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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Ms. Eder

School: Altona Middle School
Title: Mapping out the Week

Grade Level: 6th

Date: 4/13/2015
Content Area: Language Arts
Lesson #: 1 of 1

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

6.3.3.a. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing
or speaking. (CCSS: L.6.1)
6.3.3.b. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. (CCSS: L.6.2)
6.3.3.b.ii. Spell correctly. (CCSS: L.6.2b)
CDE Technology Standards
V. Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and
ethical behavior. Students:
B. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and
VI. Technology Operations and Concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations. Students:
A. understand and use technology systems.
Inquiry Questions:
- How do writers monitor their spelling if spell-check is not available?
- If a piece of writing has many errors or is difficult to read, what are readers thoughts about that piece?
- If strong, well-selected vocabulary is used, what might a reader say to the author?
Evidence Outcomes:
Every student will be able to: complete the spelling and grammar homework by the due date.
Given the instruction and practice given in class I can: accurately and thoroughly complete my NoRedInk
and Spelling homework so I will be prepared for the quizzes Friday.

Colorado State University College of Health and Human Sciences

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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson

Approx. Time and Materials

Anticipatory Set


Mapping Out the Week

This lesson comes once a week on Monday's. It is meant to prepare the students for the
work that is expected of them for the week. This work is what leads up to their Friday
assessment days; the idea is if they do the work they will do well on the assessment.
1 regular class period (85 minutes)
Spelling packets, computer, projector, student iPads, Notability, library, AR books.
Create a Notability document titled, "Academic Vocabulary 4.13-4.16" and add these
words: outrageous and zany. Once they complete this they are to write one sentence about
what they did over Spring Break, and after that they are to read News-O-Matic.
"Anticipatory Set" (10 minutes)
Share Spring Break (10 minutes) - group practice: Since it's the first day back after
Spring Break I am going to give them all to have the chance to share what they did. They
have the option to pass. This \ will hopefully alleviate some of the squirrely-ness.
Pass out/Go over Spelling (15 minutes) - teacher input, group practice: I will pass out
week 27 spelling packet to everyone. The focus of this week is adjectives. We will go
through each section, and I will see if any of the students have questions about such
sections. They put the due date on the front; this week's due date is Friday the 17th. They
will then have 30 seconds to put it in a place that they won't lose it.
Go over NoRedInk focus (10 minutes) - teacher input group practice: This week the
NoRedInk focus is passive and active voice, and identifying passive and active voice
verbs. We will go through example homework together and discuss the difference between
active and passive. We will refer back to the rules that NoRedInk gives them.
Library time (45 minutes) - individual practice: Mondays we have part of the Library
reserved for the students to getting independent reading time in. It takes approximately
half the class. They are to sit at the tables we have reserved in the library. I select students
who came in and got right to reading to sit in comfortable chairs along the window.
Closure (5 minutes)
I have the students return to the classroom (except students who have classes in the 7th
grade wing next). Once back in the class I remind them to stay up with the homework and
gave them the reminder of the AR mid-quarter due date
In period 2 I have one student who receives a different spelling packet. His spelling packet
is 3rd grade level. Once he masters that he will go onto 4th grade, and so on.
I have a very informal formative assessment when I go over the NoRedInk. I can gauge
how well students know the subject by their responses

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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Post Lesson Reflection


To what extent were lesson objectives achieved?

I felt that the lesson objectives were achieved pretty thoroughly. I did not want the
students to be masters of these subjects, but I was hoping they would not be challenged to
the point that a week would not be enough time. When I introduced the spelling I knew
the words were challenging, but realistic. The NoRedInk worried me a little at first
because they had never heard of passive and active voice before, but after reviewing it
with them it became clear that they were able to grasp the material.


What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again?
I would have, if I had more time, added the presentation I am going to do in the next
lesson about passive and active voice to this lesson. Since the students really value their
library time, and I think it is an important part of their weekly routine I did not want to
take it away from them, so I had to keep that presentation for the following day.

3. What do you envision for the next lesson?

The next lesson will be returning to the argumentative writing and a more in depth
presentation of active and passive voice. They will be doing a planning sheet for their

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