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Melony Robinson-Williams

Professor Batty
English 113B
Dream Home
Everything is exactly how I imagined it. This is exactly what I wanted. Its all
perfect, from the gleaming pool to the intricate tiles on the roof. The best part is I dont
have to live in a crappy apartment in Santa Monica ever again. Im finally successful and
on my own. As I was walking over to the front door I caught a glimpse of myself in the
mirror. I stroked my neatly trimmed pencil thin beard that outlined my angular
cheekbones and pointed chin.
This is perfect. I whispered to myself as the movers brushed passed me.
I ecstatically directed the movers to the living room. Each mover seemed somewhat
uneasy. As if all their energy had been sucked out through a tube and inserted into me.
I dont have that many boxes. I reasoned.
As they brought my things in I thought Id take another tour through my new
home. I made my way to the kitchen. It is beautiful. The countertops were smooth and
silky. A mover was installing my fridge. He glanced over at me. He had dark circles
under his eyes and dry lips. His expression was somewhat ruining my mood so I quickly
looked away. Next to the mover was a closet. I never noticed the closet before. Ive
toured this house about five times and Ive never noticed this closet. It has a light brown
wooden frame and a diagonal crack going down the center. As I took steps towards it I
got an eerie feeling. With each step I took towards the door my heart began to race.

Everything slowed down. As I reached for the doorknob chills went down my spine. I
touched the cold golden doorknob. Its locked.
Huh? I thought to myself. How is it locked?
There has to be a key somewhere. Theres no way this is the only door locked. I tried my
house keys on the door, my garage door key, the pool house key, my car key. Nothing.
Nothing worked on this damn door. I turned to the mover who seemed to be in charge.
Do you happen to know of a locksmith or someone who could open this door, I
Dont you have a key? He snapped back with a confused look.
How do you not have a key to your own home?
Never mind I answered discouraged.
I pulled out my phone and walked to another room. I Google searched a 24/7 lock smith
Ahh here we go
The website was called 24/7 locksmith and the mans name was Smith. Clever. As soon
as the mover left I contacted Smith. Over the phone smith had a deep southern accent.
His voice was a little rough and he had a slow separated chuckle.
I can be there in bout an hour
Perfect and how much will it cost me?
bout 40 bucks
Great. See you in an hour

I couldnt think of much to do before the locksmith arrives so I sat on my couch and took
a nap. About 20 minutes into my nap I heard a banging noise.
well that was fast I said to myself.
I sluggishly pushed myself off the couch and to the door. The noises stopped. I peered
through the small hole in the door. No one was there. I opened the door and looked
Probably some kids being assholes I mumble whilst slamming the door.
I turned around dragging my feet across the carpet. Halfway there I heard the banging
noise accompanied with loud scratching noises. I jogged down the stairs to answer the
door. I hope this is the locksmith. I opened the door and no one was there.
Are you serious? I said furiously
I stomped up the stairs mumbling to myself. The noises started again. I leaped down the
stairs in an attempt to catch those kids. I ran to the door. My eyes wide and a silly grin on
my face. I swung the door open. Nothing. No one is there. But the noises are still
happening. I turned around with a perplexed look.
Where could it be coming from?
I walked towards the kitchen. The noises became more intense. Chills went down my
spine. My hands became moist. My mouth became dry. I glanced over at the closet.
Maybe the noises are coming from closet.
Oh god I hope not
I stepped towards the closet slowly. The sounds became more intense. My heart began to
beat faster. I leaned towards the door to listen in. I could feel my heartbeat in my throat. It
was getting faster. And faster. And

Mr.Medina! the locksmith yelled at the front door

ohuh... Coming! I yelled back disoriented
I hurried to the front door and opened it for the locksmith.
Well finally; Ive been knockin forever
Sorry I...uh
So where is this door? He hurried inside. I told him about the closet. I told him
Ive never seen it before and for some reason I dont have a key. We walked over to the
kitchen and I pointed to the closet.
Is this a joke? He asked with an irked expression.
The door is gone. Im standing here looking like an idiot pointing at a wall.
Sir Im a busy man and I dont have time for this B.S.
No There was a...I-
Thanks for wasting my time He interrupted and stormed out.
What? What just happened? How is that damn closet gone?
I rubbed my fingers against the wall. I watched my fingers run over every bump and
crack on the wall. But there is no sign of the door. Im so confused. I tried to shake it off
and forget about it. At least the door is gone. I strolled to the front door to lock it. I ran
my hands through my hair. I could feel the sweat accumulating at my hairline. My hands
are still shaking. I walked up stairs.
I need a nap I whispered
I rushed to the restroom. Brushed my teeth, Splashed cold water on my face, looked into
the mirror and there it was. The closet. The same closet with the light brown wooden
frame and a diagonal crack going down the center was right behind me.

What the hell?

I rubbed my eyes as if itd disappear. I open my eyes. I look over to the door and its still
there. I can see the fuzzy outline of the frame. The fuzzy crack going down the center of
the door. Its still there.
No way. What the hell is going on? Theres no way this is real.
Then to make it even worse, the noises came. They were soft at first. The scratching, soft
whispers, small thuds. Slowly they became more intense. The screeching scratches, the
weary whispers, and the thunderous thuds. I slammed my hands against my head, ran
them through my hair, and gritted my teeth. I ran down the stairs, swung the front door
open and screamed.
What is happening to me! I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Not a minute later my neighbors lights turned on. He rushed out in a soft brown robe, his
hair tied up, and a startled look on his face.
Is everything alright over there? he questioned
No, I stomped over to his front lawn, No everything is not alright
I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to my front door
Please look at this! I pointed up the stairs to my bathroom door, there is a door
there and its driving me insane.
A door? he asked confused
Yes a door I said running up the stairs
I swung the bathroom door open and it was gone.

Look man you really need to calm down its pretty late and my kid has school in
the morn-
Please leave I interrupted.
My neighbor stared at me concerned and then left. I picked up the plunger next to the
toilet and slammed it against wall where the closet was. I Swung again and again until the
plunger snaps in half. I threw the plunger to the floor to grab the mouthwash from the
cabinet. I threw that at the wall. I threw anything i could get my hands on. I was enrage
with hate. A loud knocking came from down stairs.
Mr.Medina is everything ok?"
It was my neighbor. I leaped down the stairs and swung the front door open. My
neighbors brows were furrowed. He had his cell phone in his hand with 911 already
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"No, not at all!" I yelled, "There's this damn closet that's just appearing all over
the place. Everytime I show someone it just disappears. I really don't know what to do. I
don't even know if it's real. Could I be hallucinating? Am I going insane?"
"Maybe you should sit down Mr.Medina," my neighbor said while motioning to a
chair in my kitchen. "Do you want any water" he asks while rummaging through my
He walks over and sets a glass down on the table and begins talking. I can't help
but notice how the light shines on the wall behind him. I glance over at the window and
follow the beam of light peaking through the blinds. I follow the light follow the light
from the window, across the walls, and all the way to the golden doorknob. The goddamn

door is directly behind him. The same crack down the center. The same wooden frame.
There it is. Taunting me. I stood up abruptly grabbed my glass of water and threw it at the
door. I picked up a chair from my kitchen table and beat a small dent into the wall. My
neighbor looked mortified and called the police.

A month had passed by since that day. I am now spending time in the Hollydale
insane asylum in Downey California. After my neighbor explained to my family and the
police what happened they thought it would be best if I was sent here. So far it isn't bad at
all. As long as I'm as far away from the house and that damn closet as possible. Today is
bingo night for the patients and I'm leading it. This is one of my favorite nights of the
year. As I'm walking down the stairs torward the storage closet to get materials I get an
eerie feeling. With each step I took towards the door my heart begins to race. Everything
slows down. As I reach for the doorknob chills go down my spine. I touched the cold
golden doorknob. I scanned the light brown wooden frame and the crack down the
middle. It's locked.

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