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Generation Z College Students

COUN 7132
Group 2 Project
By: Donna Carney, Brittany Chretien,
Pam Cummins, Jennifer Duncan



Born after 1995
Generation Z is 20 years
old or less
Often referred to as the
Silent generation, Digital
generation, or the

Where do they fit in the population?

Comprising more than
a quarter of the
Generation Z is the
largest segment in the
United States.

Although we do
not know a lot
about Generation
Z, we do know
what type of
environment they
are growing up in.

Generation Z has never known life without:

Digital camera
Hybrid cars

Ear buds

Online shopping
Online dating
Online banking
Streaming music
Virtual worlds
Plus many more

Understanding Generation Z
Digital natives with 24 hour internet access
Most advanced, connected, technological generation
Unlimited access to social networking
Born into times of: school shootings, rise of global
terrorism, the six year recession, Hurricane Katrina,
Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Osama Bin Laden capture, the
weakening of America as a superpower, climate change

Some things on the minds of Generation Z


Prefers instant gratification

Wants to be informed & heard
Older parents
Expresses thoughts & feelings
Ethnic diversity
Change in gender roles

Big spenders on food and

Comfortable with online
Self-directed learners
Environmentally conscious
Visits social networks daily
Does not learn well from

Likes & Dislikes

likes privacy does not
want to be tracked
likes recommendations
from others not brand
likes visuals
likes talking in pictures
likes time with family &

dislikes Facebook
dislikes outdoor activity
dislikes things that take
too long
dislikes hard work wants it fast & easy
dislikes racism, gender
roles, and stress
dislikes missing out

Work Readiness of Generation Z

Fundamentals of knowledge
Attitudes of success
Individuals must learn for themselves
Lifelong learning
Rapidly changing work environments
Exploration and understanding

Future Jobs for Professionals

Digital Architect
Geriatric Well-Being Consultant
Body Part Engineer
Memory Augmentation Surgeon
Avatar Manager
Waste Data Handler
Vertical Farmer

Where will Generation Z work?

65% of current school children will find
employment in jobs that do not currently exist
Most jobs will revolve around improvement and
maintenance of our environment and surroundings
Careers will be directed more towards technology
than the current workforce
Many will be entrepreneurs
Technologically driven population

Impact on the Future

Smartest of all Generations
Social Activists
They can change the world
We Generation
Create societal changes

& Beyond
Race, ethnic, and gender boundaries will
not matter to them
Needed in the job market
Very independent
More adult-focused
Rebel against Millennial generation
Caregivers to an aging population

Skills needed for future careers

Critical Thinking
Problem Solving
Digital Literacy
Communication Skills

Issues and Challenges

How Can We Communicate with Gen Z?

Does not want to be tracked so prefers using
apps like Snapchat, Secret, or Whisper to
Prefers communicating through images,
icons, and symbols

How Generation Z Communicates

1 in 3 sends more than
3,000 text messages a
54% use text messaging
to communicate with
their friends
33% speak face to face
84% sleep with their

Social Media
Gen Zs are always connected in a seamless cloud-based world of friends,
data, and entertainment.
Social media and instant contact is very important to them.
Waiting for emails has never been part of the Gen Z world. Social media
has made it easy for them to take up social causes. They look for careers
that will help the world.
Social media has led to a sense of social justice, especially when they are
bombarded with images and news of war, recession, and climate change.
They love to crowd source for solutions on social media.
(Adam Renfro, 2012)

Gadgets and Tools

Gen Z has become a generation of content creators and producers with todays web
apps and digital tools.
They consume most of their media on mobile devices.
Gen Zs prefer media that they can interact with as opposed to passive TV or print texts.
They want gadgets that are multi-functional (take video, reach the internet, play music).
They prefer websites, apps, and social media outlets that allow multiple features like
posting pictures, videos, text, comments, rate things, etc.
(Adam Renfro, 2012)

How can we help them change the world?

Adapt - learning how to use the
technology they use so that we can
reach them
Storytelling - provide high quality
content that tells a positive story that
engages them
Combine the digital relationship with
the influence of storytelling which will
give us the ability to empower young
people to make a difference

Generation Z vs Generation Y (Millennials)

Socially engaged

Millennials are known to be
very reward-oriented
Gen Zs dont think pats on
the back are important
Gen Zs tend to be a bit less
rebellious than Millennials
(probably because of their
close relationships with their
parents - sometimes known
as Helicopter Parents)

Dont Treat Gen Zs Like Millennials

Generation Z as Learners
Their brains are hardwired for fast delivery of
content, data, and images
Dislikes lectures and test driven classrooms
Desires customizable education
Need to be challenged with project-based, active
learning to meet future demands

Generation Z and Teachers

Teachers arent able to appreciate the new skills of Generation Z
Teachers are at a disadvantage because they arent as familiar
with new technologies
Teachers arent prepared to teach future content such as: software,
hardware, and digital media

How Faculty can Teach Generation Z

Fast delivery of content
Hands-on learners
Incorporates multi-media in lessons
Instant feedback with positive reinforcement
Deliver information in smaller doses
Switch topics frequently
Focus on critical thinking/problem solving rather than
Be flexible in adjusting to students learning styles

Generation Z in college
Universities are recognizing the self-driven attitudes of Generation z, therefore
turning a teacher-centered curriculum into a learner-centered one.
Strongly embraces the higher education framework, but worries about cost.
Co-oping during college becoming a large trend for Generation Z.
Over half of the population is concerned with finding a career/job after college.
More focused and responsible concerning grades, college completion time,
extracurriculars and being a well-rounded students than Millennials.

Anatole, Emily. (2013). GenerationZ: Rebels with a cause. Retrieved March 6, 2015.
Are students prepared for the workplace? (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2015, from
Bernstein, R. (2015, January 21). Move over Millennials - -Here comes Gen Z. Retrieved February 28, 2015, from
Bopp, S. (2015, February 2). Dairy herd management. Retrieved February 28, 2015, from
Claire Raines on 10 Predictions for Generation Z. (2013, March 14). Retrieved March 2, 2015,
Elmore, T. (2014, August 15). How Generation Z differs from Generation Y. Retrieved
March 2015 from
Everett-Haynes, L. (2013, November 8). Trending now: Generation Z. Retrieved on March 16, 2015 from
Generation Z: The kids who'll save the world? (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2015, from
Jobs in the Future The Career path of Generation Y & Z (Infographic). (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2015, from
Lucas, S. (2014, September 2). Brace yourself for Gen Z. Retrieved March 13, 2015 from

Meet Generation Z - Getting smart by Adam Renfro - commerce, gadgets, Gen Z, generation z, professionals, social media, web tools. (2012, December 4).
Retrieved March 2, 2015, from
Meet GenerationZ: Forget everything you learned about Millennials by Sparks & Honey.
(2014, June 26). Retrieved February 28, 2015, from
Orman, S. (2014, October 24). [INFOGRAPHIC] Four things to know before Marketing to Generation Z. Retrieved March 1, 2015, from
Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. (2008). Born digital: Understanding the first generation of digital natives. New York, NY: Basic Books.
Pauley, W. (2012, January 1). Retrieved March 1, 2015, from
Peterson, H. (2014, June 25). Millennials are old news - Heres everything you should know About Generation Z. Retrieved March 1, 2015, from
Posnick-Goodwin, S. (2010). Meet Generation Z. California Educator, 14 (5), 8-18.
Renfro, A. (2012, December 5). Meeting Generation Z. Retrieved March 16, 2015 from
Rothman, D. (n.d.). A Tsunami of learners called Generation Z. Retrieved April 4, 2015, from
St. Martin, G. (2014, November 19). Generation Z and the future of higher education. Retrieved April 1, 2015, from

Schroer, W. (n.d.). Generations X, Y, Z and Others. Retrieved February 28, 2015, from
Stacey, S. (2014, November 24). Ministering to Generation Z. Retrieved February 28, 2015, from
Sundt, J. (2014, June 26). Gen Z: How we can help them change the world. Retrieved on March 13, 2015 from
The Future of social: What jobs will Generation Z have? - Brandwatch. (2013, October 30). Retrieved March 2, 2015, from

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