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Pablo Echegarray - Executive Producer

Attorney, producer, graduate of Fordham Law, MBA in Finance from

Pace University, been a financial aid counselor, Director of Financial Aid
and Bursar, Series 7 licensed stock broker and financial advisor.
Currently executive producer on feature film, "Broome Street Boys" a
short, producer on an upcoming Broadway musical "Getting the band
back together" and off-broadway Play " The Implications of
Cohabitation"...huge fan of the Yankees, Pearol y la seleccion
Adrian Manzano - Writer / Director
Born in Cali, Colombia, raised in Queens, New York. Graduated Cum
Laude from Albright College with a BA in Film & Literature. Directed
many short films & documentaries that played at film festivals
nationally. As an Actor, nominated at the American College Theatre
Festival 2004. Has worked with various theaters in New York including
Intar, German Jaramillo's ID Studio, Teatro Teba.
Sex, Love & Salsa his first feature film as Writer/Director/Actor has won
numerous awards at various film festivals including the Audience
Award at the Montreal Latino & Harlem Film Festival. Best Film and Best
Actor (Adrian Manzano) at the Reel Independence Film Festival
Washington DC.
Sex, Love & Salsa is also scheduled for a Sept 2015 theatrical release
in Canada with Quebec Distributor, Les Films De Jour D'Hui. Limited
Theatrical in US, Europe & Asia.
Adrian recently sold a spec script to Jacobo Silvera productions in
Panama. He's currently in Post for his sophmore feature La Gradu
for a Tribeca premiere 2015. Gran Manzana Films is also in
preproduction for a co-production in the Dominican Republic for a
Drama/Romance La Conquista.

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