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Criminal Justice

Bailey Donorovich
April 25, 2015

Criminal Justice starting in Rome and
Greece began as a private matter, judged
by ones family to decide the punishment
for your criminal actions.
Then when Europeans came to America
they had the same way of thinking and
developed a common law system, which
they developed over time leading to what
we now know as the law.

People view the Criminal Justice system in many
ways due to the diversity that it brings with it. One of
the greatest parts about this institution is that it is
constantly changing based on the needs of society.
Over the years there have been many laws that were
created that have been overruled in the court
system due to different circumstances that those
people were put in.
I would say that most people admire the justice
system because it is there to help uphold our rights
and keep our communities safe.

However, there are a select few, mostly
including those who are constantly
breaking the law, that view the criminal
justice system as something that society
does not need.
With any institution there will be those who
do not agree with it though.

Those within the institution are dedicated
to protecting the citizens. These kinds of
institutions put people through a series of
tests to make sure that they have the
ability to uphold their duties that they are
I would say that anyone willing to go
through the extensive training and tests
that they make you go through would
admire this institution for making sure the
right people are being hired.

This institution is constantly changing, as I
stated before. With the criminal justice
system each case that the members are
facing each day have different
circumstances and therefore must have
different outcomes. It is a place where
these people are trusted to make the
correct decision for what is the best for the
community and the people involved.

The only stability within this institution
would be that way that they train the ones
who are members. Also, the jobs that are
required to keep this institution up and
Other then those two things this institution
is constantly changing.

I do not personally think that there are
many ways to improve this institution
other then making sure that each
department has enough funds to keep
everything running smoothly.
There are also some situations where
decisions need to be made to remove
people from a place of authority to avoid
any issues down the line.

Major Participants
Lawyers: These people are in charge of
defending those who have been accused of
a criminal charge and helping to display
their point of view the best way possible.
Court System(Judge): These people are in
charge of following law, hearing every part
of a case. Then they will make the decision
to whether or not the suspect is guilty or
innocence. Lastly, decide the punishment
for the crime committed.

Major Participants
Police Officers: Enforcing the law,
Preventing Crime, and apprehending
suspects accused of committing criminal
Corrections Officer: Enforcing the
punishment of the law including parole,
probation, and incarceration.

In Favor
I would say that each person has an equal
opportunity to benefit from this institution,
if they do not benefit from it then it is due
to a personal decision that is corrected by
the laws that have been in place.

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