Foreign Policy Vs Diplomacy. How Do They Differ.

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Edward Mervyn Joseph

Distinctions between Foreign Policy and Diplomacy.

Foreign Policy
Based on my understanding, foreign policy is an overall approach or strategy that a country
takes in promoting its national interest to other state or even the world. Although the national
interests may differ from one country to another, the core principle of each country is
basically to sustain sovereignty and to accumulate wealth. As I mentioned earlier, foreign
policy is a stepping stone for a country to promote its national interest. In order to do so
(promote the national interest), there are number of strategies that a country can adhere to.
Diplomacy is one of the strategies of foreign policy.

Diplomacy on the other hands can be referred to as a process of dealing with other countries
through negotiations and discussions in order to bring benefit to both side of the negotiators.
With saying that, I also understand that at times, diplomacy may not be fair to all those
involved, because there is always the chance of one or more powerful states, having the upper
hand in the process of diplomacy. Meeting leaders of a county and sending diplomats on
behalf of states are some of the activities which are considered a form of diplomacy.
Diplomacy can be unilateral, bilateral or multilateral. Previously, countries used their military
capacities to promote their national interest. But now, diplomacy serves as a major
substitution for diplomacy in the international arena.

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