Lesson 6 - Prewriting and Planning

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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Ms. Eder

School: Altona Middle School
Title: Prewriting and Planning

Grade Level: 6th

Date: 4/14/2015 - 4/16/2015

Content Area: Language Arts
Lesson #: 1 of 1

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

6.2.2.a.i. Use Key Ideas and Details to: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. (CCSS: RI.6.1)
6.2.2.c.ii. Use Integration of Knowledge and Ideas to: Trace and evaluate the argument and specific
claims in a text, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are
not. (CCSS: RI.6.8)
6.3.2.a. Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. (CCSS: W.6.1)
6.3.2.a.i. Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly. (CCSS: W.6.1a)
6.3.2.a.ii. Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and
demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text. (CCSS: W.6.1b)
6.3.3.e. With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed
by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. (CCSS: W.6.5)
6.4.1.b. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each
source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and
providing basic bibliographic information for sources. (CCSS: W.6.8)
CDE Technology Standards
III. Research Standards
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students:
A. plan strategies to guide inquiry.
B. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information
C. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.
IV. Critical Thinking Standards
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, design and manage projects, solve
problems, engineer solutions and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
A. identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
B. plan, design and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
C. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
D. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
V. Digital Citizenship Standard
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and
ethical behavior. Students:
B. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and
Technology Operations Standard
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations. Students:
A. understand and use technology systems.
B. select and use applications effectively and productively.
Students will understand that prewriting and planning is essential to successful essays and writing.
Students will understand that sources must be fully evaluated for credibility.
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Inquiry Questions:
- With all of the resources available to me, which ones should I use?
- How do writers monitor their work to include information that is relevant to the topic?
- How does text organization help the reader understand writing?
- Why is it important for people to wait their turn before providing an opinion or giving feedback?
Evidence Outcomes:
Every student will be able to: plan and gather research to get started on writing their argument essay.
Given time in class and guidance from Ms. Eder I can: plan out my main points, find research, and form
a rebuttal to my counterclaim before I start writing my argument essay.

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson

Approx. Time and Materials

Anticipatory Set


Prewriting and Planning

This lesson is to get students prepared to write an effective argument. Argumentative
essays can be overwhelming when they have never written one before, so I want to be sure
that I scaffold what they need to do in a very clear and organized way. The planning and
prewriting involves a planning sheet and a source evaluation sheet.
3 extended class period days (90 minutes each).
Planning sheet, Edmodo, passive/active presentation, Kahoot, source sheet, iPads
Day 1: Do now!
Add two new academic vocabulary words to their notability document (combative and
dull) and then they are to go to Edmodo and take the quiz, "The Weight Debate" after
reading the article. Once they have finished they may read News-O-Matic.
Day 2: Do now!
Add two new academic vocabulary words to their notability document (numerous and
scattered). Then they are to go to Edmodo and take the quiz, "Killing Fields" after reading
the article. Once they have finished they may read News-O-Matic.
Day 3: Do now!
Add these two new academic vocabulary words to their notability document (massive and
repulsive). Once they are done they are to get on SpellingCity and study.
Day 1
Do now! (20 minutes)
Passive/Active PowerPoint (15 minutes) - Teacher input, whole class practice: This
presentation gives examples and rules of passive and active voice. It uses techniques of
total participation with answering questions with thumbs up and thumbs down.
Kahoot on Active/Passive Voice (10 minutes) - Whole class practice: Students will
participate in the game style quiz Kahoot; the winner receives a homework coupon.
Introduce planning sheet (5 minutes) - Teacher input: I will go through my expectations
for the sheet and when I want it done by.
Work on plan sheet (35 minutes) - The plan sheets asks them for their argument, three
main points, counterclaim, and rebuttal. They will sign their agreement of what they are
writing on and I will give them this sheet. They have the rest of class to work on this.
Closure (3 minutes) - Teacher input
Day 2
Do now! (20 minutes)
Introduce source sheet/agenda (10 minutes) - Teacher input: I will go over the agenda

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for today. I will then, using the document camera, go through the source sheet. I will
highlight the difference between a website author and an article author, where to find a
website author, and the expectation for each question. Students may not receive a source
sheet until I have checked off their planning sheet.
Finish plan sheet (30 minutes) - Individual practice: Students will have about 30 minutes
to finish their sheets. If they don't finish them and don't have a good explanation to why
(an absence or changing topics) then I will make a note of them not completing it by then.
It will impact their LEA grade for the essay.
Work on source sheet (25 minutes) - Individual practice: Upon completion of the plan
sheet I will check it and stamp it. Then students are to begin searching for good websites
they will use on their paper.
Closure (5 minutes)
Day 3
Do now! (10 minutes)
Go over agenda (5 minutes) - Teacher input: I will go over where we left off yesterday,
and then I will go over what to expect for today.
Finish source sheet (50 minutes) - Individual practice: Students are to shoot to get this
done. Since this is not something they are used to doing I understand that there will be
people at lots of different points because of their own background knowledge.
Begin work on rough draft (20 minutes) - Individual practice: Students will begin their
rough drafts. We will be spending time on each section next week, but they are to get all
their ideas down first.
Closure (5 minutes)
Day 1
I will have the students put all their materials in the basket. I will then ask why they think
it is important to plan before writing, and I will ask if they think that it will be better for
their paper.
Day 2
I will have the students turn in all their materials. I will then explain expectations for class
tomorrow, and we will go over their source progress.
Day 3
I will discuss where we are going from here, and depending on their progress of the source
sheets this may not be as expected. Students have the option to put their materials in the
basket or bring them home to work on if they are extremely far behind.
Extension: Students who have more knowledge and are stronger writers will be given the
option to write four body paragraphs and/or use more than two sources.

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Modification: For students who are struggling writers and on an IEP that modifies their
expectations I will ask them to fully use just one source rather than the required two.
Kahoot - Formative and Summative: This is used as a summative to see what they know
after the presentation, but they are working on it further for NoRedInk
Writing Check-Ins: Formative: these are progress points to ensure students are on track
and understanding what is going on.

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Post Lesson Reflection


To what extent were lesson objectives achieved?

For the most part the lesson objectives were achieved. Students did not get as far as I
would have hoped. But they will have a good chunk of time next week to work on it. The
Kahoot showed that a good amount of students understood passive and active voice.
Also, from the planning and source sheets I saw that students were moving in the right
direction. The ultimate test of if the lesson objectives were achieved will be the final


What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again?
I would set more concrete and accountable check-ins for students. Most students who are
behind are not behind because they were off task; those that are behind are so because
they are really doing thorough work. I would have wanted more concrete check-ins for
the handful of students that are behind because they are off-task, but I couldn't figure out
a way to have this check-ins hold more worth without penalizing those students who were
just working slower. I also might reorder the way I taught the writing process. I am back
loading the information after the words are on the paper; I am tossed up about if this is
the most effective. I wonder if frontloading the information would have been better, but
then I wonder if frontloading would have been overwhelming since this is a new style of
writing they are not as familiar with.

3. What do you envision for the next lesson?

My next lesson will be their routine assessment day. They will test on their NoRedInk
and Spelling and we will grade their spelling packet.

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