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@ Tempel | Abigail Tempel Mrs, Weathersboe AP Language Composition 18 February 2015, Autobiographical Aspects of The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby, written by F. Seot Fitzgerald, is set inthe 1920s and deseibes the ‘eltionshp between the main characters Gatsby and Daisy. follows them though thei fist ‘meeting to ther fast meeting and the events inbetween. There are some aspects ofthe book that wk, he Geet Gtahy ie semi autobiographical due to the comparison of Gatsby and Fitzgstald, Although there ate some show autobiographiei! references to Fitzgerald's life ites ven Gaby and npr ch rte inane ABUL alcohol. there are similarities between them such as affairs during marriage and lifestyles. F. Soot Fitzgerald was bor in Minnesota in 1896 and he moved to many places throughout his childhood, The last place his father was relocated to was upstate New York, which is where The Great Gatshy takes place. He originally went fo Princeton hut cause oF seademie failure, he depp! out and joined dhe military. He was a second iewerant in the infantry during World War 1. While he was stationed in Alabama, he met his wife Zelda Sayre, ‘who originally didnot want to marry him, He was seen as il-itte for herand she called off their engagement, Once the war ended and he was discharged, Zelda decided to marry him ‘ongoing success with writing, Fitzgerald, durin w Most Nabe "many ass with different women he had known before he met Zelda. Ong notable ne was hn tie Genevra Scott who he metin-hissaphice fs. Zelda, who was having mental breakdowns due to hearing news of Fitzgerald's affie. developed schizophrenia and passed at an early age. Even @ Tempel 2 though Fitzgerald ard Zelda remained married, their marriage was loveless and Fitzgerald felt presente Tike Zelda wasn’t evem there. Fitzgerald was also an aleoholie and buried his sommows over Zeke owt nul his fost marriage with sloohol (Harper's Bazaar, Seat and Zelda, 9p) nai ea Jay Gatsby. the main character in The Gireat Gatsby, lived a wealthy lifestyle inthe West gg in a mansion actoss the lake from Daisy Buchanane\Gatsby, who had had a relationship ————— yen With Daisy eatir in if, had followed her throughout her lifS%Rer thei relationship was terminate Pe ivea very avs fxg and was own fr his pres an events. Gatsby

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