Social Media Timed Writing Editing

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fyigall temper sy @ March 3, 2016 social Medid Timea Writ) Due_ +0 the jncreasing Use OF social |______ |media, tne lives OF people nave belmoe J_.__|t@se pyiNGte. information that coud be Lvept secres "fs lng being pur on the (ner net. BECQUSE OF This -Hacheashnge iggeased access Pube \ntrMuton, Coneges And _porentiai Simployers Ore Starting 0 use this intormatton Move Qdmiscioh and hiring aecisions Taeye_1S MU COMmYONersy Over thc practice dU AO NOlotton OF PriVOCy. Hat This placnice (S_dceptible bvechuse \t gjves a true olxWoe on the pers inreoyMarton Was mad, Ub\iCy and “i+ helps ty narrow decision, The Use of Stc|al media 10 mae decisions yegording hiring or covege acamscione OS given _O_dier event OUFooK Dn the private people’ being Cons\dey oa. Coulege Gna businesses US? EN@yook plofiies 10 see if te student Ok pore al Cin ployee is participlinind 1h appro Cre pracy ces that Will _yeelec} Hr@na We Baines or We. the USe OG Comal media dips 10 conser Ons About resumes Or qpplications +pat don \ Used SUSPICION OF question. the posts that | Ane chliege Or busihess we can reeiect Whether ‘t_person nas Common Sense ond vineir Qe perepectives VOllys. Te Use OF SOCIO Media also heups Ose Pre hs hot May hdve pot been Pasta 10M Ape _Cippit thought |4¢ \ Or HOGUME. (MU 7 » OF The Use OF SOcId! Media fOr these clecisjant re 1S Cpr Able yechuse tne ineorMarion posteol i Y puioiic. The Use OF SOCia! Mediq for TCO OUT paces 1S hor On Thwasian Or vinvacy Wn fends Wi Sek VE ve ve pecomes Ov011 Mie —— eta tee. people. who Gre big Users “[porennal conegesor employers W iL wor Looe 4 tins neo mation Af grudane Pose. onde 1S public vecouse the St PACD OTs fe oe co oges. SMe Cone or 6 Supletone ( "Fin oor’ Empire —The_able 10 \iow the vcinlo 40 actin, Peone ace Ve ecision. an l d_ the jus thele ——— yglize that not JU ) See | © ineormorion_}S —_—~ Mote, 0401 ale ar any one ___— oe eaclon_media conn lr oxpect that Oo -yose pages. (source 6) = _ anomer_veason colleges and us nesses tne i -enuula be Ole View Solid) Ynedia_yage fs that i Neipe them Ingle _cecisiohs. regaraing. pining Ov Adimes\oy. The posts ++ Ou snare ® O_Sddal_ media _usuOlly_yepresevet either your True. Cl or Ame Sele YoU._Wish 4) be- this Con_be Very _represemrarive of Your Morals And Life, alc. the _¥ make Can Indvence whether J an Hour cnosen vecdluse OF AM Image Nor tho Hpusines ov college _6 “VY ng create. \f they roel xno You Wil vin This image if you Gye OAINGHed With them, then _Chahes OF Roifine are Sim. whe Mah 90dl or vusNeseS Tang colleaes (6 2 maintilh O wrtain image Ao thew cee. Many Coilege Crudents cx. _ | un olrstand mar colleges_look a coca med On Yn Ordey ao See F you wil Cause the clsovicol -} Poreatal Omvdrroscmanr, The oVvevall god is tO ONDA his the Uke oF Seca media FOr these Mp ortOnt decisions Clin give Qveat Insight __ Un Who You ve as Cl person. (sure Cd OF | Media fav liege. —_ people Choose _th poet SOYwerning On Soca Yada, Cleryore Oe tae QviLity tp Coe tt. people aon _ Want employers and College Gdmissions +o IbOK at their pages, they Shouldn’+ Create social media accounts.

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