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The mimic octopus.

The Thaumoctopus mimicus, popularly known as mimic octopus, is a spectacular animal which
owns a remarkable abitily of changing the coulor and the texture of its skin, becoming
astonishing similar to other animals, therefore it is able to avoid predators by frightening them.
For instance, when being attacked by a fish, the octopus hides six arms by burying them in a
hole, thus it looks like a a very venomous animal called the banded sea snake. This creature
is exclusive from Indonesia's and Malaysia's bays, it basically feeds on small fishes, worms and
Staring the octopus.
The mimic octopus is usually found in muddy river bottoms, consequently, caution is needed to
come near from them. It is strongly advisable to have a experienced diver accompanying you.
Needless to say, you must not do any brusque moviment in the water, in order not to scare
them. Having nice equipments, being careful, and following these instructions, there are good
chances to be deligthed with the presence of this wonderful creature.

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