has taken the role of team captain. She was given this role because of her
results on the My Plan tests.In this role she is responsible for keeping everyone on task and
makeing sure the deadlines are met. In the matter of writing the costitution, she was assigned
Costitutional Writing Task, Healthcare, Other Writing Tasks, Team Project Management, Team
Roles Responsibilities, First Student Responsibility, and Team Rules and Regulations.
Shamirah Betts: Shamirah was in charge of writing the intro and the amendments and a couple
other things. She was assigned these things because she believed she would be able to
confidently write these parts of our constitution. She is supposed to do her part in ensuring that
our constitution is completed correctly.
Third Student Name: [Etc.]

The Kingdoms Constitution Proposal 4

Team Rules and Regulations
The style that our group has decided to go for is informal. This will be more of a
democratic team. We try to keep eachother accountable for all of the projects and
try to divide the work together. We have used e-mail and text message to keep
eachother accountible and up to date on what we will have due. We make sure that
every team members name and number is on everything that we send between

Table 1. Task Responsibilities Table for Team Project

Article 1 (Legislative Branch)
Article 2 (Executive Branch)
Article 3 (Judicial Branch)
Education System (Article 4)
Military Branches (Article 5)
Healthcare System (Article 6)
Immigration System (Article 7)
Relationships Among Federal,
State and Local Levels (Article




The Kingdoms Constitution Proposal 5

Nomination and Elections
Process of Leaders
Amendment 1
Amendment 2
Amendment 3
Amendment 4
Amendment 5
Amendment 6
Amendment 7
Amendment 8
Amendment 9
Amendment 10
Works Cited
Comparative Analysis
Layout and Design of
PowerPoint Presentation
Final Review of Constitution,
Analysis, PowerPoint
Optional Tasks:




April 22

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