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Masashi Otake

19 Hope Street
New York, 11211 USA

Keio High School
Board Member, Entrance Examination Committee

Core member of 10-person team in charge of selecting 300 out of more than 3000 applicants who take a highly
competitive entrance examination

Head Director, Foreign Language Department

April 2008 - Present

Coordinate school overseas exchange programs (two US and 1 UK) with a team of seven for 50 students from all four
Keio high schools
Primarily in charge of Keio Punahou Exchange Program in Hawaii; Chaperoned students in Hawaii for
one month (2009)
Responsible for administering entrance exam, handling family and host-family relations, and
conducting pre-program training.

Part-time English Teacher, Foreign Language Department

April 2008 - Present

Teach six, advanced-level classes: 2 regular, 3 electives and 1 final research paper class
Design own lessons without a textbook; only 1 of 2 teachers in department who do not follow a textbook; design all
classes to be accelerated-learned focused using material from theatre, business and music

Assistant Director, Keio Exchange Programs

April 2012 - Present

Lead 30 English teachers to develop new curriculum for 10-year plan; successfully implemented more output focused
assignments in textbooks
Key member of 10-person team in charge of recruiting and hiring new teachers
Manage flex-time schedule for all department teachers to maintain quality control

Full-time English Teacher, Foreign Language Department

Kanagawa, Japan
November 2012 - Present

April 2007 - March 2008

Taught 8 high school senior and junior classes: incorporated media in classes using a skit-based curriculum
Only part-time teacher selected out of 30 for full-time position

Teachers College, Columbia University
Master of Arts, Applied Linguistics

Instruct advanced, adult students in integrated skills, theme-based English language class by using the Communicative
Language Teaching (CLT) method
Design stimulating materials and develop lesson plans focusing on interaction, language production, pronunciation and
all four skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) to enhance student oral fluency and accuracy
Create, conduct and score formative and summative assessments in order to assess integrated skills: listening, speaking,
reading, writing and grammar

Sophia University
Bachelor of Arts, International Business and Economics

Tokyo, Japan
March 2007

Transfer student: took 30 credits each semester (average student load: 12-15 credits)
Completed teacher training course; obtained license for teaching English for junior and senior high schools
English teacher, Sophia Alpha (Volunteer Club); taught at elementary schools weekly (September 2004-May 2005)
Teacher, Riso Group, TOMAS; designed English and math lesson plans based upon individual assessments for crosssection of students (elementary to high school students) at exam preparatory school; taught private and group lessons
five days per week (2004-2007)
Teaching Assistant, Kitakata Elementary School; assisted fulltime teachers in classes and supported AD and ADHD
students inside classes twice a week (8/2004 3/2006)
Student Journalist, Shushokuka Magazine; initiated and wrote 10 profiles about successful people in business and
entertainment, including company CEOs and sports heroes; publication had subscription base of over 60,000 distributed
to over 600 universities. (June-November 2005)
Part-time analyst, Asia Strategy Consulting; conducted research business opportunities in Japans healthcare sector for
foreign private equity client; developed data full-time analysts (September 2006 March 2007)

Graceland University
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology

New York USA

February 2016

Iowa USA
January 2004

GPA: 3.4; received US$3500 academic scholarship; made Deans list (Fall/2002, Fall/2003)
Received theatre (Fall/2001 to Spring/2003) and fine arts (Fall/2002 to Fall/2003) work study grants
Completed internship at Sawa Mental Health Hospital mainly for graduate students; assisted physician with initial
patient intakes (June-July 2003)
University Varsity Soccer Team, played DF position; practiced 5 days/ wk. (20002003)
Travelled solo in Mexico for one month to see Mayan and Aztec ruins (December 2002)

Assistant Director, Ted x Keio Program; member of 5-person team organizing event and recruiting speakers; design
trainings for student speakers to present in English (December 2012-present)
Take weekly acoustic guitar and vocal lessons (2009-Present)
Committed runner: run 6 times/per week and compete in half marathons (2008-Present)
Completed acting improve class at local night school (January 2009-May 2009)
Engaged in part-time retail and construction work (March 2004-September 2004)

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