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Apostolic Kingdom Movement International, Inc

Core Curriculum
Candidate Name: Elder Designate Joshua Mayberry
Church Name: Promise Land Music Ministry Inc, Atlanta, Georgia
The following must be completed as required by dates.
Check when item are completed. Items in bold* are required for
Ordination .

Examination (Administrations)


Financial Management : Completed

Doctrine AKMI Review : Completed
Core Values AKMI Review: Completed
Ethics AKMI Review : Completed

Ministerial Training
5 Fold Ministry Worship : Completed
5 Fold Demonic Worship: Completed
Spiritual Gifts: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Completed
Spiritual Inventory of your life : Completed
The Role and Responsibility of an Elder: Completed
Walking worthy before God in your calling: Completed
The Foundational Understanding of Music Ministry: Completed
Character of a Worship Leader, take it seriously: Completed

Worship in Multi-Cultural environments: Completed

Pedagogical Skills of Music& Worship: Completed
Keyboard and Instruments Proficiency: Completed
Music and Christian Dramatic Productions: Completed
Director of Worship for Conferences: Completed
The Spirit of Rebellion and Disloyalty to the Church through music: Completed
Gospel Music in Contemporary Church communities: Completed
Written Assignments & Examinations
Completion of Written Assignments: MLA or AP format and presentation
Required Assignments are due by) Date: -3-31-2015.


Old/New Testament Principles of Worship- 3pages-MLA/AP : Completed

Azusa Revival and the Pentecostal Music Movement- 5pages- MLA/AP
___2_/_23__/2015_Gospel Music Transforming the Culture- 1page Summation of
Your Community Work, perspective and experience. : Completed

___2_/_23__/2015 Social Issues- Homosexual Worship Leaders in the Church2page Detailed Summation of personal beliefs and approach. : Completed
Written Examination by AKMI Board Date: 04-01-2015. : Completed
Oral Examination: Ecclesiastical Garments by AKMI Board Date: Friday, 6pm, 04-032015: Completed
Oral Examination: Eldership/Pastorate of Music by AKMI Board Date: Friday, 6pm,
04-15-2015: Completed

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