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Sophie Miller has a severe hearing loss but has recently received cochlear implants. She uses
mostly English but also uses American Sign Language for support when necessary since she is
still getting used to using them. She is in 4th grade and learns in general education courses that
also include other students who have trouble hearing except for language arts where she joins
other Deaf/HH students to work on her signing. Sophie is working on using her implants so she
can listen and respond more carefully to the teachers and others.



Academic Standards/Assessment Anchors
a. 1.5.1.D: Develop content by researching planet
b. 1.5.1.B: Write using information found from research
c. 1.5.1.E: Put together solar system from other classmates, listen, understand, and
respond to each planet.
Instructional Objectives
Given several questions, students will form groups and use a WebQuest to find
answers to questions to their assigned planet.
Students will be able to demonstrate the location in order of each individual planet.

3. Content (Lesson Elements)

Introduction/Motivational Device
WebQuest the planets
The teacher will introduce the planets using a model of the Solar System
The teacher will explain the different characteristics of the Solar System,
including moons, sun and planets
The teacher will discuss the importance of each group presenting their
planet to the class after the research is done to ensure that the classroom
can listen to each presentation
During the presentations the students will attain one of their favorite
facts from each planet
Once the student has selected a fact, they will one by one present their
fact to the class ensuring that each student is working on their listening
and responding skills
Subject Content/Topics
The Solar System, including moons and suns of the planets
Learning Activities/Procedures
Researching material
Provided with computers and questions to research

The students will be provided with questions to put on their post board
1. Distance from the sun
2. Average temperature
3. How much would you weigh if you were visiting the planet

4. What creatures does the student think would live on the planet
5. Fun Fact
Drawing the planet
Will be provided with crayons, poster boards, and markers
Students will draw a picture of the planet and list the research they found about
the planet
After the completion of the poster, the group will place their poster in the
correct position of the solar system on the board.
Class Presentation
The finished Solar System should consist of each planet in their appropriate
spots on the board and present their planet to the class
While the class is listening to each groups presentations, they will record 1 of
their favorite facts and then present that to the class after the presentations are

What did the student obtain from the presentations?

Did this help improve their listening skills?
o After the completion of the presentations, the students will read out loud their
facts to the class to ensure they are responding and obtaining the information

4. Differentiated Learning Activities

Include context of the learners as a rationale for differentiation:
Multiple students in the class have a hearing loss
o Visual Aids will be provided through the teachers model of the Solar System
o The teacher will encourage the students to present their projects to the class as
well as have the students record their favorite facts about the planets
o After the students are recorded their favorite facts, each student will tell the class
which fact they found the most interesting out loud
o Presenting and responding will help individual students with their hearing,
listening and responding skills
o For students working on their signing skills, individual students will sign out their
favorite fact

Instructional Resources and Technology

Visual Aids

6. Formative Assessment
a. Students will provide a visual project with at least 5 informative facts about the project
to conclude that they understand the concept. The response part of the assignment is
for each individual student can reflect on something they have learned. The students

will be graded by how constructive their poster was and if they met the required
7. Reflection - Completed after implementation of lesson plan
The assessment helped each student to work on their listening skills. Multiple children in
the classroom had a hearing problem and some with cochlear implants. To ensure that
they are listening correctly each student was asked to respond to the presentations
The achievement I wanted from the lesson was to not only help students research and
obtain knowledge about the Solar System as well as work on their signing and listening
If the whole classroom was deaf, some modifications I would make to the lesson would
be to have each student sign their presentation out and have every student respond in
ASL. This way they are practicing and concentration on not only learning more about the
material in the lesson, but also practicing their signing

Solar System






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